HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-10-02, Page 4t. -a' - 0, ZURICH, ONTARIO Aldon Tbeate GRAND BEND Presents for your Enjoyment The following Attractions: Fri. Oct. 3 Sat. Oct. 4 'Pride of Bluegrass —Starring— Edith Fellows—Gantry (the Blind Horse Three Sons A Guns With 'Wayne Morris Susan Peters "Ilton. Oct. 6 Tues, Oct. 7 "GILDA" —Starring— Mita StarringB.ita Heyworth Glenn Ford Also. Nickel Tales Loco Lobo 'Wed. Oct. 8 Thurs. Oct. 9 Rhapsody In Blue —Starring- -Joan Leslie Robert Alda And Eager Beavers Short Subjects Zurich Fall Fair took all; W. Rocks, J. Battler, F. Mc Clymont took all; R. . Hers, Battler and McClymont took all; Anconas, J. Battler, Mrs. Weber, McClymont; Dorkins, F. McClymont; Gants booted M. Smith; Bents unbooted D. Grah- am; Game, J. Battler; Giants, F. Mc- Clymont; N..Ramp. Reds, F. McCly- mont, J. Battler, E. Laird, Mrs W Weber; Sussex, Battler, McClymont, E Laird; A. 0. V., F. McClymont; Ducks Battler, E. Laird, Snowden & Grainger; Ducks, A V., Len Men- ne?, M. Smith; Geese, J. Battler; geese, Tal., Snowden & Grainger; Wild ducks, Len Merner; Coll pig- eons, D. Graham, F. McClymont. —Lloyd O'Brien, Judge. GRAIN AND SEEDS The prize winners in this class were: —Mrs. E. Darling_ H. A. Fuss Fred 3. Haberer, Mrs. W Welber. —R F. Stade, Judge. VEGETABLES AN'D DAIRY Winners were: --Irvin Willert, 0. Battler, Cliff Paper, Snowden & Grainger, Fred McClymont, H A. Fuss, Denny Bedar2l - Len ,Marine T. Geiger, J. Turkheim, Mel. Smith, Bruce Koehler, H. Flaxbard, Ed. Haberer. Tudor Special, I. Willert; Zurich Herald Special, Cliff Pepper; Hess .Special, I. Willert; Robinson's Drug -Store Special, I. Willert. —Hugh Berry, Judge. DOMESTIC SCIENCE HORTICULTURAL )Prize winners were:—Mrs. W. .'Weber,Weber, M. Smith, Ed. Haber- er, Mrs. E. Darling, J. Turkheim, 0. Battler, C. Pepper, H. Fuss, H. Flax - bard, Mrs. Ed. Lawson, F.-McCly- mont, E. Ducharme, R. Geiger, Mrs E. Darling. Robinhood -Specials: Spice cake, lMrs E. Darling; Leaf Breaa, Mrs. W Weber; Apple pie, F. McClymont; oat meal cookies, Mrs. W. Weber. Purity Flour Specials. Apple pie .rill. Smith; Loaf bread, M. Smith; Cake, Mrs. W. Weber. Working man's Lunch: eat Simp- son's Special, R. Geiger; 2nd Mous- seau Special, Hy. Fuss; 3rd iby Soc- iety, Mrs. E. Darling. Horticulture:—F. McClymont, T. Steinbach, Snowden & Grainger, J. Turkheim, R. Geiger, Len 'Merrier. —Mrs. Allen Berry, Judge. " LADIES' WORK Winnere in this Class were:— 0. Battler, E. Weber, Miss L. Living - atone., R. Geiger, Mrs. E. Darling, Mr.-. Hy Fuss J Turkheim, 'Mrs Ed, J,,anc•-on, M. Smith, P. Haberer, I. ,Willert. H. Flaxhard, E. Ducharme, Dr O'Dwyer Special -0. n:3attIer, —Mrs. Allen Berry, Judge. DASH WOOD Mr. and Mrs, C, ; `'. Pfile of 'town accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sippel of Lansing, Mich, were Sur-, day visitors with friends at Tavise tock and New Hamburg Russell Tiernan had the misfortune to fracture his ankle while at Grand. Bend on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwalm of Sebwaing, Mich., called on Mr. :and Mrs. Henry Hoffman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffmann and family spent the week -end with Mr. .and Mrs. Gordon Hewitt of Oolling- wood. _Rev. J. W. Siebert and his 'mother Mrs. Siebert of Chesley visited with Mrs Witzel on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Gordon Eagleson of Montreal •is spending a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson. Anniversary services will be held on October 19th, in the Evangelical church. BLAKE. x Mr. James Dinsmoree has return- ed home from the Clinton. Hospital where he has been receiving medical treatment to his knee. We wish Jim a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Hamuiyn of London called on his daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Saunders of London called on their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. H. Finlay and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarke of Ottawa who have been visiting his mother and family, left Sunday last for their home Mrs. Vernon Oesch was visited by her grandfather from Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch have been visited by friends from Tor- onto during the week. Beans are being harvested and wheat is being sowed in this 'district. A number from here attended the Hillsgreen Anniversary on Sunday last. Rev. Wooley of Ashfield e. con- gregation spoke in the Blake church Sunday afternon last. There is a bad epidemic of colds making its rounds at present. HILLSGREEN Had Anniversary The congregation of Hillsgreen United Church held their annual fall anniversary on Sunday last. Beauti- ful bouquets of flowers adorned the altar which added to the. pleasant- ness o fthe day. Very inspiring.mes- sages were delivered by tae guest speaker, Rev. E. Steinway, of Bruce - field and Rev. H. Snell, or James St. Church, Exeter, in the evening. Spe- cial music was furnished by Kippen ,choir, assisted by several young pep from Hillsgreen. Solo parts in the anthems were taken by Miss Bernice McClinchey, of Kippen, and Rev. Mr. Hinton. The solos, "The Lord's Prayer" and "The Holy City" were sung by Rev. Mr. Hinton. In spite of the weather the attenaance at both services was very gooa. Had Rally Day On Sunday, Sept. 28th, Rally Day was observed in St. Andrew's church at Kippen, at 11 a.m., with Hills - green also uniting with Kippen for the special service which was pre- pared by the teachers and pupils of the Sunday School of both churches. A junior choir was in charge of the service of song. The services were very largely attended and much en- joyed. BAYFIELD Miss Margaret Ferguson nas re- turned to Toronto to resume her stu- dies at the University of Toronto where she is enrolled in third year honour law course. Mr. and M,rs. Walter Westlake, Gloria Westlake and Milvent Sturg- eon left on a motor trip to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake, Virgina- town. • Miss F. and E. Fowlie accompanied Mr. and Mrs. G. Koehler of Zurich on a trip to London, visiting 'with the former's brothers Purchases Lots George Bell recently purchased from Lloyd Scotchmer lots on the east side of .Stydneharn Street, on which he hopes to build at some fut- ure date. CHRIST JESUS CAME INTO THE WORLD WHY? To Save Sinners. 1 Tim. 1: 15 WHO ARE THE SINNERS? You and I. Rom. 3 23 HOW CAN WE BE SAVED? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. • Acts 16: 31 He died in our place and stead, bearing our sins, that was might be justified who trust in his finished work . I Pet. 2: 24 TUNE IN: PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 F..D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING'. NIrttt;•t1 t. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor CHAS. E. I'ULIAR. ,)..Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 83, CAL, VRI HERALD Le vitt s Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 'Thur., Fri., Sat, Oct. 2.3.4 M.G.M Special Feature (Adult Entertainment "SEA OF GRASS" —Starring— Spencer Tracey Cath'ern Hepburn Robert Walker Mervyn Douglas General Admission 40 cents Monday, Tuesday Octoner 6-7 "LOVE LETTERS" —iStarring— Joseph Cottem Jennifer Jones Wed. Oct. 8. One night only TWO FEATURES "Dark Delussion" —Starring— Lionel Barryanore James Craig All Star Cast "LAND RUSH" —Starring Charles Starrett Smiley Burnette COMING—"It's c' Wonderful Life" Away on Motor Trip Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner and son Teddy left on a motor trip to Virginatown and Kirkton Lake. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Toms, who will visit their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Westlake in Virginiatawn. • Home from Hospital William H. Elliott, who nas been in Clinton Community Hospital since early May, following a critical oper- ation, returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bell. Miss Berthena Sturgeon of the local Post Office staff is on holidays Mrs. C. Knuckey is taking her plac at the office. DRYSDALE Taylor—Overholt Exchanging rings in St. Peter's Church, French Settlement, 'Marie Elva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Overholt of Drysdale and James Taylor of Childers street, London were married by Rev. Father F. R. Bordeau. John .Denomme was soloist with Mrs. Denomme at the, organ. The bride's father gave her in mar- riage. Her long gown of white bro adcloth taffeta extended into a train and she wore a finger-tip veil of em- broidered French net caught in a cornet of pearls : and carriet red roses. Bridesmaids were the bride's sister, Doreen, in -blue net, and the groom's sister, Madeline Taylor, in rose taffeta. Each wore a headdress to match her frock and carried a bouquet of gladioli. Attending the groom were his 'brother, Bob Taylor' and Milford Overholt, brother of the bride. Ushers were Victor Overholt and 'Philip Durand. The reception was held at Zurich Hotel Mr. and Mrs. Taylor then left on a motor trip -to Niagara Falls, and on their re- turn will live in 'London. The bride travelling in a grey suit with grey top coat and black accessories. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Hein of Sault Ste. Marie are visiting with their daug- hter, Rev. Reba Hera at Varna. Rev. Mr. Wooley of Lucknow took the services on the Varna charge, Sunday last. Miss June Murdoch who has been a student at Parsons School of De- sign in New York for the past few years has completed her studies and has been appointed to the staff of the International Varnish Co. as Inter- ior 'Decoratorsand Consultant. .Diss Murdock who has been visit- ing at her home at Brucefield is in New York, taking over her new posi- tion the beginning of October. Mrs. Archie 'Mustard and son of Brucefield spent the past week at Blake ,with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Sam. Hey. Late William James Taylor William James Taylor, highly re- spected resident of Stanley Township passed away in Goderich hospital in his 80th year following an illness of several months. He was born in La- chute, Quebec, in 1867. Later he moved to Stephen and to Stanley Township in 1882, where he had since resided. He was the son of the late John Taylor and Sarah Pollock. His wife, the former Emma Dawson pre- deceased him in 1935, and one son Lorne died in 1911 in his 3rd year. Surviving are ten children: six sons Russell, Indianapolis; Garnet, Staffa; Harold, Detroit; 'Louis of Goderich; Harvey and Robert of Stanley Twp. Four daughters Mrs. J. Wilton, (Pearl) 'Brussels; Mrs. W. Webster (Ruby); Mrs. A. Coleman (Fern) ; Mrs. C. Stephenson (Blanche), .all of Stanley. Also surviving are 29 grand children and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were held from the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. Web- ster of .Stanley. Twp, with Rev. Mr. Turner of Goderich officiating, assist- ed by Rev. Reba Hern of Varna "(Tn- rted Church. Bearers were six sons, lower bearers wart h grandsons. In- terment was in hayfield Cemetery. S iso surviving him are two brothers Robert Taylor of Parkhill and Saul 'nylor of Winnipeg, Man, Mrs. Samuel Thompson Mrs, Samuel Thomson, well known I resident of Stanley Townsnip pas- sed away at her home, Sunday fol- lowing a paralytic stroke she suffer- ed Friday morning while preparing breakfast. She was in her 71st !year. A member of Brucefield United ch- urch. Surviving are her husband, 3 sons, Sydney, Wyoming; EIgin Tuc- kersmith Lloyd an the homestead, 1 daughter, Mrs. Lorne Manson, Lon- don. Mrs. George Troyer of Hensall a sister. Public services were held from her late residence Tuesday at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. Steinway. Burial was in Baird's 'Cemeter'y. Had Anniversary Large congregations attencred an- niversary services held in Chiselhurst United Church on Sunday 128th. Rev H. Snell of James St. Unread church Exeter was guest speaker. The choir under the direction of C. T. Wren with Benson Stoneman at the piano -rendered splendid anthem..-. Soloist, .Mr. Benson Stoneman. A quartette composed of Mrs. H. McEwen, Mrs. T. Sherritt, T. J. Sherritt and Jarvis Horton of Hensall sang two. numbers and a duet was sung its Rev. Snell and G. T. Wren. The choir from Hensall were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton, Miss Gladys Luker, and Mrs Maud Hedden. Lovely autumn flow- ers decorated the church. AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Household Effects, Etc., at Main Street Dashwood. The Estateof the Late William Zimmer, ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 11th. At 1 o'clock, p.m. Sharp REAL ESTATE — The Property is located on -Main Street, Dashwood, consisting of 1 -5th acre of land, has a good frame house, front verandah, sun porch with veranday built over top, large woodshed, double garage, plenty of soft and hard water, best of garden soil, fine shade trees, etc. Terms of Real Estate — 10% on I day of Sale, balance in 20 days. Will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Household Effects — Full set of garden tools, lawn mower like new; 4 long ladders, 2 step ladders large and small; wheelbarrow, quantity of lumber; 4 single cords of wood in garage more or less; large quantity of best of hard wood in woodshed, (this will not be offered till after the property has been sold) ; lawn ben- ches, S lawn chairs hand made, bea- utiful bird house strong work bench, work bench tools, new 51gal. coal oil can, pails, hoes, spades, etc; linoleum rug 9x15 -ft; linoleum rug 9x1.0 -ft; large linoleum in kitchen, a number of rugs and mats, various sizes; clothes hanger, hat rack, S -piece . chesterfield suite, studio couch 3 - leaf extension table, 2 oak tables, 2 centre -tables, numerous flower stands 2 oak; 2 wicker chairs, two oak rockers, 9 strong kitchen chairs, 9 diningroom chairs setee, wooden bed, 6 steel beds all with springs and mattress; 1 innerspring; dressers wah stands, 2 toilet sets, 3 lamps, pictures and 'picture frames, Kitchen clock, electric toaster, electric Iron Like new; 2 steel frying pans, alum- inum frying pan, numerous kitchen utensils, silvermare, fancy glassware and dishes; baking cabinet cupboard kitchen sink, large 'cabbage cutter, quantity of sealers and jugs, washing machine, clothes basket, 2 wringers, beautiful flower plants with contain- ers, Doherty kitchen range like new; dining room heater, and many artic- les too numerous to mention. As this is a large Sale, so come early, beginning at 1 p.m. sharp 1 TERMS --(CASH Alvin Walper Auctioneer. Milford Merner, Clerk. Ida Zimmer, Herman Zimmer, Executors. AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate and Household Eff- ects. The Estate of the late Charles Reaman at Wagner's Corner, (flay Tawnshi•p., on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Stat, At 1.30 p.m. Situated 21/� miles north of Zur- ich, or 114 miles east of Blake, being Part Lot 20, Concession North Bo- undary, Township of Hay, 1% ac- res of land, 2 .storey frame house. in good condition, covered with new ashphalt shingles, good sized kitchen and cellar, barn and hen house, fruit trees, never failing water sup- ply, Hydro available, on County Road and school .'bus convenience. Will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Terms 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Household Effects --Kitchen stove, 2 heaters, 3 -leaf extension table, sol- id oak 2 --leaf table, large Tong table, couch, ogran and organ • stool, 2 small tables, 6 dining room chairs, 12 good 'kitchen chairs,, 2 rocking chairs, 12 wooden bed springs and mattress, 1 complete bedroom .set, new linoleum 4x6 yards; linoleum 10x12 -ft; linoleum rug 7x15 -ft; •co'm- plete toilet set, 3 lamps, 1 antique style ' lamp, ironing 'board, coal oil cane.; copper boiler, 2 wooden tubs, galvanized tub, 2 iron frying pans, meat saw, 6 -gallon crock, smail crocks various sizes; quantity Seri ers, 2 wooden 'butter bowls, baatter spoon. clothes basket, numerous. kitchen utensils, hoes, spade, an -c, 3 hatnnuers, gaantitpy of wood, blank- ets, quilts, and comforters In good condition, some new; field glasses, carpet sweeper, mail box, 4 trunks, 3 cedar chests, 1 •beautiful blue -gold trimmed 96 -piece dinner set; cut glass gold trimmed pitcher, and 6 Tumbler set; glass cream and sugar set; Clock over 100 years olid; Sil- verware, antiques of various descri- ptions and many other araticles too numerous to mention. TERMS --CASH Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. R. F. Stade, Clerk. Norman Vincent, George Bullock, Executors. AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Household Effects, Tools,' Etc., at 'ZURICH, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4th. At 1.00 o'clock, p.m. REAL ESTATE—Consisting of Lot 111 VolIand Survey, and a por- tion -of North Part of Lot 20, known as Church Property. 'On this prop- erty is a comfortable house 11/2 storey 24x30 -ft. with kitchen and wood shed attached; barn, 18x20; chicken house 10x35; house has Hydro installed; good cistern and hard water. Also plenty of fruit Thursday, October 2nd, 194a trees and Choice garden •soil. Terms of Real Estate --10 par cent. on day of sale, balance in 3l' days. iPossession immediately. Household Effects, Etc.—Coolk stove, heater, Coleman gas stove,, extension table , 6 kitchen chairs, electric wash'g machine, elec. toasters and hot plate, electric iron, floor lamp, 4 bedsteads, springs and mat- tresses, 2 dressers, 2 wash stands, glass cupboard, child's crib, high chair, 2 rocking chairs, small table,, arm chair, writing desk, ironing board, clothes horse, , 3 lamps, flour can, 2' chests, spraiyer, lawn mower® vice, cross cut saw, hand saw, whee elbarrow, step ladder, extension lad- der, incubator, brooder, colony house, dog kennel, dustless ash sif- ter, quantity sealers, fruit cabinet.. mats, quantity coal and wood, small: wagon, lard can, 5 -gallon crock, 15, griller) vinegar barrel, brooder stove,. Coleman lantern, clock, quantity of dishes, pots, pans, crowbars, shovels,. axes, hoes, forks, trusties, window sash and glass, tool chest and num- erous articles. In case of wet weather Sale will be held in Lutheran church shed. Terms—Cash Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer. R. F. Stade, Cleric. John Kochems, Proprietor. ANO SOFT Et UMI'TED III( ,ONDON CANADA rr hC::HA5E gaLH' PRODUC PROF/73 Pump! THOUSANDS of farmers across the country tell the same story of extra production . extra profits,. extra convenience . . less work . .. with in- expensive DURO Pump installations. See us for com- plete information regarding equipment needed ft.. meet your requirements an the farm and in the home.. EMC G) FIXTURES AND FITTINGS .. . Modernize your home. Safeguard the health and add to the comforts of daily living for ati your family. See us far the latest in Kitchen, Bath- room and Laundry installations. We will gladly give you full information. cot STADE and WEIDO ZURICH — ONT. EflP1RE fiThISS flIFG. CO. LIMITED. jAnnarn-Ham( LTon-ToaonTa-suoo uRv-wlnn iP ec-vancouvER Photographs—Canadian National Bathyal-to PRIZE HEIU) FOR 11.1.11C.---150 purebred Holstein heifers, the largest ship - meld' of cattle to the United Kingdom since before the war, are shown m the lower photograph moving into Canadian National Railways cars when ]Ma 'nay recently left ]Marco Farms n,t Lindsay, Ont.l for Montreal on route to 4ye treited kingdom. In -the top picture, the prize herd is being inspected by W. l'l e1?Yafson, manager of the C.N.R.'s Montreal Stock Yards, and. W. J. Murphy, owner of the farms, just prior to their transfer to the: Wee, The heifers will restock dairy farm herds depleted. during' the rte..