Zurich Herald, 1947-12-04, Page 7Canada to Operate Atlantic Weather Station—Wearing clothing designed as protection against icy spray and wind is AB. Malcolm Judson of Charlottetown, member of crew of Canadian frigate St. Stephen assigned to station "Baker" in the North Atlantic weather reporting, radio beacon and rescue service. New mast aboard vessel is topped by a radyar aerial which will be used in making meteorological observations. Other instruments for giving direction and speed of wind at sea level are fastened to ends of yardarm. System ,,,dit��: System For , ,t t n. rio P lice In Op ration Soon "We will be able to patrol thous- ands of square miles of territory with as much ease as we once pol- iced a ten -mile area," said an official of the Ontario Provincial Police in speaking about the new radio sys- tem, soon to be in operation. "In the event of an emergency it some- times took us hours to mobilize our forces. Now the same thing can be accomplished in a mater of min- utes." The new Ontario network will eventually serve a fleet of 300 radio - operated police cruisers, and is rated by experts as the largest and most modern setup of its kind on the North American Continent. Four-way communication is one of the features of the system — station -to -station, station -to -car and tar -to -car. General Headquarters of the Provincial Police at Queen's Park will also maintain direct con- tact with the network. Number 5 District Headquarters of the Provincial Police, comprising the counties of Peel, Ontario and York, will be the first to inaugurate the new system, with headquarters at Aurora. Receiving and sending equipment have been installed be- tween the master station at Aurora, two 00 -watt sub -stations at Bramp- ton and Whitby, and the 24 cruisers operating in this district. Frequency modulation units developed during the war eliminate static entirely. A new wrinkle is the magnetic despatch map. Each dispatcher will have a map of his district showing all traffic arteries, villages, towns, cities and other vital information being shown on a linen framework. Magnetized pieces of metal, molded in the likeness of police cruisers, are moved from place to place each time a position report is received from a cruiser. By this method the despat- cher can tell at a glance the approxi- mate position of each of his cars. Altogether there will be nine Provincial Police Districts operat- ing under the new system in South- ern Ontario, and a survey has al- ready been started for its extension to Northern Ontario. Similar sys- tems have been so successful in Michigan and other parts of the United States that police every- where are hailing it as the greatest step forward in many years in the battle against crime. Famous I' acehorses From British Stock The world's bloodstock buyers are looking forward to the Decem- ber sales at Park Paddocks, New- market, England, where they will be able to buy for their own studs some of the finest of Britain's bloodstock. It is not generally real- ized that the modern racehorse of every country in the world is de- scended from United Kingdom stock. No breeder today will risk crossing his stock with any horse of doubtful ancestry. Instead they de- pend on the General Stud Book, published in London for 150 years, for the line of the horse. These vol- umes contain entries of all the fam- Vits racehorses, now scattered Throughout the world. Or Hard Enough She: "You say a pat on the back develo).s character?" He: "Yes, if adnlinil.tcrcd young though, often enough and low enough." x Sports — An. t �; Oneornother hi By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Back in the days when we were briefly connected with the wrestl- ing business, there was one espe- cially valued regular customer— a prominent' and wealthy lawyer, whose name you would probably recognize, and who always used to purchase six or eight of the high- est -price seats for himself and his friends. Their frantic enthusiasm, while a bout was in progress, was really something to see. But one day, meeting him on the street, we found him in a most critical state of mind. He said he'd begun to suspect that wrestling wasn't on the level—and that he wasn't go- ing to give it his patronage any longer, * * * Asked for his reasons lie -told how, on Thursday evening, he had seen one of the main-boulers car- ried from the arena apparently very badly injured—and next day had heard rumors- that the wrestler lay in hospital suffering from' con- cussion and possible skull fracture. He had even been thinking of sending flowers until—happening to pick up a Buffalo Saturday paper—he had been amazed to note that this very same grappler, miraculously restored to health, had taken part in a torrid boat in that city the previous evening. "So I think it must be crooked, and I've had enough," he concluded. * * * However, knowing something of the ways of sports fans, we weren't too much surprised to see. him ;n his regular seat the following week, yelling his head off in a frenzy of excitement. "Even if they are all a bunch of fakers," he ex- plained, rather shame-facedly, af- terwards, "while they're in there they make me feel that they're try- ing to tear one another apart— and I'm not going to miss it." * * * Somehow, we couldn't help thinking of this gentleman lately. The sport of boxing has been shak- en by a series of scandals, the lat- est being the very smelly La Mot- ta-Fox affair in New York. "These fakers are killing the game!" wail- ed the sports scribes from Coast to Coast. So what happens? The Joe Louis -Joe Walcott heavyweight thing—a worse 'overmatch' than David vs Goliath because Walcott won't be allowed to carry rocks, and probably couldn't will even if he did—will draw a sellout gate of over a quarter of a million. And if they'd had the crust to charge $100 'tops' the place would have been just as crowded. The moral Aw-just write your own! * * * Perhaps you have noticed some- thing of the same kind too—but to us the most antasing thing about the recent Ottawa announcement of va- rious new bans and 'austerities' was the number of our friends who had been preparing for winter trips to gri Nothing also you can buy FILEShas the earns Internal ac- tion as ls'X'LTONE PILE REMEDY, Thin liquid (taken by mouth) is compound"d top pQ6i'ai Baisaman, ?rums, and dant-Bxtr ifs. It SO re- aulte beoauno it Ogle COoQv to the In. ternal cause of Piles, Thhat el the reason for its emcees on the most stubborn cases. This modern way of treating that internal trouble gets results that last, One bottle of PYLTONE is enough to prove its healing Power or price re• funded at once, That's our guarantee no matter how long standing your case may be. Your Druggist has it: or can order it for you. teesereemeentecrieseeceemesintwasteliselisislittieliesalemetat Florida ur California. Previously, we ' had heard nothing of any such in- tentions—but as soon as news came that all such unnecessary travel was "Off" their moans of disappointment were pitiful to hear. * * * When we pause to watch a game of corner -lot football among the small fry, we always note about ten forward -passers, or- pass re- ceivers, to every kid willing to get in there and learn the rudiments of line-play—and this in -spite of *the fact that every coach in the busi- ness would give his eye-teeth for the kind of front -rank material that- has made the Toronto Argo- nauts supreme over the years. Similarly, as we see' younger generations taking their licks at becoming future hockey stars, we cannot help noticing that it is practically always the smallest kid in the gang who is set to guard the nets. All the others are up there emulating Apps, Richard and the rest of the great goal -getters. Those who aim to become Turk Broda's, Bill Durnan's or Frankie Brimsek's are few and far between. Perhaps this is only natural, as goal -tending is — according to those who do it for a living — a thankless business. Still, if we were advising any kid who really wanted to shine at hockey, our advice would be to take a real whack at twine -tending. Just think of what the Chicago Black Hawks would give for a goalie of any- thing like the class of the three just mentioned, for example, right this minute. * * * The whole world is suffering from a severe attack of the jitters—wor- rying over a heap of things that wilt probably never happen and which, if they do, we are helpless to prevent. We can't help wondering if a lot of it isn't due to most of us trying to absorb far more news of the world than we can digest. We know one man who, in addition to reading three daily papers, listens to at least six daily newscasts and news com- mentaries, and is in a constant state of apprehension that threatens his mental and physical health. His great- grandfather didn't even hear of the Battle of Waterloo till six weeks after it was decided—and wouldn't have been a bit better off if he'd had a play-by-play decription right from the battlefield. * * * It may Le sign of the times— and then again it may not. But spectators at Big League hockey games are getting much more cri- tical than they have been in the past few seasons. Booing, and that special sort of ,hand -clapping which is by no means applause, both break out among the fans at the slightest provocation; and players who have been wont to hear their slightest move greeted with approv .1 are having their ears shocked by the raucous Razz - berry and shouts of "Get in there and show us something." Well, retail merchants with plenty of goods on their shelves find buyers more "choosey" than when there is a buying panic on; and although attendances have shown little sign of falling of as yet, it may be that hockey custom- ers, too, are looking for quality, and are getting a bit tired of hav- ing a combination of speed,. skat- ing; and duck -on -the -rock passed over the counter as "Canada's greatest sport." e 6 BRUSH OFF MENTAL COBWEBS and VITALIZE YOUR TALENTS! Get The Habit Of Forthright Think. lug. To roster Healthy Bodies, Spur Agile Graces And Vitalize The Facul- ties You Have, To Gain The Re -wards Of Eflicency and Service How? Fire Pocket Lectures: 81 Per Set; Ten Sets, $10: 100 Sets, 9100 etc. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SOCIETY 6067 Ambrose Avenue Les Angeles 27. Backache may be a signal your kidneys are failing to filter excess acids and poison- ous wastes from the system. Dodd's Rodney Pills help relieve this condition, often the cause of backache, headache, rheumatic pains or disturbed rest. Dodd's contain essential oils and medicinal ingre- dients which act directly on the kidneys and help them regain normal action. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills to -day, 109 ISSUE 49-1947 Classified Advertising ATTENTION FARMERS Fent SAI,E---Traotor Tires, made of rubber. wettable for bolting on steel wheels. $16.00 each, rear wheels; $7.60 each, front wheels When ordering slate diameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 6 Wilt- /Miro Ave., Toronto, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of lnven- tione and full information sent free, The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorney, 072 Bank Street, Ottawa. BABY C111CIib FILL up your pens with choice pullets 16 weeks to laying. Barred Rocks, New Ilampshires, . White Leghorns, White Rocks, Light Sussex. Book your order now for day old chicks for immediate or spring deliv- ery. P'reecatalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Frau,. Ontario. BABY CHICK BUYERS Be certain teat you buy good, healthy chick, this coming scazon. Insure delivery date by placing your order now, All breeders Government banded and pullorum tested. Write for our 1948 catalogue and price list. MONKTON POULTRY FARM OIONETON, ON'i'ARill For sale cheap -2 Buckeye Combination in- cubaters, 12,000 egg setting capacity, 4,000 h•ttching capacity. 1 Buckeye Turkey ma- chine. 0720 Setting capacity. 1080 hatching capac,tY. Tweddle Chick Hateheriee Limited. Fergue, Ontario. IT is not too soon to be ordering your 1948 chicks. We predict that those who stay with the poultry business will receive high prices for eggs next summer and fall. Order early hatched chicks. Free catalogue, Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. Ile you want January chides, they should be ordered now. There's immediate deivery on baby chicks, heavy breeds; cockerels, pullets. nen-sexed. Inquire Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton Ont. WE have choice pullets for immediate deliv- ery 18 weeks to Iaying: White Leghorn,, Barred Rocks, New Hampehlres, White Rocks, Light Sussex and many other popular breed,. Also day old chicks for immediate delivery and Spring delivery. Free catalogue, Top Notch Click Sales, Guelph, Ontario. EARLY hatched chicks are more profitable and you will find them particularly profit- able rofitable in 1948. We predict high egg and poultry meat prices for the summer and fall of 1948. The time to make the most money out of the poultry business is when there aro not too many going into it. Book your or- der now for your 1948 chicks. Free cata- togue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited. Fergus, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING FOR SALE CANARIES. FOR SALE Enclose stamp, Mra, Guest. Bothwell, Oil$, COLLIES LIKE LASSIE Have 4 • puppies reserved by' leading breedeel for show that cannot now be taken. Will be sold at low price and offers rare opportun- lty to get collie of superlative quality. Write for photos and information, Mandate Col- lies, Glen Huron, Ont. BAIRDUESSZNG LEARN Hairdressing the Robertaon method, Information on request regarding clauses. Robertson's Hairdressing Academy. 107 Ave- nue Road. Toronto. SIEDICAL I'Y'S PROVEN—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's I:tem- cvly, Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, SATISFY YUURSELF—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon'e Remedy. Munro's Drug store, 856 Elgin Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learo Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages thousands ant c-es'nl Marvel graduates America's greatest system. Illuetrated cater logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa EARN MONEY AT HOME Spare or full-time money -making! Learn to make candy at home and earn as you learn, Correspondence course, National Institute of Confectionery Reg'd., Delorimier, P.Q. Box 192, Montreal, One OPPORTUNITIES TOR MEN AND WOM1Cffi Become Stenographer Quickly through ADO simplified shorthand. Free bolder Ilua- tratee. Caesan Systems, Dept. W., Toronto, PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information n request, EGERTON R. Case, registered Canadian - United States patent attorney, 82 Baler= Ave., Toronto, Business by correspondence 48 years. Information free, PERSONAL HAVE YOL' anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your Questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Tongs Street, Toronto, Ontario. FOE SALE QUILT PIECES—Hand size and larger all laid flat. Cotton prints and stripes. Four (4) pounds for $1.00. Guaranteed or money refunded, Free -16 quilt patterns and Macrue- Bona, Free—Detailed carpet knitting Instruc- tons. Largs Quantity cotton, silk, wool under- wear, towelling remnants—full widths, up to I yds. long. For full Information write Asso- ciated Converters Inc.. 4084 St. Lawrence, Montreal, HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service. Bert E Kennedy k Son, 419 College St. Toronto. JOHNSON Iron Horse engines, % H.P. $51.46 1.34 H.P. $70.00. Immediate delivery. Cur - ray Selmer, Eglinton & Bathurst, Toronto. LADIES white poplin Smock sanforized, prin- cess style, popular make, sizes; 14 to 20 11.50 each postpaid. Refund guarantee. Garry Sales Co. Box 144, Station G. Montreal. ROOFING — SIDING Aluminum rooting and siding gives you life- time protection at the lowest prices in history. Flat, corrugated and rolls, prices 37.75 per 100 ,q. ft. and up, Write for price list. Newson & Campbell Co. Hamilton, Ontnrio. RECORDS. Free catalogue of favorite hill- billy and dance artists. National Radex Ltd., Dept. 0, 419 Portage Ave.. Winnipeg, Man. NEW Holland Automatic Pickup Hey and Straw Balers. Tobacco & Potato Plantere, etc. Bale Loaders, Saw Frames. Hammer Dulls. Senvics guaranteed. Order now from Brant Farm Equipment, Colborne at Clarence, Brantford, Ont. HAY tiALEII.'—TRY OUR WOOD LABELS for marking Bale Weights, Price 60c ver It, f.o.b. here. Put up In sacks of 9.000, Samples sent on request. The Bale Label Co.. Mm,lrna-e n, Que. TUG SALE—Brown brief cases with zipper, Size 16x11. Au attractive useful lasting gift for students and others, Price $52.00 postpaid. Canada Merchandisers, Post Office Box 268, Toronto. BATTERY operated Radio Set for sale. De- fl•rcet Crossley Corona model, 8 tubes, specially equipped with Romeoo Eliminator for use with either etorage battery or dry cells. New cost over $300. Make offer. A fine and lasting Christmas gift. Box 151, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. C1tESAI'E,l.IIE BAY RETRIEVERS, champ- ion blood cines. Hardy farm raised pupa. Conroy Marsh Kennels Reg.. Boulder Ont. ST. DEMI LEATIIl0RCRAFT Supply rata- I"g'cc, free. Tooled purees. repairs. Mall sonvire. 142 Bank St., Ottawa. 8 H.P. Chain Saw for sale, only used two weeks, reduce,.!. Wm. Gale, Sebringvlile, Ontario. INDUSTRIAL Engine for sale, General Mo- tors truck engine, mounted on steel frame complete with clutch and pulley, 65 h.p. on belt. Prarte:ally new. Box 494. Penetang. CLIYI'II bound Stamp Album. 600 assorted stamps, 600 hinges, watermark detector, perforation gauge, boxed. Ideal for Christ- mas, 51,60 postpaid. Siebert, Balfour Bldg. Mnntrenl. CREPE PAPER PARTY FIATS 6 for . 19 for 60e. Choles metallic Christmas Seals. 60 for Zoe, Robert Harvie, 238 8ing St. E.. Toronto, _ IIEAS V WOOL WORK SOCKS Esc Fine wool lcn'tting yarns 4-4 oz. skeins. $1.08 pound. Fine bomny wood diamond socks, fancy colors, $1.03 pair. Direct from our woollen mill. Money back guarantee. PARIS MAIL ORDER HOUSE P. O. Box 900, Paris, Ontario. 9000 ft, 2" pipe, and 1600 ft. 8". Other eizes a"allehle. Wendell B. Brewer,' Ttm- '11iI1e. PEACOCKS. phensente, me�e,ta Qr 11'.Qod- tlueko. wild geese. H. G. ark, "'Guelph, •Ontario, GLADIOLUS Bulbs. We have' the best of the older varieties, many of the new. Write for our price list. Allison's Glad. !;ardente 1511 Turner Road. Windsor. Ont. POP—Fare Day VgAZZ ' c?l.b leftOf4Y aA1 1t$46IZAC- S -tes-rent 2AY LONESOME? Romantic Correspondence Mag- azine contains photos, descriptions, Iargo lists. One year $2. Sample copy 10o, Worl$1 Federation Club, Parkerview, Sask. WANTED WANTED—All kinds of dressed poultry. To prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept. 2054 Danforth Ave.. Toronto 6, (We do custom grading.) PROVIDING you are an energetic youn6 man willing to work hard to build a nue- easeful uo-cassful business and future for yourself, we have an opening for you, now in this dist- rict, as district distributor of our products. Previous experience unnecessary. Apply to Home Office Blue Brand Products Co. Ltd„ 7227 Alexandra Street. Montreal. Businesses Wanted Do you wish to sell your business? W♦ specialize in the selling of all types *1 Businesees and Business Properties. Ws have clients waiting to buy General Stores, Hardware, Garages, Tourist Resorts. Groceries, etc., etc. Contact us immediately. You will be pleased with the reeults, Seale & Deering, Business & Real Estate Brokers 26 College St., Toronto. MI. 0718 WORK WANTED Expert Electric wiring—anywhere, we don't caret Write today. New Day Electric, St. Thomas, Ont. A. COSY HOME is cosier, still whe4n you serve Max.. 3l'e1I House Coffee. So deli. dons it satisfies completely.' Expert blending assures you coffee that's famous for, smooth, mellow flavor.. By J. MILLAR WATT