HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-10-16, Page 5c rm OIRTARI10. MOM oda ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD ' Authorized as second class mail, 's Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday- Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar Kiopp LICENSED AUCTIONEER Will sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res, 6'7 Zurich Central Alvin H. Walper LICENSEDAUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. I E, F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERINARIAN sl. W. B. COXON, Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ii one -9 6 ZURICH BUTCHERS Zurlebs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Vuugb11ut & Son PRODUCE Silverwood DAIIBS Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on ^our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich 'Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Far i,erss Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF .WOODSTOCK TAE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in I3ank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rates on Application t F. KLOPP---ZURICH AGENT Also Dealer in Lightning Rods mid all kinds of Fire Insurance Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc: Ads., in this Column. FOR SALE JAn outhouse in very good condition for sale. Apply to Herald Office. • HELP WANTED Wanted truck driver and helper. F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son. FOR SALE LOCAL NEWS Mr. Arthur 'Truemner of Toronto was a holiday visitor here. Mrs. Ed. Beaver and daughter Eileen spent a day in London Iast week. Mi•. and Mrs. Ted Foster of De- troit were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs. Louis Weber. Mr. Herbert Turkheim has taken a position in Gascho Bros'. General Store. Mr. Calvin Williams and sister, Mie Ethel motored to London on 1"riday, MrNewell Geiger and infant son Jahn Alfred, have returned home Carrots, Cabbages, Beets, and cook-' from Clinton Hospital. All are well. ing onions for winter supply. Phone Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh of Exeter 82 19, Zurich. Bullock. visited at the home of their friend, Mrs. Clara itecke'r. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacKinnon of Stratford wer.; Sunday visitors with Mrs. it lht'hilllat:dl, A goodly number attended the auction sale of the eii'ects of the late Charles Remaan last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hagan and daughter Mary of Seaforth were we- ekend visitors with relatives here. • Mrs,, R. J. Hall, Toronto, a sister of Mrs. (Rev.) H. E. Roppel, was a week -end visitor at the Evangelical parsonage for Thanksgiving holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wickens of Embro, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brown of Ingersoll were Monday visitors with Mrs E. Hey. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers of Guelph, are visiting at the home of their nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers of town. Mr. Ezra Koehler of Baden, a for- mer resident of Zurich, has sold his bakery business to Nyal Shantz, of Baden who takes possession on November 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carr (bridal couple) have returned from their trip and are getting nicely settled in their home at Stratford. The latter's mother, Mrs. A. Turkheim is spend- ing several days with them in the city Mr• and Mrs. Clayton Pfile, of Dashwood had a very pleasant trip to Kitchener and Hamilton. In the latter city they visited the former's niece for a few days. A goodly number of villagers at- tended the Bayfield Fall Fair last Wednesday afternoon and the weath- er was ideal for the occasion. Thanksgiving Day was very quiet i town, as most •of the people were Oat visiting and sight seeing else- -Where. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 'Perkins of Detroit were visitors for a few days in this vicinity. Mrs. Perkins was the former Miss Mabel Etue of the Blue Water 'Highway, north of Drys- dale. George LOST A ladies gold wrist watch with a gold band. Finder kindly leave at Herald Office and receive reward. FOR SALE A quantity of good garden car- rots of sale. Apply to Phone No. 56 Zurich. FOR SALE A quantity of soft wood, stove length, for sale, apply to Charles Bedard, Phone 98 r 15, Zurich. FOR SALE Our grapes are now reacts to be harvested. And we ask our custom- ers to kindly arrange for their supply —Roland Geiger. NOTICE Will the party who has loaned our striper please return it immedi- ately to F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son. FOR QUICK SALE Choice quality Carrots and Cab- bage.—Tel. 92 .r 2', Zurich. — Wilf- red Mousseau. FOR SALE Little pigs and chunks. 60, year- old hens at $1.00 each. 240, pullets Poultry all Leghorn and White Rock cross. --;Phone 33 on 97, Hensall. Richard Robinson, R. R. 1, Zurich. FOR SALE Extension Ladders, 16 to .36 ft. 8 -ft. Step Ladders, Wheelbarrows. Auto body work, Cars Spray painted, Polished and Waxed. WILLERT WOOD PRODUCTS Ph. 210. Zurich, Ont. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) WANTED Beans, Peas And Red Clover Highest Cash Prices W. E. REID Dashwood - - Thedford NOTICE Make arrangements now for spring and fall whitewashing, barns and cel- lars, with new Spraymotor machine. —Wm. Watson, Phone 35 r 19, Dash- wood pt11-4 Generali Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Successor to Hess Insurance Agency J. W. HABEi2ER Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. BORN Becker --- To Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Becker of Roblin, Manitoba, on Sat- urday, October 4th, a son (Reginald Otto.) At the home of Mr and Mrs Leon- ard Merner, 14th Concession, :flay Township, on September 17th, to Mr and Mrs Harold Reichert of Hay, a son, (Earl Harold), Mr. and Mrs. Joe Masse and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Duch- arme of Windsor were Saturday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Kuno 'Hart- man, •Goshen line south. Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien of town, ac- companied her parents, Mr. and Mrs Jonii, Richardson, ani Mr. and Mrs. Ross .Richardson of Hensall, attend- ing the funeral of the late William Riehaidson at Dutton. Among those attending the Reid - Marsha wedding at Wesley United Church, Lonidcn on Saturday, were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont and Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Elliott of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laing of Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roeder and Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Milne Roed- er and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Johnston, and Mrs. Klinkman of Elmira, and with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton 1.iinz, of :Brodhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich and family and Elmer Oesch spent Tues- day at Port Huron. They were ac- companied home by Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Oesch, who were visiting in Port Huron and Pigeon, Mich. Population Has Increased According to the returns for 1947 presented by S. H. Blake, acting as- sessor, the population of Goderich is 4,927. This is an 'increase of 181 over the 1946 population figures, which were 4,746, Died At London The death took place at the Ont- ario Hospital, London of William Johnston, an invalid son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, west of Blake. The remains were brought to the Westlake Funeral Home, in Zurich, from where the funeral took place on Friday, October 10th, ser- vice was held in Blake United citurcllt, and interment in Bayfield cemetery. Letter From England Miss Jeanne Hartman from the Goshen line, south, just receoved a letter from Miss Ruth Sizer of Selby Yorkshire, England, thanking her for the dress that she sent to England during the clothing drive. She also said they were recovering from all their troubles, except the rationing problems that are very real at the time, but as long as there is no war, there is a chance that everything should improve in the near future. They were one of the unfortunate ones to get water in their home that lasted a week during the flood in the spring and the after effects were the worst. BREAD on the ta Ede the meal ii s ready! No meal is complete without pleat} of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -NU taste good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice - Buyof anenergy extra Lauf today—start now to, serve more bread at evert meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brea' at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH 40:,2,,.,,:..: ..}..,.Q.,..-1,.,,Mw...,_b SAVED FROM DROP Plunging through rotten planks masking a 50 -foot deep well on the property of the Hopper Funeral Home, Exeter, Archie Noakes, Hen - sail carpenter, was saved from pro- bable death by the quick action of a fellow worker, Gordon Parker, Ex- eter. Hastily clutching the sides of the covering he fell, Mr. Noakes was hauled from the hole by Parker. in- juries, consisting of two fractured ribs, were suffered in the fall. The men who are employed by an Exeter firm were busy levelling land on the site of a new funeral home unaware of the existence of the scarded up well. Local residents were unable to recall the existance of the well. OBITUARY Chester M. Steinbach Chester Milton Steinbach, 1.85 Park 'St. Waterloo, died at the K.W. Hospital. Death followed an illness of ten days, He was 62 years of age. Was born Aug. 129, 188.5 in Zurich, and was a shipping clerk with Elec- tro-Parcelain, Ltd., a member of St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Mr. Stein- bach was the son of the late Daniel Steinbach and the former Marian Buswell. In 1909 he married Emma Jacobi in Waterloo. In addition to his widow, a foster son, Edgar Gar- tunn . at' home survives. __There_ are two sisters, Mrs. George Baldwin, St Thomas and Mrs. Beatrice Fitzger- aId, London. Two sisters and two brothers predeceased him. There was a public funeral service Tuesday last at 2:30 p.m. from the Edward R. Good Funeral Home in Waterloo. Burial was made at Mt. Hope Cem- etery. Rev. C. S. Roberts ofciiating.l Mrs;. Erma Beaver Henne Funeral services for Mrs, William Henne who died Thursday in 5cheui- er Hospital, were conducter, :;und• y at the Methodist ,Church.nurial was in the new Bay Port cemetery. Erma C. Beaver was born November 7th, ;1893, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. John Beaver, at Unionville. She came to Bay Port, Michigan with her parents, as a child. On January 17, 1912, she was married to William all of Zurich were visitors with lir, B. Henne, at Bay Port. They moved to a farm 17y miles east of Pay Port where she resided for the rest of her life. She leaves her husband, six daughters, Mrs. Helms McClos- key of Lansing; Mrs. LeEtta Lupp, of Sebewaing; Mrs. Delores Luck- asiak of Bay Port and Grace and Lowaine at home; three sons, Oland Kenneth and Glen at flay Port; a sister, Ma's. Fern Henne of Bay Port; two brothers, Arbel Beaver of Phoenix, Arizona and Roland I,caver of Flint, Mich. and nine grandchil- dren. The late Mrs. W. Henne was a niece of Mr. Edward Beaver of Zur- ich, Bayfield Fall Fair Favoured with excellent weather, last Wednesday afternoon, Bayfield Fall Fair had the largest attendance on record, with around 11200 people present, having the largest gate re- ceipt in years. Featuring was a fine new race track, new judges' stand and new wire guard fence around the inside of the track, all erected by the local Lions Club. A refreshment booth was operated by the Lions. In the evening, a London troupe staged a concert in the Hall and a dance followed, with the Hayfield Valley Five supplying the music. Led by 'Clinton Citizens- Band whioh played throughout the after- noon, a parade of 200 school children from nine schools formed up at Clan Gregor Square and marched to t he grounds. Dr, R. Hobbs Taylor, of Dashwood, MLA. for Huron, official- ly opened the Fair. The Shield, aw- arded annually by the Society for best school display, was won by S.S. 4, Stanley, with 9.8+1: points per pup - In. It had 'been won for three straight years .by S.S. 3, Stanley. The Clinton Junior Grain Club held its Achieve - Thursday, October 16th, 1947 IiilVllllilllllIIID'lllililUillllllil;nliVVi�`illL'lliiIIIIIICIIIIIIIif IIIIilllilillltllililllllltilHCuliiiiili�,l(llVllltllllllllllnlllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illllllllllllll]IpIIIIIIIIIIIglllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIICIIilllllllhp FLOOR TILE FOR The . Bost In Master Tile Floor GET T I L. E ),X ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. S 'e Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAIN TINED. Free .Estimate's Gladly Given i118111i11111+1illilllllili�il'1',,, I 11 r TS. LIA.41:011,14.15111..111611, Soho a as Are Here Again New Fall Shoes Have Arrived to meet the required need of your Children. Prepare For The Cold and Rainy Days Equip yourself with Rubbers, Raintites, Pullovers, and Galoshes. A Complete Line in Rubber Foot- wear. A New Smart Line of Ladies' Plastic, Kid and Calf Pumps to choose from. Men's Work Shoes, Men's Dress Shoes, Rubber Boots for Men, Boys and Youths, also Leather High Cuts A New Shipment of Baggage is expected any time SEE FOR YOURSELF J FOR RELIABLE FOOTWEAR AND SHOE REPAIRING 0 0 e0eeee9ee9eCOMeee,9e669eeeeasseeesses DO YOU NEED ewFurnace? NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOURS INSTALLED We Can Supply You With One Immediately Paints and - Varnishes SCARF'S FAMOUS PAINTS AND VAR- NISHES ALWAYS ON HAND Also The New Almatex Plastic Paints WE AIM ---To Serve and Satisfy at s MAIN 5T, HARDWARE STORE Brien PHONE 213 as as 0 se as as as as as as n as eeeeee0e as as • rnent Day at the Fair. The various races put on were interesting and well competed. The motor bike race afforded many thrills. In all it was one of the most interesting fairs held in Bayfield for some time. DASHWOOD Anniversary services will be held in the Evangelical U. B. church on Sunday Oct. 19th. The guest speaker will be Rev. Walter W. Arnold, of Gilford, Mich., director of Christian Education for the Michigan Confer- ence of the Evangelical U, B. church The soloists for the day will be Miss Lily Hoffman of London, and Mr. Harry Hoffman of Dashwood. The local choirs will also assist with the services. On Tuesday evening, Oct. (34th the Metropolitian Choir of Lon- don, under the direction of Mr. T. C. Chattoe will give a musical pro- gram in the Evangelical church. Mr. and Mrs..Rabt, iHoperoft and son Bobbie of Port Colborne spent Thanksgiving with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver spent the week -end holiday with her parents at Bowmanville. Mr and Mrs. Donald Restemeyer of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Reste- meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer of Windsor spent a few days with fri- ends here, One of the largest auction sales was held in this community on Sat- urday afternoon. The property and household effects of the late William Zimmer, The property was purchas- ed by Mr. Arthur ,Willert of Exeter. Col. and Mrs. E. H. Tiernan and family of London spent the week- end with his mother, Mrs. Mary Tie - man. Mr and Mrs. Jack Wolfe and Mr. Sheldon Wilfe of Clifford were Sun- day visitors with Mr and Mrs. Carl Oestreieher. Mr. Gordon Eagleson who spent the past week with his parents, has returned to Montreal. Mrs. Steckley of Detroit spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft last week. Mr. Alex. Getz and Mr. Fred Getz of Oshawa spent the week -end with their brother, Rev. and Mrs. H. Getz and family, Mr. Jack Taylor and sister Myrta of London, were week -end visitors with Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Guentner of Windsor were holiday visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper of Ingersoll were holiday visitors with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and da- ughter of Windsor spent the holidays here and at Hensall. Mr. Carl Heppler of Waterloo and Miss Alda Bolton of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman. Ray Snell, Grant Wildfong and Ross Haugh accompanied Gordon Ila^:leson to Montreal for the week- end. Miss Myrtle Geiser of Preston and Lois of London were week -end visit- ors at their home here. Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Steick and Patsy and friend of Bradford, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Steick. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Schatz and Mrs, Bender spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 'Birk in Gnelph Mr, and Mrs. C. Kimyel of Kit.. chener spent the week -end with her mother Mrs. Becker. 1