HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-11-25, Page 5CIPINTAXIO ZURICH MERALi>` ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class marl, Poet Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ade. in this Column. Oscar Klopp LICENSED AUCTIONEER ��_ WM sell Anything, Any- where. 'Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central .ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in Farm and Pure Bred Livestock Sales PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 B. F. CORBETT LICENSAUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satsfactton Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VE't'ERINARIA.N FOR SALE Several Jersey Heifer Calves for sale .at various ages. — Solomon Baechler, Phone 79 r 14, Zurich. LOST License plate 3W-$1'4 between Zurich Land Dashwood on the Goshen Line. Apply, to Herald 'Office. FOR SALE Chrysler — 1927 Coach. Has good Tires, heater, automatic starter, good running condition. For quick sale— See Stuart Dietz, Zurich. Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Oface with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store rbane-96 ZURICH BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET -Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration }Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Ytlnablut & Sou PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES BICYCLES C. C. M: BALLOON. STANDARDS • JUVENILE MODELS JOYCYCLES C. C. M. THREE SIZES WAGONS C. C. M. TWO SIZES USED LADIES' AND GENTS' BICYCLES AT REDUCED PRICESS USE OUR LAY -AWAY PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS W. MARTIN EXETER SOUTH LOOAL NEWa Miss Martha Heideman is at pres- ent nursing at the home of Mr and Mrs. Herb Morlock. Mrs. C, C. MacEachern and two small children spent some time with relatives at Windsor. Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman of Dash- wood made a business trip to town one day last week. Miss Pearl Wurrz spent a few days at the home of her sister, Dr and Mr's H. H. Cowen at 'Exeter. Mr Frank Ruttier of London was. a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. Mrs. W. Carlile !of Hensall is vis iting at the home of her daughter, Mr and Mrs. Leeland Willert. Miss Shirley Fairbairn of Mount Carmel spent the week -end at the home of her sister, Mr and r>'Irs. Len- nis O'Brien. Mr Nicholas Deichert of D'et'roit, is .spending a few days at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry PIGS FOR SALE Some stockers and suckers ready to go. Also some !young second -litter Sows.—W. L. Geromette. Ph. 96r11. Yungblut. Mr Grant Case of Exeter was in charge sof the Mousseau Parkins Gar- age, during the proprietors' absence on a hunting trip. Miss Dorothy Gingerich has . re- turned home after spending some time at the home of Mr and Mrs E. Hallman at Petersburg. Messrs. George • Deichert and R. F. Stade spent a few days in Toronto last week, where the former attend- ed a convention. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ralbf,emsch and Miss Elizabeth Truera:.ner visited with Mr. Louis Prang, who is a patient in St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. SyIv. Witmer of town, Mr and Mrs Blake Horner mot- ored otored to Mitchell on Sunday, where they visited with their •children, Mr and Mrs. Niel Witmer. Miss Dorothy Rader of Dashwood has returned home after spending some time at the home of her sister Mr and Mrs Garnet Weiberg at Wat- erloo. The latter being presented with a baby boy FOR QUICK SALE Trailer 16 -in. wheels $55.00 with- out tires; Wheelbarrows; 14 -in ,band - saw. —Ivan Willert, Phone 210. BREAD on the table the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread.„ And TASTY -NU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice, a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at even meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brew' at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. LOST A milk can +between Zurich . and Bronson line. Finder return same to Zurich Dairy as the can is needed. urgently FOR SALE Private owend '38 Chevrolet Coach in good condition and good tires.— E. E. Wuerth, Zurich, !Phone 84. c Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on 0111- AUTOMATIC urAUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy- O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery Tasty -Nu Bakery FOR SALE • 36 G.M.0 Farm Tractor on rubber, 2 750x20 truck tires; 50 bush. wheat. 200 bush. mixed grain; Ontario pot- atoes No. 1, No. 2; l'hay ropex10, app. 150 feet; 4 garage doors ft; Win. H. Phillips, Ph. 32-22. PHONE 100 — ZUIRiCH General Insurance Thursday, NoveMber 25th; . I:$4S FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Successor to Hess Insurande Agency J. W. HABERER Ont. phone 161 Zurich, The Hurona Male Chorus of Exe- ter favoured the Evangelical church service on Sunday evening. with sev- eral of their choice selections which were much appreciated. This was sponsored by the Brotherhood of the church. • Mr and Mrs. C. Pelford of Wind- sor, Miss Aryls Haberer tof Toronto, spent a few days at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Ferct tiaberer over the week -end, also attenaed the funeral of their grandfather, Mr. Frederick Gaiser, on Saturday. WANTED Married man, by the r rear; , free house, Hydro, etc. Apply to Herald Office. FOR SALE Two good Holstein Cows due in February and March, T. B. tested , also small pigs — Alfred Ropp, 96r4. FOR SALE 1947 Hudson Commodore .Six Sedan, as good as 'new, only 17,000 .males, air condition heater, Apply ---Rollie Grenier, B. A. Service Sta- tion, Grand Bend, FOR SALE Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus ,a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas, Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE. Master Ronnie. Aulerich of Whit tmore, Mich., is spending some time at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr .and Mrs Len Prang who are at present in residence at the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. LouiB Prang. Last Week's Error In last week's issue it was men- tioned that the Hydro cut off tours for Zurich were from 7.30 to S.30 daily to Fridays, this should have been from 7 to 8 p.ni. Please turn off your lights when not needed. So as to reduce our cutoffs. One manure Spreader, new, , for immediate delivery. pp, Phone! 149, Zurich. FOR SALE 1t94lt Dodge Sedan, good running condition, 4 tires nearly new. Ont. 205. Chas. D. Hay, Zur FOR SALE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co: Get Ready FOR WINTEF By equipping you and your Family with winter Footwear such as Golashes, Flight Boots, Shoes and including Men's Fleeced Lined Rubber. Felt over Now is the time to purchase your Christmas pres- ents. How about bedroom slippers for Men, Women and Childred, "Made in England." .. Or Men's Leather Mitts and Gloves, or Men's Socks such as fancy Diamond, plain, striped, or various grades of heavies. Dr. Scholl's products, Etc. Etc. Luggage. Desch Shoe More _-.S. gra �==;,. • • • ip ants & Vanishes Use SCARFE'S ENDURABLE PAINTS Easy to Apply • at • • • FOR SALE MARSH GROWN CARROTS and Beets, green Pascal Celery, white Celery, Chinese Lettuce, all garden fresh for winter storage. Why pay fancy prices this winter when you can get them at field prices? Apply WILFRED 'MOUSSEAU, Hensall R. R. Ili; two miles and a half west of Hensall, Highway 84; Phone 92 r 2, Zurich. . 3j'OR RENT—Mod rrl mileratfa ted d hdiise, has Hydro, • half Zurich:,': Apply' to W. L. Geromw ewe• FOR SALT. 2 Coleman gas stoves, both two burner, practically new, f mr nuick sale, reasonably priced. --pplY to Joseph Martindale, Phone 96-6. Died at Kitchener Mr. and Mrs Emery Ruby of Kit- chener, the former formerly of Zur- ich, have the deepest sympathy of their many friends in the departure of their youngest son Franklin, aged 19 years. He leaves to mourn his bereaved parents and two brothers. I daiym from- now until Christmas. — He will be greatly missed by all that Thank You - know him. Had 57th Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Floyd Cook and dau- ghter Patricia, Mr and Mrs. Lorne Crook, Mr and Mrs Heinmpell and son Ronnie, Mrs. Wahl and -daughter Helen, Mr and Mrs Ed Brenner and daughter Marion, all of Kitchener; Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hendrick of the B W. 'Highway, Mr. Clarence Brenner of town, enjoyed a very happy event on Sunday Nov. 14th as they visited at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs John Brenner to celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary, Delicious meals were partaken off, greetings' were received by the cou- ple, who enjoy good health and are very active in every. day life and make every one feel welcome. We wish them continued health and hap- piness and many more celebrations, along with their family, neighbours and friends, which are many. Late Peter J. Papineau Peter Joachim Papineau, 56, 941 Cataraqui Street, ' Windsor, a tool and die maker with the Ford Motor Company, died suddenly, on Nov. 16, at his residence. Mr. Papineau lived in Windsor 23 years coming from St..:VERSATILE ACTRESS Joseph, Ont. He was a member of the Holy Name Society. Survivors Mona O'Hearn, attractive young Tor - are his widow, Mrs. Delia Papineau, onto actress, whose ability and talent one daughter, 'Miss Madeline at home make her much in in both ne tdi 1 d on CBC six C sons, Benedict, Windsor; Nelson, drama programs d Joachim, 'Dominic, Louis and Richard character roles. She is heard regular - at home; four sisters, Mrs. Clifford ly Thursdays as Judy in the Trans - Taylor, Chatham ; Mrs. . Frederick Canada network, on Wednesday, she Menomme, Mrs. Isadore Denothree Time, a Dom, network me, is heard, in a variety eandle in 00 SatCurtuin, r- rs, George H:etzel, Detroit; brothers. Frank, Windsor; Frederick day she frequently appears in Cuckoo+(I and Regis, Detroit. The funevalveatlClock networkHouse for Sundayrsheen .on the oDom vice e vas held at 9.30 a.m.. the residence to Immaculate 0oncep. herself into the 'oldm�a erhiAlan , woman, i tion Church at 10 a.m. Burial too` yI. McGinty, ry rm S Hard Permanent Finish Also • NEW ALMATEX PLASTIC PAINTS For Floors, Cellar Steps and other hard-wearing Surfaces Etc. Flite - Shellacs - Varnishes, - Etc. SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE Beaty Washing Machines - Stoves - Furnaces Enamelware - Housecleaning Needs - Radios Plumbing -Heating - • • • • • THE 0 0 • d F • • • s • • • • I • • • Farm For Sale Consisting of 175Tacre farm, lot- ated S. B. Stanley p., ile west of 'Hillsgreen. Good bank barn brick house, Hydro and running wat- { eer in house and barn, good fences and well drained, other good For out- buildings. .A. fine location. further particulars apply to Samuel McBride, R. R. 1, Zurich. 'NOTICE Miss Doreen Schilbe would like to advise the public that her Beauty Shoiope will be open all clay Wednes- A 1937 Ford Coach in excellent condition. Apply to John Arm- strong, Phone •Hensall 97-14. FOR SALE One 9 -ft. M. H. Cultivator; a 10 - foot Cockshutt Disc; also 3 -furrow. Cockshutt tractor Plow, I-Appicluy l o Lloyd Etue, Phone 98 r 5, FOR SALE . Good used pannel doors, screen doors, winter doors, bricks and an extension table. — Apply to Inez Yungblut, Zurich, Phone 126. • OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE .BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN ,MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO • . .!Amount of Insurance at Risk on Detember 31st, 1946 • $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rates on Application E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH AGENT ,Also Dealer in Lightning Rods itni •'l k '9 of Fire !in znnc^ RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loomis, Made to Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128. NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made BILL WATSON Dashwood - Phone 35r19 Ti11SI111thing 0• • •UR AIM TO SERVE AND SATISFY 0 ••• • O • ti: Datarse'Brien CHECK YOUR SKATING OUTFIT NOW! See the famous CCM Match- ed shoes and skates for gents' ladies and juveniles, priced from 87.50 to $42.00. Order a pair for Xmas. at Hess, the Jeweller. • • MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE PHONE 213 Step up PRODUCTION io MR FARMER if you want EXTRA PROFITS . CONVENIENCE and LESS WORK ... install a DURO Pumping System. Be sure to install a DURO PUMP with full capacity for all your truckds in barn .. • poultry house .garden stables . home and fire protection for all your buildings. INSTALL THE BEST • . INSTALL A DURO. EMCO Fixtures and Fittings Remodel and modernize your home. Add t h c comforts of daily living. Safeguard the health of your family. See us for the latest in Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry installations. $112.00 F.O.B. London, Canada STADE and WEIDO PHONE 92 ZURICH ONTARIO £EBPI1 {ISS U % ECM I.. I f'1 ITE D LOf1D0il.4 rinuron-TOROIITO-sUDBURY•LUIMIIPEG•VAnCOUVtf