HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-12-09, Page 4JRtCI-1 HERALD
Thursdays J3eeeinber 9th, 1945
Aldo Theatre
''reseiats for Your. Etjoy'ttient. the
Following Atetraetisens
'Friday, Saturday VeCember 10-11
Paulette Goddard 113.icdonaId Carey
Fred Mails
"H A 2 A R I7"
X'aulette goes 0n a Winning Streak
in this fast furious Funny -Comedy
Cartoon; ''Santa's Surprise"
•lllonday, Tuesday December 13, 14
J►layne Morris Lois Maxwell
Gordon MacRae
A Thrilling packed story of a Leath-
er Punching Kid who wouldn-t take
a Dive
Added. Attraction "WALLFLOWER
31 'he Screen's Gayest Ldve Story.
Corning Soon!
'The Best Years of our Lives"
Mr. Thos. Meyers
.London. recently.
Mrs. Daly of Detroit was a visitor
with het mother, Mrs. D. Bedard Sr.
Mr. Gordon Rau of Detroit spent
a few days with his mother, Mrs. J.
P. Rau of town.
1Ir and Mrs Lloyd Percy and
ldaughters of Kincardine visited with
their sister, Mrs. Jului Thiel over
the week -end.
-Mr and Mrs Percy Weston of
Mayfield were Sunday visitors at the
home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Fan-
nie Bender.
Mrs. Henry Neeb celebrated her
birthday quietly last Wednesday at
the home of her niece, Mr ana Mrs
Victor Dinnin.
Mr and 3Irs. Ervin Willert, of
Hensall and Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Fader of Dashwood, were a:eek-end
vieitors with relatives and friends in
Windsor and Detroit.
STORES OPEN — Stores and other
places of business will be open for
business on Wednesdays December
I1:;th and 22nd instead of the usual
Ealf holidays.
The 'Womens' Institute will hold
'their regular monthly meeting at the
l.ecal public school next Tuesday ev-
e ling• Dec. 14th. The roll call will
lee a donation for the crippled child-
ren. Everybody cordially invited.
11fir*s. beeph Bedard Sr., of •the
near by district was a Saturday last
viaitor with Mr and Mrs. Fred Du-
charrne, of the neighbourhood. Mrs
Bedard, we believe, is the oldest re-
sident in this palish, being in her
35th year, and being 'born a quarter
of -a mile north of St..Joseph, and
spending her entire life in the near
by vicinity,. She being si descend-
ent of the Masse Family, early pion-
eers of this parish. Mrs. Bedard,
though in her advanced years has a
clear memory of many .changes in
this French Settlement, recalling
little incidents pfeneariy 'tour score
years, and one will much admire her
conversation, and the many recollec-
tions :he has of the years gone by.
Mrs. Bedard's husband bereaved her
a few years ago, and she is in resid-
ence on the old homestead with her
son and wife, Mn and Mrs. Leon
Opening New Bank Branch
Residents of this community are
pleased to learn that the Bank of
Montreal are opening up a branch
here in Dashwood and in Crediton.
Service will be given on alternate
days between Crediton and Dashwood
With the opening of this branch a
a day. at long felt want is being filled.
Mr. Val. L. Becker the local Inter-
national Dealer has his new building
now completed, which is located on
the Main Street and which wilt be
a great asset to the farmers in this
surrounding community. Watch
for his special .tpening date in next
week's issue.
The many friends of Mrs. Maurice
Klumpp regret to hear she read the
misfortune to fall at her home and
in so doing fractured two small
bones in her ankle. '
Mis Mae McCrea of Exeter spent
the week -end with Mr and Mrs. Ken
Quite a number of relatives and
friends attended the funeral of the
late Mrs. Clara Decker in Zurich
on Sunday.
Mrs, DTartha Baker who has been
visiting in Windsor, and Detroit has
returned hone.
Mr and•Mrs Ward Kraft of London
spent the week -end with his mother
Mrs. Kraft and sister, Mrs. Koehler.
Mr and .Sirs Seth Brown of Sea -
forth visited with Mr and Mrs Louis
Rader last week.
Mr and Mrs John ,Turges and son
of Ubly, Mich., spent the week-edn
with Mr and Mrs Louis Rader, also
attending the funeral of the late
Clara Decker in Zurich.
Mr and 'Sirs Harry Parsons, of
Amherstburg spent the week -end
with her parents, Mr and- Mrs Jack
Mrs. D. -Corriveau is in St. Jose-
ph's Hospital, London, where she
•utder^went"an operation.
The ptt}tile of Zurich School will i
c .' . ct waste paper and rams in the
•At St Ioseph's Church, Clinton,
T' 1%ge, Monday, December T,•niV ellne da'y November 24th Rev.
- ,.at y. ofnryt,•� a t„ :.••_? '.71'• 'r'. `, J. McDonald united in mar -
rags a<_. should be tied secure,‘!.
rand should l e .laced in f, cut f their.
men Marrearet Gwendolyn, daughter
I. c; or hn:ir;e:s place; h ; .:, zoo.i' Mr and Mr= Edward Miller, God -
7' : uday, December 18thr r ie h Tot; n hip to Francis Aleide,
'• on e Mr and Mrs Leo Corriveau of
Were Guest Speakers 1 l;ry.-ri:.t1e. Mr. John Deno'mme sang
Rev and .Mrs Wuerscher of Phil- "Aye _Marie" and Mrs. John Denom-
i burg• and Laden pari -.r, s v. -ere line played the wedding music.
:;est speakers at the W. 21. S. ery-- The bride, given in marriage by her
lees held in the St. Peter's Lutheran ;father, wore a period gown of heavy
church on Sunday evenings The - white satin and .long pointed sleeves.
•fesmer being Missionaries in Eeuad- 'Satin drapes at the. skirt front were
ce South America and .spoke cf con- caught `to pearl rosettes to show
dations there and. the different tr•ihes ! quaint lace frills, and matching ros-
of Indians, how they wogs-rp in their este a.. tented the neckline. I-Ier 3 -
own way. T'ne messages were inter- quarter length veil of embroderied
r:: ting and Ftirring. It makes ane ' Fre rch illusion veil fell from a car -
think of the great work in Kingdo;n I onet of seed pearls. Her bouffant
Building and what the Missionaries skirt featured a front half hoop and
aar • doing. _Misses Audrey Heinrich I e he carried a cascade bouquet of
and Anieta Da tars favoured the - Red Templar Roses. Miss Rose
audience with ar splendid dueti in Marie Denontme was bridesmaid,
song with Mrs. J :hn 'I'ue,rkheinm at ;;•„caned in yellow sheer crepe and
the organ. A handsome sum was re- ' were matching headdress, veil and
arced at they collection Tor tern 'I'iuink mittens and carried a colonial bou-
o;fering. The service was closed Ly quiet of . Talsman roses. Norman
the Pastor,' Rev.. E. Heimrich. Overholt, ecus in of the groom, was
best man.
Is At Hospital
The many friends of Mr Peter
er ingerich who is a patient at Clin-
t .:in Public Hes pital will be pleased
•tr Bear that he is progressing very
is ourably, and we wish him a spe-
E;. recovery.
Salvage Collection
read acid adopted and the toil 'eat As is time ease with all places of
answered by 26 members. Miss Mary
McL'lymoi t gave the topic, and the
meeting closed with devotions.
Mr. 'Wpm. Bloomfield,Gocerich, an-
nounces the engagement of his dau-
ghter, Mabel Hog'gart,'ii, to Glenn
Immanuel Price, sora ,f'i1Vl:r and Mrs.
A: Price, Brucefield; the marriage to
take place early in Det:em'ber.
Death of J. W. Elliott
The death took place on Novem-
ber 25th in Brumfield, sof a well
known citizen, in the person of
Janes Wellington: Elliott, following
worship this 'Little White Church'
holds very happy and sacred .memor-
ies for those who have worshiped
there through the years. Many will
bear witness to this, who through the
Gospel message that was proclaimed
and the special eerv'iees conducted
from time to time, were led to yield
their hearts and lives and dedicate
themselves to the service of the
Some from ,this 'little 'church are
preaching the Gospel in our own
country, others went into missionary
work, and we think •of one whose
entire family to -day are in the mis-
a long illness, in his 74th, year, He siomary work.
was born ton the Goshen line and was
How far-reaching the influence of
the .eldest 'son of the late Robert1' this little church has been, Eternity
Elliott, He married Eva Reid of Var- I alone will reveal. Therefore we say
na who passed away in 1945. Surv-
`God -speed' to this loyal bunch who
are one son, Gordon S. Elliott have undertaken this worthy effort
and three daughters, Miss Kathleen to perpetuate, the work of 'God in
Elliott, Reg. N., Miss Marie Elliott their community and to advance His
and Mrs. Arthur Dutton of Bruce- 'kingdom on earth.
field; also three brothers, Morton El- -,Contributed by a former memlber.
liott, Varra; George, Hensall and
William, Beardmore, Ont. and'a sis-
ter, Mrs. Ed. Gibson of Stettler, Alt.
Mr Elliott was a farmer until he
went to Brucefield in 1.918 and had
lived retired since 1947. Was a mem-
ber of Brucefield United Church.The
funeral was held Saturday last from
the United church with Rev. E. R.
Stanway officiating. Interment was in
Baird's Cemetery.
In times like these, when the ten-'
dency is to close up the rural
churches, and the people to go ho the
village or town churches, or stay at '
home, as is to -o often the case, it is
refreshing to hear of a rural coin
gregation carrying on strongly, and
planning to build a new church.
Such is the case with the Goshen
Unitedcongregation in Stanley Tevp.
Under the ,faithful and -efficient
consecrated ministry of the Rev,
(Miss) Reba Hern, for the past 5 or
6 years, this larch of rural people,
and especially the young people of
the community, have remained loylal
to their church, and have decided'that
the time has come when they should
`rise and build' a new `House of Wor-
ship' at an estimated cost of $15;000
to replace the 78 -year-old structure,
built by their forefathers (no doubt
at great sacrifice) in the pionceer
In examining the early records, it
is interesting to note that the predent
congregation are very largely -des-
cendants of the men wno took • an
active part in the building of IeIthe
church nearly 4 score years ago:?:
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mrs. N. A. Cantin and Mrs. Fred
Semon, of St. Joseph, after spend-
ing a week visiting in Detroit, and
'Windsor, returned to their home on
Friday night, accompanied by Mrs
Cantin's son.
1Ir. Leo Masse of London spent a
week with his parents in St. Joseph,
returning to his work :on Wednesday
Mr and Mrs George Kawchert of
Kitchener are visiting with the lat-
ter's parents on the Blue Water H.
Mr and Mrs Harry McCrea and
daughter and Mrs Dan Bedard all of
Courtright and Mrs. William Weising
of Mooretown were Sunday visitors
^with Mis. Wm, Ducharme,
Mr. Paid Bedard .of Goder'ich tai-
led on friends in this neighbourhood
on his way to visit with his mother,
Mrs Wrn. Denomme, who has been
1:I for sortie time, and who is °at pres-
ent staying at the home of Mr and
Mis. Alfred Meidinger, of the P,i'm-
t,')n line.
Mr and Mrs Fred Ducharme ret
tined to, their home recently after
s.aending t few weeks in Detroit and
Windsor, an: riso calling ,•:r their
4,,ololtte•• Sr', Preeille 'Therese -who is
Mrs. re— Hewitt of Windsor and
'.:: Cher efe G s Prey e.f Detroit,.
•i" se '`•'•• 'a ' t'ieifors iii Beaver -
t x,::s win their pgrep s,
Two little Flower Girls, Darlene
Stanley in pink nylon taffeta and
Martha Corriveau in blue net each
carried old fashioned nosegay bou-
quets of pink and white carnations.
The wedding dinner was 'held at
the bride's home in Godericn Town-
ship. The bride's mother received
in gray crepe dress and corsage of
red roses. The groom's mother wore
wine crepe dress and corsage of
Lestra Hibbord roses. A reception
and dance was held in St. Joseph's
Hall, Drysdale. Following a wedding
trip the young couple will reside in
Dr. Harvey and Mrs. .Reid, of
T;ronto, spent a week -end with• the
former's mother, Mis. M. Reid, Var-
na. Mrs. E. McDonald and Margar-
et, Hensall, visited relatives in the
Varna district.
Miss Violet McClymont is staying
with Mrs. M. Reid, who returned to
her home from. Clinton Hospital. •
Mrs. Frank Grieve, of Brantford
visited with her parents Mr. and
alts. M. Elliott.
Y. P.-11 Met.
The -Varna - Goshen Y. P. U. was
'cid at the home of Mr and Mrs.
'Feed McClyniont with Arnold Keys
,n esidin.g. Devotions were held with
steer. Miss Hern reading the script -
ens olid following,. witil nravoe, Tko
minutes of the, last meetmg were
Mr and Mrs Mervyn Hayter of
Varna and Mr. Bruce Glenn of the
O.A,C., Guelph, were week -end vis-
itors with their parents, 'Mr and Mrs
John M. Glenn.
Mr Harold Bell who recently- un-
derwent an appendix operation in St
Joseph's Haspital, London, was able
to return home.
To -Hold Christmas Party
Plans for the annual Christmas
party, December 18th for children of
Hensall and surrounding districts
were completed at a recent meeting
of the Chamber of Commerce. A.
two-hour free motion picture show
will be presented and the children
will be given treats. Fred Appleby
will entertain and Santa Clause will
be present.
Had Guest Speaker
Ata recent meeting of the Cham-
ber of •Commerce the guest speaker
� was Rev. P. A. Ferguson who de-
scribed his recent visit to the North
American Conference en Mission
I Work .at .Colon bus, ' Ohio. W. 0.
:Goodwin thanked the speaker. A com
I mittee was named to interview the
!local Hydro commissioner on the
1subject of fewer cutouts curing the
I Chirstmas season. It comprises, Mes-
srs. Joynt, Kerby, and Brown.
Bride -Elect Honored
A very enjoyable time was spent
qt the home of Miss, Edna Walsh on
I Monday eve. last when fifty friends
and neighbours . gathered in honor of
Miss Doris Buchanan, bride -elect.
Misses Audrey Walsh and Marlene
Petski favoured 'with vocal duetts.
Contests were enjoyed and a social
hour spent during which the bride
was presented with many beautiful
and useful gifts in a ,pretttily decor-
ated basket by little Joyce and June
Mumu, '.Miss Dorothy McNaughton.
read the address. The bride express-
ed sincere thanks after which re-
freshments were served.
Married at Hensall
Hensall United Church Manse,
Rev, R. A. Snook united in marriage
Doris Marian, daughter 'of 1Virs Mary
Buchanan of Hensall, maned the Iate
Robert Buchanan, and Erwin Lewis,
son of MS. and Mrs. Isaac Bestard,
Grand Bend. The bride wore her
travelling suite of powder blue wool
crepe with black accessories and a
corsage of pink roses. After a
honeymoon in Hamilton and Niagara
Falls, the young couple will reside on
the groom's farm at Grand }send.
Tested Water System.
Householders in Hensall the other
day got a momentary touch of what
the city folk accept as commonplace-
-indoor water supply sm tap. The.
Hensall waterworks, a project start-
ed many months 'ago, turned an the
system to test the mains. Although
everything was working well, it was
turned off again; service into homes.
have not been completed and offic-
ial opening will not take place for-
ora few weeks. The system. for ^Which.
debentures amounting to $93,2500
have been sold, is being constructed
by Scott Bros., contractors, Ripley..
Engineer E. A. Hagey and Inspector-
nspectorLeslie Stewart, Fort Erie, were pre-,
sent for the test. '
Annen -- Regele
The marriage was :solemnized at-
the Unitel Church manse, ,Seafiorthe
by Rev. 'W'ork'man of Mrs. Doris,
Regele and Mr. Wilson Allen of Hen-
sall. The bride wore a grey crepe•
dress with matching accessories and
corsage of pink carnations.Mr midi
Mrs. Clarence Reid of Hensall
Minister of Public Welfare for Ontario
w181 speak on
CBL 740
103° p.m.
ONT 41170'S products are desired and purchased by people all over the
world and the capacity to produce such goods largely determines the economic
welfare of every man, woman and child within her borders. Because the sale of
every article produced in Ontario brines valuable dollars into this Province, we all are
more assured of job security and we and our children can have more of the
better things in life; But to produce such goods in sufficient quantities, skilled
labour is vital. That is why every single one of us should be glad that war veterans
are 1 constantly being trained to provide the skilled hands so needed by industry.
They receive ON THE JOB training under expert instructors in our Ontario
".Phis training, provided through the co-operation of the Department of Veterans'
Affairs, the Federal Department of Labour and the Ontario Department of Educe--
duca•tion, starts the veteran on the road to skilled craftsmanship. In assembling
business machines, for example, veterans trust have a thorough knowledge of
electricity and must learn to perform intricate work on precision machines having
thousands of separate parts. These Canadian -trade business machines are sold in
ail parts of the world, creating new wealth for Canada and Ontario. Therefore
every effort of these newly skilled veterans helps to make Ontario a finer place in
which to live and contributes to the welfare and happiness of all her citizens,
John N. West, 25, of Toronto, a Royal
Canadian Navy veteran, is shown here
making an adjustment to one of the
10,000 parts in a business machine
designed for a New Zealand firm.
Various types of business machines are
produced in Ontario .fac--
tories. R- ecause of their in-
tricate mechanisms it is es -
Mafia] that these machines
be checked by expert
craftsmen at every stage of
their production.