HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-10-16, Page 4ZURICH, ONTARIO Mon Tb cable 1 Clearing Auction Sale GRAND BEND Presents for your Enjoyment The following Attractions: Fticia; :nth Saturtlay Oct. 17-18 ENCHANTED FOREST .41Ti?elid Lows? Braila Joyce Add:el :Isn't suhj,','t = Leur,:•l and Hardy "M BOB" And '(.;I.E.`."i' i'l;;(.:} BANK ROBBERY" Men., '['tae'..., O'•t. 20-21 TARS and -11Ti --Starring— Alfred I r.tkt' Janet Blair Added short .stibic'c•rs: "BEAUTY FOR SALE" and "RECALL TO Wed. and Thur. Oct, '22, 23 That Cert& Ei FeeNg —Starri±ag— '1lairyn Donnas Mark Cheron Two Short SWtbje,cte: "CALLING ALL .FIBBEIRS" Anti "PICNIC 1'ANTC" Clearing Auction Sale Of Feten, Farm 'Stocli and Implem- ents, at Lot 1), Concession 5, Stanley 1t -i miles south and 21e miles west of Brucefield, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd. At 1 o'clock p.m. Horses — Bay team of mares 12 - yrs, old. 'Cattle — 5 Durham Cows fresh and to freshen; 1 part Jersey cow due in March; 3 Durham heifers 2 yrs. old, 2 young calves, 3 Durham yearlings, 2 baby beeves, 1 York sow bred 7 weeks. Implements — Mower, binder, rake, fertilizer 11 -disc drill, cultiv- ator, 4 -section harrows, Massey -Har- ris bean scuffler and puller, Internat- ional manure spreader, roller, wagon, hay rack, gravel 'box, cutter, buggy, 01200 -lb. capacity scales, cream sep- arator, harness, horse collars, iron kettle, set sleighs, quantity house- ,ltold effects. FARM -100 acre farm, frame house L -shape, bank barn, drive shed, splendid water supply. 10 acres good hardwood bush. Farm is in good state of cutivation. TERMS—Cash on !Chattels Property — Terms made known on day of ,Sale. William T. Hill, Proprietor, 'Herold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Of Farm Stock, Implements and 'Hat' The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction On Lot 13, Concession 15, Hay Town- ship, 21-e miles west and 1.1e: miles south of Zurich, on THURSDAY OCTOBER 23rd. , Commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp ----• 1 bay mare, 1 black mare, I grey mate. All are good we, k'ur horses_ '..'a',tk'. --- Cattle are mostly Dur - hem in good condition, consisting of 10 Cows in calf, reds and mans; 4 heifers in calf; 4 yearlings, S spring calve,: 2 baby beeve., Hogs-- l:t stocker pigs. Hay --- About 20 tons- et good mined hay. Implements, Etc : — 1 IL C. bin- der, 7 -ft. rut nearly new; Deering mower, good as new; Deering fertile leer drill;_ 1 -horse dump rake, 2 horse dump rakes, M -H. spring tooth cultivator nearly new, 4 section drag harrow, 3 -section stubble harrow, 3 drum steel roller, truck wagon, 2 wagon:, fiat hay rack, d2 -ft. wagon box end stock rack, Clinton funning mill, grass seeder, wheelbarrow; disc harrow, bob sleighs, walking- plow, Mc. -Deering walking plow nearly new, cutter, grindstone, emery stone, Magnet cream separator, Regal heater, sling ropes, 1 -horse scraper, spades, forks, doubletrees,. incubator, ice tong-, root pulper, top' l',uggy, and many other articles tov• numer-• ous to mention. TERMS --C ASK Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer, Wm. S. Johnston, Clerk. Win. H. Edighoffer, Propt'dtore St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Mrs. Tachut- and! family of Kitchener were weekeend. visitors with the latter's parents, Mr:'andMrs Leo Bedard of the Blue Water north Mr. and Mrs. Paul a!asse• a'ntt i3fr. and Mrs. Donald Warocliie• all of Windsor called on relatises on Mon- day last. News were received on Monday last of the death of John Papineau of 'Windsor in his I7tFr yens„ son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Papineau, formerly of Zurich. He being a grandson of Mrs. Rachel Denomme of this burg and Mrs, Denomme left on Monday last to attend the funeral. Much sympathy goes to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ducharme of Windsor spent the week -end' with Mr. and Mfrs. Fred Ducharme of the Blue Water south_ Mr. .Ivan Masse of Toronto and Mr. Archie Masse and Miss Julette Masse also of London were visitors with their parents in St. Joseph, Mr.and Mrs. Ted. '•Laporte, of Windsor 'called on relatives and fri- ends during the week. Mrs. Matilda Brenner and Mrs. Leah Bertrand of Millersburg, Mich., spent a week in this community re- newing old acquaintances and fri- iA5DSOFTEyj jl y LIMITED (II LONDON CANADA LIVESTOCK need plenty of fresh, clean water to maintain high production—so let DURO carry the water for you. In stables, barns, poultry houses, greenhouses and truck gardens DURO adds extra profits through extra production. And the savings in time and labour alone will soon pay for a DURO Pump installation. Modernize with E M C O Fixtures and fittings designed for style and utility are available for simple, economical installation in kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Safe- guard the health of your family .. add to the comforts of daily living. ,See us for full particulars, cos E[T1PI STADE and WEIDO ZURICH — ONT. LIMITED April -09n ,liftrnit,„'1`'pf. 'nt'1pl't7tJ".sit.:01Miv-tNinitaec-vAncouVVH ......••.__ ICH ' _to Thursday, October 16th, 1:164' AN S AT LEARNING TO BUILD FURNITURE ONTA. I,/s' 9S productive capacity is the measure of her future prosperity. To assure this Province a prominent place in domestic and foreign trade markets, skilled hands are needed. In training schools and ON THE JOB, veterans are being taught how to make furniture— urgently needed for homes that must be, built here and abroad. They know that higher wages, job security and better working conditions are within easier reach of those who have mastered individual skills. Through plans sponsored by the Department of Veterans' Affairs and other agencies,. hundreds of veterans have been given 'basic training in various trades. They will become more proficient with further experience and training ON THE JOB. Taught to use their hands in fashioning wood products and in upholstering and finishing furniture, these craftsmen' of the future will have a share in Ontario's progress—an important part to. play in h'ei.: industrial -development. 0' - -- THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) CABINET MAKING Harold Geddes, 26, of Parry Sound, a veteran of 4 years' service with the Royal Canadian .Navy, is shown here sanding the base of a Grandfather's Clock. The quality of workmanship in Canadian Vocational Training Schools is high. Expert instructors check every detail. Courses in the furniture -trade give the student a basi.eknow- ledge of period 'and custom built furniture, wood finish- ing and. upholstering. A theaceeghe study of every type of wi cods ' Canadian and im- poited, is also included. 0, a a� 10. • r. ends of more than forty years ago. They both were born in the vicinity of St. Joseph; their native place seemed to them like a strange coun- try. They left the past week to visit relatives in Windsor and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Masse left on Monday last for their home in Win- dsor. The • latter spending a week with her children at the home of her parents. STANLEY TOWNSHIP President and Wife Honored Sept, 129, marked the 30th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Brucefield, who are quite well known in the community, Mr. Wilson being president of the 'Clinton branch of the Canadian Leg- ion. Friends and neighbours gather- ed in the hall over the Bank and epent an enjoyable evening, A love-. l'p cake was served which had been donated for the occasion. During the evening several gifts were presented to the couple among them a 96 -piece set of dishes and a handsome linen tablecloth, •.LAKE Farmers are busy with the fall plowing and harvesting of corn. - Communion Services were nerd in the Blake United church, Sunday last Mrs. Stelck presided at the organ: Rev. R. Hem gave a fine discourse to the congregation. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Mustard and son Brian of .Brucefield visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hey. Some of • the farmers arong the Bronson line are haviag the Hydro installed, Mr, and Mrs. H. Finlay and family and Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Erb and fam- ily visited friends near. Exeter on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bancron and MIr James Dinsmore and Emma, visited in London, Mr. and Mrs. ,0. 'Ducharme have been visited by their daughter from Sarnia. Mr's, Ducharme spent a few days there recently. An auction sale of the effects of the late Chas. Reman was held on Wednesday last and everything was ;old. The property was purchased by a man from Exeter, A number took in the funeral of the late Jecob Deichert at Zurich on SliTrtlay last. DI ISS Icw tor: ..n4aawn TOM, MOW r: '44 NOTE.... Y BA. 10 A JIOON, (ANAO ANS' F I Ft PLEASANT ,,REAMING ao®I�as P9 as NIS MOM PeteasSEW as R® ca stntoSOat,stssat9Tp150:` It II Yes, few things foster such peace of mind— such carefree sleep—such confidence in tomorrow, as a nest -egg of Canada Savings Bonds, Victory . Bonds or savings in the -bank. Now's your chance to buy another Canada Savings Bond—to provide yourself with still more protection against the uncertainties of tomorrow. Besides—increased savings will further assure those things you want in the years to come. So bay a Canada Savings Bond at your nearest branch of the B of M TODAY ! f�lJ':G'rtttctzl�erift aft' i6,l�t,ttlfl� rJ�'�.1�' itiii semi tie ter iisr'*Weir iNirisdl'mist err rrr aiabit tar past•trFosi teot t�ritiia`inrairier'wistr'sis: • • 0 • You can buy your Canada Savings Bonds at your local BofM branch for cash, on the Monthly Savings Plan, or on the Deferred Payment Plan. Any member of our sit& will be end to give you full particulars. m �i. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Jack Faber a.nd Joyce, accompanied by Mr. and 'Mrs Wm. Hyde and Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Dignan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarrott in Brigden and attend- ed the annual fair. Mrs, 'Olive Sherk of Toronto, spent a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd of Toronto are holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Smillie. Mrs. A. D. Meidwen spent a few days at Paisley owing to the illness and death of her father, Mr. Spar - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Palmer of Win- dsor were visitors with their ,parents' Mrs. t'a11'-ter, and Mr, and Mrs. John Fisher, Mass Florence Schwalm of London was a visitor with her mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm, Mrs. J. MacDonald and daughter Marguerite left for 'Windsor, rrom there tiler? will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rathwell and family to I Arizona, where they will be for sev- eral months. • MacLean—MacGregor Carmel Presbyterian manse, Hen - sail was the scene of a qurer wed- ding when Rev. P. A. Ferguson uni- ted in marriage Margaret Jarrott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- Gregor, and Wm. John, son or Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLean, The bride chose a grey length dress with black. accessories and a corsage of roses. Following the ceremony the • happy, young 'couple left on a honeymoon trip to the 'States. 'On their return they will reside in Exeter. Married at London A pretty but quiet wedding was•, solemnized. at Centenial United chum.. ch manse, London, when Dorr$ Mar- • cella, daughter of Mrs. S. Samaras, and the late Simon Sararas of Gram - arty was united in marriage to liar - old James Bonthron, only 'son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron of HensalL Rev Richards officiated The bride was. charming wearing an orchid on sup- er blue crepe dress with accessories of navy blue. For their wedding trip the !young couple motored to New York, and Atlantic City. Mr. and! Mrs. Bonthron will reside in. .tip+: - call.