HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-12-18, Page 11 ilE-,blishecl 1900 ZURICH, • NTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18 947 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISI $1.50 a Year in iedvance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. wo..anwarolti§ your risti s Shoppink Are You Suffering From Headac es? If so, Have your Eye e Bee -rented with he Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, '' .0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH. - ONT. 'Geed Glasses at Reasonable Prices ARTHUR FRA.SER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. • EXETER OFFICE: -Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Zurich awry Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SOHILBE-Zurich eee++++++++++eeEee4efleiet-eIetePeHel.+4'.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. 4. qr, arrg ffman lanerat Is; nte Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 D. shwood Ontario allikuillion MUINN110 +4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. At this tiine'74: Year we can give no greater or more impressive mes age to our Many Customers than by Extending a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEA e ,.n PRODUCE 11,110111.00.1%,7„'' (ascii 'ANTED:. ammuL lafit Phone 165 MORI MON] 1110 ADVERTISERS & CORR. NOTE! s Owing the usual heavy demand for advertising and other job work over the Christmas season, we ask our advertisers and correspondents in advance to let us have their copy early in the week. Our issue for the Christmas week will be in the mail by Wednesday morning, Dec. 23rd, if al all possible, that means we will be publishing Tuesday evening, and we ask all to co-operate and have your change of ads. and copy sent in on Monday instead of Tuesday. Please! tamossnsatunnumnammunseentagangisucumummattaussew IfaM1.4.4.W•••11M11. t 41! THE PROPRIETOR AND STAFF OF THIS STO 'E WISH TO EXTEND TO OUR CUST 11, NIERS AND FRIENDS A twist AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS ear • M"....•••••••••••r.....• Phone 14.4) C. H. THIEL Zurich see Had Final Meeting Hay Council met on Monday for the- last regular meeting and the TreaSurer, Mr, Brokenshire is plenty busy:- preparing his statement for the Nomination Day, which falls due 'en Monday, Dee. 29th. 1101101=01113101=== s. Have Taken Residence • ' Mr. and Mrs. Truman Fisher, ecitiple, who arrived nere from the. 'West recently, have taken up res- idence in part of the home of Mr. Herb Krueger and have set up house- keeping. Their friends welcome the -n to town and wish them every success in their newly wedded life. Dies at •Detroit Mrs. Harry Yungblut and son Mr. and . Mrs. Ivan Yungblut motored to Detroit last Wednesday to the home of the former's brother, Mr. Nicholas Deichert, who had lost his compan- • ion *who passed to her eternal rest, The, body was taken to Clifford, Ont. • for burial. She leaves to mourn her loss 'besides her husband, one son, who . have the sympathy of a large number of friends. - Elected. President • In last Saturday's London Free DR. R. HOBBS TAYLOR Press we notice an unusually good oto of Dr. W. B. Coxon oe Zurich M.L.A.M.L..A. of. Dashwood,. who passed n whoposedwith thee other men of away very suddenly at his home o his Chosen profession, at the London Wednesday Morning. Roth, where the Western Ontario Veterinary Association has its an- .nualeneeting. Dr. Coxon was Again re-elected as president, At this me- etink they declared war on "pet hos- pitaTe whose conditions were unsan- itarYe and are asking Legislature to havdthem inspectecinand supervised. Lions Club News SANTA CLAUS: COMING Santa 'Claus, sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club will be in the Town ,Hall, Zurich, en Saturday. Dec-- em1en..-20-th at, '2":30.-. p.m_ ',-;:eineeireee pictures will be shown; • with Old Santa being present in the aftez- noon, and in the evening the same pictures will be shown. again. ALT children are cordially invited to come out and enjoy this tun with good old St. Nick. • FOWL BINGO Don't forget the Monster XM/tA. Fowl Bingo on Monday evening, Dec.. 22nd, commencing at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall, Zurich. There will be lots even a matrimonal bureau. But it of fowl with 12 regular games with was decided that a Co-op. store with admission, and 10 special games for 1 restruones was most needed. To geese. ; A huge Turkey will be the !start this project the township Co - door prize, all this is epensored by 1 mica should be inspired by the in - the Zurich Lions, and every cent . terested people in communrty action of the net proceeds will be used for! on this important project and aftee Community Welfare work. Come, it was etarted, be loyal. -The next and bring your friends with You for meeting will be at Mr. and Mrs. this big evening's fun and fr,.110. ; Maurice Durand's on Jan. 5, 1948. ; HAD CHRISTMAS DINNER . The topic being "Marketing by Ca- ; Oes., with Mr. Leonard Merner as The big annual ,Christmas dinner 1 discussion leader. at the Dominion House on Monday ; . i evening was not to be slightly ovenn t3Lr f UARY locked, as there was a good liberal I Dies At Crediton helping of low, aemg with almost ; There passed away at her home in .everything else ane would wish for,' Grediton, on Wednesday, December really the keen appetites of thont.; 10th„ Catherine Wuerth, belovqd usually hungry Lions was really ' wife of John Hoist, after a consd- satislield by this big meal. ConsidH erable time of illness, in her 79th considerable nliseussions were , /I the , year. The body rested at her tate re - list, and it was strongly thought of 1 eidence, ere dito n , f nem where a pri- having some kind of a hockey tearnJ vete funeral was held on SaturdEnn again this winter. A goodly number et 1,30 p.m. followecl by a public of business motions were passed. A service in Crediton Evangelical U.B. large and interesting part of the en- Church, with Rev Reuber officiating. tertainment program was the singing Interment followed in the Crediton of Christmas Carols, which were ar- Cemetery. ' ranged and led by Lion Tamer Jack George H. 'Smit5 Passes Tuerkheim, with Mrs. Tuerkhebn as Following a short illness, George pianist. The Christmas message was H. Smith, of 02 Duchess avenue, presented by Lion Albert Kalblieisch London, died in Victoria Hospital, and the guest speaker was Mr. Ken- on Wednesday, Dec. 10th. He was a \ neth Routledge who has just arrived resident of London for the past 11 Ken. years, Mr. Smith hod been engaged 1 from California on a visit. 1 tnld us of the immensity of the big at the Kernohan Lumber Co. Born trees in that sunny part of the world in Zurich, Mr. Seeith moved to F,xe- and als) related many other intereet- ter and spent the most part of his \ ing sights on a bus sightseeing tour life in that centre before coming to that he was in charge. Following London. He is survived by his wife this the annual Christmas draws were Ella (Weida) also formerly of Air - conducted by Lion Preeident Ted. ich; two sons, 'Claire, Lcnd n, and Thc f t t draw, a bottle of hair tonic, Byrne in England; two daughter, we think, was won by Lion Mack 1 Mrs. S. Laesaline, London and MN. KI opp, ltd the big prize, namely the Norman Hunter, Stratford; one bra - 19 -lb. turkey, raised by Lion It y • ither, Albert, Port Huron, and five Lamont, was somehow, we still can't Aisters, Mrs. Jack Vanatter, Pert • understand how, won by the publish-, Huron; Mrs. Wm, O'Brien, Zurich; er of the lit raid, Lion Chester.1 Mrs. Jelin Oosch, Milverton ; Mrs. Since last Christmas, when this Lion ; Thomas Diller, Stanfliedlle, and Mrs. 'was unable to attend, 110 hit; picked , Levi Stelek, Dernhn. Mae. A priv- up twentY-live pounds in weight, ititt rite funeral 4.0rire was held at the George E. Imean Funeral home on prteininably by the time tiii-4 nmester , of a hied is devoured there will be; Saturday at 12 p.m. with interment a few more pounds of Sold beef, OA; enlinW,A, 111 Monl'it. l'i.tastint Cetriete his back, • lery. The Lmque Farm Forum met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pepper. The topic for the evening was "Organizing for Community Action" which was led by Bert Klopp who outlined organizing and 'maintenance of Co-op stores, etc. The discussion took the following turn as to which was needed in this community was in the following ideas: rest rooms in town, a Co-op. store, Library, recreation room and local Lero tS r t NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED ALSO 32 -PIECE BREAKFAST SETS FROM $9.95 UP. VERY SMART DESIGNS A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. WISHING ALL OUR CUS. TOMERS AND FRIENDS Seas s Greeitngs W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 Hens 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, iqk 0600 titaftt •" 4. 4. 41 4. 41 p0000000soos0000000se Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR AhLti:s0erTeeAS. IO, NS Telephone •: Res. '89 • -• or 2, uric' 4. 4. 4. 4. 00,0.006,01000ko0o06a9000000660 oo laaM1240!-....-9011,3141,0er. ^-• 4 11 4. Itt Ward Fritz SALES sessoossooeseesecosoes ria,k, M811.8.. . Wm. McAdams SERVICE SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING screscreuurnmaninensmomassescsat=ctroescsamostsurgaczards= tontimoitIZIESIMONMagmetztialmhaktaiditatiosimmwitarailantiMaft. 14! 4. 55 4. 4. 4. 1 kr. `1,,•hrk all eroha roe WE HAVE A LIMITED STOCK OF MEN'S OVERALLS, WORK PANTS AND SHIRTS PENMAN'S PREFERED AND PENMAN'S RIBBED WOOL UNDERWEAR Take advantage of our New Low Prices on Fire- stone Tires and Tubes,.. also have Firestone Auto Batteries GOOD SUPPLY A Good Line OF PEDLAR WATER BUCKE of Patened Medicines on hand always Edmund Swartzentrubcr, Prop. 11400409e011,1LNAWANISOMAgginatlai,, Phone 11-97