HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-12-25, Page 4forrmoo ZURICH HERALD Alatlaoriaed as second class mail, Pot Office •Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. ,Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS &c ar Kt®PP ZURICH HERALD Put Your Want, For Sale LOCAL NE W s Lost, Found, Etc. Ada. in this Column. LICENSED AUCTIONEER (Will sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central A LVIN WALTER Licensed Auctioneer Auctioneer specializing in Farm and Pure Bred Livestock Sales PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 E. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Sa :faction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETER1NARIA.N . W. B. COXON, BN. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON °eke with Residence, Main Street, Opposite DrUg Store ZURICH Mahone --96 BUTCHERS }papular ;11x1E°]1R V, A T LOST Between Exeter and Zurich, a dispensing gasoline metre. Finder return to Herald office, Zurich. FOR SALE A 1941 Dodge Sedan in very good condition. Also a 1930 Chev. truck with good stake racks. Apply to Lorne Rader, Phone 63, Zurich. FOR SALE Adult writing desk with 9 draw- ers; Juvenile desk 3 drawers; Baby Baby Zindra, Hall tree and hand sleighs.—Willert Wood Products. —Willert Wood Productst. Ph. 210 FOR SALE One good used Sewing Machine. —Apply to Curtis Gingerich, Phone '79 r 20. Mr. .L. Warnock and Mr. H Eick- nieier have been busy the past week painting at Strathroy. Miss Mae Smith of Belleville Gen- eral Hospital, is a Christmas Holiday guest at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs.. C. L. Smith. NOMINATION On Monday next, December 29th, the annual nominations wi•II take place; in the afternoon the Hay Township Council will hold their's in the town hall, and then in the ev- ening the Zurich Police Trustees will have their turn. The ratepay- ers are asked to come out and at- tend these meeting, if at all pos- sible. TURKEYS PLENTIFUL Toronto — Ontario turkeys are in plentiful supply for Christmas. the Ontari Agriculturalat Department predicted in its weekly crop report. Middlesex County, reported a good movement of various types of poul- try, said wholesale prices for grade A Turkeys ranging from 41 to 43 cent and for milk -fed chickens from 30 to 35 cent a pound. In Huron County dressed turkeys brought 45- 50 cents. Those at +Peterb-aro sold at 52-55 cents with greater volume than last year. FOR SALE 1 Ladies brown Kenwood Coat, size large 15; 1 Herringbone Tweed dark brown young gent's Overcoat. Apply at Herald Office. WANTED BARLEY ACREAGE WANTED We will contract for a limited number of acres of Barley at very attractive prices. W. E. REID, Phone 79. 87 J. Dashwood. -4.555 Thedford {,et Us supply you with the .icy Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, =Etc., always on hand. Kept a fresh in Electric Refrioeration (Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins . ilTl Z1itI & Son Farm For Sale Lat 18 and 19, 175 acres more or less. Hydro, 3 -deck chicken house with running water and a large barn. Apply to A. J. Kellerman, Dash- wood, Ont. l��t�t�E.tEE. Silverwood DAIRIES /Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry 'lave Your Eggs Graded on Our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER FOR SALE A Renfrew Power Separator, cap. 600 -lbs, nearly new. Apply to Colin Campbell, R.R. 3, Bayfield. FOR SALE A good used pump jack for quick sale.—Hilton Truemner, Phone 85 r 11, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE 2 purebred Hereford Bulls and a number of purebred Hereford open heifers. Priced for quick sale. —Clarence Parke, Zurich, Ont. • Evangelical Church A capacity audience attended the Christmas program at the Evangelic - rear annex, the gallery, plus all theNotice is hereby given that the al churchn last Sunday evening. The Police Village of Dashwood will ' observe `Boxing Day" December itorium was taken up. A. mixed available seating space in the and. 126th as a public holiday and all people and places of business are program of devotions, Christmas car- to govern themselves accordingly. ols, dialogues and recitations was By Order. Dashwood Police Village given under the auspices of the Trustees. Sunday School. The pastor, Rev. H. E. Roppel acted as chairman. Mrs. H. Hess conducted the sing -song of Christmas •Carols, assisted by Mrs. Milton Oesch. Special interest of the audience was shown in the ladies quartette, Newell Geiger rendered Ifa solo "No Room in the Inn"; was =a very svell<: accepted program. GRAND' D'BEND- " Suffer. EN S - Suffer. Severe Pain. -BREAD on the to ble the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -IVU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loa today --start now to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 -- ZURICH Wishing One and All Season's Greetings NOTICE STRAYED From my pasture farm Con. 7, Hay Twp., a red steer 2 -yr. old. Fin- der notify 'lied Regier, ?hone in, 2aric7s. - ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 8 p.m., at Zurich At (New Temp. Office) General Marasco FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICK, and ACCIDENT LeRoy O'Brien, Manager 1. HOSPITALIZATION, SIC it done 101 Zunc tirIch Creamery Your Home Ma erkerk for Cream Eggs and Poultry *igheet Cash Prices paid plus °•w premium for deliveredcream ;We are equipped to give effi- '.cient accurate service: Egg .and Poultry department in ,urge of Mr. T. Meyers. Vitas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- Mr. Erie Mcllroy, proprietor of the Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend, was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London,.: suffering from severe burns. he :received when he carried a burn' ing stove from an apartment near his winter home in the Pinery just eouth of here. Workmen were en– gaged in building an apartment over a cement garage that was used for the storage of trucks and tractor. The fire started from an over -heated oil stove and soon gained consider-' able headway. The Grand Bend fire- men were soon .on the scene and were joined by the fire department from Parkhill, Dashwood and ah (estrous 3.ir rort. The fire Via: such a start that the proposed apart- ment was destroyed. The cement walls are standing intact. John Mc- Ilroy, a brother, succeeded in remo- ving two automobiles, a truck and tractor from the garage beneath the apartment while waiting for the ar- rival a the firemen. Mr. Mcllroy was taken to London in the T. Harry Hoffman ambulance. He was burned about the arms and his trousers caught fire and the burning cloth was pulled from his body but not before severe burns had been in- flicted. ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Rapre•eatiag srs[I kaown Canadian Ceaspealee Rate* gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Successor to Hese Insurance Agency J. W. HABERER Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. A:ti CE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS ,. OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 81st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank .arid Bonds. $444,115.39 Rates on .Application E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH AGZNT Also Deafer in Dealer Lightning, Rods � b td all kinds of Fire Insure! co. . :. .,- : :: NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Friday, December 26th has 'been De- clared a Public Holiday in Zurich, it being known as BOXING DAY, and all people will observe it thus: By Order, Zurich 'Police Trustee Board Hawaii Cauncll Minutes The last regular meeting of the 1947 Village .Council was held on the eve. of Dec.115th at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber, with all mem- bers present. Minutes of the last meeting read and adopted. M. Jinks appeared for the Hensall District Co-operative Inc., asking for permission to erect Gasoline storage tanks on the old salt well property recently acquired by them. Motion, that permission be grant- ed the Hensall Dis. Co-operative Inc. PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP OF HAY The Annual Meeting of the Ratepayers of the Townanhip of Hay will be k,eld in the ' TOWNSHIP HALL, ZURICH, ONT., on MONDAY, 'DEC. 29, 1947 The Clerk will be in the Township Hall, Zurich, from Ito 2 p.m. to receive Nominations for one Reeve and four Councillors for the Year 1948, also for two Hay Township School Area Trustees for years 1948 and 19.49. When a proposed Candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached therto evidemeo satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. A meeting of the Electors will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich, at 2 .p.m., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 29th, 1947 To hear proposed Candidates, and in case more than the required inumiser of candidates to 511 the office are nominated, and a vote demanded, A Poll will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1948 .From 9.00 'a.m. until 5.00 p.m., at the following places: Poll Polling Place D.R.O. Poll Clerk 1. School House No. 2 Wesley Coleman Clifton Prouty a. School House No. 14 Wm. R. Bell Hugh McEwen 3. Zurich Town Hall LeRoy O'Brien Ervin Schilbe 4. Zurich Town Hall Albert Hess Gordon Surerus 5. School House No. 12 Hilton Truemncr 'Ed. J. Stire 6. Earl Guenther Block Clayton Pfile Rhein. Miller 7. School House No, 3 .lay McAllister Garnet Yacobe 8. Jas. Masse Residence '"red Ducharme Ed. t:orriveau Dated at Zurich, Ont, H. W, BROKENSHIRE, ileo,.ml;t,r 8th, 1947. RETURNING OFFICI1l, Thursday,. December 25th„ 1947" To Car and Home Owners YOU ALWAYS PREPARE FOR WINTER Antifreeze - Batteries, Car Heaters, Fuel Oil Space Heaters, Electric Heaters, Radios, R.C.A. Victor for Cars, Electric Mantle Radios, Accessories, Rifles, Fans, Tire Chains, Hydraulic Jack, Horns and etc.- Cash in now on the new price of Tires. We have most sizes in various makes, Also Studded Tires for winter driving. FOR SALE Young Holstein Bulls, Reg., from strong 4% 'Sire and graded R. O. P. Danns. Wm. Sparks, Phone 78 r 32, Hensall. p BORN Etue — At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, iSeaforth, on December 1117th, to Mr. and Mrs. Kennett Etue of the B. W. Highway, a son. Meidinger — At the Farwell Nurses ing Home, Zurich, to Mr. and Mrs. elmar, ' Meidinger, on December 22., ugh'ter'(+Playllis Marie Ann.) to erect and maintain a petroleum and gasoline bulk storage station on the former salt well property. T. Kyle reported re the Poll Tax- es as being collected. J. A. Paterson, tax collector re- ported re the -outstanding taxes for 1947 as being $279.14 or less than 2%, also reported his conversation with the Registrar of Deeds, Mr. J. M. Roberts and was instructed to ad- vise him of the Council's dectsion. A goodly number of correspond- ences was read and dealt with . Motion, that Lloyd Noakes se en- gaged to manage the rink at -55c. per hour. A number of bills were passed for payment. Motion, that by-law No. 21 app- ointing E. L. Mickle a rpernber of the Exeter District High School Board for the year 1947-49 be giv- en its usual readings and finally passed. That we now adjourn. James Paterson, Clerk. *A3HVf1000 Mr. and. Mrs. Duterter formerly (Eunice Heist) of Saskatoon, are vis- iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Everett Heist. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger are spending Christmas with their daug- hter in Howell, Mich. Mrs. Ed. Nadiger is confined to her home suffering • with the flu. The 'Christmas program in the Evangelical church on Sunday night was attended by a large crowd and the children did their parts well which was followed with a Cantata. Mr. Garnet Weiberg -of Waterloo spent the week -end here Mr. El- more Rader returned to Waterloo with him for a few days. M,rs. Ezra Brenner of Grand Bend while coming down steps at the side of her residence in G. Bend slipped on ice and fractured her left leg. She was attended by Dr. D. Fergusbn of Dashwood and resmovet! to St. Joseph's Hospital, London in Hort- man's ambulance where x-rays re- vealed she received a fractured left leg. Mr. Sol Pollock of +near Grand Bend, while his nenghbour 'Willis .(Rill was assisting him in hauling his car ;out of snow an the main road, Mr. Gill's• dog baying a enafn on, encircled Mr. Pollack, throwing 'hire onto the ice. At that it wee thought his injuries were only slight, but had to be removed to St. Joseph's Hospitali, London in Hoffman's am- bulance where x-rays showed he rr- eeived a fractured left hip .• Grand Bend, Phone 5Or5 ROLD GRENIER I11IIilliAN19111ID1lI EI[uNIlltlllll 1111I11111111111UII11IIIIIIIIIdIh9111111111 REIiVf> IP1!II � � � 1 ul»ftdlillSIlgl 41111 FLOOR TILE 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r 4 00 4 r 4 4 i nil iUlliiiilll•ulI Illi'i'Il1l iyi FOR The Best In Master Tile Floor GET TILE - TEC ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent - JOHN M. TURKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given 11I11111i1Ila• +it,fflV 111DIV1NW119gIBVlNi l si,+,fl ,+i�1i;i- !+`! ;ti.r,:!!!! I • 1 r The Oesch Shoe Store WISHES TO EXTEND TO ALL THE Season's Greetings And may 'Peace, Prosperity and Happiness exist in the Home and Community in the NEW YEAR 1 ssaIMISI We are very grateful to our Many Customers for the kind patronage you have accorded us, and may these fine relations continue to Brow, as we extend to one and all: Season's Greetings Datars & O'Brien PHONE 213 MAIN, ST. HARDWA1tE STORE Announcement To the People of Zurich. and Surrounding Com- munity. We wish to state that we have made arrangements with Mr. Herb. Krueger of Zurich, to Represent us as our Agency for Zurich for all kinds of Dry Cleaning Work Picked up Monday Picked up Thursday Delivered Thursday Delivered Monday BRADY'S SANTONE CLEANERS Phone 13 6, - Exeter, Oitt. 'Y'' u�i,:`ii:JiiSPttlalalF.`.,..HV".0l#. .. n!:�@.'...,. r,,