HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-11-27, Page 50111TAIRIO Weisepee•WW3.11.111011.11.,...1 ZURICH HERALD r Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist Main Sr., Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar Klapp LICENSED AUCTIONEER Will sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central Alvin H. Walper LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. I E5 F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' Terms Reasonable, Sat:sfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. ElIbex of Crediton visited in town on Sun- day. Only four more weeks until Chris- tmas. Have you thought or your IShopping? Two auto loads of men of the Ev- angelical church attended a special meeting in the interests of Church Union at Sebringville one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Erb, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gingerich were visitors with friends at Elkton and Pigeon, Mich., for a few days. Mrs. Dan Gin- gerich, who has been there for some time, returning with them, Announcement Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar, Hay- field, announce the marriage of their eldest daughter, Elva Frances, to William Lovering Metcalf, son of Mrs. Win. Metcalf and the late Dr. Metcalf, 'Hayfield on Nov. 15th, in Bayfield. Immediately after the cer- emony thel bridal couple left for Reno, Nevada, where they will make their home. eweacraelemerlse NOTICE ANNUAL ,MEETING The Blue Water- Gun Club will hold their annual meeting on Mon- day evening, December 1st, at the Drysdale Store, at )8:30 Charles Rau, President, Phone Zurich $2r'7.Sar,arasSecretary, n.•-• VETE,RINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. !=f VETERINARY SURGEON Oce with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ittone-9 6 ZURICH 1-1 Zurichs' popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the -very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yungblut & Sou PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry 14ave Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery p.m. FOR SALE A good used heater stove. Also a new 2; -wheel trailer.—L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich FOR QUICK' SALE A small stable for immediate sale. Apply to Theo. Haberer, Zurich. FOR SALE Occasional Chair and Rocker to match.—E. E. Wuerth, Phone 84.. NOTICE The Directors of The Hay Town- ship Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company have bought a number of Powder Tube Fire Extinguishers which they are prepared to sell to their policy -holders for $1.50 and to Nonpolicy-holders for $2.00 cash. Consult your nearest, Director or the undersigned. H. K. Eilber, Secretary, Crediton, Ont. PURE FORD BULLS. — ROSNEY FARMS GO'DERICH, ONT. Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Smith were Sunday guests with relatives at Seaforth. Mrs. Lena Sweitzer f 'Crediton, visited at the borne of M. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer for the week -ed. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm of Baden were guests at the home of former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, B. W. Mr. and Mrs. Merner Eilber have returned to their home in Northville Mich., a .supberb of Detroit, after enjoying the week -end visiting fri- ends in Zurich and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Truss and daughter Phyllis, of London are vis- iting for some days at the home of. the former's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel Severalsmart Dinner and Tea Sets, porcelain and china on display to bring rich gleaming beauty to your, table. $9.95 upwards.—Hess, the Jeweller. 'With the colder weather now here we have gazed into the local fuel dealers' bins and find that they are next to empty. We hope tee aver- age citizen has a better supply. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck and daughter Patsy of Bradford were week -end. visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers of town, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. iStelck, Dashwood. Milk prices in Ontario are on the upward grade again, as are ma other items we use. So if one these mornings you milk man w be standing at your door asking f a few more cents a quart, don't surprised. Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Conon of tow accompanied by the former's pa cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coxon Milverton, visited at the home oft former's brother at Toronto, th also attended the Royal Winter Fa last week. Hunters Returned Messrs. Ivan Yungblut, Ferd. a Jacob Haberer, J. W. Merner, ha returned home from their hunti trip and they were successful landing a buck deer and two do John Wesley is wearing a big sm as a fine deer came his way a this time he produced the corre shot which made him very happ One of the main highlight, of t outing was a birthday party rn ho or of the mentioned hunter, J.W. T table being centred with a delicio Birthday Cake, decorated with. ca dies of cedar, as traditional woo mein style. The cake, as well as t balance of the banquet was prepar by their Greek Chef, and a very e joyable time was spent, with b wishes and many more birthda We are grateful that our hunters this community have returned ho safely and ill seemed to have ago ny of ill or be n of he he ely ir, nd ave ng in es. ile nd ct y. he heus ds - he n- ds - he' ed n- est ys. in me FOR SALE time in this fall sport, namely hu BRED REGISTERED HERE - Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. 0Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE 13A1ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. S444,I15.39 ; Rates on Application E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH AGENT 'Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance FOR QUICK SALE. 1946 ,Monarch. 118. Sedan for sale. Low mileage. See Maurice Masse; Phone 93-12, Zurich. FOR SALE Holstein Cow 4 years old, due on April 1st. Apply to Ted. Leibold, Babylon line, Hay. WANTED A , used furnace, hot am or hot water before December 7th. Apply to Ivan Willert, Phone 1211.0, Zurich. FOR SALE Wood tops and standing. Would consider cash or cutting on shares. Richard Robinson, Box 37, R.R. 1, Zurich. Phone 83 on 97, Hensall. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) nt- ing in the Northern country which gives one a fine outing. MISSING BOAT FOUND The flat bottom skif7.jn wh James R. Misner in whichlariuc . James R. Misner, 40-ypar-old Sti ford cluck -hunter, was swept out sea in a storm a week previous, found on 'Sunday near Popular Ue the mils south of Kincardine. T boat came ashore some time Sat day night, approximately 21 in north of the point near Port Alb where Misner set out to retrive wounded duck, using a boat -seat a paddle. Despite a wide-spr search by sea and air, Covering an estimated 1,000 square miles of lake Huron's waters, this is the first sign of Misener or the boat since he drif- ted out of sight on the morning of November 16th. Kenneth McKenzie of Huron Twp. found the boat a few hundred yards from where an almost similar boat was found a few days previous. TO NAME ASSESSOR Goderich — The concluding sess- ion of Huron County Council gave the equalization committee power to advertise for tenders and if they see flit, engage an assessor. This clause was added to the motion the previous day asking the equalization commit- tee to continue its work and prepare additional information regarding the appointment of a county assessor. Many reeves were of the opinion that the committee was qualified to make the appointment. Members of this committee ard: Reeves R. Rats, S. Snyder, E. J. Parrish, Cecil John- ston and George Mathieson.. Reeve George Armstrong, of Hay, launched the debate, by requesting that the committee which had done good work be given an opportunity to find a qualified man and employ him. Reeve Rats pointed out the importance of employing a fully qualified assessor. If the -County expects a report from the assessor in 1950, one should be appointed immediately. General Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ich at - to was ach he Ur - lies ert a as cad • READ on the table 4*r the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -NU taste good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 ZURICH Agricultural Highlights The three members of the Huron County Judging Team, Dick Leggett of Blyth, Ed. Miller and Harry Dou- gall of Exeter, participated in the Inter -County Judging Competition„ which was held on Nov 17, at t he Royal Winter Fair. 29 County teams took part and the team from Huron stood 13th. In individual standing Dick Leggett tied for 14th place in the group of 87 boys. The regulati- ons, sponsored by the Provincial De- partment of Agriculture, epeciry that each boy shall judge ten classes of livestock, two of dairy cattle, two of beef cattle, two of horses, two of swine and two of sheep and give or- al reasons on all classes judged.. On Saturday morning, Nov. 22nd, 44 young men and women, represent ing the Blyth, Clinton and South Huron Junior Farmers and Junior Institute Clubs, motored to Toronto by chartered bus, to be guests of the Royal Winter Fair Board at the big Winter Agricultural Show. All the members of this group received complimentary tickets from the Roy- al Winter Fair Board admitting them to the Grounds to the afternoon Horse Show in the Coliseum. The group returned late the same even- ing.• • aMembers of the Perth -Huron Sheithorn Club are planning a very nlete- program for their annual meeting, which will be held in Clin- ton on Wednesday, Dec. 110th. In the morning the Directors will meet in the Board Room of the Agricult- era) Office, to complete certain but - Incas of the year, and at noon all the members and their wives will enjoy a banquet in the dining room of the Clinton Hotel. Mr. Alfred Mee, prominent business man from Guelph, will be the after dinner speaker, and in the afternoon Prof- essor George E. Day of Guelph, and Mr. Harold White, Secretary of the Canadian Shorthorn Breeders' As- sociation, will' address the general meeting in the Agricultural Office. Thursday, Noverabe •WrIPI.,,11,0W01,WPWW. 27th, 1947 smonamomisammunismonsmommesnimmonummenoinameNs ion.. Successor to Hess Insurance Agency • J. W. HABERER Phone 161 •.Zurich, Ont. . 0 To Car and Home Owners • : • YOU ALWAYS PREPARE FOR WINTER " 4. * • • Antifreeze - Batteries, Car Heaters, Fuel Oil Space Heaters, Electric Heaters, Radios, R.C.A. Victor • o * : for Cars, Electric Mantle Radios, Accessories, • 4.' Rifles, Fans, Tire Chains, Hydraulic Jack, Horns • • • and etc. Cash in now on the new price of Tires. *• * * •• We have most sizes in various makes, Also Studded Tires for winter driving. •. 0 • ROLAND GRENIER . Grand Bend, Phone 50r5 eterassereeraeasevetweaseresse-aamettersev,traa la a aeir. '02," "It21:521k ,Jasle. rs....,...Trisontl FLOOR TILE Ii 111110110111 FOR The Best In Master Tile Floor GET TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM .. Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given 11111111It 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111EIRIMIMMIM School Days esisocawnsuoursiewssaMISONONIIII Are Here Again New Fall Shoes Have Arrived to meet the required need of your Children. Prepare For The Cold and Rainy Days Equip yourself with Rubbers, Raintites, Pullovers, and Galoshes. A Complete Line in Rubber Foot- wear. A New Smart Line of Ladies' Plastic, Kid and Calf Pumps to choose from. Men's Work Shoes, Men's Dress Shoes, Rubber Boots for Men, Boys and Youths, also Leather High Cuts A New Shipment of Baggage is expected any time SEE FOR YOURSELF MILT 01b8611 FOR RELIABLE FOOTWEAR AND SHOE REPAIRING •---aamaa rams< • >essaa aatsaa • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • at • z • • • • • • • • • • ..gaimimagame DO YOU NEED A New Furnace? NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOURS INSTALLED IS S S • • • • • • We Can Supply You With One Immediately • • • • • • • Paints and Varnishes SCARF'S FAMOUS PAINTS AND VAR- NISHES ALWAYS ON HAND Also The New Almatex Plastic Paints WE AIM ---To Serve and Satisfy Datars & O'Brien MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE PHONE 213 • 6111029111.5"1410"""r41111i.:i.,_ ,7Z1i:ITASEMBIrds=31111=11 ammewinewwwww.mmeeweW•wW•mmeeemmles•Meewwe1....11 Should You Have Completed and mailed This Card? IF larout, C•• Ws ar.rutio.isxwts. KoLtso! " *vow wows esWat .reed ea. Weel ewe. ;ed. e. Tee: ew ;De ,de tone; te.eee leaeleee.. Mgr. Wm. tee trbe74. tr.".•:aer. Viet 2=1, eee re • =ea. le, you are entitled to repayment of the Refundable Savings Portion of your 1942 income Tax, AND — IFyou live at a different address, or have changed your name due to marriage or other reasons since filing your1942 IncomeTax return, YOU SHOULD COMPLETE THIS CARD If you have not yet done so please act now . . . All cards should be in the Department by Nov. 30th Remember! There are complete details of what to do on the cards delivered to each household in Canada during recent weeks. If, for any reason, you did not get your card or an insufficient supply was left at your address, go to your nearest district Income Tax office or your local Post Office, where cards are available. if you have a change of name or address to report do it now. It will assist in the proper delivery of your cheque! *or DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE Taxation Division Ottawa Hon. James I. McCann Minister of National Revenue It