HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-10-16, Page 1Established 1900 ee ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOEER 16 19 47 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBL./ $1.50 a Year in Advance ;1,75 in U.S., in Advance. eal Merchanto for your Aut ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports .h Bookkeeping Service, Etc. �. EXETER OFFICE: -Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so, Have your Eyes Ex -annexed with he Latest Methods and. Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. (OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH - ONT. boric,!!Inity Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better 0i1 Permanents Applied with the very latest of Methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! ;Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices Phone 153 for your Appointments, DOREEN SOHILBE-Zurich ++++I ^ +•!•dr+++•E++++++++r*&••D^3•+r {. •€•• ^ ^•£•+••++-0...g•'F•.I.3..F•I°•fr+•E•+•k•F•t••I•^N arrg Giftan tinerat 'Aar + 11 ci Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance 4. •i• of Sick and Injured. Lecensed . Embalmer, and4. Funeral Director. + MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERA.L ASSOCIATION4. + DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 4- K- 4- • sh*oo d -- 0ntar p . , + e. + b e•i~•4•^fr• 7'r++4-•-fietelet•1^+•+4.4- 4+ +0e+•S^^i^ 4^^i^^fr+++•3•1-eeeee ++• ^E•b•&++41 4.• 91. IN `1111111.1 ilk i 41.410 LAS i °11..("ijii�i 1)11(1 iii(( iii (1 When you are 116oitingT an sure and mit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at tunes hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... *ranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Carried Goods, and manv. other tines we offrer at very rnoder>,te prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced eniio ()ascii - Zurich PRODUCE' :WANTED. • Phone 105 11.111.1iil41 11..h¢i l f11 IeNl ;tq 11 11 x t neat. 1lrlllfGui 1114 11)'"1l1� 11111• t,.i 11¢�,111115)1iir E IS JUST _AHEAD NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR. HEAVY CLOTHING. WE HAVE 1T FOR MEN, LADIES, BOYS AND GIRLS. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF JACKETS, SWEATERS ETC.,, AT THE OLD PRICES BE SURE AND SEE THEM! FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EACH WEEK. Phone 140 C. 11. THIEL Zurich aimmempowernmimillowtrammigemommo REV. FR. GOETZ PASSES Pastor of Our Lady of Help, R.C. Church, Wallaceburg for the past 114 years, Rev. Fr, E. F. Goetz,: died Oct. 2 in St. Joseph's Ho.,pital, Chat- ham, after an illness of six weeks. He had •been in poor health for nine months. Born in Formosa, Bruce Co. where he started his education, and was ordained in the priesthood atSt Peter's Cathedral, London, in 1904. Among his serving as pastor he ser- ved at St, Janes Church, Seaforth. The funeral was held Monday last when more than 100 priests attended Puri° ries Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beaver and sons Robert and Gary of Woodham, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Beaver. Evangelical Church News - The next Sunday evening service in --Zurich will be withdrawn in favor' The body was taken to London for, of the Anniversary services at Dash - burial in the priests' plot in St. Pet- wood Evang, church next Sunday, er's Cemetery. Oet. 19th. It is understood that the Dashwood friends will do likewise in favor of the anniversary services in Zurich on Sunday, Nov. 2nd. Rev. G^ F. Barthel, of Waterloo, will be -the anniversary speaker here. ,•The Youth Fellowship will meet at the Church on Friday evening of this week for social hour. Election of officers and fu>;tlier reorganization of the winter season's work will also take place. Lions Club News. ... 'Ideal weather •prevailed: 'for. the Tenth annual Of the Exeter HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hay Diet in the Twp. Hall, Zurich, on Monday, Oct. 6th, at 1.30 p.m. at which time the following corres- pondence was presented: J. N. •Can- tin re: tax arrears; Dept. of Plann- ing and Development; Hydro Ele'c-- tric Power Commission. The following motions were then passed:ions Club which was held in the That the 1948 assessment roll as 'AI.^ena, Thursday and: Friday evening handed in by the Assessor Mr. W.H. last. There were over 500 paid ac[- ac altissions the first night and at the Edighoffer on Sept. 30th Last be cepted subject to appeals that •rnay be entered at Court of Revision which will be held on Monday, Nov- ember 3rd at 12,.00 pan. at the Twp." Hall, Zurich. • That since T. R. Patterson, Engin- eer and inspector on the Becker Draiie has inspected the Coiitractor'`s work on the Drain* and has-appraved of the work Henry Lawrence has' done, be paid his account. That by-law No. 11, 1947, impoa ing a percentage charge for penaIty of a rate not exceeding one-half of o0%4/.0' 14* P #num3 an the lir day oT" e of u i, be f asseV4. " That the Collector's (194 'Collect,- or'ss Roll as handed in by the Coll- ector, be accepted. That accounts for the various pur- poses be paid as per voucher. Relief - Mrs. John Suplat $25; Emma Bassow $8.90; Mrs, Edith Mason $15; A. Heideman (rent) $8. Twp. Roads •- Alphonse Masse $31.48; Leo Masse 29.90; Jas, Masse 145.12; Glen Campbell $80; Lucien Corriveau 30e88; Cecil Rowe 6.60; Ede Corriveau 30.be . •,lard 3leid- second night about 1500 persons were present. The program put on by Hugh ;,impscnr and his artists from Wind- sor was of high order. The Exeter Band paraded to the arena both' ev- :ening, and provided music•, Reeve Il. W. Tuckey and President Ted Davis welcomed the visitors and an- nounced that the net proceeds wa: Or a sinking fund for a new hospital i Eexter. Assisting the Lions were ;Ambers of the Zurich Lions Club dhwell as 1oe1' citizens. Returns of it colic were estimated to be wed �.. .a .. a'n even away each ev"ei nnb won on Thursday by Shirley Apple- ton, Chas. Waghorn, Chas. Davrs, and Theo. IHaberer of Zurich. HYMENEAL Overholt -Duckworth A quiet wedding took grace at.the parsonage of Wesley -Willis United church, Clinton when Muriel Wanda Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Duckworth, was united in inger 6:50; Albert Homan a26; Er- marriage to Gordon Overholt, son vin Schilbe :3.25; Gordan Corm -eau of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Overholt, 37.05; Wm. Sharrow $6; Tieman's all of Goderich. The ceremony was I-lardware 3.312; Canada Culvert Co. performed by Rev. Andrew Lane. 514.88; Chas. Dietrich fi50; Earle The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer ,75; Rose Garage 6.ea, Mar- Arthur Murray, a reception was held cit Corriveau 1311.95; Ed, Weltin , at the. Park House, which was at - 1.20; Arnold Merger $4; Pierre Cin- tractively decorated with autumn tin $2, Louis Cantin 3.90; Amos flowers. Mee,Duckworth, mother of Gascho $12; Lloyd Campbell 22.95; the bride, received the 40 guests and. Elmer Rowe 3.90, Carl D. Mullin was assisted by the groom's mother. 5.20; (Wm. Northcott 2,60; Dennis After a short trip the young couple I)ucharme 17.50; Ray Fiseer 1/.55; will reside in Goderich. Cameron McGregor $6; Joseph Cali- Carr-Turkheim tin $10; Walter Statten 16.20: The Pedlar People 195.00; Thos. Welsh St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- 100.90; R. Gteenther 3.39; Zurich ich, was beatuifully decorated with Motors 3.1213, Henry Lawrence 174.- .ferns, chrysantheums and roses for 00 H. W. Brokenshire $5. the double ring ceremony on Mon - Telephone System -- T, IT. Hoff- day, October the sixth at four o' -- man salary and staff expense 895.9.1, clock, when Rev. E. Hoimrich united' H. G. Hess, do, 438.21; Hay Station- iu marriage Irene Alice Turkheim, ery (2.25; C. L. •Smith $112; Bell Tel'- Reg. N., youngest daughter of ivIrs.. ephone Co. 24443.82; H, W. 'Broken- Anne Turkheim and the. late Rev. shire 49.22; MacDonald Electric• Ernest Turkheim of Zurich, to Mn 19.94; Collector 'Customs, Express Charles Carr, youngest son of Mr. 650.82; Northern Electric 51 6e67. Alexander Carr and •the- late Mrs. General Accounts - H. W. Broke Carr of Stratford. enshire $125.23; Trs. Tp. 'Osborne Traditional wedding; music was re: Cann, Mitchell Drain payment played by Mrs. John Turkheim and 1317.25, A. F. Hess 9.95; Hy. Law- Mi,s Grace Mae Kellar of Stratford rence re. Hecker Drain 2796,10; sang "The .Lord's Prayer" before the Douglas .& McCallum 103.30; Hay ceremony, and "Because" during the Stationery $90; Ethel Williams 84.61 signing of the Register. Frieda Haberer 14.83; Bank Hydro (Given in marriage by her brother, 5.13; J. W. Haberer $20; T, R. Mr. John Turkheim, the bride wore Patterson $1.50; Marjory -Williams a dressmaker suit of pale blue gab - 1+02.51; 'Treas. Hay Mun. Tel System ardine with navy opictu e hats and ac•cessoes, Her - $3700. erican Beauty Roses. Attending her That the meeting be adjourned to has her sister, Mrs. Edwin Gesello, meet again on Monday, Nov. 3rd, at who wore •a deep rose ensemble with 1.30 p.nn' •black accessories and corsage of pink Breakdown 'of cheque No. 147 to roses, The best man was Mr. Edwin T, H. Hoffman: Contract salary and Gaseho and ushers were Mr. i/Vrlfred staitf expense, 3(22,44, T. H. HoffmanCarr, brother of the groom, and Mr, extra litboiir 76.45', do $90.40; Ex- Herbert Turkheim, brother of the prase, freight, etc. 58.22; Truck al- bride. A. reception was held lowance, Aug. •rit Sept, 45.05; New at the home of ;4Ir, and Irs, Edwin Gascho, telephones $3 paid summer operate where gue t were present From Toronto, Brantford, Galt and Strat- ford. After a short honeymoon, the young couple will reside at 12 Sum-. erget i)rive,, 'ati'atford, Ontario. C PHONE YOUR 0 OPTICAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE BROKEN LENSES REPLACED. DUPLICATED FROM THE BROK- EN PIECES WE STOCK: ALL SIZES AND SHAPES OF SHELL AND METAL FRAMES. FUS VU OR REGULAR. A G.HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identificatio of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal Roe Farrns Milling Co„ Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel 0000 x,e00000000E9@t0000000 0000008000e0 0 0 ADJUSTABLE HOSPITAL BED AND WHEEL CHAIR 9 9 itv a ttottrat 0900600000 cintt Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director gip• ars 0 900 •wine ase+ moose 909vn000eB90 000000000008000600040000 w RENT. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS FOR Tlephone 8ur'r 9 6 9 9 9 ors & regular operator: holidaye 180.60, H. W, Brokenshire, •Clerk, Geo. Armstrong, Reeve. OWL Ward Fritz SALES SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY. DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND . GENERAL REPAIRING Wm. McAdams SERVICE all Mercha dis WE HAVE A LIMITED STOCK OF MEN'S. OVERALLS, WORK PANTS AND SHIRTS PENMAN'S PREFERED AND PENMAN'S RIBBED WOOL UNDERWEAR Take advantage of our New Low Prices on Fire- stone Tires and Tubes,.. also have Firestone Auto Batteries One only Snow Bird Electric.. Washing Machine A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always 13 1 LAKE Sr IORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 1