HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-11-13, Page 1Estab!ished 900. 00 Your y, ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13 L947 111 : ' \ CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLI $1.50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. oral Merchants for your ar.rnexavilaaviss Are You Suffering From Headaches? :Ef so, Have your Eyes Exnrerned with the Latest Methods. and Equipment at A. L. CLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ARTHUR FRASER utu n lurchases Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE: -Corner Ann, William Sts. Rhone: Exeter 355W. Zurich salty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SOFITT.I3E-Zuric1 14: arq offmal mural Yjantc "1. 4. e-1-44++++++++4-1-6-e4e.4-1.4-teeee-Iefeere+++++++++4-retevieteeietee++++4 4* Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Lecensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER. OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY(OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood - Ontario 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ' • , When you eze looking for good things to eat be sure and visit ur Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although sone lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best 1. purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced inin, °each am PRODUCE WANTED. t loT7009011111i: z rich Phone 165 it4111111iflU 1111)101ittl1jTIfI NOOPOMERMOMMEEMSEMEGIM1nnaM.WrMac=ausianaMcvagaralamcvmgammassateronnummtnir 1 r E re ' IS JUST AHEAD NOW IS THE TIME TO GET -YOUR HEAVY CLOTHING. WE AVE IT FOR MEN, LADIES, BOYS AND GIRLS. 14. GOOD ASSORTMENT OF JACKETS, SWEATERS ETC., AT TI -IE OLD PRICES BE SURE AND SEE THEM! FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EACH WEEK. Phone IC) C. H. THIEL Zurich LOST In Zurich, a small gold brooch, diamond centre. Finder please re- turn to Mrs. G. Koehler. HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hay met on Monday, November 3rd, at 1.30 p.m. in the Township Hall, Zurich, as a Court of Revision to c0fl sider appeals against the 1948 Ass- essment Roll of the Township of Hay. There were three appeals re- ceived as follows. Orville Taylor, Wm. 3. Harvey and ,Sam Elsie. All appeals were that their assessments was too high. The Court dealt with each appeal and the following mot- ion was then passed: That appeals on the 1948 Assess- ment Roll as entered by Orville Tay- lor, Win. J. Harvey and ,Sam Elsie be dismissed subject to appeal to the County Judge and that Court of Revision be closed. Passed. That the by-law providing for Nomination and Election. for Reeve and Councillors and Hay Township School .Area Trustees and Police Village for the year 1948 be passed That the Township Solicitor be instructed to purchase for the Town ship all lands sold in 1947 for ar- rears of taxes at the adjourned tax sale. That the October 6th account of Charles Dietrich for $50.00 dredg- ing be divided between Twp. Roads and Cann -Mitchell Drain in the ratio Mies Patricia O'Dwyer who is in her final year at Western University, London, for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing, has returned to hedetudies after a pleasant week- end at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer. Zurich Beauty Shop Miss .Doreen Schilbe wishes to ad- vise the public that her hairdressing Shoke will be closed all days, of Fri- day and Saturday, Nov. 21st and 22nd, but will be open all day Wed- nesday, Nov. 19th and evening. • Attended Hockey Game Miss Belva Truemner and Miss Mary Hauser of the 14th Con.; Bliss Lois. Geiser of London, have return- ed 'after visiting relatives and fri- ends at Detroit, also while there they attended the hockey game of Toronto playing with Detroit, the forcer winning 6-0. The girls surely enjoyed themselves and thought it was a most splendid game, and es- pecially when their home team won. -Huntere Leave for North Those among our local hunters of $25.00 each. that left for Shawanaga, in the That the Clerk be authorized to Parry Sound District, are: Messrs. send accounts to Clifford Salmon, Lloyd Leroy and Lennis O'Brien; Meliin and Harrison Schock, Earl Yungblut, Gordon Hess, Gordon Sur - erne -:Harvey Clausius of town, and Bill -Stanlake of near Exeter. They do deubt are enjoying; the northern bee4zes in the woodsthese colder (1437.:.•We wish them a .safe return •#1.1, quota of deer. Bible Society Meet • The Zurich Bible Society held their annual meeting. in St.. Peter's. Lutheran Church on Sunday even- ing with the pastor, Rev. E. Heim, rich in charge of the program.. Rev.. H. :E. Roppel and Rev. S. liaechler took part in the exercises. Most beautiful. yellow and pink mums ad- orned the attar. The men's chor- us of the Evangelical churen render- ed two appropriate numbers. Rev. Denny Bright, of London, Field Sec- reary of the Society, who addressed the large audience on "Conditions in England." this being very impressive to a church tilled to the doors. Rev. Bright's colored pictures on "Eskimo summer" were also interesting. The former staff of officers were re-ele.ct- ed to office, also canvassers were ar- ranged. and commissioned to call on. Reichert 3.50; L. 3.5.ernor•Ithe home* to support this worthy and Carl Mair for Sam Oestreicher's account for sheep killed. That Mrs. J. Suplat receive $30.00 per month as relief account up to the last of April a948. iThat the grant of $11.0.00 be giv- en to the Dashwood 'Library.1711 • -0...b1?-q Tig:illeer's report., Reelaw on the 'HenSall; Main Drain Improvement be provisionally adop- ted and that the Clerk be instructed to have sufficient copies of By-law printed and sent by registered mail to assessed persons.. Court of Revis- ion to be held on later date set by the Clerk. That the Council approves of the Sub -divisions of N. Turnbull Lots 27-28 LRW and Don Hendrick sub- division of Lot 21-22, as per blue- print provided restrictions are regis- tered. That the e.following account, be passed as per voucher: Twp. Roads, lelfchael Masse. $68; S. Desjardine 3.20; R. Becker 14.40; Jas. Masse, time, gas, oil. shed ren- tal 12,.24.73; Ed. Kalbfleisch 1.SO; A. Meidinger 7.75; G. Corriveau 3.25; Mph. Masse 91.81; E. Leibold 1,20; 'r. Smith 1,60; S. Miller 7.40; A. C e bell 13,50; F. Den emelt T.20; cause, and we trust the community I W. Statton !W. A Buchanan will give them their very best sup - (30; Chuter ,Service Sta. 16.92;Zur,- port, for Kingdom building here. on ' M tors 13 71- L. Masse 45.96;. earth. C. Beierling 7.45; Ed. Ern T.013 •,• L. Ducharme 8.25; M. Corriveau 8.25; S. Blackwell 245; N. Foster 16.65; W. Watson 1.35; A. Kuntz 8-.80; E. Deters 24.90;W. Coleman 10.45; C Rowe 1.60; G...Cerepbell 7.50; Lundy Fence 'Co. 334.50; F. C. Kalbfleiseh 6.65; L. A. Mousseau 4.40; Pass- more Garage, truck 22G6.7 - Relief - Mr. John Suplat $30; Emma Bassow 8.90; Mrs. Edith Mason $15; A. Heideman (rent) $1. Telephone - T. H. Hoffman, frie- ght, express, trucking, operators and extra line labour $774.56; H. W. Brokenshire 52.34; Treas. Zurich P. V. 1.8.05; L. B. Hodgson $30; Victor Fuller $5; Northern Electric 51117.98; H. G. Hess, salary & staff 805.94; J. W. Haberer 24.00; W. H. Edigh- offer 90; Fred Watson $5; Autom- atic Electric 203.19-; Ont. Municipal 13oard. ;2.50. Hay Twp.. accts.. -Hy. Lawrence $933; Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer $450; Bert Klopp 4.80; A. F. 'Hess 28.40; Trs. Zurich P. V. 29.25; Jos .Corrievau. dog tax $2; S Oestreicher sheep kil- led $16; Win. Iildighoffer 203.00G. Armstrong $3; Mb. Hoffman 3,20.; M. Corriveau 13.25; Zurich Herald 1e1.20; Wm. Haugh 53,30; Trs. D0,1- hwood Library $10; Trs, nay Mimi.. Tel. loan $2,000; H. W. Brokenshire 118,75; G. Corriveau 5.20; F. C. Kalbfleisch 5.55; Tom Laing 47,00; R. ,1. Lovell Co. 8.46; Prov. Treas. 10.87. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain et Monday, December 'tst et 1,30 p.m. 11. W. 13rokenshire, Clcrk Gco. Armstrong, Reeve, ve.:01:1414itamie4.04000440:140000001014004110:441414104111:1404040441444944904000040404110419914011111911909671199ale HYDRO POWER RESTRICTIONS Temente - Electrically lighted out door advertisements, Christmas Hens of business sections and operation of electric heating devices in stores and officeare, ba nned and use of out- door lights on parking lots and ser- vice stations is restricted by new Ontario power rationing regulations effective Nov. 10, officials announced on Friday, as a conservation to help provide sufacient electricity for rein: production in industry and to main- tain employment. WEDDING RECEPTION A wedding' reception was held at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Martindale on the Goshen Line north on Saturday evening in bailor of their oldest see,. Mr. and Mrste Peter Martindale who were married in Port Huron on .Saturday morning After the ceremony they motored to the farm on the Goshen Lin, -north, where a delicious wedding dinner was awaiting them, prepared by Mrs. Edwin Oesch and Mrs. Joe Bechler, to about 28 guests. Guests were Present from Pert Hume, Sarnia, Kitchener, London, Drysdale and Zurich. Latter in the evening, uncles, aunts, cou,tins friends and neighbours gathered and spent the evening in card playing and dancing after which lunch was served. They all left for their respective heroes, wishing the young couple a happy wedded life. The young couple leay. ing Sunday for Loudon and Niagara Falls. They will reside in Port Huron„ OPTICAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE BROKEN LENSES REPLACED. DUPLICATED FROM THE BROK- EN PIECES WE STOCK: ALL SIZES AND SHAPES OF SHELL AND METAL FRAMES. FLA.. VU OR REGULAR. G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identificatio of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL I Miller Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co. 1 Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 1 0 - Hensall G15990.899439GG909699099990 9 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 0 ADJUSTABLE HOSPITAL BED AND WHEEL CHAIR FOR 4. 4. reeeeeee 0000904te 0091149 tral plInt Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. e0E004.0.owoeeia04,0,00,00Jecnevemose0000 RENT. FLOWERS FOR -ALL- .00CASIONSi Day and Night Service. Telephone 89 Zurich Ge 00400e0000004.ee4.eee RIO2==41anZattainaranrina=1r114,.,:n.,52CIMMAMME0 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. a 1 Ward Fritz SALES §7: kani Wrn. McAdams SERVICE SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING 4KIIMEMNOMMIUMISORMIIGMODDMIDIC0FMNSMBISTAIMM'ONMISWAN0 eenseesetere,..A..1 eereneeaSiiZetaniGaGaierrite Fall erchar lise WE HAVE A LIMITED STOCK OF MEN'S OVERALLS, 'WORK PANTS AND SHIRTS PENMAN'S PREFERED AN PENMAN'S RIBBED WOOL UNDERWEAR Take advantage of our New Low Prices on Fire- stone Tires and Tubes,.. also have Firestone Auto Batteries GOOD SUPPLY OF PEDLAR WATER BUCKETS A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always '1II BL KF STOR Edmund Swartzentruher, Prop. Phom; 11-97 1 4. 40g1ERNEFP,I.WilISSGERIMIV..t ea P.... .4.e1VASIGIVANNAGIONGSGReeeefeeeeekeieefeeeefeleeeiteelesee 1 4 4 4 1 1111 4 1