HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-11-27, Page 1:Esfablished .190E yr. ZURICH, ONTARI THURSDAY MOOTING, TING, NOVEMBER 27 19 47 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLIS. $1.50 a • Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. For you Christ s Are You Suffering From Headaches? :iif so, Have your Eyes Ess mored with .the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. .Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE: ---Corner Ann, William. Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 153 dor your Appointments. DOREEN S0HmBE—Zurich +++++++4404.4e4+++++++++++++ 4.4.44+++++++++++++++++++++44 + 11' anrg ofintal funra1 )0111e Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured e Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE Ni. 70 ashwood Ontario +•€•'a•+++++++fi•+•Ed;+++4h•fi•d»4••&•54++4.tiF+•4•++++++++•S••!••6fi•8•+ 9••O•+3=+•U•++ v"')lull►li illi ii I a i 11"s3ilif`ii00ifuifi iii 0iiii li iliiciiniiii Ilii s r re When you are 100 arg 'flap gods 'things to eat sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries alw .ys on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... ranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and mann; other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced ono ' esch Z4 i.rich. PRODUCE WANTED. u101014011l,1 iii l Phone 165 101 ii.1. •! lit(ll liflililii i `: ll1l�illl l 1: l i. iii 1011111011111111110114 ilI"FainiSMALISMS2001111 icr at N T E IS JUST AHEAD NOW IS THE 'TIME TO GET YOUR HEAVY CLOTHING. WE HAVE IT FOR MEN, LADIES, BOYS AND GIRLS. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF JACKETS, SWEATERS ETC., AT THE OLD PRICES BE SURE AND SEE THEM/ FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EACH WEEK. Phone 1 C. H. THIEL Zurich in see Ya r Looa], ANNUAL REPORT Montreal, November 24 — Again this year, following a practice it or- igionated, the Bank of Montreal has come forward with a well -illustrated easily understandable bank statem- ent for the benefit of its more than 1,500,000 depositors. Unique among bank statements, the report, which covers the 130th year. of the B of M's career, can be read with com- plete understanding by ;everyone. In the explanation of "the facts behind the figures", the bank em- phasizes that money deposited does not lie idle, but works constantly for the building of the nation. "Here is the money that makes the wheels of commerce turn," the report points out. "Here is sae mon- ey that helps the farmer garner his crops .. that helps the lumberman buy equipment and pay his men. Here are the dollars that enable the bank to make more than 50.0 person- al loans every business -day of the year to men and Women who need money to meet emergencies and take advantage- of opportunities."' The statement is also brightened considerably by the addition of lit- tle thumbnail sketches throughout, and the use of simple, everyc:ay lan- gauge in place of the more formal financial terms usually found in bank reports. For example, bank as- sets are referred to as "What .theB of M Has to Meet its Obligations", while liabilities are simply "What the B of M owes to Others." Likewise,- the ikewise,the explanatory notes under each - Had Holidays The 'scholars had a few holidays last week, as Thursday the schools were closed on account of tee Royal Wedding, then there was a teachers' convention at Goderich, at which the teachers attended, and what a break for the kiddies, not hearing the school bell for a few days. Injured by Horse . Mr. 'Wm, Decker met with a pain- ful accident one day last week while bedding a horse) who became rright- ened and kicked Mr. Decker in the face, also . bruising his chest and arm.' Luckily other members of the family heard the unusual commotion and came to his rescue. His friends wish him a speedy recovery. RED CROSS NEWS A shipment of Red Cross Yarn .has. been received and any one in- terested in the same may call at the home of Mrs. David Ducharme. Knitted articles needed are soakers for babies, sweaters and knee socks and scarfs for 6 year old children. ,IKindly give us a helping hand and it, will be greatly appreciated. Black Bear Lands Here ,11�tousseau's Garage was a. very exciting place one day last week when...the hunters returned with the "Big,;:Black Bear" which was shot ois NLanitoulin Island. This will help to .keep the meat situation supplied,• sub -heading are clear and to the asethey tell 'us good bear steaks are point... fire' choice and tasty, and we agree With ,most of us that we would mac ' sootier tackle a steak, than the omni ;at bear itself, especially when they, come the: size of this one:; Fifth Generation' ;people ;have: the nnique DEPOSITS AT NEW HIGH Deposits of• $1,783,000,000 again ^Set . an all=tirne high, .. showing an in- crease *of n-cease*of g47,009',Q0a over the pm- r viOata year and demonstrating the • M1? , a Ta n .which ti nadiai?s a Paring 'to •rime ie �ti loll. . This statement of Canada's senior financial institution reflects the gen- eral trend of business activity throu- ghout the country. For example, commercial loans increased by 39 percent, denoting the nation's ex- panding peacetime production. The financing of this expansion has been acconlpaniod by a reduction or hold- ings of government and other public securities;., which now stand at .957- 000,000. Heightened industrial acerritty bro- ught about by the increasing pro-. duction of peacetime goods found the bank participating to a much greater extent in commercial finan- cing, with holdings of industrial • ?Oaf aJ;; five" gene3ations,. biat this %appy oc casion' - lies come to,. Mrs, Victoria Denonmthe of to:cvIT,. who. at, the- birth of a son last Friday to. Mt. and Mrs Lennis '-Regier, or Exeter, `became the great, great. grandma ,of this in- fant. The generations are: Mr, Frank Denomme, of the 14th . con., Hay, a son of Miss'.. Victoria Den- omine, his daughter, Mrs. Peter Rea- ler, and her son, Mr: Lennis Regier, and now baby- boy Regfer. We hope the aged lady will' som1: day have the honor of seeing her great, great grandson. Had Anniversary On Saturday evening• a most enjoy- able time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kano. Hartman of the bonds` and debentures increased from ii Goshen Line south, on the • aacasion $56,000,000 in 1946 e $96,000. 1 of the latter's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. 000 for the year ending October 31 Fred E. Ducharme, of tIxe B. W. H., their 44th wedding. anniversary. A 1947. - Enlargement of the Bank's facilit- very delicious chicken supper was les through the construction of new i served with all their children and branches and the renovation of prem i grandchildren, 37 in all, being pros- ises in various parts of -Canada is. eat. The evening was spent in card manifested in a substantial rise in playing, games and songs. An address the value of its premises which at was given by their youngest son, $13.000,000, has increased by neat i mads by an-othheer so presentationille.was Other ly three million dollars. All of then factors add up to give speeches were also given. Mr. and the iban'k' record-breaking resources Mrs. Ducharme replied gratefully, of $1,898,000,000. This figure e ebkindness gthemand thoryhmuy much for Theyetheir eds its obligations to the public all returned to their homes wishing $51,079,000. a the coutile of 44 vears young the very best of health and good wishes Graphic Earnings Statement. Another innovation in the report for many more years of happy wed - is the earnings statement which glee.' dt•d fife.. es in detail - down to the fraction of 1 Lions Club News the cent - the distribution made of, the ye'ar's earnings in relation to the The Lingo and Dance on Friday shareholders' invested dollar. After paying all overhead expens- evening put on by the local Lioos es, 'including staff salaries, bonuses, Club brought. out a goodly number and contributions to the pension! of people. fund, and after making provision Plans for the immediate -building for contingencies, and ffurrniture aud1of an before0.pen air rink at the business session of crithe, ion of bank premises, equipment, the Ii of M report' farn- {- night Hi ] teld Lions Club of 41 eClbdiia' d ings for the year amounting r $9,579,285. To provide for Domin- vided their own entertainment at Oh:: ion and 'Provincial taxes, the batik meeting. The roll call was answered AA1ti(;.00n leaving i+ t by each member giving the date of earnings of $5,423;285, compare 1 hi>; Iii th. Ono member was abliged with $4,487,7812 last year. Of this to t: ntcirtain with a comic number $3,600.000 was distributed to lyre because his ..birthday fell nearest to holders w,ith the balance of '1,823,- the date of the meeting. This he car- 285 transferred to the profit. and los. ried etc Iut tilsi a crl bdie tabl t uesm e ithe 17<i`- ar.caunt. On'each dollar of the .harellalrl- field Lions Club at the Rist calmer era' mon ,y invested in the ihuik of meeting in Ilecember. Ladies' night Montreal. the bank earned 11.81 . is' scheduled for December 17th. cent:;, in 1.947. Of this, 5,12 cents',Bachelor Lions have boen warned wore paid in taxer, 4.42 .cents wrist; that unlet, they have a better hiil•1^ to shareholders, and the iemainrng,,with them at this llmeetngthe ego, 2,20 .cents w:'nt to surplus. ing" will lle. 00.0.for e NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED ALSO 32 -PIECE BREAKFAST SETS FROM $9.95 UP. VERY SMART DESIGNS A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. �Jb or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co.: Vitimized Feeds - W. . t" . DAVIDSON Pone' .10 - Hensel/ 000000 00 s S is Se 0099 0000 000000 000 00 000 t lerat 4101# Licensed Embalmer and. Funeral' Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital. Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service - ° ries 89; - , or 22, Zitric} f Ward Fritz SAB ES Wm. McAdams SERVICE SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY • DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING epi$''6�""'�•m�...�......«,v.?'�&i2s`�,aa�a`� °�.m'�'''�.+.n*": S.w1..e�lni; "rx� m._.=.~_:-s'ne`ur'.;,:aaiS�"a�:w,'�.'aF�1`.S' etiR.`�+'It m� i .�1 11 i t¢ o r a ]i 1mf� x c ct rA WE HAVE A LIMITED STOCK OF MEN'S OVERALLS, WORK PANTS AND SHIRTS PENMAN'S PREFERED AND PENMAN'S RIBBED WOOL UNDERWEAR Take advantage of our New Low Prices on Fire- stone Tires and Tubes,.. also have Firestone Auto Batteries GOOD SUPPLY OF PEDLAR WATER BUCKETS A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always WWI& Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 1 t -97 411 co