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Zurich Herald, 1947-10-02, Page 5
1'i,lltiCi11, ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD !Authorized as second class mail, ti Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar KloPp LICENSEDUA ITC ONEER NIB sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central Alvin H. Wa1Per LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERINARIA.N �. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Sion Street, Opposite Drug thCH ane -96 ZURI C BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- led. Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins tt yunghlut & Son PRODUCE SilveTwOOd DAIRIE asb Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery Put Your Want, For Safe Lost, Found, Etc, Ada, in this Column.. FOR QUICK SALE Choice quality Carrots and iCab- bage.—Tel. 92 a 2, Zurich. — Wilf- red Mousseau, PIGS FOR SALE 1141 young pigs for sale_ 5 weeks old, Oct. 6th. Apply to Ferd. Haberer, Phone 1112. WANTED Shot Gun, any kind, single or double, or pump. See I. Willert, Zurich, Phone 210. • FOR SALE Extension Ladders, 16 to 36 -ft. 8 -ft. Step Ladders, Wheelbarrows. Auto body work, Cars Spray painted, Polished and Waxed. WILLERT WOOD PRODUCTS Ph. 210. Zurich, Ont. FOR QUICK SALE We have bought a stock of new rubber tire farm Wagons at a great- ly reduced price. Will also sell at a greatly reduced price while they last. —L. A. /Prang & Son, Zurich. WANTED A place to winter 25 head of 2 - year old cattle. Apply to Herald Office. WANTED A few rooms in Zurich for light housekeeping. Apply at Herald Office. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient ffi-oient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas, Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE WANTED Beans, Peas And Red Clover Highest Cash Prices W. E. REID Dashwood - Thedford NOTICE ACETYLENE WELDING No job too large or too small. Farmers' work promptly done. See EARL ZIMMER, at the Blacksmith Shop, Zurich. NOTICE Make arrangements now for spring and fall whitewashing, barns and cel- lars, with new Spraymotor machine. —Wm. Watson, Phone 35 r 19, Dash- wood pt11-4 Western Farmers Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS {. OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO.. Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rates on Application 1E. A. KLOPy- NrRICH • AGENT Lightning gg` Rods 'Also Dealer ing and all kinds of Fire Insurance General Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Successor to Hess Insurance Agency J. W. HABERER Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Miss Kathleen Hay of Exeter, was a Sunday visitor at her home here. Miss Ruby Church of London, vis- ited at the home of her mother, Mrs Ella Church. Mr. and Mrs, C L Smith and dau- ghter, Mae were at Clinton on Sun- day, also calling on the former's father, Mr D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Either of Crediton were Tuesday visitors at the home of their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Mr and Mrs Holden of London, were week -end visitors at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. E. G. Krueger, 14th con. Mr. and Mrs Ed Datars and Mrs Ed. Datars Sr., and daughter Anna_ snent Sunday with relatives at Kit- chener. Miss Arvis H:a'berer who accepted a position at Windsor, enjoyed the week -end at the home of her friend Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tromury at De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doerr of Laird, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pitt,of Hyde Park, were week -end visiors at the home of their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting of Goderich were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Kaitting's parents, Mr and Mrs. Chris. Hoist. They were on their way to Toronto. Miss Patricia ODwyer has return- ed to London after spending her va- cation at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer. She has entered the Institute of Public Health to complete her B. Sc . of nursing degree from Western Uni- versity. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gascho and family of Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Gascho and Larry of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs . Harold Rader and Catherine of the Goshen line south, have returned home after attending the funeral of their brother and uncle, the late John Brenneman of Detroit. Canadian Were Hosts Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray, Clinton, were host and hostess of a pleasant party given by relatives in her honor. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson; Mrs. Fred Marshall of Hamilton, with Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mrs. H. Fitzsim- mons, Mr. and Mrs. Corless Mr. Benson Corless, Clinton , and Mrs. Kenneth Breakey of Zurich, were guests.—Clinton News -Record. WORLD SERIES The annual 'big show of World Series baseball is 'being played at New York •and Brooklyn beginning on Tuesday, and the former team won the first game. Both the Yank- ees of the American League and the Dodgers of the National League, are fighting it out for world champions. A team will have to win four games to win the series. Moved in New Office 'Mr. W H Brokenshire, our Town- ship and Villae;e Cler'• ha, no-, got nicely settled in the office the Town- ship of Hay has purchased from Mr. A. F. Hess recently. There are a lot of valuable papers and documents that' a township clerk has to take care of and the fireproof vault in this building will take care of this. So don't forget, when you look for the Township Clerk, go to the old stand on Victoria Street, where Mr. Hess had the Township Clerk's office for nearly thirty years. The former room of the Clerk was in the Bank of Montrealbuilding which room is now occupied biy the Bank. BORN Schade — At 'Dr. Fletcher's Hos- pital, Exeter, on Sunday, Sept. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Schad° of Dashwood, a son, William Blake (Billy). Keller, At St. Joseph's 'Hospital, London, on September 24th to Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Keller, Dashwood, a son. Mother and babiy are fine. Geiger—At the Clinton Hospital, on September 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Newell. Geiger, a son, John Alfred, (8 -lbs. 1 -oz.) Flout & t bed. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF PIONEER FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR STOCK BRAN, SHORTS, FLOUR IN STOCK L. Schilbe & Son E. C. SCHILBE, Manager READ ©n the tb e the e 1 is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -NU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread at Willert's Bakery ar at your local grocers. PREPARING FOR BIGGER FAIR Committees of Hayfield Agricultur- al Society are making preparations for a bigger and better Fall Fair than ever before, on Wednesday, October 8th. The race track has been improved for horse races, motorcycle and saddle races. This year, nor the first time all announcement will be made by public address system. Ar- rangements have 'been made for special speakers. Bayfield Lions Club has charge of all concessions on the grounds and lunch booth. A parade of school children will take place at 1 p.m. from Clan Gregor Square, headed by Clinton Band, to the Fair Grounds. A grand concert and dance are being held in the evenmg. SURVEY ORDERED An immediate start on a survey of the mouth of the Auxable River at Port Franks was ordered Satur- day last by members of the Auxable Conservation Authority in a move to protect cottages and village pro- perty from further erosion next spring. A resolution authorizing em- ployment of an engineer to make the survey and estimate the cost of ex- cavation work which will be neces- sary came after a delegation from Port Franks was heard. The delegat- ion had requested the authority me- mbers meet to hear representations for an immediate flood control pro- gram at the river mouth. Willert's akery PHONE 100 — ZURICH 1.111111010.1.1272, PLAY SAFE AND PAY BY CHEQUE Cash Transactions Entail Risk And inconvenience Ever sympathized with a friend who. mislaid some cash and never found it? It was hard lucx ....and so unnecessary. Your friend couldn't mislay money kept in a Bank of Montreal account, where it would earn interest as well. He'd: find a chequebook just as con- venient as a roll of bills.. and much safer. Or perhaps your friend paid cash for something, forgot his receipt and needed one later. That's another un- pleasant ,predicament.. and also. un- necessary. If he'd paid by B of M cheque, the missing receipt wouldn't matter because the cheque when cashed, becomes proof of payment. You'd do that friend a sound ser- vice by suggesting that he open a B of M account. Mr. C. C. McEach- ern, local manager, and his staff will -welcome the opportunity to look after his interest.. and yours. Thursday, October I2nd, 1947 IIiIIII111NIINIIIIIIIIII(IIIA(((IIIAIiIIIIINIINIINNIi(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(Illllillllllllllllllll►Ill 1111llNllll(NIIINIIIIII(NIIIIIIIIIIIIII►►IiIIIIIIIIIININNNNIINNII(NIIIN►NNNfNNNNNNiiNI!IIIIIIIIIININNN1111 NI FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In Master Tile Floor GET TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given 1!Cls!ihNINIIIINIIIIIIiilIIIIIIIIIIIIihININlilli1111!Illll!IIIIIIIIN!ifllil!'!Ili:'91111lINIINIIIIIIIIIIiNNII!VIII!IIIIIIIINIiIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIII!!INII,(iii!!I';IIIIIIIINiilIINNIIII!I!NIIIINIIII;NIINIIIIfI(f((INNNINNIIIINIIINP :I : • School I ays Are Here Again New Fall Shoes Have Arrived to meet the required need of your Children. Prepare For The Cold and Rainy Days Equip yourself with Rubbers, Raintites, Pullovers, and Galoshes. A Complete Line in Rubber Foot- wear. A New Smart Line of Ladies' Plastic, Kid and Calf Pumps to choose from. Men's Work Shoes, Men's Dress Shoes, Rubber Boots for Men, Boys and Youths, also Leather High Cuts A New Shipment of Baggage is expected any time SEE FOR YOURSELF ALT FOR RELIABLE FOOTWEAR AND SHOE REPAIRING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 s 0 0 0 0 0 i 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 HAS ANNUAL FIELD DAY The pupils of Exeter District High School took a half holiday off last • Thursday afternoon to stage their fall field meet. Although there wer- en't as many entries as last spring, the day was a big success. HAS NEW GROCER A new grocery store has been op- ened in the village of Saltford, own 1�,;,:„ ���� ��� s,.r:9:-. �M -f —444 o� - ice.,:..,- �....:� seT5—�-;+w-.a-ma• ed and operated by Mr. Kelso Adams •• who is a veteran of the last war, hay - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DO YOU NEED 0 0 0 3 0 Nei'i Furnace? NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOURS INSTALLED We Can Supply You With brie' Immediately P,,.,ints and Varnishes SCARF'S FAMOUS PAINTS AND VAR- NISHES ALWAYS ON HAND Also The New Alurate% Plastic Paints WE AIM --To Serve and Satisfy Datars MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE nie PHONE 213 8 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 3 8 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 3' se 0 ing served with the RCAF. for five years; of that time he spent three years overseas. The new proprietor recently purchased the store from Mr. Rapson. HEARING DELAYED Goderich — Preliminaray trial of Fred Littlechild, charged with the murder in the death Sept. 15, of Charles Bell, was delayed for the second .time at the request of crown authorities. Remand until October 2 was ordered for William C. Clark, Tuckersmith Twp., and Harold Wolfe Stanley Township, who are charged with the rape of -an Exeter district woman. Bail for both men was re- moved. HAD ACCIDENT On Wednesday last Bert MacKay, local employee of the Kalbfleisch planing mills. Goderich, was rnjured while unloading lumber at the God- erich plant. He had returned to town with a load of lumber and was in the act of unloading it from the truck when rollers failed to work and the cab of the truck dropped, causing in- jury to the driver. He was removed to the Hospital where X-ray revealed he had suffered two fractured verte- brea. He has been in the employee of the Kalibfleisch firm since March 1'946 and previous to that had been with Ross Scott, Brucefield. OBITUARY Mrs. Charles Schroeder The funeral of the late Mrs. Chas. Schroeder was held from the Disney Funeral Home, Exeter conducted by Rev. H. J. Snell. Mrs. Schroeder pas- sed away at her home following an illness of nine days. She was in her 78th year. Born in Hay Township. her maiden name was Mary Sachs and her girlhood daiys were spent on the Goshen Line. 53 years ago she was united in marriage with tier now bereaved husband. They re - resided for a time in Dashwood, moving to a farm near Crediton where they lived for 25 years before retiring to Exeter in 1914. Deceas- ed was a member of the Crediton Evangelical church and an attendant at the James, St. Church since com- ing to Exeter. Surviving besides her play. Mrs. Scott going as far as husband, is a son Harvey, of Birm- Guelph. Pepper of Mown and her ington, Mich; three daughters and a Mrs. Wm pp sister, Mrs. Mitchell of Strathroy.In-,sister. Mrs. I. McKinnon of Ilderton, nding tI}e funeral of their brother, the late '1': HENSALL The many friends of Mrs. J. W. Ortwein wit regret to learn that she is quite ill at her home. Mr. Lorne Scott and Miss Katie Scott were in Toronto where the latter attended a great China dis- 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 A 0 8 0 0 0 3 a 0 texme.nt was in Crediton Evangelical were in IKinc'trdine cite cemetery. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ci 0 0 8 0 Insulation' alnd vetio ghhrg SAVE UP TO 30 PER CENT. ON YOUR FUEL BILL BY INSULATING YOUR WALLS AND CEILINGS, WITH BLOWN ROCK WOOL METHOD. ALSO EVETROUGHING WORK DONE AT ONCE. WRITE: Box 131 A. W. REEVES, Thedford, Ont. Book Your Order Now Before That Long Winter Get Our Free TERMS Estimate Before ON G. Scott. The many friends of Mrs. W. F. Riley will be pleased to learn she is able to be out again following her i recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paterson of Toronto were visitors with the form- er's parents , Mr. and Mrs. R. 3. I Paterson. Mrs D. Ohelew, and two children who have spent the summer months with the formes' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook have left for their home in Los Angles, California. Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan of Tor- onto were visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mc - You Buy INSULATION 0 8 cls 0 0 3' 8 a' w 3 Naughton. Misses Margaret Glenn and Bar- bara Michie spent a week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and Jackie at Crediton. Mr. Mervyn Stephen left to relive in Hespler at the C.N.R. depot. Sunday Sept. 28 was rally day ser- vices in Carmel Presbyterian church, The S. S. met at 10.30 and attended the regular morning service at 11 a.m. The sacrament of baptism was at this service. Miss Helen Moir wbc recently un- derwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, is much improved and expects to be home soon.