HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-11-25, Page 1ves.es.,........rneurannur-,....cucetrannaloscoccoaslice 8800819089 4•2IIIISO.111.11!1=1•1681COSMINV,•••••••••...••••••••••••••••,1011MM, Establiched 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25 19 48 Bele° t your Fall Purchases from yo ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER :—Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Zurich Beaty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of naethods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! Elione 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SOH:MBE—Zurich A11110•10.1.013•11•0••••••.1. CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHITNE 1 $1.50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. ir idcal Merchants Are You Suffering From Headaches? Have your ,Eye s Mnanarned with t.tho Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODEERICH (Good Glasses at Ressonable Prices inter Feeds NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY OF BRAN, SHORTS AND FEEDING MOLASES WE CAN SUPPLY ANY QUAN- TITY. HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPER- ATIVE, ZURICH ONT., Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Wednesday November 24th THE IRON CURTAIN Also: "ARTHUR TAKES OVER" Thurs., Friday, Sat Nov. 25,26, 27 MIRACLE OF THE BELLS —Starring— Fred :McMurray Monday, Tuesday Valli Nov. 29, 30 TO TI -IE VICTOR --Starring— Dennis .Morgan, Viveca Lindfors 4.++++++++.44.+4444+4++*+++ f+++++++++++++++.+444 44++++ q'r 64, *arrg ..ikaffnlait funeral (5,5 Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and. Injured Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 • ashw Ontario .631•12.0111.11M•P 4. 4 • 4. , • 4. 4. 4 +++.+++ T Su 11). I E 'S erior Store 11 WE HAVE ON HAN. AT PRESENT A FAIR SUPPLY OF: CONGOLEUM RUGS IN ALL SIZES. GOOD RANGE OF MEN'S, BOYS' UNDER. WEAR, SWEATEARS, ETC. LADIES' and GIRLS' SWEATERS IN ALL SHADES AND SIZES FRESH VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND GROCERIES EACH , WEEK. Phone 140 C H. THIEL Zurich Picture Show TOWN HALL ZURICH Pridvp, Saturday Nov. 26: 27 SISTER KENNY Starring Rosalind Russell, Alexander Kilox Friday, Saturday Dec. 3, 4. HOUSE on 92nd STREET 8.00 p.rn. Admission 35 and 20 CKNX SINGING COWBOY HAS SONGS PUBLISHED Earl Heywood, popular well known radio artist and singing star, heard regularly over CKNX the Ontario Farm Station, Wingham, is winning his way to fame, as a singer, author songwriter, composer and radio per- sonality. He has already become known to many thousands •as Canad- a's No. 1 cowboy, and leading singer and writer of Western songs. Iii February+ of this year, Earl signed regular royalty contracts on a number •of his songs with Canada's largest music pttblishers, the Canad- 75 -IL return with thewhich. To Show Films The Film "The Salt of the Earth" which was. shown last Sunday even- ing in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, will be re -shown on Sunday Noveni- • her:128th in connection with the ev- enhig service which starts at 7.30 pan.; Those !who have seen the pict- ure have been impressed by its Chribtian Message. Zurich Hunters Successful Messrs. Ivan Yungblut, iWes. Mer- ner; Jake and Ferd •Haberer, along with •out of town hunters, have been successful in getting several deer. In the IVIillbridge, Ont., district. Mr. Ferd Haberer was very happy when he shot two deer the first day. Owing to- the death of his father-in-law Mr. Fred Gaiser, was called home, while the rest remained until this 'week. Passes on Swimming Test .15r:and Mrs P J O'Dwyer received wiord.;',from their son Maurice, who has lAtt for H.M.C.S. Naden Esquion Alt B. C. That he was successful :in passing his swimming exams of uniform. ian Music Sales in Toronto.. This man a 150 -ft. swim and remain af- ter in the water paddling for three minutes. This is very difficult to month a complete folio containing forty pages of his own original songs is being released for distribution a- do. We congratulate Maurice for cross Canada. Altogether Ea1-1 has his •fine showing and wish him con-, written over 100. songs, ana tinue4 progress in his basic training. orated with many others. 'As ydang men of this type are grea- tly needed for the protection of our county; Our best wishes accompany TWEY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY A ry enjoyable event was cele- brate', at the home 'of Mr and. Mrs. Q1Perce PaAes of the Goshen Line, 44wIrW, '-,Saturciaerr.:141.• ebser-.1 wed their 25t -vadiffirg. -arniveigary TWertty--five guests, including mem- ber& of heir family,and immediate relatives sat down to a delicious fowl dinner with all the trimmings. The table very attractive centred with a three-tier wedding cake; pink tapers in silver containers,. baby mums, pink and white forming the colour seem - es roof the room. Mr and Mrs. Parke were the 'recipients 'of many costly and lovely gifts.- i'drs. Parise is the former Pearl Consitt. —Photo by Jack Do -err, Exeter Earl Heywood, like many others with talent, started his singing- and songwriting career as a hobby play- ing at community gatherings. He was b•orn and raised :on the second of Usborne and attended the Exeter OBITUARY Late Frederiek. Galser There passed away in Zurich, on Wednesday, -November 17th, Fred- erick Gaiser, in his 89th year, belov- ed husband of the late Lydia Wein, who predeceased ' him eight years ago. He farmed for 32 years near Shipka, then moved on the home- stead .at Craediton, and spent the High School. He was a member of latter years with his daughter, Mrs. the Exeter Concert Banti for five years which credits him with quite a bit of his musical abilities; how- ever, he has had very little musical training. For the past six years he has been a staff artist of CKNX and at pres- ent he has three weekly programs of his own originating in the studios of the Ontario Farm Station. He M.C's his own shows, and is sponsored on Thursday evening's program. at 8.15 by the Beaver Lumber Co. in Win- gharn. He .also has a 'Wednesday af- ternoon show at 1.45 p.m. and a Tu- esday eetning show it 8.00 p.m. and appears as a featurer artist .on the B• D ce Saturday nights. ain an While Earl continues to write more songs, the future holds a very bright spot for his singing and songwriting career. Earl realizes the fact that the support of the local radio . station OKNX in Wingham and the loyalty of every radio listener have helped him a long way up the ladder of suc- cess. This fine and promising young ar- tist has many other songs 'under con- tract with well known Publishers in the U.S.A., such as Hill and Range Music Publishers; Hollywood Fair- way Music Corp., Hollywood; M. M. Calc Publishers of Chicago; The Hillier Currie Music Publishers • of Chicago and Wallace Fowler Public- ations,Nashville, Ten. At ptesent negotatiog with a major Recording Company for the making .of Com - menial phonograph records. lie married to the former Martha Thio of Zurich, daughter of Mr. and :\..r„! William Thiel of town, and they have one child, Patricia, fiVe, who, also is Pnonlar as a radio sing,er. We wisb them myth luck for the future‘ Ferd Haberer of Zurich. Surviving are a son Lloyd of Creditatr, Mrs. William Decker (Violet), and Mrs. Ferd Haberer (Alice) both of Zur- ich; two brothers, iWillfam and John Gaiser of Crediton; four sisters, Mrs. Guenther, (Susan) of T3uffalo; (Carrie) Mrs. Koeltzow Detroit; Miss D:ora 'Geiser, Denver, Coloracla; Mrs. Henry. Heist (Martha) Crectiton. The remains rested at his late home in Zurich until Saturday Nov. 20th, from where a private funeral was held at 1 „p.m. Followed by a public servica.at 2.30 p.m. in the Crediton Evangelical IT. B. Church. Interment in .EVangelical Cemetery, Crediton. • L.at Theodore Jacob. Miller There passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Saturday, NOT - ember 20th, Theodore Jaen Miller of Zurich in his .50th year, beloved husband of Lavine WilIert and dear father of. Lloyd and Arthur of Zur- ich r Mrs. Robert Labute (Eileen), of Windsoi., and Helen of Kitchener; Five brothers and two sisters, the family came to Zurich a few years ago from Dashwood. Mr. Miller was a very hard working and cheerful man, being a .carpenter by trade and had nuide,-many warm friends • who will greatly miss him. His bereaved family will also.be the greatest rooser as he 'waa so badly needed hi the leme. The body •rested at his late home here in Zurich tilt Tuesday when a ,private service was held at the hi".' followed by a mimic runer- al in Zlon Lutheran Church, Dash- uood Which ws laroly attended. In- terment was in Zion Lutheran Com- °tory, 13/.411mA lino. The family ha N„ e the deepest sympathy of a large cirzle of trim*, Special 1ffer 96 Piece DINNER SET for $39.95 Regular Price 47.50 Apple Blossom Design Also 32, 38, 66 Piece BREAKFAST SETS Smart New Patterns $9.95 Upwards All in Open Stock Come in and see our Selection A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL SOFT COAL AND COKE LOCKER SERVICE BOXES FOR RENT .r.L;), • Roe Farms Milling Co, Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall 4 OGG 20 1 eneseeeeeeeaeacteeemee• eee OG6000000 000G4460 witruotAl 414* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS • Day and Night Service al ---Taaphone: Res. 89 - - ar i22, Zuricial r • 9 GOVamouteergloweve00000006**11106041140G4009410006 • • se • r c tore Tapioca, whole, per 1T 30c Coffee, Club House, per lb • 59c 1 Tea, Daly Grange, Orange Pekoe, Half -lb. ....53c Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 10-1. pail 1.35 Fly Coils, 4 for 5c Popping Corn, 2 lbs.. for . 25c Salad Dressing, 16 -oz jar — 25c Libby's Vegetable Soup, 3 tins 25c 11 1 Oesch • PRODUCE WANTED. Z rich Phone 165 raco.inarocudne...CUlaaastomoisoezzoaarou 412Z217Zgagannfar.g.tiZESM1023Erar , n. BAV • 8• 8 4 4, WITH A WATER PRESSURE SYSTEM Many an hour's hard toil of pumping can be saved by installing one of our automatic Pressure Systems Now is the time of Year to place your order for Water Bowls for your cattle, which will be a great convenience when winter comes Don't forget, we handle Litter Carriers, Buckets and complete Outfits. - Think of these now! jj FRESH GROCERIES ,e,1 vS IN STOCK E.• Schwartzentruber, Prop. •••••••••••••••••••••••••spneemeem Phone 11-97 * ,•