HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-12-02, Page 5I113/1RlC8, V ITA*111Q ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD Authorized as swain class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD Qriropractor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter Open Every Weelc Day Except Phone 348 Wednesday. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar Klopp r LICENSED NEER 81/01 sell Anything, Anytime,. Any- where. ItelePhones: Shop 149.. Res. 67 Zurich Central r, ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in Farm and Pure Bred Livestock Sales PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' Worms Reasonable, SaVesiaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. Put Your Want. For 'Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads, in this Column. FOR SALE Several Jersey Heifer Calves for sale at various ages. — Solomon Baechler, Phone 79 r 14, Zurich. NOTICE • A farm gate found in:Zurich. Own- er can have information. by paying for this adv. at Herald Office, WANTED CATTLE — Will take in a num- ber of cattle for winter feeding, have ensilige to feed. Herb Beier - ling, Phone 9,6 r 1, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE A Quebec heater, practicalhy new, Henry Clausius, Zurich. FOR SALE 1 tractor Model U. Allis ,Chalmers on rubber; 1, 10-20 McCormick Deering Tractor .on rubber. Both recondit- ioned. Also do tractor repairing on all makes of tractors. •See Bill Neeb Phone 811 r 3, 'Zurich. WANTED To buy finished pigs, and • cattle. Highest market prices paid. Also for sale' a:q4ube Marconi Battery.' Radio. VETERINARIAN A new gas washing machine,, Beattie —Maurice Masse, Pb, 98 r 24, Zurich Or. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sce �.FOR • SALE VETERINARY SURGEON. Dee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store x---96 ;• ZUR ,CH BUTCHERS 1n ,riche' Popular MARSH GROWN CARROTS and Beets, green. Pascal'Celery, white Celery, Chinese Lettuce,, ell: garden fresh fdr.winter storage. , Why pay ancy ,prices this winter'' when ydii can get' them at field prices? . Apply WILFRED IMOUSSEAU, Hawaii R. R. 121, two wiles and a'lialf West of Mensal'l; Highway-.84';'Phone 922• •r 2•, Zurich. MEAT MARK•T NOTICL Let Ue supply you NNW. th,e, i : r:: h ,r ,. Pp y li IUR I7EI f Modernly decorated very. Choice of Fresh` an(.Cur , ,Mise, Slash Hyde -0 half mile from I Meats,'Bolognas, Sausagesi .Zurich • .Apply to W. L. •Ger'n tte Eta . always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins y nn glib ti & Son PRODUCE • :Silverwoo• DAIBiBS " Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER Phone O'Brien,.: Zurich Phone 101 Iurich Creamery FOR =SA : -- Th sday, DeeeMber •tad, 1948 LOCAL NEWS Mr. Louis Brisson of Windsor, was in town one day least week. Mrs. E, Prioe and Gien spent Sun- day with Mr and Mrs, William Dav- idson, Goshen south. Mrs. Wan. Witmer and daughter Mary Lou were recent visitors with the former's sisters in Toronto. Mrs. Howard Klopp and sons ac- companied her parents to Detroit for a few days, after visiting in Zurich. Mr. Orville Ehnes of Detroit was a week- end visitor with his cousins, the Williams Family. Mrs, Jane Rau of the B. W. High- way, north of Drysdale, has left fox Detroit for a while. the mea is ready! Mrs. Arthur McLean :and child of London visited at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd .O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Denomme' of near Drysdale have just returned from a very pleasant ten day trip to London, Windsor, and other points Miss Jeanne Hartman of Windsor spent the week -end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Kuno Hartman, Goshen line south. Mr and Mrs James Trevithick of Brinsley were Sunday visitors at the home of their mother, Mrs. Wm. Hess. Mr and Mrs. John N. Cantin who have been spending a few weeks in St. Joseph, have left for Montreal last •.week. 'Mr and Mrs Milfred Saha.; and daughter Schelia and Mrs. Ed. Dat - ars, Sr., motored to Kitchener on Sunday, where they visited 'with,,rel- atives.,: • ',Mt and Mrs. Charles S. Bedard of thBlue %Water Highway were visit- ors -izi Windsor. Mrs.. Bedard re- maining with her brother,' Mr and Mrs. Lewis* Brisson for as while. MrS.. James Rannie lWho has 'peen a .patient in the Meyers' Nursing Horne`:fdr• seine time, has left` ta'stay at the home(- of her sister,.. Mr sand Mrs Garnet Deters for the present. Successor :to Hess Insurance Agency M'rs. Ezra Heist has returned to .1 W. • HABERER: her home in Crediton after ,spending Phone 161 Zurich,' Ont. e few days at the home of her relati- ves," Mi and Mrs. Chris Heist of TENDERS WANTED town. F'OR •WOOD Mr and Mrs. Wm. Sitter and 'fam- Sealed Tenders will be received 1by. ily of Thedford. and Mrs. 11. Fink - the undersigned Secretary until Dec- beiner, of the Goshen line south, ember 114th, 1948 for the following enjoyed a pleasant` trip to visit 'With hard wood to be delivered and piled Mr.' acid"' Ctrs Geier a #';i✓rsvte in.: at the mentioned school sections ;in' •Akron,' Ohio s ' ti ee Township of Hay School Area, and Mrnd Mrs'r$an�, aistand familry .� �es3.,,��on or Ibe�ore•-Aprrl 1st,. 1949. of near' Detroity idt, 1)izQ 3iTir�st. be -sound body wood, Z rieh last gleex. i>a iti s a, Mre: maple, o; eoeh or mixed, must, meet '.Earl "Yungbks t tfs i J c ccom _F�,ith'thie appfoval of<*•t4uie 33oard bee- panied: them bk td the 1 , where'fore payment is made. she , spent a few days:'" • ,-1.1,;--1.2 single cordsbf 2 -ft: sho The lnf,� "the Salt, of the r4arth s wood. which vs*'aa wn Iaat ; Suda rover' . ` ing in 't. .Peter's 1r. atheMn ; Chttr !ksingle cords, ;2 -ft. w ooli. Ido=- 6=12 single .cords 2 ft woo•3. in connection with tllef e, ,era g serv-, .�10 single cords of 2 ft-�avood ace was Xery iinlfregsi3' �ti^� 1 -7r . Tingle cords, 2 t'..wood: single porde 2 -ft w'd single :cords o,f'1.ft. wood. No.10-8 single'•corIsof 1 -ft. wood. No.12.:8 single cords of 1-ft.•word° No 7 4 single cords 4f 1 -ft wood. Ten d rsit:wi11;. he;i?re P;iv edk ;for • a tire,; or partial amounts, or `ror of - ed 'sty _ H. W.B.ItOil + 1�51•itRE Secy., Treas. Hay Township School y .. a ---Zurich., :anti; tri 2 Coleman gas stoves, both two burner, practically new, fior.:gmpk sale, reasonalbly..'priced. Apply t -a Joseph Martindale, Phone 90-6:. Farm Far Spar • 3. . Oonsistiaig,_ of`'r75". acre farm, loc- ai;edr S: B. Stanley Twp., 1'i miles west of guisgxeenn `Giboik bank:barn brick 4 ollsg, Jj?;dro card:rtinning''wat- er iii4onse and barn, :good fences and well ained; otltei gaga otic-'' builditifi: A fine, location //Fob DAIRIES", particulial}sP��alppl f to Samuel McBride, R on the .*BREAD: table Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry' Highest' Cash Prices paid plus o premium for delivehred ream We are equipped to give effi taetrit accurate service. Egg. and. Poultry depal'ttnent 1n charge of Mr. T. Meyers. cies; ' Minshaf, Proprietor INSUR A'N.CE No meals complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. Ano TASTY -NU tests good and' Is good hearty food for you, Every slice s slice of energy_ Buy an extra Loaf today—star now to serve more bread at ever) meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brear at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 -- ZURICH General Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT,. HOSPITALIZATION, • ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. • Representing well known Canadian Companies • • Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. ' ITEARYF! BEARYB HEAR YE! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN CHFc.ISTMAS is only a short You prepared for Christmas?e ay. Are We suggest to you to visit out Store and let us show you Articles in Footwear which make :an IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT' Such as House Slippers for Men, Women and Children. Diamond Socks for Men. Also Leather Mitts and Gloves; Suit Cases and. Aero Packs SKATES Men's Hockey Womens' White GIVE US A CALL! Oesch Shoe Store ......................... s • & \Tarnishes 1 • Use • • : , ; SCARFE'S ENDURABLE PAINTS • q Hard Permanent Finish. rE'as:yt� Apply - _ Also • a� t NEW ALMATEX PLASTIC' •PAINTS ; i Ls For ,Floors, Cellar Steps and other hard-wearing,: • Surfaces -. i` Flite Shellacs Varni;hes: Etc. - Z SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE • Beaty "WWshing Machines Stoves Furnaces' • Enamelware - • Housecleaning Needs Radios"'" Plumbing - Heating Tinsmithing OUR .AINia---TO SERVE :AND SATISFY...: life andk,ei:y• 3iraati'cal x �,livin` dlristian life to those we hyitne corrtaet *h '` lir` Fdrd Hsiberer unit tiaiughter„ Elaine, Miss Anna Datars ••n'i`oto'.r d; to_ Windsor and Detroit over the we-' gill endo ti l �It ;wttii e�tes , an d lend , ;�1�r5i 11e4rer, ifetu'I'e. \hFiiiie with" them after spending some time R. 1, Zurich. ` at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs C Pelford of Windsor. All i3cfyed ,# leikel t' outing. 1a At Hospital Little Karn Clausius aged four, daughter of ,Mr and 'Mrs'''Al'bert •Clausius was taken to Clinton Public 'Hospital• ,on Saturday where she had ail'operation performed rof4'l Sencdix. FOR SALE We lire' pleased to report she is get- #ing slung ;real well. Virr'let' — 1921 Coach. Rias good VisitoFp .. from Detroit over the Tires, Seater, automatic starter, good weekend at the home of Mr. W. running condition.. ; , Fpr quick sale=. Leonard'•:Geromette were: Mr. and See Stuart Dietz, Zurich, PIGS FOR SALE `Se nt? 'Stockers aziti'e'Suckezrs'1'reailp to go. Also some young second litter Sq�ys --W �• G.eromette PB. 961,1 FOR QUICK SALE Tzailer. 1,044.• wheels, $55.100 with - Out' tires; Wheelbarrows; 14 -on 'band, saw. Ivan Willert; Phone 210. NOTICE ,}l Miss Doreen Schilbe would like to advise the public that • lidi'Beauty Shiripe ;will ibe'open all Bay Wednes- dajyi •from inow" until Cliristreas. — Tlia7ilt. Xau- Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance *Go. OF WOODSTOCK. THE LARGEST RESERVE •BAT - ANCE OF ANY CAN VAN MUT- ITAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS ▪ OF THIS .KIND IN ONTARIO . •:4inount of Insurance at Risk: an December 31st, 1946 $73,699124%9,9 Total Cash in Bank ind\ Bonds $444,115.39 Rates on Application ' E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH AGENT 'Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance :Mrs: Charles Biskner and their dau- ghter; ;.Mr,and Mrs Wm. Casey and son Wan. Jr, all of 'Winthrop Afe., of ha„.city,- This being their first visit tt,, to au far{1i home they seemingly had the timie of their life. Mrs. Bicknell w1a8 amazed at the abundant supply `of tillgood things there, and usually so ll9(rd: to=get in the city. Enjoyed Treat of •Ven:son The !Publisher of the Herald and Wife 'enjoyed their dinner on Sunday when Mr. Ivan Yungblut ,had., pres- •ented • us with .a lovely venison roast which fairly melted in one's mouth, .as it real very choice and. much en- joyed. ".Shooting •a deer has got to •be an ;art, as many hunters went The' seasonand,' not even saw one on the hoof.And Ivan tells us that he did zri. II. •Phillips, kb. •g2-2 not have. the luck to gets his deer either this 'year. But whoever is '"WANTED— responsible for, bringing down the deer that produced this venison steak Married man, by the dear; free we say a special Thank You! house, Hydro, etc. Apply, to Herald Office. FOR.' SALE 36 G.M.C” Farm "Trac•tor' 911 rubber, 2. 750x2:0 truck tires; 50 'bush. wheat 200 biish.:mixed 'train; 'Ontario pot -i atoes No: 1, No. 2; 1 hay'aippe new;. app: 150 feet.'4 garage doors 4i 1p,• ft,W • OAI�S• Two Holstein Cows' deIn February and M.a.rch,• T •. Pitt totted, alsoi'small :pigs Alfred Ropp;';Ph. .96 r4, FOR SALE . 1947 Hudson Commodore Six Sedan, as good as new, only 17.000 .air condition heater, Apply ,Tri ice, , a -t 1.dilie Greniel IL A. Serie Sta- tion, Grand Bend. RAG RUGS ' and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made to 29th by Rev. H. Getz, and interment Order. — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich, wasTrade in the Dashwood Evangel Ont. Phone 12$. leaf Cemetery, Goshen linea 1 BORN • Mr .iS'd.;: Mrs. Allan Gasoho` are very happy to announce the birth of their: -daughter (Linda Ruth) on November 216th at Exeter. In Clinton Public Hospital, on ,Nor vember 244th, to Mr and M . Merton Merner,. Bayfield, a daughter (Janice •Marie.) • Announcement Mr andMrs. Leonard" G'erornette of the Goshen line north. announce the engagement of their, eldest ;coir, Leonard '`Alphonse, to Miss • Leah Galyn of Eastlawn Vvenue, Detroit, the we weddlitlelo take prdee'tlil ledhrli' ary 1151, 1 in •Detroit. • ' • Agricultural Highlights.. $peeilal L,eclyres in Agriculture, .. '. rrofing :guccessful • ' h is�st '"eel;: of the special beet ures on various agricultural subjects have proven to be very.. successful„ according. ;to<Ii G Bennett, Agricul- tural being. 'for' Huron. These lecture's are 1W1.e1d' for a, period, 9f . fpur weeks in: :five coilegiates• thrdughout _. the County.. Lectures' have.'been held during' the- past week as rollows: Monday night in. Goderich,; Tuesday in Clinton; Wed.,. in Seafartn, Thur- sday in Exeter, and Friday in Wing - ham. The:aubje„ct during the 'past OBITUARY week was Soils and Soil Problems, Let: Reinhard Willert • with Jaynes Bryden of Soil Depart - Reinhard "Willert, 60, found dead m Ne t an . fez fsoe hee, r eating fit hi:s-•: iarn,'l laist 'Saturday afternoon,�" by his wife was a victim ,af heart weeks itnft s edi1le of lectures, evil( attack. Besides his wife he leaves 2 beereln2�b Ein irate . M Roberts daughters Dora and Ada" a•i"' dne`,- two sons,' Milton at home, Alvin of and \ti„ H , Waddell. These men are Stephen'Tewnship, his mother Mrs all, ofothe' O A.Cf thane Field l Thidba and - Levi Hamacher, Dashwood, .two sis- ttnowled ,e of cro 's grown in thisn e ters, 'Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, Detroit, g p. Mrs. Clayton Wildfong, London and area. Ae epee l part of the aneeting x brothers,Arthur, Simon, .Herb, will ;be devotefl' to a discussion of six grown in the area. Willert and - Edward Hamacher all :,pedal crops gi of Dashwood, Elmer, Grand Ben( i Every farmer should try and attend and Otto, Stephen Twp. The re- one of the lectures held in Ins area. mains rested at the„.Hofl"•mail Funeral There is a spdcial part of the meet- Home from where the funeral serv- ing devoted to a discussion of any ices were field on Monday November problemhal'ewhich ur everyone epresensent t might 'ging their questions with them. The hird week, the week „..of '.December t atars "ren PH NE 2,13 MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE #oig'en is atoll -out Tinie tioymE4 1 '" 14 kit..01, • ^e" r. ; ,1IOMt'ta it corning mond s$.h4 ipbe+t'Toui doorbell riajs, bei' ready *rat, dds`gra 14i Purity .Puropltlo pie j... wade with? Purity flour ... of . ,•50 •ifere's a melt-ie-your-ttsortfi pastry -recipe. , • t' FST, fey • e g 4 . .(mfe>It - elk! mMts 1147:- ..04, tr0 •grjY. beat ;nn,..+t +e.; %+ :- o , .. ., -) t 13 , co ',#,(8:21944.1i415111, tei., i„,,t . iz X""r.s p�I� h ..in. l p*r K,' co!l +�!�,of m . s Ota, r ad , w�Idtpia 0 �tf kA �. sa. • ��1irr E•1 s w01114Q meal,'' oPIdiCswails a else ori 450' • psee +Mh' ''� r !o hhit t 9 Q 1Q • bik�pp°°toUtmodtoei ved. s, + �aait paly',eePtt��'�o�t�•t oa•s itfht#!� b kc, fc3 �. Cooi'sado� �,irrl� R \ �• b�� aa� �' � p � lk� � ���'�Qn °{CeCeCF��� � Np >�a ',S,iieif;,aod �� Fiit1Y•+ato 4trptFed' ries.) ed i4 1� • Viers AF* it 1,ybble, ce tl,xt ?P°: a lase, - itafoi,w(iar°, ,Parity P1err, �pttcisil� Milled from finis( bard wbwt.-: s uit.,jfer al'1 yastr b,ehMs• roe Bibi ONLT ONE FtOO! • • PURI PURITY OATS— GRANO FOR KFAST FLOUR 4. FOR ONE RESULT—PERFECTION 51 buys yolk the faatous PURITY COOK BOO& with its 875 recipes developed le the Parity Flour Kitchen. Scnd to your nearest Puri 'Flour Mills' office- St,. John,N.B.. l Montreal. glue., Ottawa, Ont., Toronto Ont.. 'I Wlottip'ea -man.. Calgary, Alto., Vatrcoartr. , Name. .........,........r .................. Street oo ... 1 City . ....... ...... .Province 843^4-9, -j • ..'1 • d