Zurich Herald, 1947-11-13, Page 42 YkIGT , b1'PAkItZ HURON . HURON -PERTH PROGRESSIVE - CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Friday, November 28th, 1947 8.30 o'clock CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Speakers: COAL. GEORGE A. DREW, Premier of Ontario io, and the following: Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, M. L. A.; J. Bradshaw, M. P.; F. J. Hanna, N. L. A.; Thomas Dent, M. L A; Fred Edwards, M.L. A.; Thomas 1Pryde, and tet. E. Cardiff, M. P. The.address of Col. Drew will be recorded and broad- cast over C. K. N. N. at 1 o'clock on Monday, December 1st. E. D. BELL, President. CLARK FISHER, Secy. A. E Mu : Fn, Box 23, Hensall, Ont. NOTICE Will all milk customers please take notice that during the winter months there will be no deliveries of milk in Zurich on Sunday morning, begin- ing Sunday :November 16th. —Zurich Dairy. Meeting of The Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council . will be held in the Council Chamber, Court House, God erich commencing Monday, Novem- ber 17th, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputat- ions and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 15th,194 7 N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. f r • Z r i Y ZURICH HE ►L M s a To Car and Home Owners YOU ALWAYS PREPARE FOR WINTER Antifreeze - Batteries, Car Heaters, Fuel Oil Space • • Heaters, Electric Heaters, Radios, R.C.A.. Victor for Cars, Electric Mantle Radios, Accessories, 4 Rifles, Fans, Tire Chains, Hydraulic Jack, Horns • v and etc.. Cash in now on the new price of Tires. ° We have most sizes in various makes, Also Studded e Tires for winter driving. * a°, ROLAND GRENIER - Grand Bend, Phone 50r5 m °siammtH�io�'r.;u;W...�65il7tes..: ema%m« ate new; small lamps, pictures and pic- ture frames, toilet set, pillows, quil- ls; comforters, folding ironrngiboard small scales, churn, mantle clock, kitchen clock, curtain rods, dinner set, quantity of dishes, glass ware, vases, antiques, sealers, numerous kitchen utensils, apple peeler, crocks, mat frame, and many articlus too numerous to mention. TERMS — CASH Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Milford Merner, Clerk. John Schade, Proprietor. 4 0 4 4 4 41 ° a • 0 • 4D O 4s 4 4 4+ ° es basket, kitchen table, dining room table, oak centre table, antique cen- tre table, 2 flower stands, combination China cabinet' and bureau; kitchen cabinet, wash stand, clothes horse, string harp, 2 antique style rockers, leather rocker, 2 oak rockers, couch, settee, 6 diningroom chairs, Linol- eum rug 9x12; various floor cover- ings, mats, 2 wooden beets, springs and mattress, 2 steel beds, springs and mattress, 2 dressers, bureau, complete bedroom suit, book shelf; small book stand, cot, Aladdin lamp case, books, carpet sweeper, phono- graph and records, camp chairs,large quantity of bedding, pillows, quilts, and linens; rugs, scatter mats, car -- pets and other floor coverings, fold- ing ironing board, .quantity of seal- ers, brass pail, lawn mower, lawn roller, garden tools, large quantity of dishes and kitchen utensils, cutlery and host of other articles. PROPERTY: There will be offered the resid- ence of the late J. W. Ortwein sub- ject to reserve bid. 7 room, 2 storey brick house and 2 car garage on Main St. at Hensall. Furnace„ 3 -piece bath upstairs; toilet downstairs; insulated; pressure water system; hardwood floors. Property in excellent condition. TERMS—Chattels CASH Property 105- down, balance 30 Reserved Bid. Estate of the Late Mr. and W. Ortwein Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. CREDITON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd At 1.30 o'clock 'Sale will be held under cover FURNITURE — Hall Rack, mat- tresses, end table, suit case, wicker rocker, baby bed, ►2 storm windows, windows complete with glass, wash sink, 45 gollon drum, set of car chains 21-4.50, hand cultivator, push cultivator, hand corn cutter, small heater, hay rake, onion scuffler, with lifting attachment; Deforest Croslev Radio, set of double harness, pitch forks, chickens, cook stove. CARS -- 1931 •Chevr,.let Coach, hot water heater, new battery, seal beam lights, motor overhauled, 4 7iew tires. Master 19411: Chevrolet Coa h, Delux, in good condition, new tires, 1928 •Chrysler Coach in good con- dition. Plenty of other merchandise. Come and buy and sell. Bring any- thing you have to sell. Terms reason- able. TERMS OF 'SALE—CASH Telephone 43-2, Crediton, Ont. William H. Smith, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE days Mrs. J. AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Farm Implements and Household Effects The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction On the premises, Hay Township, 3% miles south of St. Joseph, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th. Commencing at 12.30 p.m. sharp: REAL ESTATE—Consists of Lot 26, Lake Road West Concession, of the Township of Hay, less the beach Lots sold, and. subject to a right-of- way to the said Beach Lots; 45 acres more or less, is choice clay loam, has good sized barn and garage, well kept frame house with Hydro, ne,'er failing water supply and fine fruit trees. Will be sold subject to a re- served bid. TERMS of -Real Estate made known on day of Sale. FARM IMVIPBEMENTS — Deering binder, Maxwell mower, M. H. 11 - hoe fertilizer drill; M. H. alb -hoe disk drill, M. H. bean scuffler and puller attachments; M. H. Manure. spreader; Quebec sulky plow, disc, 3 -section harrows; Fleury walking plew, hand scuffler, hay rack, set of b b t' ers h o wagon box hay Of Property and Household Effects, ON MAIN STREET In the VILLAGE of HENSALL, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th. Commencing at '12.30 o'clock, p m. 'a CHATTELS—Clare Jewel all -en - mel cook stove. 2 -burner electric hot plate, DeForest Crosley radio, electric heater, electric toaster and iron, breakfast set, table and 4 chairs White leather eats; extension table; o sig, , wanweto o. g, , rack, root pulper, Clinton fanning mill; bag truck, grindstone, rowboat, fence stretcher, 5 bunches of shing- les, buck saw, 12 ladders cattle chains DeLaval Cream Separator, quant- ity of coal and wood; 'wheelbarrow, work bench, 21 iron gates, carbon bicycle lamp, chicken coops, Cock- shutt disc, wagon rack, stiff tooth cultivator, Portland cutter, buggy, spades, shovels, pails, barley fork, glass cupboard; 6 dining chairs; hay forks; augers, pipe wrenches; bake table with porcelain top; num- numerous carpenter tools, clothes ber of rocking chairs, number small line with pulleys. tables, occasional chairs. chesterfield HO\SEBOLD EFFECTS — Clare suite, upright piano with bench, hall Jawel kitchen range nearly new: rack. mirrors, floor lamp, 2 couches, kitchen stove, heater, 2 -burner hit. bndroom .su•ite:s, springs and matt••. re,ses, Iron walnut finish single bed, plate, Thor, electrie washing rrtach- ;.r:eg• filled mattress, toilet set,book ine nearly new; copper boiler, cloth - Thursday, N.ov 'ber 1:4* 1047 t amommesuoreammodawasiosomunonowswamommantmatainatotatmentille School Days Are Here Again New Fall Shoes Have Arrived, to meet the required need of your Children. Prepare For The Cold and Rainy Days Equip yourself with Rubbers, Raintites, Pullovers, and Galoshes. A Complete Line in Rubber Foot- wear. A New Smart Line of Ladies' Plastic, Kid and Calf Pumps to choose from Men's Work Shoes, Men's Dress Shoes, Rubber Boots for Men, Boys and Youths, also Leather High Cuts A New Shipment of Baggage is expected any time SEE FOR YOURSELF MILT 01E•b611 FOR RELIABLE FOOTWEAR AND SHOE REPAIRING scd WHEREAS the requirements of war production and the scarcity of materials since have restricted the construction of electric power developments; AND WHEREAS the consumption of electric power has continued' to increase at such an accelerated rate since the termination of the war that consumption demand of consumers now serviced, without taking into account pending applications for power, has increased by 25 per centum over. the 1945 consumption demand and if the Commission were to carry the reserve of 15 per centum considered provident prior to the war and absorbed in meeting wartime demands,,. the increase in power requirements would in fact be 40 per -cen:tum; AND WHEREAS the demand upon the Commission for electric power is substantially in excess of its electric power resources, and the Commission is of the opinion that a state of emergency exists and has so declared; NOW THEREFORE the Commission makes thefollowing regulations, REGULATIONS MADE BY THE COMMISSION UNDER THE POWER COMMISSION ACT 1. No municipality or municipal commis- sion receiving electrical power from the Commission shall without the written authority of the Commission supply or use or permit to be supplied or used by any person the electrical power or any part thereof for the following purposes:— (a) urposes:— (a) lighting of interior or (b) interior or exterior windows; interior or exterior mental lighting; interior or exterior lighting for native or advertising purposes; (e) out -door and flood -lighting for white - ways and for parking lots, used -car lots, service stations and out -door industrial premises above a minimum permissible only between sunset and sunrise, as follows:— (0) ollows:— (C) (d) exterior lighting of outline or signs; show orna- deco- (i) parking lots and used -car lots, 2 watts per 100 square feet of space, only while open for business; (ii) service stations, 100 watts per gasoline pump standard, exclu- sive of. lights in pumps, and only while the, service station is open for business; and (iii) outdoor industrial premises, amount necessary for working areas only; (f) the operation of air heaters, electric grates or electric boilers used for heating purposes in stores or offices; (g) street -lighting between sunrise and sunset; (h) (i) lighting of marquees or sidewalk can- opies except 2 watts per square foot of floor -space or sidewalk area cover- ed by the marquee or canopy between sunset and sunrise; lighting of entrances or exits in excess of 5 watts per foot of width of the entrance or exit; and (j) lighting of interiors of business premi- ses after cessation of business with the public except the amount necessary to enable staff to work. 2. These regulations do not apply to, — (a.) (i) flood -lighting of airports; (ii) lighting for police and fire ser- vices and protection; (iii) lighting required by law; and (iv) lighting of direction signs and signs designating the office of a medical practitioner; and (b) the rise of electricity for interior dom- - estic purposes and in hospitals. 3. No person shall, unless under the written .. authority of the Commission, take from any municipality or municipal commission any - electrical power received from the Com- mission and use it for the purposes specified in regulation L 4. No person shall, unless under the written. . authority of the Commission, take any elec- trical power generated or procured by the Commission and use it for the purposes specified in regulation 1. S. These regulations shall come into force at One o`clock a.m. of the 10th of November, , 1947 If further clarification zs required' please contact your local Hydra office. 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