HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-12-02, Page 3LL FAIRS • A Tense Moment at the Royal Winter Fair7-'1•he Judge has just made his decision regarding the Grand Championship Steer class and Lloyd Mack, of Rockwood, seems hardly to have real- ized as yet, that he has won. ;i lir M Hi• • Sweepstake Winners at Royal Winter Fair—Earl Hislop (left) and W, L. Hamilton shake hands as they congratulate one an- other on winning Sweepstake on Northern Spy Apple box. Who wouldn't be happy with such fine-looking fruit in prospect? Championship b ibLons in Background, Smiles in Front—Winning•prizes and'"chai pionship•�s is no novelty It a. to the iiotecl Glenafton rm ••in Alliston; Ont., as is, e ri ;ed by -the ;chsp y of r bons, also the Premier Breeder and Premier -Ex'hibitoi-.sZ ie'ids seen iri ;tile 1Crair3 rrr'e'-of rat'. •, amen responsible seen broadly• smiling over their ' renlatkable success. Ful -O -Pep feeds also` • " ' share in the credit- ••• Ticking Up a • 'oming'Charnpion�Hliolg. Rey4y,• lL;sfor 1, til. Manitoba, is seen putting the iirnishing'touclies'"on.his. line shalt ;i kiorn steer just •before taysin , e4if1e in its class. Quaker Ful- • 0 -Pep fitting heli ed.pi:oducc.thiat..iine. cnn:41it1on. • -• Wheat Trophy -1n this picture, "Reward" Wheat brings exhi- bitor a real Reward. Snapped at the Royal Winter Fair we see 1. F. Pringle of the Canadian National Railways presenting the Iia iadia3ti Wheat Trnphy to Sidney inhn Alsop, of Red Deer, Albet°ttt, - it itt • t .y the 'V1 -O -Pep Reporter •. )(Ott' fitl-O'Pep ; Reporter "Signs 'Off" For The 0.4$.. Fall , ]Fair Season I r the past ,two months or• nnpre your Ful -O -Pep Reporter has '1 en travelling the highways and • byways of the Province of Ontario; covering Fall F;airs,large and small. and trying to make pictures wlaicll we thought would be of interest,;•' •1'lluth.'to..those tvtao attended aia21'aiso Ori' .these iol;p• i r,,,ld. not be there personally. . :.,Sone of those Fairs ran into un- .favorable weather, }K hich naturally out ..down atiieurtances somewhat. Bat .on the iv<14ole, we think we are safe in saying that this was one of the most successful seasons ever known: Seldom if eber before has ,the interest shown been as intense, and never has the general quality of the stock and products shown been so lligla. Ontario can be honestly proud of its Fall Fairs and the part they play in raising our Agri Cultural Standards. Now with:the clitaxing event of the season—the-Royal Winter Fair at Toronto—passed Into history, on behalf of the sponsors of these pages, QUAKER FUL-O-PEI' Stock and Poultry Feeds, .. your Ful -O -Pep Reporter "signs off" for the season and wishes to young and old, to dty "slickers" and rural folks alike - - -- — -_ - j• Runners -Up Congratulate a Winner—Disappointed, no doubt, but still able to look happy, the two runners-up in the beef cattle class shake hand:;• with the winner, seen in the center of the picture taken at the Royal Winter Fair. ,i zeipAq.. „ 1 11 .c i 1 L4eri1-='-L ne' 1cannytn, • 1iiTe mean seen., in tLie , boy e -,• . re are � two �heckerex�'}aiifis �z-c��-:i.;,• "� a r....:.To- 13v,; ' aston. ••r-il crf St.:•Oap.- de.:la Madelaine, Quebec. All four won high honors at the Royal M1. . Winter F-ak-. "Chairing" the Owner of a Grand Champion-=-Lld rel 1\:lack, I1f Rockwood, Ontario, is. srt.'n ..b iaa;g chaired out of the judging ring at the Royal Winter Fair after exhibiting. his (rand Championship Aberdeen_i ngus•.steer---Ful, 0 -Pep fed. of cnur:c•. A bt[I&i ti�kiST