HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-12-30, Page 11 iEstablished 1900 dh Fi ,710.11,1 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30 1948 CHESTER L. SMITH, PLIBLISHIME $1.50 a Year in Advsnee $1,75 in U.S., in Adyan e. To our many Readers and Friends we extend Season ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports okkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER Phone: Exeter 355W. . 'THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS "The Better Oil Permanents Applied rwith the very latest of methods and Equipment GIVE US A CALL! done 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN S(EU BE—Lurid► lil Igr':. so, Have your Eyes Ens tthe Latest Methods and Equipment at A. a., COLE, R.O. (OPTOMETRIST & • OPTICIAN GODERICK -- ONIL Good Glassed 'at ' Pep i a Prieet Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. , Phone 1,35 Wednesdaly, Thursday Dec. 29-30 MY DOG RUSTY Ted Donaldson, John Litel Also ARKANSAS SWING Friday,"17ecernTer 31st, ` The Last Round -up' — Starring (Gene Autry Jean Heather ZURICH BIBLE SOCIETY CONTRIBUTIONS The following is a summary of the local contributions to the Zurich • 'Bible Society for 1948:., (Offering •at Church Service .. $29.15 Parr and Blind Line • 1.00 "Babylon 'Line 7.15 Blind Line , 11.00 'Goshen Zine, north 4.60 'Goshen Line, south 12.25 :Zurich north 16.10 "Zurich Centre ...,......... 28.80 Zii4s11 Scuth 36.90 Bronson• Line, Stanley 32.15 Bronson Line and" $lake 15.00 Bronson Line, South k 8.90 34th Concession - 11.50 HAD Very Well Done - Notice Oh and after Jan. 1st, the Snack Shop and Variety Store: in Zurich will be operated by our successor, Leeland Willett At this time we Thank • our Customers for the past patron- age, and wish our successor every success in the future. MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR To All! • THIEL'S VARIETY STORE And SNACK SHOPPE BLAST :WRECKS! STOVE Goderich a The fire brigade was called to the home of Flt. Sgt: Robt. Mitchell, Keays street on Monday af- ternoon where lire in a stove caused a frozen water front and pipes .to explode, totally' wrecking the stove, pieces of which hit the ceiling and filled the room with smoke and ashes The fire and live coals scattered on the floor were extinguished by chem- icals and snow. Mr. Mitchell is em- ployed at Clinton radar school. SUCCESSFUL OPENING AND ;ALL -DAY PROGRAM There were over 75 cant on ` A . "'-day interesting snow marked oaf the dollar Class. Receipts have opening of one of the -finest im- been mailed to all ,of $2 and over ;o tiement showrooms in this district on ryone desiring a receipt for an ' a. y of last Week, Dee. 21st, amount under this will be. gladly Sup- when :; • • ;B: . Sons' new lied *an :-request: I?lter ' sbshrre at was crowded afternoon and night for movies, speakers, entertainers, and dance. ' The ribbon cutting ceremony:„.,Vitas carried out by Mr. H. V. Nicholls, district manager, International Har- vester Co.,•of Canada, Ltd., London. and Mr. Thomas Pryde, M.L.A. for Huron riding. Mr. and Mrs. Becker received the guests, some 500 in number. Addresses of congratutatmes were made by H. V. Nicholls, Mr. T. Pryde Mr. E. S. Knechtel, credit manager, International Harvester Co., London; Mr George Armstrong, reeve of Hay Township, Mr. A. J. 1'IcMurraY, mayor of Clinton, Mr. A. J. Tiernan, trustee of Dashwood, Mr. J. W. Ron-. son, zone manager, International Harvester Co.; Mr. Taylor, Supertest Petroleum Corporation, ,ana Mfr. C. A. Worrell, of International Harves- ter Co., General Office, Hamilton. Following the speeches a tour of inspection was conducted by Mr. Becker, who pointed .out the feature, inaugurated in the building which would serve better. the rural comm- unity. During the opening proceed- ings in the afternoon the children of the local schools were entertained with motion pictures, sing -songs, and a visit from Santa Claus who pres- ented each one with a gift. -414++++++44414.11414. +++++++++++++++++a++++++ .14 + + + - . nig , :: oilman neral 0111C4. 4.+ + + + + + 4- ÷ + + + 4 - Private Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and fnjured , Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Daabwood — Ontario + •+g.++•Pt++++++++'!''4"I"a'fi'+'!'i'++M►t +++++++++44+tire+++++++++.b THIEL'S Superior Store 'THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF THIS STORE WISH TO EXTEND TO THEIR MANY CUSTOMERS A F1arr Christmas AND A Prosjierous New Year Phone 140 C . THIEL. Zorich tfourammiemotommisrawsiomaivaamswommostowswasairomereentwomenzessonotorftniasx.every Success. Card from Miama We are in receipt of one of those admirable picture postals from the . ictor Dinnin party who are enjoy- iig their trip through Florida and 'cipher interesting places. Every- thing had been going along nicely, thus far. DON'T FORGET The New Year's Eve. DANCE at the .Town Hall, Zurich on Friday evening, December 31st, sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club. The music will be supplied by Flannigan's Or- chestra. There will be noise makers and fun galore for one and all. Be sure and attend this one. Had Airplane Ride Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McMillan of Chatham, the former being a sal- esman, who calls on Mr. Albert Hess of town, flew with their two-passeng- e>;plane over Zurich on Sunday and landed at the St. Joseph Air Port. Mr. Hess recognized . the plane and mediately drove out to the airport meet 'them. After some persua- tirn, Albert stepped into the plane a r d enjoyed a ride over Zurich. Had Successful Concert The Bronson dine School Concert, ich was held in the town hall on T ursday evening was well rendered zs Menno Oesch being the teachei o' always tries to'.)3ring out the very best with Iter pupils. But un- fort(mately they was an interupt- ion with the h ,i a power and it be-, 'iaig c toe for si which' Cured.; w ether t e progi or not. Therefore the • attendance was net as full as it would have been normally. The platform was a beauti- ful setting and the pupils took their parts well and deserve credit. Here is hoping they wil'I not be discuorag- ed and bring their programme ,to the village by another year, as the • pub- lic were interested to see it. • BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY A very happy event was celebrat- ed at the home of Mr and Mrs Ervin Gingerich, Bronson line when the family of Mr and Mrs. Chris Erb of town iwere present to celebrate the 60th birthday anniversary of the twin sisters, Mrs. Erb and Mrs. ,Simon Litwiller of Manson, Iowa, who with her husband are visiting here after an absence of twenty-three years. Mr. and. Mrs. Mose Baechler and son of Exeter, .the former a brother to, the two ladies celebrating; also Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gerber of Adams- ville,, Penni., were present. Mr. Ger- ber a son of Mr and Mrs Vallie Ger- ber of Penn., and Mrs. Gerber being a daughter sof Mr and Mrs Lilwiller. The day was enjoyed in songs, Chr- istmas Carols, addresses, etc. A combined Christmas and Birthday dinner were enjoyed by the large gathering. MrsLitwiller and Mrs. Erb received numerous gifts and a most +splendid time was enjoyed by all, long to be remembered. CUSTOMERS. AND' FRIENDS: COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON OUR SINCERE WISH A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. `blue coa 1 TO OUR MANY PATROL AND FRIENDS WE. TAIL THIS OPPORTUNITY ..TO EXTEND SEASON'S GREETINGS j THANKING YOU! - ._ 2 W. R. DAVIDSON, Pone 10 - H •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'es*** tenor* n**v ll Local guests, International Harv- ester Company representatives, and neighbouring farm equipment deal- . ers were entertained at a banquet held in the 'Dominion Hotel, Zurich. Commencing at 7.30 p.m. Mr• and Mrs. Becker again welcomed visitors and entertained them with moving pictures. speeches and a well chosen program of several numbers by the following entertainers: Paul Trio; Sandra Waiper, assisted by Mr. Nor- man Walper at the piano; € quart- ette - consisting of Eleanor Decker, Connie Klump, Billie Klump and Ken Currie, accorrupaniea by Mrs. William Stade at the piano. Mr. Alvin Walper acted as master of ceremonies. A draw was conducted by Mr. Becker with the ,assistance of his daughter, Elaine, and the ten ten holders +af lucky tickets received many valuable prizes. At.t:ie con - elusion of the program' all present were invited .to, participate in Old Time daneirig. to, the music of the Masse Orchestra, :with Earl Stili as Caller. Truly, it was a hi;g day for Dashwood which Will il;iin'go,.!one: in their mem�oryy and n. Sons are La. be • cong atul tts d in erecting so fine a building which would be a credit to any torn Iia well es Dashwood-. Vie wi5'lr li m NOMINATION The Hay Council nomination pass- ed off very quietly en Monday after noon in the town hall, and after the nominations were read oft by the Clerk, Mr. W. H. Brokenshire, it became organized in a public meet- ing at which the reeve, Mr. George Armstrong went •over the work of the +County Council, which is getting to be a big job• The various Coun- cilmen of the 'past year gave report of the work done in their districts, A new grader and snow plow was purchased at- a considerable expend- iture, but as the Provincial subsidy was raised up to $35,000 it will not be so hard to finance this new equip- ment. Two new m.en were nominat ed for councillors, Addison Tiernan and Samuel Hendrick, but none of these qualified, so the former coun- cil was elected by acclamation. One now n'an was put on the School board Mr, 'Pinney ,who .irepi'aces Mr. Munn, who did not' qualify. In th + evening the Nomination for Zurich Police Trustees was held in the hall and besides the three" old ones, 'five new names were added with the result that no o»w qualified and -another Nominatiovt wttl, have. to be called, • r and : Funeral rector - private Car • ` nce - rvike 1..�✓' Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent ' FLOW ERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS i is : .. Day �nc,1 Night Service, Telephone: Res. 89 - ` or ?22, Zurich' a•spam atemsemisi i•neem•sssesommosss••sseelmorse•tt • •• • • • •• i Z UR1wS Grocery Store At this time of Year we can give no greater or more impressive mess- age to our Many Customers than by Extending • a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW' YEAR Menno Oesch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. • m IID ea 3, •46 e, 1 m Phone 165 ei WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS AND FRIENDS, OUR HEARTY Season's Greetings We Greatly Appreciate the Kind Business Relations Accorded Us the Past Year and say: WE THANK YOU! TUE KE SI ,E 1 E. ScbwartZenta uimr, Prop. Phone 11. ,97 �,