HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-11-06, Page 4ZURICH, ONTARIO ,tildon Ttieatre GRAND BEND Presents the following Attractions For Your Enjoyment; Friday and Saturday Nov. 7-8 "BEAT THE BAND" —Starring— Frances Langford - Gene Krupa's Band, also Girl of The Limberlost With Dorinda Clifton Ruth Nelson Monday and Tuesday Nov. 10-11 CRY WOLFE —Starring— Errol Flyn Barbara Stanwyck Also "FOX POP" in Tech. and two short Subjects Wednesday and Thursday Nov 12-13 "It's A Wonderful Life- -Starring— James ife"--Starring— James Stewart Donna Reed on same, Program "Fargo and Frankie', F -OR. SALE A Beatty gas washing machine in good condition, also Northern Elec- tric 5 -tube battery Radio. —Alfred Ropp, Phone 96r4. FARMS FOR SALE. 100 acres clay loam, large barn, good stabling, implementshed.,frame house, some bush, Hydro past gate, Telephone. Cromarty area, - bargain price. 75 acres pasture with some `bush., Con. 5, Hay, creek, also wind- Zill.—W. C. Pearce, Exeter. Meeting of The - Huron County Council The next meeting of 'the •Tiwron County •Council will be held .iii the Council Chamber, Court House, God erich commencing Monday, Novem- ber 17th, at 2.00 p.m. -. All accounts, notices'- of deputat- ions and other busi'nes's requiring 'the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 15th,1947 N: W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. AUCTION SALE Of Property and. Household Effects, In the VILLAGE of HENSALL, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th. Commencing at ;12.30 o'clock, p.m. Full Line of Household Effects PROPERTY: There will be offered the resin- ence of the late J. W. Ortwein sub- ject to reserve, 'bid.. 7 room, 2 storey brick,house and 2 car garage on Main St. at Hensall. Furnace, 3 -piece bath,; insulated, hardwood floors, pressure system. Property in excellent condition. Full list of Chattels next week. TERMS --Chattels CASH Property 110% down,' balance 30 days Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, 'Clerk. AUCTION - SALE Of Household Effects. The under- signed Auctioneer has ben instruct- ed to sell by public auction, on t he premises of Thomas Hoperoft, in DASHWOOD, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8th. Commencing at 1.00 o'clock, p.m. 3 -piece Chesterfield suite, bureau, beautiful combination China cabinet and bureau, 2 large oak dining room tables 6 leaf; cherry kitchen table, ititchen cabinet, oak parlor table, 4ib- Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thursday, Friday and Sat. Nov 6,7,8 "THE HUCKSTERS" M.G.M. —Starring— Clark Gabel Edward Arnold Deborah Kerr Monday, Tuesday Nov. 10-11 "-PURSUED" --Starring— Robert Mitehium • Theresa Wright Wed., Thurs. - Nov. .12, 13 TWO FEATURES: • "HONEYMOON" With Franchet Tone Shirley Temple "BANJO" Starrring Sharyn Moffat Walter Reid Featuring "BANGO THE DOG" rary table, 10 dining room chairs, arm chair, oak rocker, leather rocker book stand, organ stool, paper rack, mirrors, 2 wooden beds, springs and mattress, dresser, trunk, Renfrew kitchen range nearly new; Wingharn kitchen range in good condition, el- ectric stove, 2 electric hot plates, electric fixtures, 2 lamps, lanterns, toilet set, mats, wringer, window screens, stove pipes, set flat irons, mops, boiler, wooden tub, 2 galvan- ized tubs, Brantford electric comb- ination water heater and washing machine, 25 -gallon crocks, small crocks, sealers, large lard -can, 2 iron pots, dishes, sausage grinder and press, 2 small frying pans, numer- ous kitchen utensils, pails, storm doors, lawn mower, garden scuffler, 30 -gal. steel barrel, spades, hoes, scythe like new, small scales, and numerous other articles. Pure bred German Police pup 41/2 months old, very intelligent. TERMS—CASH AIvin Walper, Auctioneer. Milford Merner, Clerk. Henry Hopf, Proprietor. AUCTION.. SALE • . Of Real Estate, Farm Implements and Household Effects The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by .Public Auction On the premises, Hay Township, 3 s%s miles south of .St. Joseph, on.: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th. •. Commencing at 12.30 p.m: sharp: REAL ESTATE-JConsists of Lot 26, Lake Road West Concession, of the Township of Hay, less the beach Lots sold, andsubjectto a right -of-: way to the said Beach Lots; 45 acres more or less, is 'choice clay loam, has good sized 'barn-- and. garage, well kept frame house with Hydro, never failing . water supply - and fine fruit trees. Will be sold subject to a re- served bid. - TERMS of Real' Estate made known on day of Sale. FARM IMPiLEMENTS — 'Deering binder, Maxwell mower, M. H. 11 - hoe fertilizer drill; M. B. blit -hoe disk drill, M. H. bean muffler and puller attachments; M. H. Manure spreader; Quebec sulky plow, disc, 3 -section harrows; Fleury walking plow, hand scuffler, hay rack, set of bob sleighs, wagon, wagon box, . hay rack, root pulper, Clinton fanning mill; bag truck, grindstone, rowboat, fence. stretcher, 5 bunches of shing- les, buck saw, 12 ladders cattle chains Delaval Cream Separator, quant- ity of coal andwood; wheellfarrow- work bench, 12q 1 iron gates, carbon bicycle lamp, chicken coops; Cock- shutt disc, wagon rack, stiff tooth cultivator, Portland cutter, buggy, spades, shovels, pails, barley fork,• hay forks; augers, pipe wrenches; Neglected Weeds Can Cause Damage Neglected weeds in the Fall of the year will spread plant diseases, gather and hold snow in Winter; clogged ditches are dangerous from a fire standpoint, and are a source of infesta- tion to the entire cbmmunity, agricultural officials point out today, urging immediate attention by farmers. . Many fields are infested with Wild 'Carrot, '"l'oa'd Flax and,,.. Ragweed' and should be mowed now, raked up and burned and the "infested area brought into crop rotation. Seeds of neglected weeds growing in vacant lots, around buildings, fence lines, on river banks, small streams and ditches may be carried long distances by spring floods. . . By cleaning up and, burning all neglected weeds now, farmers can improve the appearance of their property and help to control weeds, not only on their own farms, but also on the property of others, W. R. DOUGALL, ' HURON COUNTY WEED INSPECTOR. I • e 2 e sass+.. n..e..7tidres I . ZUR numerous carpenter ' . tools, alot}<ies line with pulleys. HONSEI'IOJID EFFECTS •-- Clare Jewel kitchen range' . nearly "'new; kitchen stove, heater, 2 -burner hot plate, Thor. electric washing mach- ine nearly new; copper boiler, cloth- es basket, kitchen table, dining milli table, oak centre table, antique, cen- tre table, 2 flower stands, combination China cabinet 'and bureau; kitchen cabinet, wash stand, clothes horse, string harp, 2 antique style rockers, leather rocker, 2 oak rockers, euc'li, settee, 6 diningroom chairs, Linol- eum rug 9x12; various floor cover- ings, mats, 2 wooden b'oo's, springs and mattress, 2 steel beds, springs and mattress; 2 dressers,' bulreait, complete bedroom suit, book shelf;, small book stand, cot, Aladdin lamp.' • new; 'small lamps, 'pictures' and lid ture frames, toilet set, pillows,; Buil' Is; cotnfdrters, folding ironing board . small scales, churn, mantle clock, kitchen clock, -curtain rods, dinner set, quantity of dishes, glass ware, vases, antiques, sealers, numerous kitchen utensils, apple peeler, crocks, mat frame, and many articles too numerous to mention. TERMS — CASH Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Milford Merner, Clerk. John Schade, 'Proprietor. St. Joseph and Beaver Town. Mr. Frank Jeff; ey left Tuesday to visit his daughter in London: • - Mrs. Napoleon Ducharme of• :D n don was a week -end visitor with Mrs Wm, Ducharme, Sr. M. and Mrs. Len. 'Sararas of this Burg motored to Sarnia on Satin:: day last. Mr. Leon Jeffrey of 'Blake, caIIe,d, on his mother in B'-eaverto:wn ree,,etit• - Mr. Wilfred 'Cor�iveau of the B. ,W. N. left on Saturday last for ,De- troit where he will spend a few- we- eks with friends and -relatives, - _.. Mrs. Win. Ducharme, Jr., who' is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is imp_ovlrsg nicely 'from key recent illness. Mr. Hector Laporte is 'having his . house covered with rolled brick, and when completed will surely add to the appearance and will as well be a great comfort. Mr. Dominic Jeffi'ey is in charge of the work. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartman -of Sarnia 'called on Mr and .•Mrs....Paul. Duch.air;>e' of the 15th, Con.,;receiytly G A S H Vi% 0-0-0 .,.s s.. ,"King St; • United Church ;.vas the setting ,:Tor the wedding ` or GIo;I•ia' ;Patrieias; youngest daughter of Mrs Swanson Brydges St., ..and the Late: M G. 'Swanson, to Charles urray=Wolf. Toronto, second son. of Mr. and Mrs' Wesley Wolf, Dashwood. Rev. R R Conner performed., ed•• the ;cereiiiony and • Mrs T. W Manning, '; presided at the organ. Alex Swanson ggv etthis sister in marriage. She. were white tramper velvet designed with a high neckline and deep poplin ex- tending to a long train. , The -.bridal. procession was led by, Miss El,nr�e. Swanson attending her sister, as maid of honour - in -a gown, of symphony, fuschia velvet in peplin. Merilyn- S*anson a niece,. as -flower girl; „Geo: Wolf, .of Toronto . was his brothers gromsman and the ushers were Geo. Swanson, brother of the pride and Ernest Pike. Receiving guests in the church parlor Mrs. Swanson and the groom 'mother. Mr. and Mrs. Mur a ' Wolf left on a motor trip to -the Eastern 'States. They will make their home- in Toronto. • B L A- Ir F Owing to the funeral of the late Gorge Clarke of Varna, the servic- es, was withdrawn on Sunday in the Blake -church. - Many attended the anniversary services at the Evangelical church in Zurich on Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Carnie left during the week for Goderich Township 'where she will spend some time on a farm there. Miss Vera Oesch has taken a pos- ition near Goderich. Mr. Arthur Finlayson of Kippen, called on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey. - Messrs. Ted Jeffrey and Bob Du- charme left for Kitchener for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. H. Finlay and fam- ily visited with 'friends at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hamlyn and daugh- ter Hope of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F.Bancroft. The Teacher, Miss Heinrich and scholars enjoyed a Hallowe'en Social in the school Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Ducharme were visited by their daughters from .Sar- nia and Port Huron over the week- end. • M•r. and4Irs, Bert Faber and family of lGppen visited with her ;parentis, Mr.;' and Mrs. Rudy Oesch. The 'Hydro:staff of men are busy getting the wires up ready for use on the Town Litiie. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Finlay attended a reception for Mr, and Mrs. Porter of Hillsgreen (Delayed in the Mails) Reunion Held A reunion was held at the home of Mr. Ephriam and Miss Margaret Gingerich on Wednesday afternoon last for the Gingerich families.Those in attendance from a distnce were klrr, .Taeob (;ing•erich and Miss Anna M'aap Gingerich of Oregon. It has eeh 26 nears sines they were home ht t, So their many relatiyes and • Thursday, November 6th,, 114T '.°You bet it does; •son. You'!/ sir be racing down theOld. college gridinrom.'•" "Will I really goto college, Dadclyrr "You certainly will I'M making sure of that, now. Munnny and I've -got a Savings Account at the Bank off' Montreal that's growing just lake yon.." * * * Many Canadian fathers—whether they had the chance to go to college themselves or not—are now saving, at. the B of M ... making see their sous will have that opportunity.. They've llearned+ from experience how helpful a: sound education is to success in life _ _ . and they know that a Savings A;ccotms at the B of M. is a sound way to proirid'e for it_ Yen's- son's col- l+egc•edhzcatiioan is too important to leave tib tomos rtsw_ Why nets start a Savings Account at the B of M today and make it grow 'with hint. ANS 0 I° MONTREAL_,_: ' -,Zurich Branch: C. C. •McEACHERN, Manager Hensall Branch: W. B. A. CROSS; Manager Over a Canadians — hr' ,az.11ien 't anise Jblk wbe J mann sabot saving means — are building for tearorrw by banking ors sbeB tJM. Yen will be, sway a'ekomaa 5', this bond company. ARAN mat attuaraiaruiur workinv;wi.th•'Canad-ians-en every walk et life 611111111111164 fr •r; r since 1 117 1116 Duels I' -friends were rejoicing' at nee in lthem on='•this occasion. A farewe party tt5old ,place Thursday., evenin At the` Mone ; of .M . .and .Mrs.. Pete Gingerich when some 100..neiglibou relatives' and; friends; attended gathering A•,singsong for the. child Len led by N. Anna Mae Ginger ich, accompanied on the piano b Mrs. P. Gingerich was the evening' entertainment along with the ,y'oun folk withs ongs, after a treat of is cream, maple syrup by the hostess i;veryone: left for home after farewell to Mr. J. Gingerich and da tighter Anna Mae. ;Mrs. Pymm of near Kirkton held a Wearever• demonstration at - the home of Mrs. Alfred Ropp's on Wed- nesday evening. Mrs. Lee Erb win- ning. the: guessing contest and Mrs. Harold Finlay the door prize. Mrs. Roy Gingerich had a demonstration he week previous. Mrs. Rudy Oesch winning 'the door prize.. , Mr. and" Mrs. Roy McBride 'and ugh were in London recently.- The atter remaining to work for a few onths. Mr. and Mrs, Basil Edwards of ensall are spending a few days at he home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence elite, while they attended 'the wad- ing of a relative in 'Toronto. Mr. J. Gingerich and daughter eft for Kitchener on Friday where hey will visit relatives enroute o'n heir return •back home in Oregon. Mr. Frank Young and daughter harry visited with Mr. .and Mrs. am .Hey. g g r rs e iss s g a 3 p e Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey ore se- nding a few days at Kitchener. Mrs. Napoleon Ducharme and amily of London are spending a few eeks at'the home of Mr. and Mrs eon Jeffrey. ' ' Miss Dorothy Oesch spent the eek -end near Exeter. SAL!.. H. E 1V Miss Olive Walker, -R.N., of Tam- a, Fla., is holidaying with her par.- nts, Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. 'Walker. Mr. Charles MacLellan of Cape Breton were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. )Edward Barrett, New York city, and Miss Loretta Bell, . London, were vacationing at the home of their mother, Mrs. W. Hyde and sister Mrs. Jack Faber. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink spent a week -end in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale have returned from. Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mrs. Geo. Walker had the misfor- r.•••soa+e•0e4•os•ee•a•o•0 40. To Car and Home Owners ®: 41. YOU ALWAYS PREPARE FOR WINTER Antifreeze - Batteries, Car Heaters, Fuel Oil Space ' �4- Heaters, Electric Heaters, Radios, R.C.A. Victor 4. for Cars, Electric Mantle Radios, Accessories, 4 Rifles, Fans, Tire Chains, .Hydraulic Jack, Horns and etc. Cash in now on the new price of Tires. 4. We have most sizes in various makes, Also Studded 4,- 4. Tires for winter driving. 4. R.OLAND GRENIER - Grand Bend, Phone 5Or.5 It- i1N1�t 11110E1111111111111111111111111111211 Ii1+5',-'.1tilljt i hull!!!!@hDIIilINlllhN1QIiliNNIhll!IVNN1IN FLOOR TILE i liti 11 II 1 FOR The Best In Master Tile Floor GET TILE » TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURIKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given N1 Iii11[1111111MIMIIIIIIIIIIIi iNIINli11111111111111111111111111111111111111111NN11N!IINNIIIMIiIINflI!iNEIIN{NNNIIIIII!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIININNINNi@I1fNN> MNIIIII iLf# tune to fall in her home and lacer- ate her knee -cap: Mr. Jack Tudor of the Hensall Bakery, had the •ntnsfott ife.:'tl have his !fingers 'crushed in the 'tanner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bruton and famiI,y of 'Port Dover were visiiers with the former's mother, Mrs. A. Scruton. Mr .and Mrs. Thos. Glenn and son of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Saunders. Mr, and Mrs. A. •Smillie have re- turned from an extended trip to Kamloops, B.C., where they visited with their son Dr. L. G. Smillie and Mrs. Smillie. Mrs. William G. Gram Passes. Mrs. William G. Gram, of Char- lotte, Mich., wife of William G. Gram sales engi.ner at Wilcox -Gay! Mfg. spent. plant, died in the •Hospital 'in •Char-- lotte. She had been ill for a montlx and in .the hospital 10 days. She: .was born in. Lansing, Mich,, and mo-• 'ved to Charlotte nine years ago, was, a member of the 'Congregational church and various clubs. She 'is sur-• vived'by her husband; one son;Ralplt, two sisters. 'The funeral service was held in the iCharolette Congregation. al church and the pastor, Rev. Russ- ell Ii, McConnell officiated. Burial, was in Mt. Hope Cemetery, .Lansing William G. Gram is the son of Mr:. and Mgrs. George H. Gram of Hensall;' STANLEY TOWNSHIP A miscellaneous shower was ten- dered s s o e� e dered Mr. and Mrs. R. Reid, newly:- weds, ewlyweds, in the Varna hall Friday night. last where a pleasant evening pmt: