HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-12-09, Page 1Established '1900 RAL. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, • DECEMBER 9 19 48 CHESTER L. SMITH, Pumas:ma 11.50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. Select your Fall Purchases from your local Merchants ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER 'OFFICE:—Corner Ana, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Zurich Beauty Shop .THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS fie Better Oil Permanents Applied !with the very Latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! Rhone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SOH1LBE—Zurich Are You Suffering From Headaches? Tsf so, Have your iyea B>illammed with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST ofs OPTICIAN e GODERIClH — O EQlood Glasses at Reasonable Prices Winter Feeds NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY OF BRAN, SHORTS AND FEEDING MOLASES WE CAN SUPPLY ANY QUAN- TITY. HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPER- ATIVE, ZURICH ONT., Picture Show TOWN HALL - ZURICH FRANCES LANGFORD, in "THE BANBOO BLONDE" `With Ralph' Edwards, Jane Greer The test of the tropics turns Broad- way ,into a musical heat wave of her own! BOMANCING ON 'MANHATTAN'S SINGING SHORES —Four Song Hits— AN RKO RADIO (PICTURE Faiid.ay, :Saturday December 10,11 .Next Week—Border Patrol. CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the late Mrs. Clara Decher wish to, greatly thank all their friends for the kindness, syanpathy. and assistance rendered during their bereavement. Especial thanks to Rev. E. W. Heinrich, the pall berers, those who. loaned their cars, and for the many floret tribut- es :,and .sympathy cards. looluammouromai 46+++++++++++++++++++++++++ .I.++++++++++++++++++4 4+++++ + + + ..I. 4- + + Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance 4. of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and 4.+ Funeral Director. + MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAT OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 i Dashwood — Ontario 4. 'I' + • 4.+++++•++++++.i++ +1+44-st t++++++++++M+1►++++++++++4i t arrg ffiaffiaaa1 m ural mie THIEI,'S Superior Store we HAVE ON HAND AT PRESENT A FAIR SUPPLY OF: CONGOLEUM RUGS IN ALL SIZES. GOOD -RANGE OF MEN'S, BOYS' UNDER- 'IEAR, SWEATEARS, ETC. LADIES' and GIRLS' SWEATERS IN ALL SHADES AND SIZES FRESH VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND GROCERIES, EACH WEEK. Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich Leavitt's. Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thursday, Dec. 9th. "SONG OF LOVE". —Starring— Katherine Hepburn- Robert Walker Friday, Saturday Dec. 10-11 "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE". —Starring— Philip, Terry Claire Trevor Also "GUNS OF HATE" Monday, Tuesday Dec. 13-14 "AN IDEAL HUSBAND" Paulette Goddard, Goddard, Michael Wilding (Color by Technicolor) ' Wed., Thursday Dec. 15-16 "CALL NORTHSiDE 777" —Starring— James Stewart Helen Walker NOTICE Monday, December 27th, known as Boxing Day; will be declared as a public holiday; in the Village of Zurich. By Order of The Zurich Police Trustees BORN Mr and Mrs Douglas Barrett, of Grand Bend are happy to announce- the nnouncethe birth of their son (Terrance Douglas) at the Farwell Nursing: Home in Zurich, oil December 1st. • Mr and Mrs. Harold Stacie of Zur- ich are very happy to announce the birth of their daughter (Cheryl Anne)-, a sister to. Richard and• a ;granddaughter, to Mr ,and Mrs R. F. :Stade on December 1st°,•494 at the: Farwell Nursing Horne. On December 3rd, at the Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich, to Mr and Mrs. Richard Ayotte of Dashwood, who are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, (Marion Arlene). HAD LADIES NIGHT Bayfield Lions, last Wednesday ev- ening had Ladies' Night wnich has become an annual affair, held in the Little Inn. There was a large gath- ering; including representatives of all the Lions Clubs of the district, and an excellent program was pres- ented, including a splendid Christ- mas dinner. OBITUARY Mrs: Clara Decher Passes There passed away at the home of her daughter, Mr and Mrs. Allan Fraser, Exeter, on Thursday, Decem- ber 2nd, a highly regarded resident of Zurich in the person of Mrs. Clara Rader Decher; in her GGth year, wid- ow of the date John Decher Jr., Who. predeceased about twenty years ago. Mrs. Decher, who had been not en- joying her usual health the past sum- mer, left for Exeter early in the fall and then about eight weeks ago was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, where she undery ent an loperation, then a few weeks ago she came back to Exeter, but the Angel of death relieved her of her suffering, and took her home to the better world, where there is no more suffering. It was indeed a great pleasure to know and associate with Mrs. Decker, and she will be greatly missed by her manly Zurich friends, and most of all by her own family. There remain to mourn -her loss, four daughters, ;firs. Morley (Louella) Witmer,* of Detroit; Mrs. Allan (Vera) Fraser, Exeter; Mrs. Theodore (Irene) Stein- bach, and Mrs. Earl (Alice) Thiel of Zurich. One sister, Mrs. Louis Kraft of Dashwood and four brothers. William Rader of Zurich; Louis, Fred and Theodore Rader of Dashwood, also eight grandchildren. The fun- eral. was .held. on Sunday afternoon, and was..largely attended, by many relatives and friends who paid their last respects to the departed. The floral tributes were many and most New Manager Takes Over Mr. Francis Kipper, the new own- er of the Zurich Dairy took .ever . on Mon,lay morning, and we wish. him every success in this line of work. Home from Hospital We are happy to welcome Mr. Louis Prang home from St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener where he has beezi.„a patient for several weeks, fol- ,lowitg a car accident. He was accom partied home by his son Leonard and IYirs. Prang who has been at his bed side ince going to the hospital. We, alone with his many friends wish .Mr Prang a speedy; recovery with =cone tinned. good health, Injured Shoulder While Mr. Billie Merrier, 17 year old *as riding a strange horse, the anirril threw him to the ground in- juring his right shoulder, luckily he could;, •free himself not to cause a worse` injury. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery, as he and his brothers are very fond of horseback riding: and take first prize for doing so, .attending fall fairs with theirwell trained horses. :39th Wedding Anniversary MrWand Mrs Russell Pitt of Hyde Park, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Redinge.�r of Sisk., the three Doerr sisters 0± Londd s; Mr and Mrs. Harold Thiel. and S`Gamily and Mr and Mrs Garb Thieia; end children, celebrated the' 39th'.edding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Edmore Thiel of town on Nov-, embe:'2Sth. A lovely social time was ''enjoyed, by all and delicious food; for theloccasion was partaken ' ff ` "�VCIe �oiii "wv%t'1i-`iileii^ niahy -fri- ends with' the best wishes of many more, such events. FREE PICTURES The National Film Board will show their Moving- Pictures, mostly tech- ni'coPox. the, Tarronto Maple Leaf and N.Y. Ranger game of hockey. Royal Winter Fair in color and other interesting- films an Friday evening, December 17th at S p.m. in the Zurich Town Hall. These picutres are free and very educational. Ev- eryone is 'cordially invited. Try and be there. You will enjoy these.Bring the family along - TO. HAVE CHURCH OPENING A very happy event will be cele- brated an Sunday next December 12 in the Goshen United Church, five miles north of Zurich, when they will open their fine new church, which has been erected the past sum- mer; and which is of red brick, and very modernly designed, being just across, the road from where the for- mer "Goshen WhiteChurch" is lo- cated. Much ecort has been put forth by this congregation to build this new House of Worship, and de- serve much credit for this fine ac- complishment. Services will be at .1.1 o'clock in the morning and at 7.30 in the evening. Rev. W. A. BeepYt of 'Wingham, who is chair- man of Huron Presbytery, is to be the speaker for the morning service, and Rev. Robert Cummings, of Lucan, Secretary of the London Con- ference,, will be the evening speaker. A number of other ministers of the community are also expected to be present and it will be a big day for this thriving congregation. Miss Reba Hern, of Varna, is the Pastor. Lions Club News At the regular supper meeting of the local Lions on Monday evening, an interesting speaker was present, Mr. Gates ,of the Centralia Air Force and an ex -inspector of the Canad- ian Mounted Police, and he gave us an idea of the immensity of that vast land to the north. The Esquim.o their habits, etc. The undeveloped minerals that lie up there. The Pres ideiit and Secretary of the Zurich Hab- lovely,. A private service wad Weld at, erericultnraand l ,ociety, Mr. E. 1�vere(reclguests . Klopp the late 'residence in Zurich, follow- er( by a public service in St. "eter's and they made scholarship present - Lutheran church, with interment in � ;tions LI three school children, Warn - St. Peter's Cemetery. Rev. E. W., el!y,: h..therine b.albfleisch, • Donna. i Bullock and Marion Erb who bad won the highest number of points for exhibits at .the Fall Fair.. Little Special Offer 96 Piece DINNER SET for $39.95 Regular Price 47.50 Apple Blossom Design Also 32, 38, 66 Piece BREAKFAST SETS Smart New Patterns $9.95 Upwards All in Open Stock Come in and see our -Selection A G. HESS eweler and Registered Optician. PHONE YOUR 0 -;ink Foo For Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL SOFT COAL AND COKE LOCKER SERVICE BOXES FOR RENT Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel!! M•!•1•••••••N••WO••••• ••N••.0••••••••••••••••'• 1 • • s tottftt guittrat Xutut Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service •1 of kOne a 2 a••0eseeeafe00ii•600060t••••••••••A1d•••0011,06fis•a••••• • i • • ••• • • • 0 s • • • • 1 1 t • • • s ZCRIeI-t's Grocery Store A.ylrrmer Catsup, per bottle 2Oc Corn Syrup, 5 -Ib. Pail 65c Currants, - per pound .......................- T 5c Marmalade, 3 flavor, 32 -oz- far_ 28c Cake Mix, chocolate per pkg. 30c Brooms, regular 90c, each ....... 79c Tangerines, large size, per dozen 35c Wheat Berries, 5 -Ib. pkg...,........ 40c Menno Oesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 09000s000110ii09e00•sii 1leii/ill:e 1, the Pastor, officiating A so the village hoses a valued citizen and the family a veiyy loving and -de- voted mother, who has left this life Ronnie Klo.pp favoured with a few for abetter place. very appi'Gciative solos. SAVE LABO WITH A WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM Many an hour's hard toil of pumping can be saved by installing one of our automatic Pressure Systems Now is the time of Year to place your order for Water Bowls for your cattle, which will be a great convenience when winter comes along, Don't forget, we handle Litter Carriers, Buckets and complete Outfits. - Think of these now! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS IN STOCK THE BI4kIt£ STORE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. 'hone 1147