HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-10-16, Page 8WINOSTIrg1 „f!k.ics+q. VP • We can list only a few of the many lines now in Stock. All of these were placed on order about 6 months ago when prices were lower than at present. We can save you money on your' Fall and Winter • Goods Ladies' Dress M MaterIais New Scotch plaids 54 -in. wide at yd. 5 95 All Wool Shepherd Checks 54 -in wide at yd2.85 Wool Crer s in navy, blk, maroon, 54 -in at yd. $3 Suiting Wool, 54 -in wide at yard ...... Heavy Wool Coating, blue, maroon 54 -in, yd 3.98 Fine Spun tartan plaids 33 -in, at yard 1.49 Dotted Silks, 38 -in at yd. 1.49 Towels A new supply of the famous Cannot Towels, all sizes, priced from 1.25 to 2.85 each. Bed Spreads A supply of Chenille Spreads, also a new lot of Cotton Spreads, made in England 72x100, at 7.50 All Wog d Man ets We have a very fine assortment at present, 30 pair in stock, prices range from 12.50 to 21.00 pr. Also Woolcot and Esmond's in part wool at lower prices. Flannelette Blankets, large sizes 4.25 to 4.75 a pr. Lace Tablecloths hs New Stock, Just Arrived Very Fine Quality 72x90" at Very Fine Quality 45x45 at 6.85 4.50 MEN'S WEAR We are receiving small shipments of Men's and Boy's Ready-to-wear Suits... These are still in short supply... So come early for best choice. A new supply of Men's Overcoats, also take orders for made to measure Overcoats. A complete range of Men's Tweed Trousers and.. a large.. stock.. of Men's and Boys' Winter Underwear now on hand. Everything in Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats and Pullovers. Also Work Clothes of every description ifiAtiCH i Ftp b ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST 0• QG OQ iG �erp 0 00� 1Q€ Mr. and Mrs.. :C. L. Smith were at. London, t i us, ,v. M ist;'r Donald Dietrich, is enjoy- ing a few holidays with. relatives in ii rlv UQit. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Prang and children visited_ at Da-lvi:ited_ at Dit 11woud on t unday. ur.:tl leaver received the sad news of tic. passing of his, niece, Mrs W. Heroic oi' Tatty Pout, Mien. bliss Inez Vungblut with friends frt a Waterloo visited for a. few days in c; e Kincardine district - Mr. and tii..:, Lou Wells from _Min- neapolis, 'Minn.,. were visitors, at the home; of Mrs, J. K. Ehlers, and Mr. and Mrs. Sol., Zimmerman.. /() la fop '1 G X00VP! V® VP IP 000 Miss Pearl Wu tz spent the h.oll- c,ay we.'k-t.ud at Grand Bend, camp- ing with the Cowen family of ellxe- 10 a.m.-Worship. Sermon.:. ter • at their Cott.:ge. 11 a.m.-Sunday School.. Mrs. Ted, Deli hent of 'Toronto. is 7,30 p.m. -Worship:. Sermon:: spending a few days at the home Of her parents, Mr.. and Mrs, Emerson. .i F t,:, 7- B 1's,, ST. PETER'S Gln' ai dzy, October 16th,, 1i,Pii7I,4,444,44414414444444,4444.444.44444 11111111111111111�11111111111111611111111111111111l111111 1:IfC1111111111111111111111111i111 `111 Or• Evangelical Lutheran Church a: ti REV, E. W. HEnvnuC. K. PASTOR Ff r" ' 10 a.m.-Divine Services. �! 11.15 a.m. -Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -Divine Worship. •€• ZURICH --ONTARIO Everybody Welcome: to. all, Services. EIVIMANUEL EVANGELICAL. CHURCH REV, H. E.. RO:PPEZ+,, Ministtsr• Mrs. M. 'pesch,-Organise 1 t .e. Airs. T. Less Williams has return- 14 i•r ed after spending some time. at the home of kir. etid Mrs. Alf. 3ie!lett at Woodstock. 21i alai t (loveless of CIS hell, were Sunday visitors at the home of their daus; .ter, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr Breakey. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Edighofier and son Grant, and Mr. Ilobbiel']it- tlehoitz spent a day in. London fust week. :IIrs Ward Fritz and daughter Mary Lou spent the week -end at the Lome of the former's parent:, Mr and Mrs Herbert Iry EUber;, et f Crediton • Mrs. Emr. u L. Heppe] and datt- ,rU i ghter of ,iact'sun, :ri1cie., and sister, i�'Mrs. L. G.. Beeman of Detroit, en- (‘' ,�, joyed a few days at the. home of Mr . and Mrs. E. 'Heideman and relatives Q , and friends. pi Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kaittirig of 04 1 Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Haist tee of town,, and. Mrs. Ezra 1Taist had 0D a most.enjoyable Thanksgiving week- \) 0, end with relatives and friends at var- Pa p rows points in Michigan, i_ opp I Mrs. Irvin D. Smith and daughter 0 'Miriam of. Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Irvin c London were Sun - VG' day visitors at the home .of ;:r. and Qp Mrs, C. L. Smith.. , We Welcome Your Inspection! 40 'ascho ros.. op Qp TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH l 44•tnO*404444ec44 4<+;wws.•s4g..a....6Y444o•N4•;o4o4e Ymy'�iio4o444.44.4 •�. 0 43, 44 V E 4 WE HAVE RECENTLY PROCURED A LICENSE TO TRUCK a LIVE STOCK AND WILL BE IN A POSITION TO HANDLE * YOUR HOGS, STARTING SEPTEMBER 2ND. c O FOR HOGS CALL HENSALL 115, OR ZURICH 93-1 FOR CATTLE CALL, J. INGRAM, PI -I. HENS ALL 83-43 • GIVE US YOUR FERTILIZER ORDER. .WE DELIVER 40 44 HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE_ . 4 INCORPORATED w M. .PINKS, MANAGER. , ., HENSALL .115 a 4 •b 44,:i+oQ" GPC �`�• {74.4 40404e4444• ®4 44444 4i"9 c•c: ^r , . , HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE quality than we have been able to get the past few a Years • Order E A GOA L Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. EIO ZURICH O NT. QUALITY - PRICE -- SERVICE togsvassomstsmalimeoonwpalteomoinsianormeemoomeiefosoteetiowses C Mrs.. William Witmer and daugh- ter Mary Lou, accompanied her s is-' tern and friends • who returned to Toronto after enjoying a Lovely we- ek -end at the former's home, Zurich • & Erie Mortgage Corporation Canada Trust Company ANDREW F.. HESS; Local Repres.ent'arive. 2%5, interest payable• hall' Yearly on $100. or more for three or more Years.. Safe Investment. fox' Your Funds..!. Flour 6T, Feed WE CARRY A. COMPLETE ; STOCK OF PIONEER FEEDS FOR ALL 51OUR' STOCK BRAN, SHORTS, FLOUR IN STOCK. W Sc iIbe & Son It, C.. SC'HILBE, Manager , 1S ANYONE INTERESTED IN YOUR TROUBLES? Consulting Psychologist Lawrence Gould answers provocative questions ike this on;:• in his .fascinating "Mir - or Of Your Mind" page, one of many highly attractive features -in Pictorial Review, the magazine with the all-star - cast, - with this Sunday's (October 19) issue of.. The Detrta Times. MOVING RAPIDLY Work is moving along rapidly on the -construction of the highway be- tween Exeter and Deshwood, Looby & Looby, who have the contract for. the bridges and culverts, have com- pleted six culverts and are working on the seventh, with three more to do Piles are in for the footing' of. the bridge over the Black Creek at Sod- om and: one of the footings has, been poured. This is the first of three bridges to be built. PROTEST MEETING., Re: Strikes and Feed Grain Situation An emergency meeting was held in the .Agricultural 'Rooms ' in Clinton, last Saturday evening, Cct. Ilth of the Huron County Federation of Ag- riculture and the County Hog Pro- ducers, to deal with the critical situ- ation arising from the strikes in the Packing Plants and with the feed grain situation. At this meeting it was decided to call a Protest Meeting of all those affected by these condit- ions. This mooting will be held In the Town Hall, Clinton, on Thursday evening, bet. I th at $.30 p.m. Come Out and voice your protest, by your presence. If you are dissatis- fied with the lack of action on the part of the Authorities, this in Your chance to do something about it. - W. V. Roy, iSecty-Treasurer. Mrs. Laidlaw and Mrs. Flowers of 1 Cro.sswell, Mich., • were week -end vi.,- r !tors at the home . of Mrs. Chai;Tes Weber. also called on other relatives. Mrs. Laidlaw"visiting with her. bro- ther, Mr. Louis 'Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Doerr of Sask- atchewan and daughters of Londea, visited at the home of their sister and aunt, Mr, and lairs. Elmore Thiel, ov- er the week -end. The former are re- maining for the week visiting with other relatives, • Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin, Mr. Wm. Racier, Mr. and Mrs. Milne Lader, spent at pleasant holiday we- ek -end with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawrence at 'Rochester, :�. Y., also visiting other sights of interest. Mr, and Mrs. Davidge of Hamilton visited at the home of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Merano Steckle" and other relatives over the holiday week end, The former rendered a fitting solo in the Evangelical church ser- vice on Sunday morning, Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars and sons, Mrs. V. Dedels and daughter, !Marion of Kitchener enjoyed Thanks- giving holiday week -end at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Ed. Datars, Sr., and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel and chil- dren, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Sternbach, motored to Detroit on Sunday where they visited with their sister, Mr. and 4Irs. Morley Witmer for the holiday, also taking in many of the lovely sights in that great city, Visitors at the home of Mrs. Marie Stephan over the week -end were Mrs. Joe Steck-ly, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Stekham and son Char- les of l,russelis; Mrs, Charlie Step- han, Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs. John Heckman and daughter Doreen.. of the 14th con.; Mr. Mervin. Stephan of Ayton; Mrs. Pearl Stephan, •Orian and Margaret and Jack of Hen.sall. Mr. Gordon and Stanley Smith of the B. W. Highway; Messrs. Lorne and Lloyd Klapp and Ward Fritz of town, spent the week -end in the Parry Sound district at the latterrs cottage on an island. They report the most lovely outing with the weather ideal, as one enjoyed bask- ing around in their shirt sleeves. HIGH PI21CtS TO STAY . Ottawa - Finance Minister Abbot predicted that Canada's official cost - of -living index, now at 130.4; might rise as high as 1145 and said it now was "pretty well recognized" that the post-war level would remain higher than that of the pre-war per- iod. BETTER EQUIPMENT FOR BETTER FARMING Now that agricultural equipment is becoming more available, many Canadian farmers are planning to purchase electrical aids- .such as cream separators, refrige r a ti o n pumps, , motors, milking machines, or to instal lighting, heating and water systems. They know that improvetr equip- ment makes farming more pleasant and more profitable, too. Don't let the lack of ready cash prevent you from getting your share of modern farm machinery. Discuss the necessarlyt .fin'ancing with Mr. McEachern, manager of the Bank of Montreal. You will find tie has a first-hand knowledge of the farmer's problems, and is anxious to help you modernize your farm, and enjoy the comforts and profits that come from increased production. A timely farm improvement loan from the Ii of M has helped many a farmer make his farm. a bettor farm. 3+ • I• •1• • f9, mita Come in and see. our New' Shipment of Chester-, field, Dining' and Bedroom' Siri'tes: Also a good range of 'Studio Couches;, .Diriettes, Etc. Furniture suitable for Summer' Homes and Veran- dahs.. .AIways carrya'. good supply' of Beds, Springs, Scaring -f irled and Felt Mattresses in all sizes. . eiL . Westiake Furniture Phone 63, Zurich', *4..�f+*+4.44+++i.+++,Ht*�.fl11 1!11)111111!11111.9111!1111111111!1111411l11111111lE11!!11l11111111111��1111111l111111!!11l111l1111�1111 II1ll 1111IIIIII,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllll11111111! 1111111111 i111111IIIIIIIBIiIIIIII IIIIIIfhi IIIIl111( I • a 4, • 4, • 4. 4. • 4. • 4.4 • • b O • 4. 4 • m 4. w 4 • 4. 4 4, m 4 a. 41+ 4 4p 4 ader s Mil ar 1 11' I 1 111 11 111 1111111 1117111111`1 II 1111111 For the. Fall Trade, we: Bayes a large range of Cook: Stoves, Oil Burners, Heaters and Furnace's, For Housecleaning Needs we can supply . ou5 with. the well known Glidden Paints, Stains,: Varnishes, Oils;. Shellacs, and Waxes. elf and Heavy Hardware. Always on: Hand See. Us for your Evetroughing. RIFLES, GUNS AND SHELL; - We. do Plumbing and . Tinsm i zing Phone 63 11111111 111111 11111111 III 111111111,111 111111111 111111111 I Z>~ rel 4. 4 4 4. 4 4. W 45 4 4. 4. 4. • ;c • $ • d: 4. 4' • ' • 4 4+, 4' 4. 4. 4 4r• 4s, 4' 4 4' i' 4, 4 4 4 aa: 111NIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III111111111J11Jii 11111111111111111J11In111IIIi1IIIIIIII111111ll ittIi 1'f Dead aril Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter .235. Seaford/ 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. -- mw ....e acrla+:^•r•E•,••;r•k3.1•• 'H••I•+++44++•t•++ 4.,+':1 •I•1•44••1•.l+. +4. e.•II••fia1••3•+•C••4•}•rbtir , �? fiar Will -Arrive dta: 4, 4, 4. ,Within a Few Weeks Time ONE ONE ONE CAR OF CEDAR SHINGLES CAR OF ASBESTOS SIDING. SHINGLES, CAR OF MASONITE, PLACE YOUR ORDERS IMMEDIATELY F. C. KALBFLEISCH tV SON Phone 69 - - - - ZURICH si 1446.4.44.444 x+4++++++44.4.. r•+•b• 4.•i.44.1 + +4. 4. + p••R.+ M.i.•3..p.•1..F.Y,.1+.F+4+ 4 f MIAMI Massey - Barris REQUESTS CHECK YOUR IMPLEMENTS EARLY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS, AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN. "THE SERVICE ARM FOR CANADIAN FARM" Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Kiopp Rea. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE