HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-12-04, Page 1: stahlished J200 Are You Su€fei'i k From He : daches? &a so,. Have your Eyes Exammed .with ''the Latest Methods. and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.`dt>, OPTOMETRIST & iP'lICIAk4T' GODER1Cif - ONT.. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4 19 47 our Oh CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISH= $1.50 a Year in Ldvance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. 4stm s .0'.1).Oppinosee Your Loe : TFIUR ' 'FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, .Etc. EXETER OFFICE: ---Coiner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Zurich Ssalty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. CIVE US A•• CALL! '31.400d Glasses at Reasonable Prices I Phone 153. for your Appointments DOREEN S,OH.ILBE-Zurich e++++444+i + i°4°g + ' °iefe£ ++4+ 04 rte.+ e+C ++++°i+++.+I++.2 i< PeIet a+b++3+°R°°F° °8°N 2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .a. 4° �€+ 4. • arrif afintaly, I anent one Private Car Anabulamce Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured 0. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral. Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATIQN DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashw od ,Ontario kr°I•°i•+€^+§•°r+++I°+'+D°+$+°fi°•Il'^S+ s+°°I4.4.4+ +.4..Gc +°6..rF.y°++4-°1° °°'r+4.0°t °`k°°•E•*i••2°4a=•Z°°?°°ff+41 Ett When you ZIVe llookhlg for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as. we alp►•,:.y>s mahitttsun to have a ood stock of ,Fresh Groceries always on hand, although Mme Hines are at times hard to get, yet we do o bast to purchase our supplies from the leadilt 2;upp}iy houses... Oranges, Lei nuns, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and rang other linea we offer at very moderate prices. Visit Our Store and Be Convinced es c PRODUCE WANTED. It7�1 1 1>If I, j 1111 1ij.MJ 1II iris Phone 165 11111,11(Ilt : 9 r 0110,1111 11.0.1111(10k% t4 acre `. :.'.nom" �i IS JUST AHEAD NOW IS T E TIME TO GET YOUR HEAVY CLOTHING. WE HAVE IT FOR MEN, LADIES, BOYS AND GIRLS. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF JACKETS, SWEATERS ETC., AT THE OLD PRICES BE SURE AND SEE THEM! FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EACH WEEK. Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich TRAGIC END OF A GENIUS Lifewas a nightmare for the Gov- ernment research expert who posses-• sed the war's top scientific secrets. Be sure to read the grim, heretpfore untold, story of a startling real life mystery in The American Weekly, famous magazine with this Sunday's (Dec. 7) issue of The Detroit Sun- day .Times. HYMENEAL " Collett-Ratz Zion- Evangelical church, :Crediton was the scene of a pretty wedding when Reta Mary Ratz, Reg. N., dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rats be- came the bride of Raymond 13. Coll- ett, of Toronto. Rev. M. L+'. ireuber of Crediton 'officiated at the double - ring ceremony. The groom is tier -son of Mrs. Edna and the late A, F. 'Collett of Dewberry, Berk, r.ng.at d. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, wore a florlr-length draped gown of wine mala,a crepe, and a small hat of French reathers. 'The bridesmaid was Miss Ruth Ratz sister of :the bride. Major Pierce Gouding, of Oakville, was the best man. Mrs. F. Morlock of Crediton, played :the wedding music and Mr. T. Hairy Hoffman of Dashwood sang "The Lord's Prayer" during the cer- emony and other suitable selections. Following the ceremony a reception .;,he local Owls Club had a grand was held at the home of' .the brides'time`for the week -enol at the cottage., parents. Guests from Toronto, Lont owned b3. Mr Earl Weido on the don, Windsor attended. After theSchade lake front, as the snow flakes reception the happy couple left for wexe finding their way to earth and a short motor `trip through eastern Old Lake Huron breezes were blow- Orttario,. They will reside in Tor- oats on their return. nmg: The happy party were eery cosy Hand Injured e Mr. Norman Fleischauer, elf em- ployee at the Kalbfieisch Mills had the misfortune of receiving a pain- ful injury to his left thumb when a Merge' sliver penetrated through the lower part. Medical atteneren was iirimediately given by, Dr. P. J. 0'. Dwyer. Mr. Fleischaur's many fri- ends wish him a speedy recovery. Have Moved .Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer have moved into their apartment adjoin- ing- the bakery business formerly owned by Mr. Leeland Willert who 1-i4,moved his family and household effects into the dwelling adjoining the Zurich Dairy and formerly oc- cupied by Mr. Witmer. Mr. Willert is now our milkman and makes his founds every morning. We welcome Ir.; and Mrs. Willert over here on Victoria Street. Enjoyed Ouitng Annual ' Meeting Montreal, Dec. 1 -urging a Pharpi ened sense of responsibility among groups that make policies which hear on prices ; and .costs, George Spin ney, president of the 13a,n': of Ron- :,real;:' today*dee I<l,ed that: posed restraint from charging what the traffic will bear, either for goods or the skill required to proauce them is as necessary, as practical ancI as, prudent as fire insurance on P.. high- in,h.e cottage and the warm fire ,sitntner•ing away,. along with plenty to eat and bygone memories were related as well as for the present and fertitee. Christmas Season 34eappiioachi. g xteiyr'rap: idly when we will celebrate one of the most sygnificant of our holidays namely -Christmas. We have many reasons to make this a happy occas- ion for old and young, in memory of ly inflammable structure. the Christ child being born to us, to Address ing 13 Of- M shareholders save mankind. How thrilled the ehil- at -their 130th annual meeting, Mr. dren are when they enter our well Spinney also pieaded for an immed- decorated stores and shops with the fate, selective immigration pro ;•ram glittering tinsil, toys, etc., almost and a reduction in government spen- every kind, dolls, toy trains, child - ding, as possble aids to a more :table ren's table and chairs, sleighs and economy. good shoes and rubbers along with Referring to the present high taxi- good clothing and many other thing; ces, llr. Spinney said that recent de- too numerous to mention, This year velopments emphnsieed for en influ- ! more things are available than last ental groups in the community - the i year. The Christmas spirit fairly urgent need of a sharpened .cense of enthusiases one when we enter with responsibility for the implu.ntione efH, the children. What puzzles the pare their own policies in relatron eo the !elite who are almost at a loss, as the behavior of prices and living cost I children with their surprising look While admitting that Canadians have at all the nice things, and would like been spared the hardships of violent , to have almost everything, and what inflation, Mr. -Spinney said, "we a thrill for the parents. The display have experienced enough of the con- here in Zurich is very complete, the sequences of a gradual depreciation i merchants are putting forth every of the internal purchasing power of effort to give their customers the best our dollar to yearn for the ad ant of service. So shop early and bug ages of a dependable standard of your choice before the supply tuna value in terms of a stable level of , low. As there is plenty now for ev- prices." I eryone in the family and you would - Mr, Spinney then turned to a di.-,'nt want to miss any. -Shop early cussion of Canada's unbalanced trading relationships, and suggested that the measures recently taken to meet the problem were a challenge to the good sense of Canadians. in view- of what many other nations were suffering, he remarked that the present restrictions scarcely deserved the dignity of the title "austerity" General Manager's Address In his report, B.C. Gardner, gen- eral manager, announced a new high of 1,600,000 B of M depositors. As further evidence of post-war activ- ity, he also revealed that the bank had opened 28 branches and sub - agencies Within the last year. There had been a relatively greater incre- ase in bank staff, rising :Torn 8,400 in 11)46 to 8,900 at the end of the current liseal year. Mr. Gardner painted out -that Can- ada's foreign trade rnacta,ect peace- time high during the nasi; year. f,"' bank's policy of working with long- established native banks in foreign Mero NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED ALSO 32 -PIECE BREAKFAST SETS FROM $9.95 UP. VERY SMART DESIGNS A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identificatio: of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek CoaL Roe Farms Milling Co., Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel! Se,. 00060 0600 W 4. 4. a. 4. 4. 4. 4. 08 0 44 fig 66 • Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital lied end «' h elc' r; FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich 1 1 4. 80961 W06:+i9GE;90cD oemicasigiatOMF..4i^+0@e®¢'YfG3'Gd+00k0606Qc 4000060042+6804.9 Lions Club News An almost perfect attendance was present at the supper meeting in the Dominion Hotel on Monday ev- ening, and it was an interesting me- eting as the House treated those hungry Lions to a choice venison supper, the venison being donated by the Lions. Unless for the whisp- ering around that we are having venison, we would have thought we were eating Blue Ribbon Prince beef, so well was it prepared and nicely roasted. No wonder hunters of the tropical countries tell us that Lions like venison. That tradition holds good .fen the Zurich Lions. Well, we had that interesting visit from Our District Governor, Lion Lloyd Edighoffer of Mitchell, who as a boy hails from this district, and he gave us a lovely talk rentinscing of the days when he played hockey and ball in Zurich. Lion Lloyd felt markets had, he felt, proved h,,lpfnl very much at home with us, and in nrovidinr eu :tomer,,; with unex- he told' us it was just like coming celled facilities in conducting' their back home and calling on the old est,c�t•t and import trade,lnoys of some years a3 o. Lion In his closing remarks, Mr. tett- Meek, who was tined the usual $1 at dner paid warm tribute to the stiff. the last meeting for becoming father Noting that numerous return,d tint- of a son, sarta squared ,things lip evans on the stsll' already occupied ' with some of the Lions by making' a important post he added that many, motion that those Lions who have no new entrants engaged since the v :tr son, be also fined, and it bit a good- , were also veterans. Mr. Gardiner 1y number. ' Just one more meeting paid special tribute to the won'. •n for this year, which will be cotisld- employees who comprise son fib eyed the Christmas meeting, Pee-. Per cent of the total staff, ember 11 ii}t, 4. 4. • Ward Fritz SALE S Wm. m. Mc Adams SERVICE w7rOPS r3 SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING monsionecricrtmawnewo asnrc rJuara tea r Fali] erchan WE HAVE A LIMITED STOCK OF MEN'S OVERALLS, WORK PANTS AND SHIRTS PENMAN'S PREFERED AND PENMAN'S RIBBED WOOL UNDERWEAR Take advantage of our New Low Prices on Fire- stone Tires and Tubes,.. also have Firestone Auto Batteries GOOD SUPPLY OF PEDLAR, WATER BUCKETS A Good Line of Fatened Medicines on hand always AKE STORE Edmund Swartzentrubtr, Prop. Phone % 31. 1.-97