HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-12-04, Page 811,0211,2.1911171,.01,3081.11=6011160541.1.61,11Main. VID*HICilse 'ML' t Ng? ZURICH ri t•IR A1.3 _..........t.. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST , , Mr. and .111'. Chas. Thiel motored e , to Goderieh one day last weak. Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Wiliert were :IP 01 Monday visitors .'6o London. Mr. end Mrs. Earl Yungblut visitors to London one day 15 only, Grey Blankets, 65x84, Regular 6.95 for 5.85 New Terry Towels for Kitchen use, large size 6 dozen only at each 85c Grey Wheeling Yarn at 30c skein, per lb 1.20 ear We have 53 Men's Overcoats in stock. Most of them are this season's newest Styles and Colors. Some left from last year at very special prices. Also a large Supply of men's and boys' Parkas, heavy Windbrcakers in stock, and everything in Work Clothes, Sox, etc. Specials in Men's ear A large supply of Penman's 95 all wool Underwear on hand and in order to reduce stock are offering same as follows: Men's Combinations Reg. 6.50 for 5.75 Men's Shirts and Drawers, reg. 3.50 at 2.75 Just received a new lin Drawers, cream colored ity, shirts are sleeveless with elastic waist band. Special at Shirts, each Drawers, Special at each e of Men's fine Shirts and 1:5q wool, very fine qual- and Drawers ankle length TELEPHONE 59 ig.,614.13111C0LARIIILVD,341....V1211,R12.11IEN.I, r 1.65 1.95 ZURICH wire test 8 Qw`'.:',11c.r.. and Mrs. Jacob Haberer and 61 son Jack and Mrs. Ivan lungblut p- p' spent a day at London last week. 0 Only - three more weeks till Chi:- istmas. Do your :shopping early - 8 Mrs. Louis Schilbe has returned home after visiting relatives and fri- end.' in Detroit. Hay Council met for its regular e`.1P.:A meeting on Monday, just one more. \IP meting, Dec. 15th for this year. V The local Stores in Zurich will be 'el open all day Wednesday beginning December 1.0th till Christmas, Dec, ?,e 24th inclusive. Q Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbons and ..p little daughter, were week -end visit - *4 ors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Sylv. Witmer. Owing to the storms last week the 4! 40 Ve le p Mr. Wilfred Cortiveau of the 13. 0 W. Highway has recently returned „ home after visiting with friends in Ye Detroit for a few weeks. 8 O Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foster of De - W troit, and Mr. Roy Weber and on (c '4 Donny of London, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber V e of toWn. school children had some holidays a, some of the rural schools were dos - ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 1.0 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School, 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. verybady Welcome to all Services sosuromaitgaillS., 4. EMIV1ANUEL VANGELIC AL CHURCH REV. H. g. ROPPEL, Minister Mrs. M. Oesch—Organist 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon: 11 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Worship. Sermon: abliVilitit...12,120t1.1.1.,411.91•111.101.11191141,=1{1190,01,315. Huron (Sit rT1j r - 11 Mortgage Corporation ed. Miss Marie Talbot of near Bay- Canada Trust Company field has accepted a position at the ANDREW F. HESS Kalbfleisch Mills and is in reidence Local Representative ot the home of Mrs. Clara Decker. ?.142% Interest payable half Yearly on $100. or more for three or more Years. Safe Investment for Your Funds! 61-..-ITC-11131,11.1,122211.15,1•0211., 4, 4, 4,• • 4,4, 4. • • • 4,• • • 4,• • • M. JINKS, MANAGER. HENSALL .115 • 004.0000.40,eeeeeeee 14 TO 4•=e?Q 0-Pee,fow.•ii+,0 WE HAVE RECENTLY PROCURED A LICENSE TO TRUCK LIVE STOCK AND WILL BE IN A POSITION TO HANDLE YOUR HOGS, STARTING SEPTEMBER 2ND. FOR HOGS CALL HENSALL 115, OR ZURICH 93-1 FOR CATTLE CALL, J. INGRAM, PH. HENSALL 83-43 GIVE US YOUR FERTILIZER ORDER. . WE DELIVER HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INCORPORATED • t,e-,.•.****(3440.434.,;•4****4.044.00 0,e0.4+4,-4 4Ni% 4 g rE)06.1`atagg9rj 113g we,-.7...ecamk,--P5cAmr,44,44,174*1444tr,,,egikivsm-3,-v4",arm- 9 11 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE PL I") _Lai) COAT Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, F urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line ,)f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE ilIromomtetbsta.4******444444megismenar a Te-, -4-11 Fled ;.'.T.ildred Steckle have returncd home after a pleasant vi -it with relatives and friends in Waterloo, Kitchener and Elmira. Mr and Mrs. E. M. • Fagg and visitors in town on Sunday, also vis- iting at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merino •Steckle, Bronson line. Mr. Dagg was a former manager of the local Bank. of 'Montreal in Zurich, and we are always glad to see the family back in town. • Purchases Garag3 • Mr. Leonard Wagner has porches - ed arel moved unto his prerni es. a portable garage purchased froln Mr. Ted. Hal.erer. This will he a great , convenience to Len for the winter months as it is located close to the sidewalk. GOOD NEWS FOR STOCK FEEDERS Don't kill off your hogs" • , the advice being given to local fanners word having been received from Ot- tawa that good news is coming for feeders. Informed persons believe this can be taken to mean that some- thing is being dons immediately to help relieve the situation, and 1;liatet will pay far.mers to keep their hogs. $ Mutual Leader Honoured A. J MASSE The Mutual Life of Canada has -re- leased its Honours List reckonizing Mr. A. J. Masse of Zurich for out - tending service to his community m he Club Year recently closed. He has again qualified as a member of the Leaders' Century Club. Qualification for Club membership requires not only the writing of a large volume of new business, but, moreimportant, the writing from year to year of "quality" business, that is, life insurance that is contin- ued in force. These two factors, combined with a high personal stan- dard of confidential service to policy- holders, earn for Mutual Life rep- resentatives membership in the pro - auction clubs. Atiiencled Social Evening A number of Luther Leaguers of St. Peter's Lutheran church of town attended the district skating .party held in the Stratford Arena last Tu- esday evening. About 150 Luegers were present from Gads -hill, North Eaethope, Wellesley, New Hamburg, Tavistock, Baden, Philipsburg:, Wood stock, Zurich, Milverton, Isrodhagen and Stratford. After skating for sev- eral hours. the Leaguers were guests of Zion Lutheran League for a soc- ial hour at which the hosts preset - ed a program. RefreshmAis were served. Bad Winter Weather Seemingly old King Winter start- TOWN CLERK IS GASSED ed in just where he *left off -last While at his duties in is office spring when we could hardly get ricl Friday afternoon ,last Town Clerk of the terrible storms and blocked 111 T Corless became gassed when roads, which occurred again last ` • week, as for days the roads were blocked so that the mail could not be carried and school buses were unable 'to inake their rounds. But the winter has finally broken and the furnace pipes became clogged and started sending gas throughout the building. Mr. Corless :Mtn ahl ed at his post until late in the afternoon when we are now having milder weather he became so ill that it. was necessary as on Tuesday and Wednesday the for him to leave for his home, Over snow has almost disappeared, but ill but sufficiently r•:covered as to the week -end Mr. Corless was quite be -able to return to his ditties. — Clinton News Record. 4. •.•• 4. 1. .1. 4. 4. Thursday,, December 4* 14417 stia e r r 'e r NOW IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR Christ s Shop in We have a fine display of all lines of Furniture and a good variety of Gift Suggestions. Wishing you the SEASON'S GREETINGS Keith R. Westlake Furniture Phone 122, Zurich 6111111MEHHHHNIMMHHHIMOHIMOUHHHHHHHHIEHHI 4781•11•21:1=131192260t, Mos0.01311 f1111111M1 there is a lot' of ice around town which if it freezes up will be hard to get around on. PREMIER DREW AT SEAFORTH . Premier Drew was at Seaforth last Friday night where he addreS- a fairly large attendance at the an- nual meeting of the Progressive-Cet- • servative Association for the Prov- incial riding of Huron and the Fed- eral riding of Huron -Perth at the an- nual meeting. All officers were re- turned by acclamation, on a /notion ,from the floor. They were: Clark 4, OBITUARY The death occurred on Monday, December 1st of Harry Rader, who resides on the old home farm a few miles east orf Dashwood, in his 41st year. The body is resting at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Dash- wood until Thursday, Dec. 4th when a private funeral will take place With interment in Exeter cemetery. Dies in California 'The death occurred at Ontario, Fisher of Exeter, secretary; Harold California, on November reot, , o illackstone, of Goderich, treasurer. Elizabeth Turnbull, widow of the late Carl Draper of Clinton, A, W. Robert Campbell, who resided oa ery of Seaforth, Mrs. Nelson Tye- the Blue Water Highway, a few NN, arth a of Clinton, and Fred Carbot, miles; south of .St. Joseph, on th, of Staffa and George .Armstrong, of I farm now occupied by Mr. Fred. lay Township wor, returned as Kading. She was in her 78th year. vice-presidents. Among the speakers and is survived by a daughter, Mrs. was Dr, R. H. Taylor, of G. Person of Ontario, Calif, The DaJiwooni. Snow which blocked remains were brought to the T. IT. some roads and made travel difficult Funeral Home, and then to Allan over others, kept the attendande ' Miller 13. W. IL, from where the down, and only about 100 wtre on funeral was held. on Tuesday, Dec. hand when the business session op- I 2nd. Services hi the Grand Bend ened. Premier Drew also visited the., United church followed by interment Scott Memorial Hospital of Seaforth I in the .Grand Bend cemetery. The taankdp utheenpcournursingagedtltep yoruotres8litto. ladies to I departed was a member -el a well known family of the district. , 11111111 I I 111111111 1 1 I 1111 I I 1 I 1 1111 IMIIIIIIT11111111111111E111111111M111 1111111; ader's 3. *4 04. 0:04*•* • 0*4, 4, 4, • • • • ▪ - -All Sizes in. Wagons, Tricycles • '- • • • • PLUMBING - HEAT/NG - * • Phone 63 • 0311,0411.111•311.1131.1iiimrilallia • T ar ware ktiliVii,118¢[1.1.,41,•••4 When doing your Christmas Shopping come in and have a look at our fine display of Goods We have Gift Suggestions for every member of the family at very reasonable prices. A new "shipment of Adjustable Christmas Tree Stands, Sleds and Bob Skates. 4 4, 4, 8 • • 4, 4 4, 4, 4, ek, 4, 4, 4 4,* 4 4, 4 • 4, 4 01. 40! 410. 40* and Trailers. 010, 40. 00* • 4'‘ TINSMITHING Zurich sommullifillogamill 'daSnInEE"23=11111EnnEE102302E0202011010 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. 1.31....t .. ,-- .320121•0102,41P livfig+0.1+++++++++++++++++.3-4-4.++++++++++++++++++++++++++01 ill Arrive Within a Few Weeks Time ONE ONE ONE CAR OF CEDAR SHINGLES CAR OF ASBESTOS SIDING SHINGLES. CAR OF MASONITE, PLACE YOUR ORDERS IMMEDIATELY F. C. KALBFLEISCIET & SON Phone 69 - - ZURICH 9.4.44.t+++++++++++++++++++44 Ne•a•reel,opermee•ORNM. assey llarris REQUESTS CHECK YOUR IMPLEMENTS EARLY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS, AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN. "THE SERVICE ARM FOR CANADIAN FARM" Tel. Shop 149"K. Oscar lopp R. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE