HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-12-25, Page 7r CLASSIFIED ... V ISI AGENTS WANTED IGHTNING ROD DEALERS e now have a complete stock of all ighlning Rod Materials on band and can UPPIY immediate delivery. Why not write nd enquire about a dealership for your . erritory? Our equipment is the best on he market and our prices most reason- ble, The B. Phillips Co. Ltd., 200 Main t., Toronto. ee ATTENTION TRAPPERS %USI:RAT, blink and Beaver tiaPPere, Triple Your catches with a submarine 1rap. Ten muskrats to a catch, Simple p operate, weighs three pounds, No losses pm biting or pulling their feet off. $4.00 ea�ch, Write for catalogue. Submarine Trap Company, Fort Saskatchewan, Al- ilarta. __ BUSfNESS OPPORTUNITIES Hid VILLAGE of Gardenton, Manitoba, would appreciate vegetable canning fac- tory. For particulars, apply Secretary, gerdenton, Board of Trade, Gardenton, Man, OPERATE PROFITABLE home business. Splendid opportunity. Write to Husack Agencies, 002 Alexander Ave., Winnipeg, Man. BABY CHICKS APPROVED Barred Rock cockerels. March. $6.00 per hundred. MacKiilican Poultry Farm. Moose Creek, Ont. DAY OLD Cockerels bargains for this week and next. Barred Rocks, Light Sussex x New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Light Sussex x Barred Rock, Light Sussex x New Hampshire, Black Australorp, New Hampshire $496. Assorted Heavies 24.75 White. Leghorns $1.00 per hundred. Two Weeks old add $11.00 her hundred. Large Oigg Quality add $1.00. Specially Selected ¥add $2.00 per hundred. Shipped C.O.D. anywhere. This advertisement must ac- company your order to secure these special prices. Top Notch Chickeries, Gueline Ont. BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yea, that is what all Rainbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks. M1 breeders are 100 per cent free from pullorum, Order your chicks now direct from this ad and not be disappoint- ed. Tom Barron Leghorns, $12.00 per 100. Pullets $24.00 Barred Rock Mixed $12.00 Per 100. Pullets $21.00. White Rock Mixed $15.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00. Brown Leg- hbrn Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00. Leghorn -Rock Mixed 612.05 per 100. Pul- lets $25.00. Red -Rock Hybrid $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. Special prices on cock- erels. Guarantee 100 per cent live delivery to your station. $1.00 down, balance ' C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On- tario _ BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 breeders. It is not too early to book your chicks for 1947 to be assured of getting Lakeview super bred chicks when you want them. Buy your chicks from a re- liable welt established Breeder Ilatchery backed by 5000 hens, pure breds and all popular hybrids. Start your chicks early. Chicksstarted then show biggest profits. Send for Price List, large illustrated cata- logue and Poultry Guide which tells you how to raise better pullets. Also ask for Weekly Special List Of heavy cockerels and 'overhatclt' hatch -day Specials, and New Pot Type Queen 011 Brooder Stoves. SPECIAL PRICES Heavy Cockerels, Day old or started, also day old or atarted pullets and mixed. Prompt delivery. Lake- view Poultry Farm, Wein Bros,, Exeter, Ontario. YOUR POULTRY yard should yield a big Profit this year, Start right by ordering Top Notch Chicks now for delivery on the date you wish. Early ordering protects you against delayed deliveries and price fluctu- ations. Whether prices drop or rise before delivery we guarantee you the lowest price on early orders. Top Notch chicks are al- ways top notch duality. Sexed or straight rung all Popular breeds and some fine cross-breds. All approved from Pullerum • tested stock . . , egg producers and meat birds. Our long experience and pre -ship - resent selection assures you of husky. pro- fitable birds and 100% live delivery. 'Write today for the informative Top Notch catalogue. Also two and three week old chicks for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. STARTED PULLETS. 2 -4 WEEKS March delivery. Cash is on the early egg markets. Also started cockerels and mixed chicks. Send for Weekly Special List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. BADE OHMS SEND for our special prices on two and three week old started cockerels non - sexed, chicks or pullets. We have many pure breeds and cross breeds to choose from. Too Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. HATCHERY Approved Baby Chicks from blood -tested Government inspected Breeders. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pure Breeds, Barred Bock, White Leghorns & Rend e7eland Reds, Iii Bred Red x Rock, Red x Light Sussex & Leghorn x Barred Rock, Mixed 12c, heavy pullets 22c. Leg- horn pullets 24c, 4c Cockerels 40. All high h production strains, Available now, day old and started. Enclose ad and le Per chick deposit, balance C.O,D. Blenheim Hatch- ery & Poultry Breeding Farm, Blenheim, Ont, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeiii o, cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, De- partibent'H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yong° Street, Toronto, Ontario. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT NEW 9s Johnson Gasoline Engines, $47.10. Electric Lighting Plants, $82.60. Immediate Shipment. Currey Bulmer, Eg- linton & Bathurst, Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE -Improved level Farm, fenced, Write soil,' buildings, water. Th °e. Blythe, Fusilier, Sask., Can. 300 ACRE Farm, $3500. rge Barn, IIogpen, Granary and I•iouse, second Kenyon Alexandria. Alexander De Prato, 428 Sunnyside, Ottawa, 250 ACRES, 8 miles north of Iroquois near Nation River, 2 large dwellings, room for 65 cows, 3000 hens, water, electricity throughout, good buildings, clay loam, a money maker, $36.000. Terms. Milford Scharf, Real Estate Broker, 80 Melgund Ave., Ottawa. BABY CHICKS, Government banded and blood tested, Barron strains, S. C, White Leghorn and B. P. Rocks. Acton Poultry Farm, Box 378, Acton, Ont. WE HAVE chicks. immediate delivery'.'_ And it's March chicks you need for the better markets, Started and dayolds. Cockerels. pullets, unsexed. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John N, Hamilton, One EXPERIENCED poultry raisers know that,' year in and year out, they can al- ways depend on Tweddle chicks for big Profits and high production. Now is the time to order your Twaddle chicks for the 1947 season. An order now assures you of leaving the kind of birds You want on the date you want them. An early order pro- tects you against price fluctuations too! Whether prices rise or fall before delivery, you Pay the low price. Most important you get only tp ty. Puller - urn testedpGovernment All o Approved stock of Proven production record. We .guarantee 100% live delivery. We have the follow- ing cross breeds to choose from: Black Minorca x White Leghorns, White Leg- horn x Barred Rock, Barred Rock x White Leghorn, White Rock x White Leghorn, Now Hampshire x White Leghorn. Light Sussex x White Leghorn, Austra Whites, New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Barred Rock x New Hampshire, New Hampshire x Light Sussex, Light Sussex x New Hampehires, Light Sussex x Barred Rocks. Also 12 pure breeds. Send for free cats= loans. Also two and three week old started chicks for immediate Chick Hatcheries I,imt ed, Forges,_Oat1e CENTRALLY LOCATED BRICK. HOUSE, bank barn, spring creek, hundred acres. Mile from No. 6 High- way. Conveniently situated for Brantford, Galt, Hamilton. Apply Box 136, 73 Ade- laide 1V., Toronto. . e FOR SALE ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE -Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $16.00 each, rear wheels; 87.50 each, front wheels. When ordering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 5 'Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, Ont. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Restaurant Sinks, Hoods, steam tables; on tanks, 100 to 200 gallon, maple syrup and honey tanks, openf water tanks, can-' oes, boats, skiffs. Guaranteed aluminum hot water boilers. Inquiries invited. Rideau Aluminum Boat Co. Ltd.. 1220 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. BEAUTIFUL Sea Shell Vases for cut or growing flowers, $10.00 postpaid. Bring Part of Gulf Se- lected gorgeous °X sea into home. phells, forelectric lamps, dolls, trays, Start little business of your own making shell novelties, cos- tume Jewellery. Something new, wonder- ful, Lucky Star of Bethlehem. Giant Starfish novelty with Christchild in man- ger attached, $2.50, Moore Shell Co., Anna Maria, Fla, CONCRETE BLOCK Machines, 200 to 240 Blocks hour, others hand or power 4$ to 100 -hour, Brick machines, Batch Mixers any size, Motors and Gas Engines. Madi- son Equipment Co., Madison, Tenn. 100 CHICKS FREE Witgive 100 100 everyorder cpullet chicks we chicks (ourchoic choice). Barred Rock Pullets ck Pullets S 6 03, 'White 2 Leghorn Pu95, White ll ts$ 24.96, Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.96; Red -Rock Hybrids, $21,90, Leghorn -Rock Hybrids, $26.95. All chicks sold are from blood - tested stock, backed by high pedigreed stock, $1.00 books your order. Balance C.O.D. Guaranteed Delivery. Kent Hatch- ery. Cnathnm, Ontario,ee. RELIABLE CHICKS It will nay you to order the best and we have them, Barred Reeks bred to lay. New °gap ' sired. x BI1e Miller's Chick Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. 3 & 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS It pays to raise canons. The price of capons is approximately 50 lb. higher than the 'price of cockerels. 'Prices of heavy breed 3 week old to March 210, 250; to May 16th 270,; after May 16, 300. Prompt delivery, Order front this ad, or send for full paritculars, Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario, GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr, Dreadhui•st of Joliette, Que., says about our chicks: April 30, 1046 -"The 208 chicks received in splen- did condition, not one dead and only' 'one died sines. They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks I ever received. I have been handling °Welts for over 40 Years." Order now and get the best. Herb are our prices: Barred Rook Mixed, $12,00; Pulete, $21.00; Leghorn, Mixed. $12100; Pullets, $2 00;hi0 White Rock Mixed. $15.00. Pullets, $25.00; Brown Leghorn Mixed, 214,00; Pullets, $25,00; Hybrids hock -Eel Mixed $12.00; Pullets, $21.00; Hybrid Leghorn-tt,ocit Mixed, $12,001 Pule lets, $20.00. You also get free chicks. Goddard (` hi c le Hatchery, Britannia Ilene:hi e. 0111. ISSUE 11.--1947 illE1)ICAT DON'T DF;I;A'S I Every sufferer of Mil: Paine or Neuritis should try D1xoYs Remedy, Munro's Drugstore, 88$ Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. RELIEYES PAIN from Rheumatism or costs you nothing. Rheum Aepro will re - Wove. you from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, etc. $1.00 per box. Satisfaction guaranteed. Interinational Drug Products, 7229 Blrnatn Ave., Montreal, 15, Quebec). a FAMOUS REMEDIES unexcelled for 20 years again obtainable bymail NOX Kidney Flusher!) selected for backache, • rheumatism, headache, drowsiness, post- paid $1.00, GASTRONOX scientific stomach powder --aide indiges- tion, gas, sourness, destroys bacteria, Postpaid $1.00. SAVE 25c. If you send this advertisement with your order deduct 170 front the' prices listed above, NOX LABORATORIES, Dept. W.P., 353 Yonge St., TORONTO CANOE CANVAS All weights and widths also copper nails, tacks and canvas filler. Write for prices. John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington Street W., Toronto. CHOICE Hereford Bull (Service -age) be "Ringwood Mixer Tone," 4 good Fe- males, 3 Yorkshire Sows (Registered) due April. Dundas Hereford Farms, R 3, • Dundas, Ont, FUR COATS from $51. Repairs $5 up_ Capes. neckpieces, other bargains. Write Dept, W. The Furriery. 1276 queen West, Toronto. .. _._. MACHINERY NOW in stock. Beatty Deep Well Hand Pumps, Pump jacks, Rotary Clear Pumps, all sizes. Stationary Automatic Air Compressors from 1.5 cubic ft. dis- placement to 23.2 cubic ft. Complete line at wood working entilpment. Floor and Bench model Drill Presses. Circular saws 8" and 10". Bench Grinders, Pointers, Pig Saws. 12" Bali bearing band saws. 100 amp. Portable 6 heat Electric Welder. Motors 25 and 60 cycle. MIlgrom Electric Ltd, Hamilton, Ont. NEW POT TYPE QUEEN OIL burning brooder stoves." We have used ,these with outstanding performance.' Booty now for Winter and early Spring delivery, We can give prompt delivery it you act quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. PORTABLE Arc Welder, gas driven, 400 amps, A-1 condition for rent or tales erection welding. Advertiser, Box 625, Fort Erle, Phone 20211. PURE bred black and tan Daschund pups. Offspring of John and Judy, formerly of Outremont. Sire of sire, sire of dam front Dr. Schultz line, N. E. Poulter, Namur. Que.__- --- RETREAD TIRES, all sizes. Good as new. Firestone design. Write for price list. Prince Tire Shop, 771. St. Clair W., Toronto. PROVEN REMEDY -Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug tore, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpalr $1.00. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to this stainless, orderless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRICE $1,00 PER JAR Sent Poet Free 'on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 860 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan Toronto MUSICAI, INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON buys, sells, ex- changes musical instruments. 111 Church. Toronto 2, 03: FER :1'0 Iti VE1TRS AN OFFER to every inventor -List of inventions and full information sent free, The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCYIOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. SEA CURIOS from Gulf of Mexico, has assorted horseshoe crabs, hermit crab in shell, sand dollars, sea porcupines and assorted handsome shells, $3.00, Moore Shell Co„ Anna Maria, Florida. SMALL METAL Stampings made to` on'der. Prompt delivery. Capital Metal Ind. Ltd. 12 St. Patrick St., Toronto, Ont. P Dunlap, STm r ,BTieoesa dL$1 .00. P emI r, Sam- plebuster $16.00 prepaid. Order early. Cash. Earl Bower, Kemptv„io, Ont, TARPAULINS Sturdy brown or khaki Duok Waterproofed Covers with tie ropes, all weights. Write for quotations and samples. John Leckie, 77 Wellington St. W., Toronto. TIRES We god usedare trade -int tires (guaraocked at the nteednto t fbeoin excellent shape). 600 x 16 $5.00 All equip- ment sipped u0pe mnt for vulcanizing 7 uck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and York Ste., HAMILTON, Ont. ONTARIO'S EQUIPPED ITIRE OST ,SHOP RN Dealers Witted WOODanryth & Halifax, ES ReginR Com- a, Sask. Limited number of cornpiokers for 1947. First come first served. 'Write us for threshers, combines, cornpicicers, rep tire. -TOIES FOR FARMS. SCHOOLS SUMMER Cot- tages and camps. Can be either tri T or witonnout Ltd.,u 21 nRidleyWater. o Boulevard, •d,Tot.,uto, T aedRanconl Guaranteed A-lditio,sacrifice. Write for particulars to 222 McIntyre Bloch, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 150 YEARS Calendar, beginning from 1840 to 2003. Most useful to every trade, sports, home and family, Rte. Three copies $1,00, postpaid. John Ehrenretch, P.O. Box 245, Montreal, Que. HAIRDRESSING- 2 1J tN kYairdresslns the RaUerti0 Yoe- thod. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acade- my, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. ETA, IVANI1bD WANTED_2tiddle-aged housekeeper, good habits for widower. Good home on highs - way near City. Apply 208 Pape Ave., Tor. ono. PATENTS FETIIERSTONAL'GH & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King, West, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro- magnetism for Arthritis, Rheumatism, Insomnia. Varicose Veins and other circu- latory ailments. Free explanatory Pamph- Iets from CoopeRemdies, Yonge Street, Toronto. PERSONAL ODIC! ! $10 reward for any watch we cannot repair; best workmanship; writ- ten guarantee. Atlas Watch Repair Co., Box 91, Station "G". Montreal. _ "ELIJAH Coming Before Christ." Won- derful book free. Megiddo Mission, Ro- chester, 11, N.T. LEARN MAGIC at !tome. Entertain your friends. Consulate information andcata- logue free. Write today. Riverside, Ontario. - PHOTOGRAPHY COMET PHOTO SERVICE One Day Mall Service, work guaranteed 25e'per roll, Reprints 3c each. t, x 8 Gold- en Sepia Mounted 09c. Box 6, Postal Sta- tion D, Toronto. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY Learn how to develop your photographs Yourself. Become popular. It will pay you a lot and may help you some day. Free information. Write to Bob Mercier, 3$61 St. Andre, Montreal. REPRINTS 3c EACH SEND VS YOUR OLD NEGATIVES 2 ENLARGEMENTS 25e 4 x 0 in Folder Mounts Any Size Roll -6 or 3 Exposures Enlargements framed 7 x 9" Gold, Silver, Developed and Printed 25c Walnut or Black finish 74c if picture colored 94c. We make prints and enlargements from Prints of -best negatives. DEPT. H. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 120, POST OFFICE A, TORONTO . WATCHES - CLOCK'S WATCHES - CLOCKS REPAIRED 1 week service, price $1.00 up. Fully Guaranteed Send to OTTAWA WATCHMAKERS, 782 Gladstone, Ottawa, Ont. WANTED t'A1TE7�-+111 kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds, Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept., 2054 Danforth Ave., Toronto 0. (We do custom grading). BEAUTY SHOP fully ecitilpped, to lease for one year with Option to buy. Apply to Box 24, Glencoe, Ont. SINGERS Treadle Sewing machine want- ed with drop -head. Write slitting price to 46 South Oval. Hamilton, Ont. Bike Licenses HE'LL BE IN HOT WATER SOON Viscount Mountbatten and Lady Mountbatten get a last look at London snow, They leave soon for India, where he will be governor- general and find things considerably warmer. S POTS OF SPO:`TS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") tracks -although just what the Di- rectors of the Ontario jockey Club might think of it we can only sur- mise. In the February issue of "True Magazine" there appeared an article entitled "Baseball's Czar Speaks Out," and bearing the impressive sub -heading "Commissioner Happy Chandler Makes His First Public Pronouncement. If you haven't already done so, we most strongly recommend that you hunt it up and read it; for while it was not meant to be a humorous piece, it is a long time since we have come across anything with so many laughs tucked away in it -laughs by no means intended by either the interviewer or his subject. * * * "Driving licenses" have been is- sued by the London (England) County Council to children who ride to and from school on bicycles. Every child has to prove that his .bicycle is in good order, and that . he can ride properly before he re- ceives a license. In the interests of preventing road accidents, head- masters call indorse licenses or inl- pose fines. From it we learn that the worthy Mr. Chandler is far from being the somewhat clownish figure many of us ignorant commentators have been trying to make out. No in- deed! Happy is a greatly misun- derstod individual -one whose sole aim is to protect from its manifold enemies the noble American insti- tution of Baseball, and one firmly determined to dish out at ally cost -short of losing his job, of course -absolutely even-handed justice to owner and player alike, let the quips fall where they may. * * * Take, for instance, his stand on gam_ `ding. Chandler was heckled considerably for his statement that ball -players must stay strictly away from race -tracks, when he himself had been a prominent figure at more than one Kentucky Derby. But just listen to what he told one wretch who had been discovered, by Chandler's private system of sleuthing, not only attending horse races but also -the hound! -indulg- ing in the horrid practise of play int; cards. "You have an obligation to the youth of America, We want no stigma placed against our country and its favorite game. And that statement goes beyond gambling. A player must live a moral life - must pay his bills -must avoid en- tanglements with the law." isn't that just too touching for words? We could hardly help yelling for crying -towels when we read it. * * And Happy is equally strict with his club owners about such matters. Well, maybe not quite equally -but strict enough. We take the liberty of quoting the great man again. "And the same thing goes for own- ers. Yes, I have reinterpreted the rule against owners associating with horse racing. judge i.andis barred everyone. I bar race track operators only, but not breeders of horses. Why, dogs run, don't they? And other animals can run too, can't they? We'd wisd up with bar- ring everyone- but the owners of pigs," * * * Now, there's real logic for you, and cool clear-headed reasoning! And we feel certain that Charlie Hemstead, Willie Morrissey and the rest of the Owners and Breeders Association will be greatly uplifted to learn that Mr. Chandler rates them as much more desirable char- acters than mere operators of race Quite Enough This story is not guaranteed to be about President Lincoln. or President Washington, but it seems an appropriate time of the year to tell it: A gushing 'Washington lady met a rector on•the street one day and asked, "Tell me, do you expect the President to be in church next Sunday?" "That," said the rector, "I can- not promise. But I expect God to be there, and I fancy that will be incentive enough for a reasonably large attendance." This Week. The big get work Big Problem problem seems to be to out of the employed. General Assortment of Screw Machetes Prod- ucts Including Nuts, Bolts, Turnbuckles, etc Express Only Great For Farmers, _'ieehaniee, Hobby- ists, Experimenters, Handy Men and Boat Builders FEDERAL SALES & ENGINEERING CO. Georgetown, Ont. CHECKfrt a Jiff -W' Money! II/or quick relief from Itching caused by ,athlete's foot, scabies, lnmples and others Sonditlone, use pure cooling, tnedicat d, I 'u' P. D. P. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless e stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly !nteuae itching. Don't suffer. Ask your dru•w'+'at today for P. D. D. PIiESCRIPTiON. Soil /111/50 p lnstantrne 44194 FAST RELIEF . . 9 TABLETS 250 ALL +^j'-.' f• ONLY 11RLIGSTORFE FROM SNIFFLYt STUFFY DISTRESS OE eat Ids! DOUBLE -DUTY . NOSE DROPS WORKS PAST RIGHT WHERE TROUBLE 151 Instantly relief from head cold dis- tress litt a Va-t otnol in each nostr 1. Also it helps prevent colds from develop- ing if used in time! Try it: Works Seel You'll like it! VICES VmTK4110L JUST PAT IT ON: »t%Ri�s£� o�$.'. •r';..�.%,.iG�:�w:r°�`'wi,:% ter. ,,w "TAKE GIN PILLS!" advises Sydney woman. Recommends 40 year old remedy "I suffered for years from kidney trouble without getting much re- lief. Then lined Gin Pills. After taking3 boxes I felt very much ins - p oved."-Mrs.V.L.,Sydney,N.S. Gin Pills help remove the acids that can cause aches and pain. Sold by all druggists on a "Satisfaction- or•money-back" basis. Use proves their merit. Regular size, 40 Pills Economy size, BO Pills 0 (In the U.S.A. ask foe Gino Pills) national Drug & Chemical Company of Canada, Limited MUTT AND JEFF -Jeff didn't even have to Arbitrate with himself 500AWEEK! HOW MUCH DID 'THEY oFt"ER YOU, Mf:iATt5 THE I WENT FOR 'TRCU.BI,E,tbE$ i=? A AU:IDTODAY ^e+rlLi .L,0014 AND 'TREY DISAPPOINTED!. WOOL-D'N'T PAY ME WHAT I TASK FOR! HOW MUCH DID YOU ASK FOR? FIVE DOLLARS A WEEK! FIVE DOLLARS? WHAT DID YOU DO? BY BUD FISHER -Z TooiC IT! I WAS IN NO MOOD TO DICKER! 4 4