HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-12-02, Page 1AL Established '1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNI!1G, DECEMBER 2 1948 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISH $1.50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. Select your Fall Purchases from your local Merchants ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER ',OFFICE :—Corner Arm, William Ste. Phone: Exeter 355W. :Zurich Beauty Shop 7HE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS Il+ine Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALLA . done 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SOHlLBE.--Euria Are You Suffering From Headaches, Et so, Have your Eyes Examined with t Vie Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Br OPTICIAN +' .ed Glasses at Resemble Mire inter Feeds NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY OF BRAN, SHORTS AND FEEDING MOLASES WE CAN TITY. HENSALL DISTRICT ATIVE, ZURICH ONT., SUPPLY ANY QUAN- CO-OPER- Picture Show TOWN HALL - ZURICH The House on 92nd Street Wililiani Eythe Lloyd Nolan Signe Hassio Gene Lockhart The FBI protects the Atomic Bomb! A 20th Century -Fox Picture Fri., Sat., Dec. 3, 4: 8.00 pan.' Next Week, Dec. 10,11: BAMBOO BLONDE Treat of Apple Butter Many thanks to Mr. Leonard Ger- °m.ette for the .delicious jar of apple butter ;y.'hich was made with pump- kin ;,grown on his farm. Sometimes it is a -bit difficult to get just the right blend qn this 'article to make it just right, but. Mr. Gsromette has just drat" calk of doij-tg'¢t` co Gtlya d ewe again say You! +++++++ •. +++t•++++++++++++++++++++++++4 • . ling itneraCotn¢ Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured , Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FU'NEiRAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood — Ontario + +++++++++ 4'a•t 444444++ ++++++++ ++++++++++++i THIEL'S Superior Store WE HAVE ON HAND AT PRESENT A FAIR SUPPLY OF: CONOOLEUM RUGS IN ALL SIZES. GOOD RANGE OF MEN'S, BOYS' UNDER- WEAR, SWEATEARS, ETC. LADIES„ and GIRLS' SWEATERS IN ALL SHADES AND 'SIZES FRESH--( VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND GRpCERIES EACH WEEK,. Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich NOTICE HURON COUNTY CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN .. The Huron County Christmas Seal Committee, through ,the. aid of the Lions Clubs of the County have mailed your Christmas. Seals to you. This worthy cause needs your im- mediate attendtion. Please. place your contribution in the inner En- velope and mail .to Treasurer of Christmas Seal Committee. A Bad Accident A pedestrain and two women car passengers are in Goderich hospital on Monday night as a result of a dri- ver swerving to try to avoid a man crossing Highway No. 211, just north of Drysdale to snail a letter. They are Mrs. Jean O'Hara, 1213, wire of Robt. O'Hara Detroit driver of the car; and Mrs. Gordon Spencer, Owen Sound. In Clinton Hospital with a fractured left leg is Jule Challett, 64 of R.R. 2, Zurich, and resident_ of where'the accident occurred. The Detroit car was southbound and had slowed down when C'hallet started to cross the road to a mail box. Seeing the other car comittg he hesitated. But continued on this way across the road when he was hit by the 'oncom- ing car. In the last second trying to avoid an accident O'Hara turned the car, which crashed into the ditch., da: afternoon when the subscribers broke off a pole, and turned upside orthe System were called together down. The driver was unhurt but the to; discuss the raising of rates of the car a wreck. (Provincial Constable system for the coming year. Owing Culp investigated. to expansion this has become neces- sary, and it was advised by those present that the Council get in touch with. theJMunicipal Board or Ontario who control all these things, to .neg- otate a ar. a<s iiplx x t o as to get �p�-vn� �e� cx�a�te' 4t •, Off On Trip to Florida Mrs. Clayton 0. Smith and son Gordon of the Blue Water Highway, Miss Ethel Hess and Mr. Lloyd Klapp of town deft early Sunday morning on a trip toFlorida. They will be tak- ing in the grand sights at St: Peters- burg, Miama and many other places of interest along the way. We wish them the best' of luck and a safe journey, and return home. We,hope to hear .of their splendid trip and enjoyable time, along with many other good things that usually go• with such an •outing. NO CUTOFFS How fortunate we were oo far this week as the Hydro has been undis- turbed and the unwelcome cut-offs have been iliminated • for a week's trial. 'With more rainfalls in the eastern part of Canada, there is more power available, and we have more. power to play on. However, this does not mean, that we can now go and use it as we like, if we do, why back we go to the cut-offs again. We must conserve power where we can and turn off those unnecessary lights and avoid using the water heaters, especially during peak load times. All outside lights must be turned off, and in doing so we can enjoy this useful servant when we actually do need .it. Arm Badly Burned Mrs, Clarence Datars had the mis- f oi'tune of having her arm burnt from the .fingers to alm°ost the elbow after she had done some waxing she wiped Doff the top of the kitchen stove wilt the same cloth, when it explod- edand the flames wrapped around her arm as she swished the cloth fnonn the stove onto the floor where a'hiat caught fire, but fortunately wad brought under control. Her 'aniiy friends wish her a speedy re- coyery. Have Moved to New Home 'Jr and Mrs Lawrence Bedard have me ved their effects to their new home which they built this summer, and are getting nicely settled. They de4erve much credit as he did much of ,the building himself, trying hard tO`get what one would call a nice hone and they now have aceomplish- ed`ithat. Mr and Mrs. Laird Thiel are.„ occupying the vacant apartment lef'in the Miller home caused by the removal of the Bedard family. v':1:: Had Interesting Meeting An interesting Telephone meeting was held in the Town Hall on Mon - ANNUAL REPORT. BANK OF MONTREAL iVIonta eal,_.rov- ,24 ' ho tivin' the, wa * frim the fot1 th :sucdessive yeas j the Bank .;Of Ntdirtreal-rsnarks yet an- other forward step in humanizing its .annual report, a practice !originiated by the B of M in 1945, and design- ed to take the formality out of bank statements. Addressing its 131st annual report. "A ,Special Message ,to Customers of the B of M'°••, the report -immediately includes the reader as an active par- ticipant 'with the heading: "It Took You .and 1,700,000 Fellow Canadians to Write This Billion -Dollar Story." Then it goes on to show just how dollars deposited at the B of M "Kept hard at world..helping Canadians in every; walk of life to make a better future for themselves and for •Can - Ada." Record Deposits 194 Billion In step with an increase in pract- ically every department of the bank's activities, deposits are nearly 100 million dollars higher,. with most of •the increase being in the savings de- posit category. These deposits, am- ounting to well over one and three quarte billion dollars, demonstrate how a nation institution like the B of M is bigsimply because a •great legion of citizens look to it to safe- guard their savings and to employ those savings according to sound banking principles. Reflecting the bank's steady gro- wing participation in business activ- L10nS Club News ities, the B of 'M's commercial loans increased by nearly 8 p.c. over last • A near perfect attendance was in year's figures and its holdings of in- evidence at the regular meeting in dustrial. 'bonds and debentures show the Dominion House on Monday eve - a substantial addition of over 3r2. mil ning at the supper meeting. The re - 'ion. However, this has not occasion- ception of . two new members, name- i ed a reduction of the bank's holdings ly Lloyd O'Brien and Delbert Geiger of government andother public sec- were taken in and will now become urities, which have increased bey, ap- '"good Lions" as the saying goes. The proximately 6 p.c. two young -,girls Kathleen Kalbileisch The bank's resources have reached and Marlene Haberer who played a new high level of $1,991,380,000, sucih a fine p1ano duetttheir over CKNto o X This figure exceeds the 13 01 :+I s .ob-'stationg ligations to the public by 682,939,- the Lions. Three Lions of the Pet - 000. role.a Club were present, and one of Net Profit Steady them, the veteran Wes. Stevens was After paying all overhead expert-• the -speaker for the evening, and was ses, including staff salaries; bonuses' "tops" in that capacity. The big and contributions to the pension fundsilver. trophy, for the Club having and after making provision for con-, the best' attendance for the year in tingencies and for depreciation of Canada, was presented for the' sec - bank premises, and taxes the B of and time to the Zurich Club by �1 reports earnings for tile, year a- president Ted. Haberer. This is an mounting to $5,459,000. 'This comp- horrorvr`*ell. worthy of mentioning, and ares with $5,423,000 in `the previous the Lions, are trying hard to win it e<ii. Out of earning $3,600,000 vas for another year if possible. distributed to shareholders, the bal- The Lions are holding their annual. ance of $1,859,669 being transfer- Feather Party, in the Town Hall on red to the profit and loss azcountl Thursday eve. December nth, when On each dollar of the sharehold- there i '•ll be Ducks, chickens and er's money invested in the Hank of I geese galore. Come out and see who Montreal, the bank earned 10.17 gets the llig Door Prize Tuvk turkey in cents in 1948. Of this, 3-59 cents' fact they ay, the biggest Iwere paid in. taxes, 4.34' cents went three counties. If you have the lucky to the shareholders and the remain- door prize ticket, you will be making ing 2,24 cents went to surplus, a big hall. Everybody am, 1 Special Offer 96 Piece DINNER SET for $39.95 Regular Price 47.50 Apple Blossom Design Also 32, 38, 66 Piece BREAKFAST SETS Smart New Patterns $9.95 Upwards All in Open Stock Come in and see our Selection A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. PHONE YOUR For Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL SOFT COAL AND COKE LOCKER SERVICE BOXES FOR RENT Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - HensaR o !e•••i••••a••••••••••®••••• ••••••••••••NO®0•••••••f 1 ***oval Rom Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent --FLOWERS-FOR AU'. OCCASPNP Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, -Zurich 1•o••0•o•wws•w•••••••o•oo ooie•ss•s»o•so••••(WOO •ao•• 1 • Z[1R1C14'S Store 1 Grocery Aylmer Catsup, per bottle iCorn Syrup, 5 -Ib. Pail .... `: Currants, per pound t 20c 65c T 5c Marmalade, 3 flavor, 32-oz,Jar. , 28c Cake Mix, chocolate per pkg. 30c Brooms, regular 90c, each 79c 35c Wheat Berries, 5-1'b. pkg. 40c i Tangerines, large size, per dozen Menno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED; Zurich Phone 165 SAVE LABOUR WITH A WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM Many an hour's hard toil of pumping can be saved by installing one of our automatic Pressure Systems Now is .the time of Year to place your order for Water Bowls for, your cattle, which will be a great convenience when winter comes along. Don't forget, we handle Litter Carriers, Buckets and complete Outfits. - Think of these now! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS IN STOCK TUE . it ST ° E E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97 • • • • L= • a