HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-12-04, Page 4ZURICH, ONTARIO Aldon Theatie GRAND BEND Presents for Your Enjoyment the Following Attractions: 'Friday, Saturday Dec. •5, fl. Tarzan and the Huntress" —With— J. Weis: miller and Bread A Joyce On the same Program "Sargo Goes To College" —With— June Prei::ser — Freddie Stewart Monday. Tuesday Dec, 8-9 "No Time for Comedy" —With— James Stewart — Rosilana Russell Also "Last Bond" and "Mouse Menace" Wed., Thursday Dec. 10, 11 "That Way With Women" — ith— Dane Clark — Martha Vickers "Riding California Trail" Gilbert Roland 'Roland — Inez Cooper THE CHRISTMAS SEASON `Will soon be with us again with all it's Good Tidings, and Much Cheer, as we celebrate ithe birth of the Saviour of Mankind.. Let this Yule- tide Season be a real Happy One for us all, and not alone try and be Happy Yourself, but do your utmost to Make Others Happy Too! NOTICE Annual Meeting Of STANLEY FF:mERATION OF AGRICULTURE will be held in the TOWN. HALL, BAYFIELD On WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10th At 8.30 p.m. A good program will be Tendered, +along with a special speaker: HAROLD WHITE 1Secretary of the Canadian Short- itorn Association. PUBLIC DANCE Will follow the meeting EVERYBODY WELCOME STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Elmore McBride of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Torrance of Clinton spent Sunday Ia st with Mr and Mrs Eddie McBride wear Kippen. Moved to Brucofield Mr. and Mrs. Will Hill moved to irucefield from their farm in Stan— ley which was purchased by Mr. G. Elliott. Friends of Mr. Hill hope his health will soon he improved. Had Farewell Party On Monday evening last the nei- Le v tt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. zutticH .a carried . •tr eegay of pink roses,. Iv an Sharrow, brother of the groom, was best 'man. Following a 't ceptlon Phone 135 at the bride's home, the couple left on a' motor trip to Toronto, Niagara Thurs., Fri., Sat., Dee. 4, 5, Saturday Matinee Dear Ruth --StarriNg— Joan Cawfield Wm. Holden Billy De Wolfe Edward Arnold Acclaimed by Bing "Crosby and Bob Hope a, the greatest feature Com- edy of the year. Held over six weeks in Toronto. 0 Falls and U. S. The bride travelling in 41 brown gabardine suit with fur coat and matching accessories, wore a corsage of bronze hums and red roses. The couple will reside in Grand Bend. Monday, Tuesday Dec. 8, TWO `N`PATURES ADVENTURE ISLAND Color lay Technicolor Roy Calloun Calloun Ronda Fleming "1 COVER BIG TOWN" With Philip 'Reed .. 9. ghbourss met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dayman, Kippen who are leaving to make their home in London. The +evening •was spent in the playing of progressive crockinole. Council Met The Council passed a by-law set- ting the date .of the •annual nominat- ions for 1948 Council as the last Monday in December, the date of el- ection, should fhere 'be one, as the first Monday in January. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., it was decided in the bylaw, Celebrated Golaen Wedding Mr. and Mrs. John Scotctrmer, Sr. celebrated their golden wedding an niversary at their farm home, Bron- son line, Stanley Township on Mon- day, November 214th. Dinner guests were served to the number of four- teen. Gifts, flowers and telegrams were showered en the bride and groom of 50 years. They were mar- ried November 23, 1897, at Varna, started farming on the Blue Water Highway, quarter mile south of Hay- field, two years later they moved to Fargo, North Dakota, returning 5 years later to settle on the farm on the Bronson line, Stanley, where they lived for the past 43 years, M:r and Mrs. Scotchmer have five sons and one daughter, who were all at the dinner: Mrs. Robert Greer,Bay- field; Clifford, of Chicago; Roy, Charles, John and Gordon, all of Stanley Township. There are eleven grandchildren and two great-grand- children. BAYFIELD Mrs. J. Porter of .Goderich .is vis- iting her brother., Alfred Scotchmer and wife. Miss Milvena Sturgeon of London were visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Furter, and son Bill of London, visited with Mrs. W. J. 'Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hallman and two - sons of New Dundee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tur- ner. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Westlake vis- ited with friends .in St. Thomas. King Winter is here again and the roads last week in the district were in poor condition. Pupils at- tending Clinton Collegiate had an enforced .holiday owing to the fact the School Bus was unable to get through. Mrs. Jas. Ferguson returned, after spending the past• week with her sis- ter, Mrs. .Geddes in Seaforth. Mrs. Jack Jowett has moved to her home ,in town for the winter. Born — In Clinton Hospital, on Nov. ilia, to Mr. and Mrs. Merton Merner (Lorna Westlake) of- Bay- field, a son. Late John Richard Castle The village was shocked to learn of the sudden -death of John Rich- ard Caalilie, Who suffered a heart at- tack and died almost immediately. He was born in Hayfield, Sept. 25, 1898, the third son -of the late Geo. Castle and lived here all his life, -he was a commercial fisherman -and also conducted an ice business. Was a member of the Anglican 'Church,. a Mason Lodge. Surviving are his wife Mrs. Jean Weir and one son John Jr. of Toronto; three 'brothers, George of 'Goderich, Sydney of Simcoe and Thomas of Bayfield. His retreats and one sister pre -deceased him several years ago. The funeral took place on Mon -day last with interment in the Bayfield Cemetery. HENSALL Rev, R. H. Sanderson spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. John McEwen returned after attending the Royal 'Winter Fair` in Toronto. LID WITH CHARLIE & MORT Anita Gordon, teen-age vocalist of the "Charlie McCarthy Show," broadcast Sundays at 8 p.m. EST., over the 'Trans -Canadian network. Program features the comedy antics of Edgar Bergen's two. wooden proteges -Char- lie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd, interspersed with music by Ray Noble's orchestra, Dayman—Monk Talbot St. Baptist church, London was the scene . of the marriage of Edith Lucinda, elder traughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monk, London South, to Donald MacGregor Dayman only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Day - man, .Kippen. Rev. H. Trinier offi- ciating and the bridal music was played by the organist, Mr. W. Roy Gadding. Entering the church with her father, the bride chose a gown of white slipper satin for her wed- ding. Attending her sister as maid of honor, Miss Jean Monk was gown- ed in cerise taffetta with matching halo. Jim Smith was groomsman and the ushers were Wesley Monk, Sarnia, brother of the 'bride, and Charles McMichael. At the reception held atLlyn Lodge, Mrs. Monk re- ceived, assisted by the groom's• moth- er. Mr. and Mrs. Dayman will reside in Hensall. Ninety -Fifth Birthday Mrs. Catherine Baker, of Hen- sall, who has been ill in the Scott Memorial Hospital at Seaforth cele- brated her 95th birthday, Tuesday, Nov. 25th, when - she received the congratulations of her many friends. Mrs. Baker has been living with her daughter, Mrs. John Pfaff, of Hensall andresided in Cranbrook, Goderich. GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and Exeter before taking up resid- and family were recent visitors with' i ence in Hensall. Besides her . daugh- relatives at Glenco.. ter she has two sons, Wm. of God - Mrs. Annie Hicks erich-•and Leo of Windsor, 17 grand - Mrs. Annie Hicks died at her Mrs. R. Donaldson of London,•is home near Greenway. She was in children and 12 great ,grandchild- ren. her 74th year and was a highly re- syected resident of the community. Her husband, James B. Hicks, of Centralia, predeceased her 39 years ago. -She had been in failing health for some time, but hope was held for her recovery. Was a favoured mem- ber of Greenway United church, wh- ere her funeral service was conduct- ed by her pastor, Rev. K. M. Wood. The crowded church and the .beauti- ful floral tributes 'bore silent test- imony to the love and esteem in which -she was held. 'She is survived by two sons, Nelson dicks of Park- hill and Will Hicks of Greenway; 9 grandchildren and five greatgrand- children; also -a sister, Mrs. Robt. Pollock, and two brothers, Dave Eag leson and Wm. Eagleson, of Green- way. Interment was in Grand Bend cemetery. Sharrow—Hotson A quiet wedding was solemnized at Central Baptist Church in Lond- on when Miss Marion Hotson, only daughter of Mrs. J. Hotson, was un- ited in marriage to William Harvey Sharrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharrow, Grand Bend. The ec'zemony was performed by Rev, S. F. Logs- don. The bride was lovely in her floor length gd`ivn of white 'sheer over taffeta with long full sleeves and silver sequin trimmed neckline. Her embroidered fingertip veil yell from a cornet of white velvet rose.. She carried a bouquet of American Bea- uty roses and white baby mums. Miss Shirley Brenner, the bridesmaid, wee gowned in a floor length dress of pink faconne crepe over taffeta with with matching headdress of pink ribbon with shoulder length veil and holidaying at the home oa ner moth- er, Mrs. A. Saundercock. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer ate moving to Lucan were the former has accepted a position wrth the Hydro Commission. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. McNaugnton, and family recently visited with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Scruton in Port Dover. ' Mrs. John M. Glenn,. accompanied by her sister, Miss N. MacTag- gart of Exeter visited the past week with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. E. L. Mickle and two sons were recent visitors with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaddick, and family were week -end vrsitors in Palmerston. Miss Jennie Jolly was soloist on the air over Stratford Radio Statioe Sunday afternoon last. The occasion being anniversary of Ont. -St. Pen- tecostal church. The number Mhs Jolly sang was "The Lord's Prayer." Mr. Albert Specer had a narrow escape from serious injury while mot- oring in Usborne. Losing control of his new car, it turned over on it: top onto a big builder. The steel top was crushed in and the glass of the windshield shattered. The Hensall public school annual Christmas concert will be held in the Town Hall on Dec. 18th. William Dabus had the misfortune to' fracture his right arm recently when he fell into. a posthole on the farm of F. Lostell, Highway 4, near Hensall, while driving cattle through a field. Nomination At the nomination meeting held in the Town Hall, Hensall, on 'Fri- day evenir ., last, for the purpose of selecting officials the following list were chosen by acclamation: Reeve, A. W. Kerslake (aced,), Council, Win Parke, R. H. Middleton, Wm. Brown and Norman Jones (aced). Mr. Jones being the only new councillor select- ed. School Trustees; P. IVIcNaughton, Alf. Clarke, A. L. Case (acct); Hy- dro. ydro. Comm., Thos. Welsh (accl), Enjoyed Banquet Hensall Chamber of Commerce held its November meeting at the Town Hall, featured by a delicious banquet enjoyed by some 50 mem- bers and catered to by Group 2 of the Ladies Aid of Cannel Presbyter- ian church. Sam Rennie led in the singing during the dinner hour. The special speaker was K. L. Deleon, of Guelph, representative of Canadian Industrie; Ltd. Mr. Dolson was in- troduced by the reeve„ A. W. Kers- lake. The subject of his address was "Our Lend and its Care," and, he gave valuable infermatiort an ;oil conservation .test fertilizers, H*Ip Want ss era Eil ale COUNTY ASSESSOR Wanted for the County of Huron. Permanent employment for ;the ,right party. Applicants state qualifications and salary expected. Duties to commence on stir about Janu- ary 1st, 1948. Applications to be in the hands of the County Clerk, Goder=ch, Ontario, not later than December 18th, 1947. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario Vereemge******yealittiroomesogeotorgors DISTRICT NEWS— Hollanders in Community A family of seven recently arrived in Canada from Holland have taken up residence on the farm of James Gardiner, of the Thames Road. The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. *Jan Imanse and five children, four of Whom .are in attendance at the Thames. Road school. A brother,who has been in Northern Iowa for a number of years, isspending some time with them.—Exeter Times Ad- vocate. a Keep unnecessary lights switched oft o Do not use electric air heaters or grates. o Cook complete meals in oven as often as pos- sible, • Switch top -stove elements to "off" as soon es pos- sible, and use si ' ed hetet. e SAE ELICTEiCf7' EVERY WAY 1 C i • NOW IS. THE TIME TO HAVE YOURS ate S 0 S S S S S S S S S • too 0 S Y • s 8tex tiarr zaci,tuaaac f-tepszatl, . yamasmiel DO YOU NEED A New Furnace? INSTALLED We Can Supply You With One immediately Pial is and Varnishes SCARF'S FAMOUS PAINTS AN!) VAR- NISHES ALWAYS ON HAND Also The New Alrnatex Plastic Paints WE AIM ---To Serve and Satisfy D tars & rien MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE PHONE '213 kis tsea1 'a.J AND GOOD TO KNO Wt Here is your bank manager. Serving you. is his job—and he is as proud of serving you well as you are proud of your own work. If you need credit for business or per- sonal reasons talk things over with him.. He will respect your confidence. His knowledge and experience, with the whole organization of the bank behind him, can provide for you a wealth of information on conditions in Canada and elsewhere too, if you need it. Your bank manager is easy to meet— and a good man to know! PHIS IS ONE INSTANCE O hong Canada's 3,200 branch banks play their part in the daily life and work of Canadians' fr iSf'ORSt1 .E1P ptv YOUR RAMC