HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-10-23, Page 8111101111,04, 04riolvo f. 0 NEW SHIPMENT OF LADIES' CORSETS JUST ARRIVED We have a fair supply of the following Lines: Nu. Back Corsettes. D. and A. Le. Long Girdles Elastic Girdles in plain and two-way stretch Gothic Brassieres in all the newest styles, all sizes NEW PLASTIC BELT Ladies' Plastic iiehs in all colors and sizes,priced from 59c. to $1.98 Each Towels A new supply of the famous Carmol Towels, all sizes, priced from 1.25 to 2.85 each. ed Spreads A supply of Chenille Spreads, also a new lot of Cotton Spreads, made in England 72x100, at 7.50 All W cl Blankets We have a very fine assortment at present, 30 pair in stock, prices range from 12.50 to 21.00 pr. Also Woolcot and Esmond's in part wool aulower prices. Flannelette Blankets, large sizes 4.25 to 4.75 a pr. Lace Tablecloths New Stock, Just Arrived Very Fine Quality 72x90- at Very Fine Quality 45x45 at 6.85 4.50 MEN'S WEAR We are receiving small shipments of Men's and Boy's Ready-to-wear Suits... These are still in short supply... So come early for best choice. A new supply of Men's Overcoats, also take orders for made to measure Overcoats. A complete range of Men's Tweed Trousers and.. a large.. stock.. of Men's and Boys' Winter Underwear now on hand. Everything in Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats and Pullovers. Also Work Clothes of every description We Welcome. Your Inspection! ascho Bro TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH *ermaumermr-evva..owsouldcanenezmc=mer..,.,,.e...,...f.... a 'e-4,^)4•44044.004.0404,4,,oe 4. 041 44 '0;4)4400.0.4›.44 0444 .0.4",e,.. Drysdale were at the home or Mr. 4' and MTS. Leonard Geromette, :qrs. WM. alt. IIIKKALD ITEMS OF LOCM, INTEREST Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer made a profes- sional call at. Laadou on Monday. Mr, and Mrs.. Dente! Koehler of Kitchener s were Sunday Visitors with relathein taavn. Mr- and Mrs.. Mervyn Gerber of Meadville, ra., were visitors with re- latives in this vicinity , Miss Charlotte Laporte of London visited with a1is4.4 Jeanne Hartman on Sunday.. airs. Lewis Thiel of town has been. viaiting. relatives at Lindsay for S01110 tinle. atia Mrs. Jacob Gascho of imiy City, Mich,: visited with relati- ves in this community, sir. George Jeffrey, north of Drysilal!, is in St. .ioseples, Hoital, Laueon. His many friends- wi.h areda Drum' of Dublin . cv 1u,.e,day visitor,; in tow.... g reai well after his 1..ccrii. The away frierils at .all :,!ilten Gcch are tc, .e.e her able to her daily (Intim; after her re- nt 1.eora,rd Prang recently en.-! tertainod the members of St. Peter's j Women's Missionary Society for their Octoher Isiah Tetreau of Hensall vis- ited Than',-agiving week -ern : with Mr. and Mrs. Will McAdams and son Orville at London. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Lague and fam- ily of Detroit, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Laque's mother,. Mrs. C. Ayotte. Mr. and ,Mrs, Urban Pfile and M. and Mrs. Wm, II. Haugh spent a very pleasant Wco:t.ond at Pigeon, Port Allston, Mich., and other interestin'g. points in the State. Mr. .1farcil Laporte and Al. Gera - matte of Detroit, visited with Mr.. and Mrs. Leonard Geromette, over the week -end. Mr, and MTS. Fred Ducharme and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Laporte of the B. W. H. were Sunday via/tors with Mr. and Mrs. Kuno ,Hartman, of the Goshen line south. Mr. Ernest Gemming has returned to Rochester, N.Y., while his wife and children remain for a few days at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs Vvrellingten Johnston and other relat- ives. Mrs. Kreller, Mrs. Schleger and granddaughter; Mr. Delford Schlegel of Hanover, relatives of Mrs. (Rev.) E. Heimrich, visited at the Lutheran - Parsonage on Monday- of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laporte of ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONTARIO REV.. E.. W.. HEDVIRICH, PASTOR4 19 aati.,--Diviine Services. 11.15 a.m. -Sunday School. 7,30 Ran. -Divine Worship. Everybody. Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH 0 • 4 • 0 • WE HAVE RECENTLY PROCURED A LICENSE TO TRUCK 0 • LIVE STOCK AND WILL BE IN A POSITION TO HANDLE • YOUR HOGS, STARTING SEPTEMBER 2ND. 0* • • 4 FOR HOGS CALL HENSALL 115, OR ZURICH 93-1 0 • 0 • FOR CATTLE CALL, J. INGRAM, PH. HENSALL 83-43 : • GIVE US YOUR FERTILIZER ORDER. .WE DELIVER 0 4. 04 0 • HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE • INCORPORATED M. JINKS, MANAGER. , HENSALL -115 4 • 000,004,00.00,0600. '4000.0.06,600 ga:44,4,4,441,4.,.;7.1.44 ' Geromette and Grace returning with her parents to Drysdale. Rev, and Mrs. W. M. Sippell of Port Elgin, and Rev. Kenneth Sippell of Detroit and Miss Evelyn Sippell of Kitchener, and Mr. Lloyd Sippell of Western University, London,. visited over the holiday week -end With fri- ends at Crediton. REV.. H. E. ROPPEL, Minister Mrs.. M. Oesch-Organist 10 a.m.-WOrship. Sermon: 1.1 a.m.-Sunday School. .7.30 p.m..---Wership. Sermon: g,„,„ -uron Mortgage Corporation Canada Trust Company ANDREW F. HESS Local Representative 21,ea% Tnterest payable half YeaAry. cm VIM or more for three or mote Years. Safe Investment for Ycosr Funds! FI out & Feed WE CARRY A COMPLETE: STOCK , OF PIONEER FEEDS EOR ALL YOUR STOCK BRAN, SHORTS, FLOUR IN STOCK L. Schilb- & Son E. C. SCHILBE,, Manager YOU CAN'T ALWAYS TRU:5T YOUR EYES Eye witnesses can be wrong':, Read how the innovent, greatly suffer be- cause of mistaken identity,. as told in an absorbing true story, one of a wealth of informative •attractions, in The American...Weekly mag-azine with this Sunclay'aa.(Oct. 26). ssue of Th Detroit Sunday Times, HAD ANNIVERSARY weather conditions prevttiled Sunday last when large congregat iona attended the 92nd anniversary services in the Crediton Evangciieal U.B. church. cv. M. E. Rettber, pas- tor of the. church'presided at botl services and Dr. W. R. Montgomer of Dayton, Ohio, was guest speaker He preached stirring sermons at th • venin services. lth morning ande 01 Mistaken Identity lovely Chancel was further beautifi cameo HARDWARE - SEEDS and FU 4,4 a (Toronto Daily Star) ed with many .floral bouquets. Th in Toronto on their honeymoon, choir was under the leadership of M A couple from Zurich, Ont, were * As D. Gill. they walked from the station, a taxi IS BEING INVESTIGATED tc,dped and the driver asked, Ting - Edward?" "Oh no," answered the The death of a one and one -hal flustered groom. "Pm John Jones month old baby which died nea from Zurich, Ont. " Crediton on Oct. 5th, suspected o . ooc,eoctor-,,,,oszeselezmcz,e'o,o*.a. 6r.i...40t0fMt,*QPreml - 9 9 0 NITURE rdPr ER 1,4 4k1/' ... `JO Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years 1 PAINTS! PAINTS! 0 0 We carry a full line of the Well K.nown and Tried 1; ' and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax THER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, 1hurnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line .)f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. f!) s ••••••••••••••••ftemeesawasowomegmesomosamosio ZURICH - QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE • Fine Weather! Fine weather is prevailing, in fact the radio announcer from Toronto said on Tuesday that it was the war- mest, Monday on that day, Oct.120th ,ince 1884, and that' is a considerable distance back at leastmany of us had not seen the light of day then. But we know the weather is unseason- ably warm for this time of year. However, people are busy getting in the late crops, and they are going in nice: The late fall wheat sown in October, is up and growing nicely, and will have a nice start when the colder wintry weather, which is bound to come does arrive. Had Surprise Party On Saturday evening Mr. ,and Mrs Dennis Bedard opened their home to all the members of the Bakery Staff and their wives for a surprite party, to honour Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Wil- lert in their retirement of business. The couples were escorted to the re- creation room by Mr, and rvirs. Be- dard, where the guests assembled in darknes. The lights were flashed on and they were greeted with !Hail, Hail, the Gangs All Here." The room was gaily decorated in ,Halowe'en colours of orange and black stream- ers, with autumn leaves. The ,eVen- ing wss spent in playing eards and ing song. Mr. Victor Edighoffer read the address and Dennis Bedard presented the couple with a beauti- ful Silver Tea Seivice, with Tray, on behalf of the employees of the Willert Bakery. Mr. and.Mrs. Wiilert both made suitable replies. ' Gordon Block moved a, vote of thanks to all who helped to make the party a suc- cess. Lunch was then served and the party continued until the wee hours of the morning. A Most enjoyable evening was spent by all. being -starved to death, is being n vestigated by provincial police. Th body of the infant was examined b a provincial pathologist in London What action will be taken in the cas will de -pend on the findings of Dr. H. Fisher, of London, who was cal ed by Coroner Dr, J. G. Dunlop. Hi report has yet to be received by th Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes, Goderich. Dr. Dunlop took charge the body when the question arose o Var the issuence of a, death certilicat INVESTING IN HEALTH IS I . VESTING IN HAPPINESS B of M Personal Lo‘ans Help Heal Plans at Low Cost The human body is like a machi -it needs constant refuelling, and little overhauling now and then. 13u unlike a machine, the bady parts a: not always replaceable. rhat's wl it's wise not to defer too long tl check-up that seems to be called f for every now and then. At such times, a Bank of Montre Personal Loan can prove the Ma cash to finance your health plans, TI 13 of M is glad to lend money f any reasonable purpose to those a position to repay. And the coat is very low. You c borrow $100 repayable in twel monthly instalments, for only 27e month -a. -rate equal to p annum. Of ,course, you can borrc less or more than $100, for short or longer periods, at the same ro-te ' If Toil need money for prson requirements, drop in and disc your needs with Mr, McEachern, yo local B'of M manager. You will fi that if you have a reasonable pl for repayment, he will be glad tO ,sist you -in strict confidence, course. 'Illbatramy., (Otte:her 23rd, 1947 r!!!!.1411• IJII EI11111111110,11111111111111111111111111111111111:1111111111111111111,1111111,111111111111111111ffir 4• • Come in and see our New: Shipment- of Chester - 4.7e% • field, Dining and Bedroom -Suite. Also a good range of Studio Couches, Dir_ettes, Etc. 41:r .*. hak Furniitir 4i4".• Furniture suitable for Summer -Homes and Veran- • dahs.. Always carry a good supply. of Beds, Springs, Spring -filled and Felt Mattresses in alr dzes. Keith R0 Westlake eta 4. Fiarniture Phone 63' Zurich IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMM111111111111161111111111111111111ffillliiiiiIIIM1111111111111111111111111 51151.0111111117 1111111111111111 iir II 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111H1111111111 0 0 0 4. • 0' 4.• 4.4. 4.• 4. 4. 0. 4 4 4. 1 0• • • • 0 • • adf • • 4. 4. • 4. ader's .„.ardware For the, Fall Trade we hame. a...large range, of -Cook Stoves, Oil Burners, Heaters raid, Furnaces. For Housecleaning,' Needs wQ, can. supply you with. the well known Gliddens,,. Paints', Stains, Varnishes, Oils, Shdla.cs, arA, Waxes. and Heavy Hardwatte Always on Hand See Us for. your Evetroughing, RIFLES, GUNS AND SHELLS We do Plumbing and Tinsmithing Phone 63 • Zurich 4 • 0- 4- o, e*, 0 4 • • 4 4 • • • • 80'• 0' giiiiininilinninlliffilillanilMEMEERM11111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111E11111111111111111111111111[1111111111111' ,I,L1121191,VMSZAWAV2=',7*ri-,M,M2:1ME=WRZIIMSZXX"..,..-2M.720.b.• Dead and Orkalded REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. DARLING and CO. Of trt3-...1Maa,:$251.011MaraMEMEC-MMEMMIM CANADA PATthiialf! Seaford' 15 LTD. t f r t f fa - e , .. e 4 .1, .R. ; I ,- t hff,i4441F4++++++++++++4"4"1•444 FiLf4.344.4,4,4-r'r0,4..t.÷.5-+.1-.1.+4.++++++4,+++4.4.+14+++•4.44. s.%,++4-4,-1-4,44:111 A . Vifl rrive : 1 Few Weeks Time - ONE CAR OF CEDAR SHINGLES ONE CAR OF ASBESTOS SIDING SHINGLES. 1.,. ONE CAR OF MASONITE. 4 _ PLACE YOUR ORDERS IMMEDIATELY `.! F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - - - ZURICH (i ;'++ +++++44.4.++++4,4-4.4-+++++4,44,14 le --- a t, 'e ry te n. al ly le IT in lll JO a Br w or al S S ur id m. Ls- of Massey R-7,i'QL EST'S ; , . ' a (iris CHECK YOUR IMPLEMENTS EARLY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS, AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN. as.. "THE SERVICE ARM FOR CANADIAN FARM" Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Kip/pp Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE " 5