HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-12-11, Page 1Wished 1900 ZURICH, orfr r yo .;„ RIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11 19 47 r Christmas Are You Suffering From eada es? rs so, Have your Eyes Eraramed with the Latest Methods, and Equipment at . L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT., Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE :—Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. bra lAnty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHILBE—Zurich ++++++++00+÷i,+04-04++0÷++++4•+++++++++++++++++++++++44 arrR Alan _jaunt orac • 1. .0+ : Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR. NIGHT TELEPHONE N. 70 ashwood — Ontario,4,44**4444.1.4.444.4.440++++++++++0 I W. OIL ;A • r fa When you are looking For good drings to -eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maitntain to have a good stock. of Fresh Groceries always on hand, ;Ithough some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the le ding supply houses-. Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and naw other lines we offer at very moder,te prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced ant LI (3er-ch PRODUCE WANTED. 110,1410gtio 1132317,24.0101632 uric Phone 165 J 111 ill ,11.111 IT)11111111:, op ping see ADVERTISERS ea' CORR. NOTE! s Owing the usual heavy demand for advertising and other job work over the Christmas seasonwe ask our advertisers and -carrespondents, in advance to let us have their copy early in the week. Our issue for the Christmas week will be in the mail by Wednesday morning, Dec. 23rd, if at all possible, that means we will be publishirig .Tuesday evening, and we ask all to co-operate and have your change of ads. and copy sent in on Monday instead of Tuesday. Please! 1.44511104:40.4iM,V,41100104•010,4 40;;°'' SCHOOL CONCERT I The annual School Concert of S. S. No. i1+2, Hay Township will he held on December 19th, at 8 p.m. A Young People's Play of are - "Pard New Housekeeper" will be included in the programme. Admission, Adults 30c., Children 150 EVERYBODY ELCOME TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up till noon, Monday, December 15th for Caretaker of the Zurich Lions Club Skating Rink. For further partic- ulars apply to W. A. Siebert, Secret- ary, or Theo. Haberer, President. --COMING-- Wednesday, Thursday, December 17th& 18th, LOUIS vs WALCOTT Fight Pictures at Leavitt's Theatre, Exeter. - CHESTER L. SMITH,'PUELIffira $1.501 a Year in Advance 81.75 in U.S., in Advance. our L 1 ants NATIONAL FILM BOARD FILMS In the Township Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, December 16th at 8.30 p.m, •the National Film Board will present the following films for your enloy- ment: "A Day at Polymer." The goy- , ericanent owned rubber plant at "Land From The Sea." Re- c1.41thing dike land on Bay of Fundy Nava Scotia. -74:41:11`7Morrow's Citizens." "Sic Skill. 5. "What's On Your Mind?" . "The British Empire." 7. "Adventures of Bunny Rab- bitc." ' ADMISSION—FREE HYMENEAL Mundy - Uttley • .•-• 4t Main Street United Church, paionage, Mitchell, Pauline Uttley, da.',Ughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 'Orley Of Zurich, became the bride ofJame L. IVIundy, son of Mrs. IVIUndy, Mitchell, and the late W. J. MOdy. Rev, A. H S.. Johnston o 'elated, the attendantS:,Were Miss. El a,Reicher t and Ernst Snider - Armstrong .aricb. The bride -Wore a becoining A pretty wedding took place it flick of grey blacic ac-' St Andrew's United Church, Sarnta, s.0sOiies, and Corsage. of yelldw roSes which was beautifully decorated with iqt il,e tapers and fall flowers, of Florence 4ript 'elack May ..krmstrong, daughter or Mr. and N4.is0 Mrs. John H. Armstrong, and Wilmer 041 tondoU' Claire, son of Mrs. Mabel Snider, of F ihc le, Wellington St., Sarnia, anti the rate gE) , er Right Rev. S. M. MaCgillivray, a officiated. Mrs. Gordon Casello, af Port Huron attended. her ,sister as Matron of Honour, while Elgin Snider, his brother, was geeomsman. Following a reception for the im- mediate relatives at the home of the bride's parents, Cobden St., the young couple left for a motor trip to different points in the U.S.A., and on their return home, took in the Royal Winter Fair, at Toronto. The bride travelling in a wine and grey ensemble, with a corsage cream roses. Mr. and Mrs. Snider will take up residence on the Mut- phy Road. OBITUARY' Late Harry Rader Mr. Harry Rader, a well known farmer residing near Dashwood pas- lataaaatZea=agiaMEMPaa'REIRUSSUMBISTSIT '2,17/1101,1341EICOMMEEMIGMENUSBIESOMS,M220 ed away suddenly at his home, Mon- ! .1 day evening, Dec. lst in his 41st year. He had complained of severe p*Sa•ManWriners2 re , IS JUST AHEAD NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR HEAVY CLOTHING. WE HAVE IT FOR MEN, LADIES, BOYS AND GIRLS. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF JACKETS, SWEATERS ETC., AT THE OLD PRICES - BE SURE AND SEE THEM! FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EACH WEEK. Phone C. H. THIEL Zurich tqt ,14 Pains in the head in the afternoon. He was twice married. His first wife, ; this rare occasion. Lions Club News -• I AI „p:,.„4„. , • 55th • ANNIVERSARY ' • On Saturday, December Gth, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad C. Schilbe of town Were pleasantly surprised when the immediate family numbering about twenty-nine assembled to celebrate with them their wedding anniversary. This wedding took place fifty-five years ago on the 20th of December. At noon the couple and family were escorted to the dining room to do justice to a sumptuous fowl din- ner, the table being decorated, and centred with two large Angel Food Cakes. Mr. and Mrs. Schilbe enjoying themselves and expressed their ap- preciation to have their family of 5 daughters, Mrs. Alice Deters, Mrs. Anna Finkbeiner, Mrs. Wm. Sitter, Mrs. George Kerswell and two sons, Mr. Warren Schilbe and Mr. Henry Schilbe, which were all present and made it a pleasant day for thein en Irene Lawson, predeceased him cen years ago. Later he was married to Jessie Heywood, his ber.•ave.d. widow. Surviving besides his widow are his father, Louis Rader of Dash- wood; one daughter Helen, three sons, George, William and* James, also two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Schultze of Detroit and Mrs. Maurice Klumpp of Dashwood, and one brother John, of Hay Township. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood from where a priv- ate funeral was held on Thursday, Dec. 4th at 3 p.m. Interment follow- ed in Exeter cemetery. Rev. H.. Getz of Dashwood officiated. St. Joseph and Beaver Town. At time of writing this Tuesday, a.m., word was received of the pass- ing away of Mr. Joseph. Masse in his 45th year. Deceased was tion 011 the old homestead quarter of a mile north of St. Joseph, his parents be- ing. the late Mr. and Mrs. August Masse. Deceased left home when yet a young man and went to Dr:- troit where he learned the machinest trade and afterward having charge of an apartment, To mourn his loss the deceased has two ehadron and one sen Wray and a daughter le-... , four brothers and three sisters ;Ilse i dren, who are developing. T. B. at a survive; Peter and Cyril of Detroit; I tremendous rate for no other reason Paul of Windsor and James of St. than that of improper nourtshment Jasepli; Mrs. Hector Laporte, Mrs. The 'Lions Club, with the .co-operat- Fred Dn„haryne and Mrs, ilerni,. if -lion of other bodies, is now appeal- frea- of the B, W. Highway. 'Re i ing to you as a good Canadian to do i i with the bereft •family to ,,leutei.your part when. the canvassers of .. 1 n e for SANTA CLAUS COMING Santa Claus, under the au Santa Claus, sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club will be in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, Dec- ember 20th .at 2.30 p.m. Moving pictures will be shown, viftl Old Santa being present in the after- noon, and in the evening the same pictures will be shown again. All children are cordially invited to come out and enjoy this fun with good old St. Nick. LIONS FOOD FOR BRITAIN FOOD The Lions Club of Zurich called a meeting of all organized groups within the Township of Hay, such as Churches, Red Cross, Farm Federat- ion, Municipal • Governments, the Womens Institute, -Etc., for the par- poSe of forming a united front in a drive for "The Food For Britain Fund.". This cause is most worthy one, and should have the. backing of every person who calls Canada his. home,. Britain, as everyone knows, is in dire need of foodstuffs ot high food value and especially so the chil- NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED AI SO 32 -PIECE BREAKFAST SETS FROM $9.95 UP. VERY SMART DESIGNS A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. PHONE 'OUR OR or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for LUE COAL Miller Creek Coal., Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 Hensall 1 0006 i100**0 15• 0 0 00 00 0000 *0000 000 0 00 00 LiCetised, Embaker- Private 'Car Athiyulance Service " j?ital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent 000 PLC S Fe t,s ; .1.;St,,;' Telephone: Res. 89 o•r 17,Z, Zundi 00,00*00600000 00000008000000000000000000 0 0 11 1 11 Ward Fritz Wan. McAdams SALES SERVICE SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING a gramagammatExem.,2zaa=m, , 51,-.,r,vieRastorzmummarzoommir, 4001/201000=00:000=2210003000000c0000000farnii=0005Me. their grief. Funeral airrangrenents , year district call at 1,oui have. at time of 'writing. 'not b en ore eontribution for this "Urgent" antl tonged, "Needy" eause, gfflatesaromeataragamea*1 Fall Meath Il t ire WE HAVE A LIMITED STOCK OF MEN'S OVERALLS, WORK PANTS AND SHIRTS PENMAN'S PREFERED AND PENMAN'S RIBBED WOOL UNDERWEAR Take advantage of our New Low Prices on Fire- stone Tires and Tubes,.. also have Firestone Auto Batteries GOOD SUPPLY OF PEDLAR WATER BUCKETS A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always r A•• I al VIA F.danund Sw r z 0.3.1 K. E STOKE rubel., Prop. Phone: 11-97 ....0mmai0;e0