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Zurich Herald, 1947-12-11, Page 4
ZURICH, ONTARIO Aldon T.eatee GRAND BEND Presents for Your Enjoyment the Following Attractions: Friday, Saturday LeavitVs Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Wed., Thursday, Dec. 10, 11 TWO FEATURES Dee. 12, 13 "CAPACABANA" "RENFREW ROYAL MOUNTED" Starring Jim Newell Added Attraction --- Laurel and Hardy in "PARDON US" Monday, Tuesday Doc. 13, 10 "WONDER MAN" In Technicolor, Starring Danny Kaye and Virginia Mayo Added Attractions% "COLLEGE CLIMBERS" and "FLICKER GLASHBACK 3" Wednesday, December 1'7 "GUN FIGHTERS" ( Color) starring: Randolph Scott and Parbara Britton On the same Program—Hugh Herb ert in - "NERVOUS SHAKEDOWN" • Also "WACKY QUACKY" WATCH YOUR LOCAL PAPER FOR HOLIDAY WEEK ATTRACT- IONS. READ THIS ONE! 1,0A.SHWOO1) The Evangelical Christmas enter- tainment will be held on Sunday ev- tening, Dec. 21st and the Lutheran •entertainment will •be on Wednesday evening, Dec. 24th. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Miller and ..son Billie of Detroit spent Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hey and Miss Lavada Hartleib. Comedy Feature with Groucho, Marx Carmen Miranda All Star Cast • "FOOL'S GOLD" Hop-Along-Casidy Boyd Friday, Saturday Dee. 12, T'37 "THE PLOWSMAN" SPECIAL FEATURE Lary Cooper Jean Arthur And "Gabby" Hayes Monday, Tuesday Dec. 15, 16 "DECEPTION" • (Adult Entertainment) Bett Davis Paul Henreid Mr, and Mrs. W. Schultz of 'De- troit attended the funeral of the late Harry Rader last week. GRAND BEND . Police Trustees Elected •-.-•'2kt the election for Police Trustees on Monday a very keen interest was shown, and the voters turned out well to vote for their favourite can- didates. Following is the result: J. Manore 1102; H. Gill 85, A. Boss- enberry 74; J. -W. Holt 71, L. Mason 06. The three highest were aeciared elected. Tonsils Removed Mervin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Johnston, of Grand Bend i has his tonsils removed at Mrs. Hun. ter's nursing home, Exeter, by Dr: Milner. Receives Presidency Bruce Bossenberry, of 'Grand HI u 'antedMale COUNTY ASSESSOR Wanted for the .County of Huron. Permanent employment for the right party. Applicants state qualifications and salary expected. Duties to commence on or about Janu- ary 1st, 1948 ;Applications ;to be in,the hands of the County Clerk,-. Coderecliir. ..f;at rrsa,_ asci.:: later than C3ecember 18th, 1947. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario ++++++++ are ONTARIO CO.OPERATORS 115 AFFUA @ATED CO-OPERAIIVES H 311 in Ontario used their Provincial Wholesale in 1946-47 to a greater degree than ever before. As cr result the Wholesale was able to increase its volume, earnings and patronage returns. The local co-operatives in turn distributed these wholesale earnings to their farmer members. Working together in an increasing number of common undertakings, the Central and the. local co-operatives record with pride a year of progress. U'✓ 44'44 et:4-s,5eTe )e 774414at t"37 trrdlt6D F1I,?.MEM 5 i.0 -OPERATIVE CO. LTD. all District Coo1 erati vi Ltd. .�,MRCS 1-iEERAID Ta ay, December 1.11th, 1047, flANIS AT WOIbIS:... LEARNING TAILORING ONTARIO 'S productive ,tupadity is the measure of her future prosperiiu . .To assure the $snippontan;t :tailoring industry a prominent place in Arlt ;industrial life of die Province, trained hands are needed. . Skill is iwpagtant in the cuttbir,g, :sewirt�, finishingand other branches of the intausAr .. That is why ycterans are being taught its various requirements 14N THE JOB, by soperts.. The transition from appren- ticeship to pemaneirt employment means higher wages, job security and better w©akiia g,conditions. Through plans s pored by the Department of Veterans' Affairs and ,mtl er agencies; huodgeds of veterans have been trained in schools and OSI THE JOB. Ta' will acquire greater skill with further training and ,experience. Cr$$ uten •:of:the future, theywill, have a share in Ontario's progress—an important part to play in her industrial develop- ment, THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) 0.0605610100.00•010000000000,000000000000000000000050000„:, • TAIQZOIIra1ING •• • •••• • Leo P. Halloran, 26, of St. Thomas, a veteran of 4M years' service with the Royal Canadian Navy, is shown here gaining practical experience in the alterations department of a large Toronto tailoring firm. Basic training in various departments of the indus- try gives the veteran a baekground knowledge, essential to sales promotion and executive work within the industry. • • a •. w 0. 00 O. O t O . • . 00x005009000000000000000050*900• S0000 Bend, was appointed president of the Blue Water Highway Association, at the 28th annual meeting held at Forest, Friday night last. It was de- cided to appoint a delegation to ap- proach Hon. 'George Doucett, Ont- ario Minister of Highways, seeking to have the Lake Shore road from Sarnia to Ravenswood taken over as a Provincial highway and paved. The idea of this movement is to fun- nel the tourist traffic right up the entire lake shore, which otherwise gees by way of Forest. A resolution was also passed for the attention of the Dominion Government which re- gretted recent regulations restricting Canadian travel into. the U.S.A. in view of the possibility of the United - States countering with similar laws restricting travel pf 1,3. $. tuorista into Canada. Mr. C. L, Parsons, of ;Goderich, who has been president for the past six years, announced his retirement. Other officers were. Hon. pres., C. S. Woodrow, Sarnia; Hon. vice-pres., Mr. Parsons; 1st. vice-pres., H. Moffatt, Owen Sound;. 2nd vice, F. Rumford, Forest; Secy- Treas., Carl Manore, Sarnia,. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Dr. Haugh of Toronto, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Haugh, at Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Carlo Mich., spent holidays with relatives in the Iiippen district. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and sons were Sunday last visitors at Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Howley of Ex- eter were visitors with 'M:r. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstebter, near Kippen. Mrs. Eddie McBride, Miss Beat- rice Cooper of Kippen, Mrs. G. Love of Casio, Mich., and Mrs. S. Baird, of Brucefield, spent a few days in Toronto. Baptismal services were observed in ICippen and Hillsgreen churches on Sunday, to which a number received these sacred rights: X3AYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Poth and son of ' Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rogers re- turned to their home in Hamilton, after spending the past eight months in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett Ieft for Goderich to spend the winter there. Mrs. R. Harris returnee- to her home in Rapid City, Man., after spending two weeks with her son Fit. Lieut, Allen Harris and Mrs. Harris. Had Family Reunion A family reunion was veld at the home of Mrs. Catherine Parker when tMrs. Parker and her nine children, all home together for the first time in 43 years were assembled, A tur- key dinner was served to 20 guests, 3 grandchildren acted as waitresses. Mrs. Parker who celebrated her 88th birthday this year was formerly 'Catherine Johnston and has one bro- ther and one sister living. Had Goose Dinner The ladies of the United Church catered to a goose dinner for 125 men on Thursday evening last in the basement of the Church which was greatly enjoyed by all who attended A short programme after the din- ner was conducted by the Bayfield Lions' Club, assisted by members of the Zurich Lions Club. A most out- standing supper was served. 1-1 E N S A L L Mr. and Mrs. A. Wesley of De- troit spent a few days 'with Mr, and Mrs. A. Mousseau. Dr. Wm. T. Joynt, of London vis- ited with his mother, Mrs.. Alice Joynt. The ladies of Cannel Presbyterian Church held a bazaar and hot sup- per in the school room of the church on Sat. Dec. 6th. Mrs. MacDonald of London was a visitor with her daughter, Mr. anti MFrs. A. ,L. Case. Mrs. R.. Simpson has been confin- ed to her room owing to illness. ..Mr. W. R. Dougall, who under - Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLeod of went an operation in Viictar;a ''Hos- Goderich, visited with the former"s pital, T.ondon, is recovering nicely. parent., Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mc- Mrs. T. L. Williams of yurrch was Leod. a visitor with her sister, Mrs. W. R. 1 • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O • • • • •i • •• • • • Datars O'Brien • • MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE • +��:, Wiz'» Wil®- � :�-"�.:.�aFA►� ... DO YOU NEED A New Furnace? NOW IS THE . TIME TO HAVE YOURS INSTALLED We Can Supply You With One Immediately Paints and Varnishes. SCARF'S FAMOUS PAINTS AND VAR.. NISHES ALWAYS ON HAND Also The New Almatex Plastic Paints WE AIM ---To Serve and Satisfy PHONE 213; 0 Dougall. Mrs. A. Orr has been confined to her home for the past two weeks with infection in her throat. Miss Marion Dougall, R.N. of Lon- don recently visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall. Miss Helen Moir of Lonuon, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Moir. A benefit dance was held in the Town Hall on Friday sec. 5th in aid of Everett Kerslake, who recei- ved a fractured leg while playing baseball during the past season. Institute 11,Dee,t The 'December meeting (the Xmas. meeting) of the Hensall Institute is being held at the home of Mrs. W. Dinnin, on Wed. night, Dec. 10th. Miss Florence Welsh is cc hostess. Roll call: "My Favourite Carol", My srecial collection to aid the War Memorial Children's HQIisital Fund, London. 'Mrs. Cross will give the motto "The manner of giving fa worth more than gift." —Engagement—. The engagement is announced of Gwendolyn Irene daughter of Mr., and Mrs. W. R. Cooper of Kippers, to James Ramsay' Campbell, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. H. CampbelI, of" Guelph. The marriage to take place at Bloom St. United Church, Toronto.. on Dec. 20th. Phillips --Westlake Against an attractive backgrounalr' of chrysantheunis and ferns in Hamilton Road Presbytehian church, London, Leona Doreen, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Arnold S. Westlake. Cromarty, became the bride of WiI- ham James Phillips, soh of Mr. and'' Mrs. Audrey K. Phillips, London. The ceremony was performed by Rev N. Caswell and traditional bridal: mimic was played by Theo. Gray.