HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-10-23, Page 1Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURS AY MORNING, OCTOBER. 23 Q 9 47 CHESTER L. SMITH, FUELISHI t $1.50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. e our :. 0r Are You Suffering From • Headaches? It so, Have your Eyes Exam.rned with the Latest Methods and. Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Ee OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices tets+4++ +•f•d•3++ ++&•d+ 2+E++ib+'t:•+tr 3rd+4t• 4•+P•+ + SF arrg :wLeic. ants fo: your Autumn Purchases ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE :—Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Duty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SQEILBE—Zurich f++++++++++++++++++++++++4 offraau funeral Anne Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Lecensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT ig'Vi.EPHONE No. 70 i+ d• I. 1' t Dashwood Ontario y"i.'I.'1•.p.'i ++I'+g•+l++i'aC3C4.4-4-+-t"I 4 T; il"Ir+i'+gQ',g.1•}i•'q.'}+•g••I+,g•+'i'+-ffes+Pc^'a•"i°'E+`i+'g°`Ii+.p+.p+'g MORA li !i iM iiiali1[f101111 I X11) To i f sv tl PRO, i (o 1_ ros P 'III v.r When you gare YOr g ror'' r< sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain' to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, a lthough some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our hest to purchase our supplies ffr^om the leading sappily houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits h season; Canned Gams, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced M en PRODUCE WANTED. -71011110 MO: llt°ll 7, vm a� u rich Phone 165 (ilu( C711[(III tl Il.IM,111001fi 11ill[lti 1111[[ti. I. sass. -- M03.W..141MI...MIS..- JtD[iill: ltilMtl Il�lll �! a6lanialikILIERSECEIR t r IS JUST AHEAD NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR HEAVY CI- THIENG WE HAVE 1T. FOR MENS, LADIES, BOYS AND GIRLS. A. GOOD ASSORTMENT OF JACKETS, SWEATERS ETC., AT THE OLD PRICES BE SURE AND SEE THEM! FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EACH WEEK. Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich ;�i enel Announcement Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kerstons, of Midnapore, Alberta, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter,' Violet Helen, to Truman Ireederick only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fisher of Dashwood, Ont. The wedding to take place in Calgary the latter part of November. WON $50 CASH John E. Howard, Bayfield, is re- ceiving the congratulations of his friends on his good fortune in win- ning a $50 cash prize in. a draw made at the Mitchell Lions Club Carnivel Thursday evening last, • A single ticket .won the prize for him. HURON CO. SCHOLARSHIP The secretary of the University of Western Ontario has advised Country Clerk N. 'W. Miller that the Huron County scholarships of $100 each have been awarded to Peter Fraser of Exeter, and Miss Doris McEwan, of Bayfield. This is the year in a rosf that the latter has won it. The schol- arships are awarded to the boy girl students from this county who obtaine the highest standing at the University. PUCHASES HOLSTEIN MALE and sound, will be shown at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, at 7.30 in connection with the annual public Thankolfering .service Of the Wom- en's Missionary Society. The picture The richly bred Holstein male, is one of technicel perfection produc- Meadow Glade Righto Pabst, has rem ed on the R.K.O. Pathe lot, Holly- cently been purchased by Colin Cam- weed and tells in a modern gripping pbell, Bayfield, from W. Hume Clut- story what chrititianity ls, This force - ;ton, Goderich. This bull is a very ful picture• comes highlyrecommend- richly bred individual, combining ed and must be seen to be appreciat- heavy production and goon type to a :eq.. An invitation is extended to all to marked degree on both sides of his .attend this service and see "The ancestors. The sire is Elm Colanthus 'pow Of God." Rag Apple Righto, who was arl�Can- adian senior yearling in 1943. Mr. Campbell's many friends cone:netu-- late him on this very fine purciesae. TO BUILD NEW STOR • Mr. Adam Brown of. the Rice Lake I • Cis r �s �9 ss Had Enjoyable Trip Mr. and Mrs. George Deicheri have returned from a most enjoyable motor trip which was taken up north to Orillia, Huntsville and then on the new paved highway through Al- gonquin Park, over to the Ottawa Valley, the city of Ottawa, the Cap- ital City of Canada which always Measures up to its reputation as a city of many parks and lovely sights. They made the trip home by way of the• Thousand Islands and enjoyed the trip, as the scenery at this time of year is outstanding. To Show Pictures On Sunday evening, October the twenty-sixth the religious motion pic- ture "The Power of God" filmed in I RECEIVED CLOTHING. Mir. Albert J. Kalbfieisch, chair- mt-a.n of the Ontario rio British Relief e ilnpaign for Zurich and Hay Te n - sl ip, has received, expressions of Fur Co., has purchased the v'ar ut! ti anl;s from British Citizens sheer property of Mr. Clarence Fanbatxtl, 1 li ye: benefitted by • clothing and form south of his• building, accora'rng to i •to. them. The people here re - the information we hay;e been able•.,o ended very well with donattng alr- a.,,, jVh. W4. ,134tF +�a. ad IIx +µlirawit ,, `�'�'��•i't1:..�x"IL�t��.�'°�?a,,d..:foad F 1..• intends'to` erect 'a building and lowing are two 'rep iris•:¢'' open up a fur store in Exeter. lie has This lean who lives' in a urban been in search of a store :n Exeter. house was very gratfutl for coat and has decided to build, He operates a• but as there is nothing available he , trbusc'1 s. NTo. a, Wayside,.Monmouth England. Thomas Tobin. Thanks you for the nice garments we received in place of tno:te lost in the flood.—Mrs. T. Vers le Victoria Estate; Monmouth. Lions Club News i �r Don't forget the annual Hallowe'en Match, which was held at Kingston l \la.sque rade i) utce in the limn Hall Haat Tuesday, Wed.,Thur.., and ill- on Friday evening, Oct. 1.,t, put on day. There was a large reprr,r+ntat b. the Lious. Good prize:.. will be ion of Huron County competing. On awarded, music supplied lV Rau's the fir,;at day of the match, Mr. James Orehe'tra.there. will be a refreshment 'booth. All proceeds will go for Com- munity work. Had Interesting Speaker At the: regular supper meeting in store .in 'Leamington and some other places and is well known in Exeter. Employed with him is Mr. J. W. Powell, of town.--Ex+ater Times -Ad- vocate. Agricultural Highlights County was well rep;r•sent- r: d at theBigI nternational Plowing Hogg, of Seaforth, was second in a class of 32. George Robertson, of Goderich 5, was fourth its the open Utility class with tractors. and Lorne Passmore of Exeter was fourth in the ,the Dominion House Monesey even - Open Tractor Class with two fnt'r- lag there was a good attendance,ow plows. On Thursday, Win. Rog- as practically all the Lions were erson of Seaforth was 2nd in the pre. ent, and two new members, nam - Utility Class for Tractor plowmen.. ely Kenneth Etue and Keith West - Mr. Allan Wolper ,Parkhill, won the lake were accepted as full fledged Ford Motor Co. Specials, open to Lions, andpresident Ted presented competitors using Ford -Ferguson or Fordson Tractors. HYMENEAL Married In England them with their buttons, alter Lion Victor gave them instrucit,rns as to what it all means. After the business and preliminaries Lion and' Secretary Bill Siebert, introduced hi.:. "Boss" as The wedding took place in Glow- he called him, Post, Others Inspector cestershire, England, when Marjorie, ;ylr, Stewart of London, wee gave a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry veru fine talk on the early history of Spencer became the bride of Jack mail, service in Canada its continu- Lennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lennie ous growth up to the rreseet time. O'Brien, Zurich. 11ev. Overy diktats .and if ono went into detail of all' ed at the ceremony which took place in Nibby Parish Church. 'Tradition- al wedding music was played by the church bells and' the organist played two hymns, "Love Divine" and "Lead• us Heavely Father, Lead us.' En- tering the church with her father,the bride wore, a gown of white satin, and her shoulder length veil of white net was caught to a be rctdress of orange blossoms and she carried' a boquet of bronze e ysantheums. As Maid of Honour, Miss BIl< eke denly on Saturday, at the old Hagan Rogers, was gowned in pink satin, homestead, Parr Line. Hay Town hip with veil and pink leaves as Bead- She was a daughter of the lite Mr. deo„ lied carried a llenpuet of mixed and Mrs james Hagan, and c d te- seahiosis. 'Thr three bi•idcin+ urs•,. sided latr.l c iii Detroit, whore she was nieces of the '+ri+10: Ston and 'Dianne • '.nlns'gri of a ladies die :lt+ip Sur - r , i\ ing i i four brothers . James, ;`+ldiidre. dressed in blur -vigil, and Senis In'Nmi in pink satin. tlecli swore Hagan, Seaforth; Dr. .101'n and Dr. matching henddrese anti veil and car- J. L. of Chicago; and Prank, Hay gird honm' is of mixed flowers gown+ship Mary. London, an Mother. Danny McDougall of 'I 1lifn'c, was Angela (Teresa), Windsor. Requiem groomsman and ilniiel l ;1r•,,.eh'11mn high mass was sung• ••tt St. lloniface: a,f'Halifax was usher dressed in their R. C. Church, 'l;urieh on Tuesday. Navy LUsaiforrns and wearing white morning, October, 21st. at 10 am., silk tapes. A reception was ibeld at Rev. Father Lacier, P.P. ofit`rsted, the bride:', paiints, following the Interment %n1Iawed in the. eatiei•ninel cerepie .q,, cemetery., torwammormonversomnposommenowsionamommordmilliillialluNkARKIWMPOUttromineartmararea these records it would' take columns of printing to record it all. It sure- lae was a fine edueatiira to listen to his remarks and atatisetics. A nurn- bier of interesting business items was„ discussed. OPTICAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE BROKEN LENSES REPLACED. DUPLICATED FROM THE BROK- EN PIECES WE STOCK: ALL SIZES AND SHAPES OF SHELL AND METAL FRAMES. F'UL VU OR REGULAR. aH Ess Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identificatio;r. of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 Hensall 000 000 000 c c61 0 S I>P Trc- y 00 00300030 0 03000 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 0 A.C$JUSTABLE HOSPITAL BED AND WHEEL CHAIR FOR. aro RENT. FLOWERS ERS FQR ALL OCCASIONS 'raypee weeessfesasermeesseemessesseessomia a' osxncr.a -" ~~ -dam a ;s e a a OBITUARY Mrs. Agnes Hagan Clark Mrs. Agnes Kathleen Hagan Clark widow of Williem Clark, died elide Ward Fritz SALES - Telephane. 9_::Zurich...w Fr Q0 saSeiSt'3CDozeseee000eee Wm. McAdams SERVICE SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING 6@a6C.4V36' 160 azzt sti e., *^•^••'-^ :cxaa•IES“ :i,.,lVinSIrZULV.07 ,FA...-r.,czdar-ac xOR (. vas J4t7 M'aragilETZiticiUNiZita===1ZZUNgUETaliraitatergaiaWairMirgatMAM, iE1afl erohanlise WE HAVE A LIMITED STOCK OF MEN'S OVERALLS, WORK PANTS AND SHIRTS "PENMAN'S PREFERED AND PENMAN'S RIBBED WOOL UNDERWEAR Take advantage of our New Low Prices on Fire- stone Tires and Tubes,.. also have Firestone Auto Batteries One only Snow Bird Electric.. Washing Machine A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always T Edmund Swartzentruber, P>; saps TO' ;.E