Zurich Herald, 1947-11-27, Page 3Carrying Sand to an All -Sand Island Altho ugh: Miscou Island, in the Gulf of St, Lawrence,
is entirely made of sand, they still have to carry more sand to it. The reason is that the Miscou
sand is too -salty for the manufacture of cement—and when construction is being done, 'salt-
less sand has to be shipped from. Quebec City.This picture shows a load being towed by the
• Government ship "Chesterfield" and is a scene from the National Film Board production
"River Watch".
Sports — And One Thi
or Another
("A Sixbit Critic")
While talking the other evening
with a friend who is a veteran foot-
ball referee—Yes, indeed, even ref-
erees have friends, although not many
-he came up with a rather interest-
ing suggestion. "Our educational
authorities," he said, "spend a lot of
time and money on these Sight Sav-
ing and Sight Improvement Classes
for school children. I have an idea
that would get them far better and
quicker results, and at a big saving
too." Having nothing better to do at
the moment than' listen, we told him
to go ahead.
* * *
"Back in the days of railroading
they used to have a saying that the
quickest way to improve; the breed of
cattle was to cross a cow with' a
C.P.R. locomotive. No matter what
sort of animal it was to start with,
as soon as the claim for damages
Went in it turned out to have been
a pure-bred bossy worth hundreds
of dollars," he said. "And my plan
would work every bit as miraculous-
ly on the human eye." Although we
had a sneaking notion of what might
be coming, again we told hint to pro-
* * *
"I'd take every kid with weak eye-
sight," he continued, "make a sports
writer out of hint, and give him a
card for the Press Box. That would
do the trick sure. For while I've
known plenty of you guys that write
about sport who can't normally rec-
ognize anything smaller than an ele-
phant at a distance of six feet, just
put you in a Press Coop and you
are immediately. 'gifted with ,sight
better than Annie Oakley ever had,
and she could shoot all the spots out
of a ten of diamonds at a hundred
* * *
He spoke rather bitterly, but we
think he 'had reason kr his beef.
Rabid fans and players •heated by the
excitement of the game may have
sonie excuse for seeing things as
they would like them to be, rather
than the way they actually happen..
But when sports writers at a foot-
ball game, situated anything from
fifty to a hundred yards from some
play, cotne out 'with something like
"The referee certainly missed that
one," we sometimes can't help won-
dering where they get that wonderful .
'l' • * *
DEFINITION—Dyed-in-The -
Wool Sports Fan— A man making
$35 a 7ceck and behind with his
room rent, who will go without
lunch for several days in order to
'chip in' to pay a $50 fine foully im-
posed by a heartless referee on some
blg loogan getting eight thousand a
year or better playing hockey or base-
* • * *
just a little while before the Mus-
tangs -Varsity game in London, we
wrote something about the atnazing
planner in which the Mustangs had
dominated intercollegiate football
for the past few seasons --hinting
that a great deal of their superior.
ity might be due. to the mental atti-
pade of their opponents. Briefly,
McGill, Queens and Varsity played
as though they knew they Were
eaten before the opening whistle
* * *
What happened in London seems
Thave borne' out this contention.
hough we didn't see the tie gatne
. , . choosing to watch Argos give
Rough Riders a pushing -round In.
stead ... friends who were present
told us about it. They say that Var-
sity took the field in the spirit of,
"Well, we've got nothing to lose, so
let's have some fun with these guys
anyway." And before the struggle
had proceeded more than ten min-
utes, it was the Mustangs who were
wearing that look of "What's going
on here shouldn't happen to a dog."
* * *
Altogether, the tie game was per-
haps the best thing that could have
happened to college football. Over
the season's play, Mustangs were
best, and deserve the title. But from
now on nobody's going to just take
their word that they're the tops.
They'll' have to prove iton the field
—which is just the way it should be
Man 0' War was undoubtedly a
great racehorse. But a lot of the
jocks on horses that opposed him,
rode as if they had their eyes set
on second money.
* * *
And to our younger readers we
might exipain that the pictures and
descriptions put out regarding the
recent opening of the Metropolitan
Opera House were not—as far
as we can learn—Red propaganda.
But to a populace composed largely
of people sprinting desperately to
keep within reach of rising costs of
living, the Reds couldn't have done
better if they'd tried.
Special Ful -O -Pep
Prizes at Royal
. Two lucky kids, ,will leave the
1947 Royal Winter Fair feeling
very happy .indeed. They will be
the champions of Beef and Dairy
Cattle Division of the Boys and
Girls Club Contests.
The winner in the Beef Division
is being awarded a Hereford Heif-
er Calf. This is not an ordinary
calf. Her name is Old Orchard
Haz I 2nd and she is from the
show herd of Old Orchard Farms,
Peterborough. Her sire is WHR
Monarch 60t11, the bull who sired
Reserve Champions in the 1946
Royal Winter Fair. .
The winner of the Dairy Division
gets Glenafton L. Holly Sylvia as
his or her special prize. This heifer
was bred by J. J. McCague, Glen-
afton Farms Alliston Ontario. Her
sire is Rag Apple Talisman whose
dans holds a record .of 26,262 lbs.,
4% milk and is a full sister of
4 -tines All American Montvic
Rag Apple Bouheur, The calf's
dans is Glenafton Laurel Sylvia, el
Marksman daughter, nominated as
All Canadian 2 year old 1945 and
with a '2 year old record of 15,425
lbs. of milk, 551 lbs. of fat.
Yes, two well deserving boys or
girls will receive prize heifers valu-
ed at more than $1,000.00 each
through the eourtesy of Quaker
Ful -O -Pep Feeds and The Quaker
Oats -Company of Canada Limited.
PILESNothing else you can tiu8'
has tho same Internal ae^
tion as 1'YLTONEI PILE
REMEDY. This liquid (taken by mouth)
is compounded from. special Baleamas.
Hume, and Plant -Extracts. It Bete re-
, sults beeanso It goes directly to the In-
terns] cause OC Piles, That's the reason
icor its success 6n the Most stubborn
eases, This modern waY of treating
that Internal trouble !lets results that
last, Ono bottle of PTLTONE fie *Ratio
to prove its healing nosier or Price re.
funded at once. That's our guarantee no
matter bow long standing your case may
be. Your Druggist has it: or Can Order
!t for you,
New & Used
USED, in good condition -6 pc.,. Sprints
reconditioned: Ladies dresser, vanity, chit.
fouler, full size panel bed and new mat-
tress: in light or dark walnut, oak or
Painted. Take your choice. These Bets are
Worth far more. Take advantage while
our stock lasts. Specialty! 584.05.
nes. Al- Cotton Damask, strong, durable,
square show wood arms, well constructed.
Maroon and contrasting green. Lovely set,
USED 9 -pee. sets. Good clean condition
All spring filled. Priced according to
value. .Assorted materials and colours,
Only 582.50-549.00.
DINING ROOM SETS—Used. Good clean
condition, 9-pcs: square table. packed and
crated. Ready for safe and immediate
shipment. Priced according to value:
$99.50-512000. With round table 569.96.
QUEBEC HEATERS—with oven. enamel
door, no. shelf. Reconditioned, $21.50.
Others, with warming oven. $24-50-$3$.50.
THEESE are only a few of our wonderful
bargains. We have. furniture for every
room In your house. Write today for our
new price list. No charge—Free!. Free'!
Lucky winners selected. Don't delay—
Weite tod'ay.•
NOTE:'Write for' anY item not inehtioned,
We have its We have aatisfied.,ot>lers,,,,
Why not you? Send money order deposit,
balance C.O.D. to your nearest' open
station that is not a flag!Allorders re-
ceived are given our beat attention! Our'
Motto: --"Be served as you would like to
be Bert ed!"
American Furniture
Mail Order Dept.,
Montreal, Que.
Von Will Enloe Staying at
The Ste Regis Hotel
® Every Room With Tub Bath,
Shower and Telephone
pp Single, 52.50 and up—
Double, $4.50 Up
O Good Food. Dining and Dancing
Sherbourne at Carlton
Tel. RA. 5185 •
Por Ctioephy SYRUP
For best results
follow the instructions
-alliez 4
ISSUE 49-194.7
Classified Advertising
troitSALE—Tractor Tiros, made of rubber,
suitable dor bolting On ateol wheels, $15,00
each, rear wheels; $7.60 each. front wheals.
When ordering state diameter and width et
wheels, National Rubber Co. i td.. i Wilt,
chine Ave., Toronto, Ont.
$8.600-126 acres, clay loam, large barn:
0 -room residenog, new poultryhouse, hew
garage, good water' supnty.' 4Ydro, deal tel-
ephone, excellent woodot, excellent location,
4% roles from Brockville, on paved road,
Box 7.50. 73 Adelaide w., Toronto.
AN OFFER to every Inventor---Llat of Owen.
Voris and full Information sent tree, The
Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys 873
Bank Street, Ottawa.
WE believe there is still more money in eggs
.than any other farm produdt. It will pay
you to fill up your pens with choice pullets
16 weeks to laying. Barred Rocks, New
•Hampehlres, White Leghorns, Wbtte Rocks,
Light Sussex. Book your order now for day
old chicks for immediate or Spring delivery,
Free catalogue, Tweddle Ctllck Hatcheries
Limited, Fergus, Ontario.
Be certain that you buy good, healthy
chicks this coming season. Insure delivers
date by placing your order esw. All breeders
Government banded and pitnorum tested.
Write for our 1948 catalogue and price list.
THERE is still money in eggs. Fill up
your pens with pullota 16 weeks to laying:
White Letlhorns, Barred Rooks, New Hemp.
shires, White Rocks. Light Sussex and many
other popular breeds, Book your order now
for' your 1948 chicks. Free catalogue. Top
Notch, Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario.
IF you Want January chicks, they should be
e ordered now. There's immediate deivery
on baby chicks, heavy breeds; cockerels,
Pullets, non -sexed. Inquire Bray Hatchery,
130 John N. Hamilton Ont.
HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for information. We are
glad to answer your questions. Department
H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge
Street, Toronto, Ontario.
QUILT PIECES—Hand size and larger all
laid flat. Cotton prints and stripes. Four
(4) pounds for 31.00. Guaranteed or money
refunded. Free -16 quilt patterns and instruct
tions. Free—Detalled carpet knitting instruc-
tors. Large quantity cotton. Bilk, wool under-
wear, towelling remnants—full widths, up to
6 yds, long. For full information write Asso-
ciated Converters -inc., 4084 St. Lawrence,
Parts and Service. Bert E Kennedy & Son,
419' College St. Toronto. •
'JOHNSON Iron Horse engines, % H.P. $61.46
1.34 H,P. $70,00. Immediate delivery. Cur-
rey Bulmer, Eglinton & Bathurst. Toronto,
Beginner's kit—Contains enough materials to
make five complete brooch and earing Bete,
comilete with instructions and diagrams.
$2.96 plus 16e postage. Complete line of
shells and accessories, Free catalogue. Dun -
Dee Shelicraft Industries, Dept. S.F., Box
3. Station K. Toronto.
Cast iron built-in baths—Lavatory Basine—
Compact toilets—Soil pipe—Septic 'tanks.
Kitchen Sinks -01I burning ranges—Space
heaters Everything in stock—Immedlato
delivery. Plumbing and Heating Division -
2. elt:ru11.•Co. Ltd. -Orangeville, Ont.
:.'hite'nnopnn -mock Sanforized, prin-
ced'e style, popular make, atzes; 14 to 20
$2.60 each postpaid. Refund guarantee,
Garry Salea Co, Box 144, Station G.
TRAPS. and Trappers' supplies at attractive
delivered prices. Write for free price
list. Metro 3, Sass, Bear Line, Ont.
Aluminum roofing and siding gives you life-
time protection at the lowest prices in
history. Flat, corrugated and rolls, prices
$7.76 per 100 so, ft. and up. Write for
Arica list, Newson & Campbell Co. Hamilton,
RECORDS. Free catalogue of favorite hill-
billy and dance artiste. National Radex
Ltd., Dept. 0, 419 Portage Ave., Winnipeg.
NEW Holland Automatic Pickup Hay and
Straw Balers. Tobacco & Potato Planters,
etc. Bale Loaders, Saw Frames. Hammer
Mills. Service guaranteed. Order now from
Brant Farm Equipment, Colborne at Clarence,
Brantford, Ont.
foe marking Bale Weights. Price 60c per
M. f.o.b. here. Put up in necks of 6.000.
Samples 'sent on request, The Bale Label
Co., 11ia1maison, Que.
BIG SALE—Brown ..brief cases with zipper,
Size 16x11. An attractive useful tasting
gift for students and others. Price $$2.00
postpaid. Canada Merchandisers, Post OtSce
Box 269, Toronto.
GREAT Dane Puns, pure bred, registered,
golden: fawg, black masks, Dam Mar-
garet Rase, daughter oft Fingardo Charon on
.Toe. L. ,dire, Ace of Dane -liar. A. Rice,
St. Marys, Ontario.
FOR . Sale—Registered English male bulldog,
2 years ofd; one Irlett terrier, 4 months.
Apply to Dr. Campbell, 164 Dalhousie St.,
Brantford, Ont, ,
' McCORMICIK DEERING, No. 16 hay baler
with 4 cylinder motor for stationary or
nlek-up. work, • Apply Stan McLean, Maitland,
GIVE an outboard for Christmas. Champion
DeLuxe, immediate: delivery $168.60. We
repair all makes. Benoit's Machine Shop,
160 Betleehasse, Montreal,
FOR sale, Cletrac 70 h,p. Diesel crawler
tractor, -power take -off, lights; ready for
bush work, 52,600 cash: .cable controlled
10'9" angle blade attached, $1,000 cash; will
sell separately, harry Knight, R.R. 1, Port
Carling, Ont.
HEAVILY timbered Iand for sale, at Sault
Ste, Marie, ten miles north-west of :site
n Twp. of Prince, 11.10, t/4 of Section 22
and S.E. 14 of Section 16, altogether three
hundred and twenty acres. Tito is excellent
timber land. running heavy to birch and
hard maple and oak. Price 560.00 per acre,
THE owner has secured a oamp for men
and teams' convenience for this winter.
Truck toad right to to this timber, Aims'
to D. M, Burgess, Tilbury, Ont. Phone 670-32.
LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method.
Information on request regarding classes
Robertson's Iiatrdressing Academy. 187 Ave.
nue Road, Toronto.
IT'S EXCELLENT, Real results after tak-
t0i Dixon's Remedy for Xtheuinatto Pains
and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 306
Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00.
PEOPLE ARID TALKING; about the good
results from taking Dixon's Remedy tor
Rheumatic Pains and Neurltls. Mun ro's Drug
Store, 836 Higin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00.
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant dignified profession, good wages
thousands successful Marvel graduates
America's greatest system. illustrated cata-
logue free. Write or Call
388 Bloor St. W„ Toronto
Branches 44 King St., t•Tamritoo
& 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa
Snare or full-time money -making! Learn to
make candy at home and earn as you learn.
Correspondence course. National institute of
Confectionery Reg'd.. Delorimler, P.Q. Box
162, Montreal, Que.
Solicitors. Established 1890, 14 King West,
Toronto. Booklet of information n request.
LONESOME? Romantic Correspondence Mog-
azlne contains photos, descriptions, large
lists. One year 82. Sample copy 10c. World
Federation Club, Parkerview, Sask.
20 FOR $1.00
The most distinctive Christmas Cards you
can get , . , cards friends will treasure.
Send us your favorite negative, We'I3
return 20 attractive greeting cards 6Ili
x 4',l," with your "snap" (from one nesit-
tive) printed on and matching envelopes.
On 2 -color folder cards 51.60 dz. On fold-
er cards with photos colored 88.60 ds.
Any size roll 6 or 6 developed and
printed 200. Reprints from your negatives
4 cents,
Box 129 Post office A, Toronto
WANTED flocks to supply us witb hatching
eggs for the 1948 hatching season. Flocks
culled and btoodtested free. Gparantee pcte
mlum plus hatchability premium paid. Mao
wanted to purchasee cockerels suitable for
breeding. For full details write Tweddle Chicks
Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ont.
VVANTLD—Ali kinds of dressed poultry. Tog
prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited,
Poultry Dept, 2064 Danforth Ave.. Toronto
'6 (We do custom grading.)
GIRLS Wanted. Alt types of work. Write
for applicaion Titanic. Crofts Agency, EU.
osburs Palls, Vt.. U.S.A.
WANTED—Mare od than to work on Dale?
Farm. Good wages. Apply to Elliott Broth.
erg. Woodstock, Phone 2470.
PROVIDING you are an energetic young
man willing to work hard to build a suo•
cessful business and future for yourself, wi
drove an opening for you, now in this diet.•
rict, as district distributor of our products.
Previous experience unnecessary. APpbY to
Home Olfiee Blue Brand Products Co. Ltd,.
7227 Alexandra Street, Montreal.
ignores own safety to aid
Shields was working on an
automobile engine when hs
heard the train. The Minald
Special was approaching Dugald.
The transcontinental waited for
the special to pass. But it never
did. There was a roar as it
ploughed into the stationary
train. In seconds coaches were
ablaze. Shields rushed towards
the wreck.
A child sat dazed in the !Barnes,
Shields dashed in and carried
her out. When he came back he
saw a woman shocked into help.
lessness. 1±e lifted her out and
took her to where he had left
the child. Pace down in the debris
there was another woman. Shields
dragged her to safety, and then
went to rescue a man who was
badly injured. Back again he
went. A man was pinned by the
legs in the fire. Shields released
him and carried him clear. Ho
then attempted a sixth rescue.
But the dames made it impossible
to eater the coaches, so he turned
his attention to the persons he
had saved, although his hand
was gashed and bleeding, his
arra swollen with blisters. He
finally found a truck and rushed
the five injured to hospital.
We are proud to pay tribute to
Gerald Shields of Dugal, Mani-
toba through the presentation
of The Dow Award.
Gerald Shields leaped over his back
fence, and waded through sa ditch
knee-deep In water as he rushed to
help the injured passengers.
Not only did Shields snake five gal-
lant rescues, he also got a truck to
drive the Injured to hospital.
citation for outstanding hero
ism and includes, as a tangible
-\ Xk
expression of appreciation, d ;,• A ii
Stop Canada Savings Fond.
Winders are selected by the --- r
Dow ofw editorard s Committee,
na 00'S
group of g
Canadian daily tiewspapers. A
POP—Plain And Indifferent
WELL, ttFr,.i'W6 C..G)atI-OMMIIT
r0551.0.1 -se tPat.'.;RIESe.
ti" 1a3 F'l-A.1M