HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-12-02, Page 840D Men's Overcoats We have 65 Top Coats arld Heavy Winter Overcoats on hand. Some in fine Garbardines others in English 'and. Scotch Woollens. A lot of these were bought two years ago before prices advanced. So we can offer you very attractive prices. Would be pleased to show you our range. We have all sizes in stock. NEW RUGS-- Rexoleum DeLux at Very Low Prices: 6x9 for 5.25 71x9 for 6.25. 9x9 for 7.50 GROCERIES: • Tomato Soup, 2 for Toilet .Soap, 3 for,,: Sodas, 2 lbs. for 43c 75c 0� 19c. 25c - 39c 01 4e DQ 4D 4G 9G QG 40 40 4D VP 40U 1000 X00 'd00 OG '4 0 9x101/2 for 8.75 40D 9x1.2 for 9.95. OQ6 15c 0. Oranges, . 2 dozen for Shelled Almonds per lb, Colored Coconut per pkg Apple Juice, 2 for ......, Niblets, corn, 2 for FREE ---1 tin of Heinz Soup, with two at regular price. Gascho Bro's. TELEPHONE59 ZURICH 4e 40� ip via "A WAY" or "THE WAY" Which Way Are We Going? There is a way which.seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death--- Proverbs 14 : 12 ; 16 : 25 The Lord Said: 1 aril THE WAY, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father (God) but by Me. --- John 14: 6. TUNE 1N—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, California, on Station CKLW, Windsor, Sunday Noon 'OS •iMlI/MN 4M••00• ! HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE ZURICH ALD ITEMS uE' DUCAL'ERJ T Mr. Lawrence Bedard made a bus- iness trip ' to London one day last week.• Miss .Marcella Boshart ,of Baden, was a week -end visitor at the home of Mr and 'Mrs Moses Erb. Miss Doreen. 4en:drick ,of the B.W. Highway has accepted a :position at Kitchener, and has left fom that place Mrs. Minke has returned home .af- ter spending some time with relativ- es and friends at Ghesley. Mr. Maurice Fin1obeiner' frons. Kit- chener visited over the week -end at his home on the Goshen 'line south. Mrs. John K. Ehlers is::at present spending some time at the hoane of her relatives, Mr and Mrs. Samuel Oestreicher, Bronson line. Mr and Mrs Gordon Kaitting and Mr and Mrs Daniel Swantz of Goder- 10 a.m.—Worship., Sermon• ich were Sunday, visitors at the home. of Mr and Mrs. Chris. Haist. 11 a.m.—Sunday School. Mr arid Mrs 'Wellington Johnston _ 7.30 p.m.—Worship. Sermon: Mr and" Mrs .Ross Johnston and chit. dren were Sunday visitors with re- latives in Kitchener. Mr and Mrs. P. Farwell, Mr and Mrs. A. Dietrich and daughters; Mr and Mrs L. Farwell and Donald were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Kuno Hartman. Mr and Mrs Henry Clausius and Mr and Mrs Harvey Clausius 'called on the tormer's granddaughter on Sunday who is a patient -in the Clin- ton General Hospital. Mr and Mrs. Ray Schilbe and Mr and Mrs. Nelson Schilbe of London, were dinner guests at the home. of the formers parents, Mr and • • Mrs. 14ilfred Schilbe ' Mz. Alphonse lxero;ntte; and Miss Leah,.Galyn .of Detroit were. visitors. with the former's parents; Mr and :vies. Leonard •Gerornette of'the, Gos- hen line, north. Mr' and Mrs I`1o.yd Cook' and dau 'Otter Patricia; Mr and Mrs. Lorne Gook of Kitchener;. , Mr and Mrs. Lloyd 'Hendrick anson Harold, of the B 'W H. were Sunday visitors at the home of their parents!• rdr and Mrs: John Brenner - Mr and Mrs C. L. Smith received word from their Nephew; Gordon Smith on 'Wednesday npi;: stating they had "reached the Oldie;; River • by Sunday evening ' at Maryville and were having a lovely tripe on their way to Florida. On Tuesday' went through parts •bf '',Kentuukeyi • Mr and 'Mrs'Leona:rd Prang motor- ed to Kitchener ,on Sunda}" to visit the former's father, Mr: Louis Prang who is convalescing at St. Mary's Hospital. We• are pleased 'to report Ithat .the .batter is progressing as well as could be expected. Mrs. Prang is at her husband's bedside. 1 • Miss Meda Surerus ,of the Toronto teaching staff enjoyed' the long week- end at the hom , of her brother, Mr. Gordon Surerus, who is busy getting their .new hoarse completed in town. This will .Ibe• quite comfortable and we welcome ' them as citizens of Zurioh. • • Mr and Mrs Mose Erb, 1711. Albert 'Clausius 'rndtdred to Clinton; to visit with the latter's daughter, Rain, who is a patient at the Clinton. General Hospital. We are pleased o report that she is progressing very;well af- ter an apendix operation. H'er moth- er is at her bedside. Takes Well Earned Vacation Mrs. Leonard Geromette rs spend- ing a few days with her sons in De- troit, also visiting her ,brothers and Mr. Geromette's brothers and Sisters in that city. She left by auto last Sunday with her nephews . Messrs. the help of his son. He had just Oliver and Peter Cantin in their new ed the iron bucket with water''and'it Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Sdggestion to Your Best Advantages. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.rn.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. ,r Everybody Welcome to all Services. . EMMANUEL 'EVANGELICAL CHURCH REV. H. E. RUPPEL, Minister Mrs. M. Desch—Organist We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams. Paints, Oils, Varnishes,• organisations serve ne very well as Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax '. do the privately owned papers; (B) I l he daily Japer could be unproved OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS in the fc lowing ways: (a) By hav- jh ing the criminal and things that tend Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith g Ito lower the moral standard could be less elaborately printed and those ing our Specialty. Full line o£ heavy and shelf Hard that tend to uplift moral standing ware always in stock. could be emphasized more fully+; (b) Local papers could be improved if more people would send in their news items; (c) The publications of farm and Co-operative orgarrrzations serve us well as do the privately owned papers. The next meeting1 will be held at Mr and Mrs. Cliff -Pepper's with Bruce Klopp leading ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR. EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurichi At (New Twnp. Office) COAL AWE HANDLE (Trade Mark) READING and THE GENUINE PENNSYLVANIA PITSON ANTH- RACITE HARD COAL. FOR. THE BETTER QUALITY .: OR., COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH- 413; FOR YOUR SUPPLY. Ervin Schild PHONE 75• - ZURLC (Office in Residence)( the discussion ion "I Hear. By' The Radio."' Our guests for the: evening, Rev. Heimrich, Mr. 'Albert Kalb- fleisch, Mr. Leroy •O'Brien who gave our group a' few words o.,f interest. The •meeting closed' with the 'hostebs serving a delicious• lurich. ' CAN YOUR DOG READ YOUR MIND.? A. dog's mournfull howl. announc- ed the death of his mistress rn a hos- pital, miles away! This is one of the many cases causing scientists to won- der if ,animals have extra -sensory perception. Read "Can Your Dog Read Your Mind?, in The American Weekly, great magazine with this Sunday's (Dec. 5th) issue of the Detroit Sunday Times. Thursday, December 2.nd, 194a 111111111111111111111111111111111111 d 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E f +1 WestIak, Furniture i A Good &apply 1 i ,t O. all lines of Furniture, always on hand including Bedr',,Springs felt and spring Matressess. Etc,- 4 + + + + + + + + + + 4. .>; -- KEITH R. WESTLAKE 4• Furniture--- + •1C1111111I IIII I1111111III IIIII lil�lllllll llllll II I IIIII IIIIIIlII'IIIIIII llllll1111111�111i111��lllllillt� Phone 1' Z2„ Zurich • • •• •• • • I• • '• • I• i• ••• •• • • • • •• ••• • • • :♦ "• • •• • O BADLY INJURED' IN WELL • Struck by a lidady • iron ,bucket filled• with water, Which ,fell 15 feet to the bottom of a well in which he was• working; Wilfred Weido; • prom= inerit Hay Township farmer, of the Parr Line, received head; chest and back injuries. Knocked unconscious for some time, he recovered suffici- ently to step into the bucket and was hauled to safety by his son Glen who was operating the windlass. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer sof Zurich, was called and nine stitches were required to, close the wound. It is believed only the felt hat he was wearing saved him from possible fatal injuries. Mr Weido was working in the. well. wit.! 1949 Plymouth ' sedan. Included. in the party were Mrs. Napoleon Cantin Sr., and Mrs. Fred Siemon of St. Joseph. Omission • Sorry. in last week's issue in the Lions broadcast writeup we omitted the names of Mrs. John Tuerkheim as pianist for' the program, and Lion Dr. W. B. Coxon as president of the Club, also Lion Russell Grainger ' as taking part in the round taste con- ference, along with the others men- ioned last week. We are proud of every one, as it was well done to help to put the Village of Zurich on the air and give it• prominence. Farm Forum The Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs. Leonard Merner with Mr W H Edighoffei leading the discussion on "I See by the Paper." There were forty mem- bers in 'attendance. The discussion went as follows. (a) Daily paper emphasizes the markets, items of news and education; (b) Local pap- er is doing a good job; (c) The pub- lications of Farm and Co -Operative STADE & WEID E ZURICH — ONT,. QUALITY — PRICE - SERVICE slipped from a hook as he•was being pulled to the surface. Glen ran ac- ross the road to the farm of Jack Soldan for help, but Jack had. , just left, Mrs. Soldan phoned to the 'nei- ghbours for help which was quickly responded to. But when Glen re- turned his father had recovered con- sciousness. He is now convalescing at his residence. GUEST SOLOIST , Well-known in radio and operatic circles, Lionel Dauna,is, noted Canadian baritone, will appear as guest soloist on the Northern Electric Hour on Monday evening, December 6. He will be accom- panied by Allan McIver and the Northern Electric concert orches- tra. The program is heard weekly over the CBC Trans -Canada network, •. . 1 111 1 II 111111 11 11 111 111 11 1 1111101 111111 1 III >Tnl➢il�� IIIII 111111 l IIIIIIC. Your Hardwire Store DEALERS IN -- Royal Purple Feeds Dr. Bettis Feeds Glidden and C. V. Paints : - Oils,, Etc, Shelf and Heavy Hardware Electric Appliances - Beatty Ptntnps Stoves and Coleman Products Fencing Steel Posts Plumlikg Tir smithing. Furnaces Air Conditioning For Prompt and ' Courteous Service Phone b3 ZURICH - ONTARIO Rader Mittelholtz • Roofing - Evetroughing 1 1111111111111iii"IiliIIlIIIIiii 1111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIolliill II1111111111111111IIlilllllllllll[•41111111111111iIIilillllllllllllllil"u'llmiiillIIlilllllllllIIIIII111111IIilllll! 1111111 111111101 010',111111111111111 11111101 1111 III III IIII ma mm EM am mm 11111 )11i) 1111 1111 III III 11111111 111111011111000 1111 1111101 ll 1111;111111ri1l 111 1111110101w 111 FLOOR TILE FOR The. Best .In Mastes •Tile Floor: GET' TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote• Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. 'TURKHEIM LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given ▪ Phone Zurich 174 ~ ' �o!� IldME lull!111bi11111111111h'Ill..11+gl•'dpnll•1'd!gp»1'"1111 .111PII iII :1 ,+ •A•b++++++++++++3 •I.3•+++++++++ Receives 'Shipments It } 4. f P We have received a large shipment of Mason- ite --- Presdwood and Tempered in Black arta Brown and also Temprtile. We are now in a position to fill your require- ments and would suggest of getting your supply while our stock is in good supply. F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON - ZURICH Phone 69 • •. 1 +44404444444444•4.*.a440 •++++,+++4+++++++++++0 4444. Massey - Harris RBQUESTS ORDERS TAKEN NOW FOR TRACTOR PLOWS, DISCS, ETC., FOR SPRING DELIVERY. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Tel. Shop 149 Osoar Klopp Rte. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE