HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-10-02, Page 1Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2 19 47 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISH] $1.50 a Year in Advance $X.75 in .U.S., in Advance. Bee Your .focal Much nts for yo Are You Suffering From Headaches? F€ so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST 8: OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. °Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ARTHUR FRASER, Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE :—Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SOfflLBE—Zurich i ++.i..i•++++ +++++++^5 +++4+ + 4••d•++•b•F+•FAN+-Hr++++. ++++++•i••i u111° 4 8 offUt rt i tin a%I a Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and injured. Lecensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood ..- Ontario t-++++++++++++++++++•I+aU++'>f'•F3'.1.b+•4•++°fir+.4•++.kis.•4.9.g.++•F•F++-r++9 V 11 0111'111 Rani II ITliNi,lflfif lir Alt rooe 0 When you are Ioc ngfor good sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Malmo 3 eseb ® Zurich PRODUCE `WAI'J TED. Phone 165 IMF . i JQil1 IQ I. i MN) i . i' 11114 $11 trim oilitompowto Itiati.10101.110111111011 -1 r tis Seasomable Needs WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, AND CLOTHING, FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. A GOO VARIETY OF CHINAWARE; BREAKFAST AND DINNER SETS, ETC. For Your Grocery Needs, Shop at Our Store. We have a Fresh Stock of Groceries., Fruits, and Vegetables Weekly C. H. THIEL ,Neeeenageemeaa Phone 14 neremenamextmoserem CARD .OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank my fellow Reeve and Council- ors and Road Superintendent and also friends and neighbours who made personal calls and remembered me with cards and letters and treats while I was an eye patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London. E. 'J. Willert ZURICH FALL FAIR Tuesday marked another day of Zurich Fall Fair, and the weather- man was not any too kind although it might have been worse. That cold: autumn wind just fairly seemed to penetrate ones clothes. Many of the attendants at the event wore their big heavy winter coats, and woolen socks were brought out of the sum- mer storage and slipped on for the afternoon, and what a comfort it was to be thus clothed. Nowhere on the grounds was these a warm spot, as the sun and wind seemed -to come from the same direction. And as a consequence the gate receipts fell down considerably from last year The various places of entertainment were not so well patronizeci as were the hot dog and hamburger booths. The merry-go-round running only at times, as did other amusements. The Thamesville band gave a good account of themselves, as they play- ed du ing the afternoon. They led the parade to the grounds, followed by the various school children which was indeed a lovely sight. a - The town was nicely decorated with streamers and' other decorati- ons, which were taken care of by the Zurich Lions Club, who in place of the, usual concert, as there was no: troop available, put on a bingo in the town hall, till it was time for the dance to commence which was well patronized ess . The . inside department was a most lovely sight for a fair of its size as mostly all classes were well filled with fruit, vegetables, etc., in the ladies department, domestic sci- ence, etc., it was also nice. and plenty of everything, the school childrens' showing were much admired by the people, and the line of study and work in schools are so different now from the days we took up the three R's, that, we feel the youth of today are getting a much better training than in• former years. This should, of course lead up to even a better generation of people than we are. In the outside departments there was an exceptionally fine showing of story wedding Mr. dincake ce aand rtable live stock, cattle were outstanding for the as were sheep, hogs and poultry. To Hauch's 25th wedding anniversary, see those lovely fowl and the cold Sunday, September 28th. The good and shivering winds blowing, made spirits rose high and a very enjoy - one think of the good old fowl sup- able time was spent. The gifts, all per. Some real nice horse flesh was in silver, were most beautiful, show - shown and- was interesting indeed to ing the high esteem the couple are watch .the judging of the same. And held in. The evening speer' by, far so another fair day has made history. ,too fast. A delicious luncheon was served and an abundance of it. The following are prize winners: 'Their many friends, though not Owing to some confusion in the present thatesent evening,cntijoin inbe with wi hese horses and cattle judges books which health and ha.. mens. more. and Mrs. have to be straightened out by the Hau h are ble ees with two foes Secretary we are withholding these. daughters, Mises Shirley anti rlrvis, until next pLrb11Ca11oti. and reside on a fine farm on the 14th SHEEP concession. r Autu aro aces ..vl.1`t Fes' W. I. To Meet! The Zurich {Women's Institute will hold their first regular meeting on Monday night, October 6th at '5 o'- clock sharp. Every member is re- quested to be present. Visitors are especially welcome. A demonstration Will be given. Prize Awarded Mr. Ralph Krueger has been a- warded the "Helen M. Benson Prize" for highest standing in Astronomy in the University of Western Ontario 1947 Summer School He also re- ceived first and second class stand- ing in two other sulbjects he took last summer. END OF FAST TIME .With the passing of the weer, -end we turned our clocks an hour back to Standard Time, and now we have ari hour more daylight in the morn- ing and an hour less in the evening. Buil we are glad to get back to the Standard time again, for the average Canadian the change means an end to the confusion which arises nearly every spring from the patch -work manner in which towns and cities ad- opt the fast time. Farmers generally dislike the daylight-saving system. They. arose with the sun anyway in the 'summer and kept their crocks on Stamlard Time. Railways stuck to St€esdard Time throughout the sum - mel' "and the only difference the change means to them is an adjust - Moat of schedules to fit into the geisgral standard time system. We do .riot like confusion, and this time btli ''ess surely has created a great etstt+n,-trtiihe .i �' nl� 25TH ANNIVERSArtY A great surprise party took place on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haugh, 14th con- cession, Hay Township, wne,, relati- ves, neighbours and friends gather- ed at their home and upon their re- turn home from Grand Bend, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile. They were greeted with a group of Shivereers as the lights were all turned on. A company of 50 were in a celebrating spirit and welcomed them home from Grand Bend. Entering the house a four - 48 p S OPTICAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE REPLACED. THE BROK- BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED FROM EN PIECES WE STOCK: ALL SIZES AND SHAPES OF SHELL AND METAL FRAMES. FUS,. VU OR REGULAR. A Gd HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identificatio of the World's F ineast Anthracite ask for LUE COAL Miller Creek Coal., Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel] Lincoln sheep — A D. Steeper took all prizes in this class. Oxford sheep — Orville McGowan and Don. Deering took all prizes. Zurich MIVOMMENIUMMOMI gaseeesCa a a a a a a a gy ADJUSTABLE HOSPITAL BED AND WHEEL a a (i) 00000 000®0® i>OS! 0 000000 0 000000 0000 009 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 8 RENT. CHAIR FOR FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS' Day and Night Service." Ti'e g9 Zurich cos )000 0041u cases v0004IDaara a 15,w0,, a0aaaa,r0000000000000000 0 5'�aRS�='Asn'�sAiT.W4.�Y�u+u...,��.,PFiii'.".,,'Ti.. 's -".'''•,,.s .fir' t,'..r m,�.9r:7.C;h�:a,.. � z-•t�':m';'= u�a.+n�rt+�-... .ice[ e Evangelical Church Many people were disappointed took lied Sunday because the motion plc - Shropshire 0. McGowan all prizes. Leicester — D. Graham took all prizes. Special, --3 best beef type, W. A. Ne l & Son; Harold Johnston S'pec- ial, J. Wright; Dr. Coxon special, H. Wright; Director's Special, J. Wright E. Lindenfield special, H. Wright; T. Eaton Special_ bacon hogs, J• Wright; Eaton special, lambs, A. Steeper, D.. Graham, A. McGowan. —H. Snell, Judge. POUT; rItY Barred Rock, Utility pen, F. Mc- Clymont and 2nd; Utility pen W, Leghorns, 3. Battler, E. Laird; 1 Homburgs, J. Battler won all these; 'Barred Rork <, .1. Battler and E. Laird won all; W. Rocks, ootid, Mrs Weber, F. McClyrnont, hen 1. Rattler McClymont, cockerel C Pepper, I' McClymont, pullet, C. Pepper, F. Meelymont; Dark Drahamas. J. Bat- tler took all; Illk. Minoreas, H. Laird and F. McClynront took all ; Brown Leghorn:,, Mrs. Weber and h. Lail took all; S. C. Legharns, J Battler,\Leonard Merner, Pres., or Mr. A. E. Laird, D. Dearing took all; Buff 1'lielick. Buss leaves Zurich about `Orpingtons, B. Laird, F ;axe.("lymont 15.30 p.m, to 9 QA a g Ward, Fritz SALES Wm. McAdams SERVICE SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING MEIERIBLIMINMINZTLEMEEFFEL tures as previously advertised for the Sunday School Rally program failed to arrive from Toronto. This was to be a talking Religious Film based on the bible story of "The Good Samar- itan" and "Who is my. Neighbour?" but having failed to arrive it appears to have gone astray in the shipment of it from Toronto. As a substitute for that The (general Films Co., in Toronto is now sending a similar Film entitled "Suffer Little Children' based on ChrisisMessa;e in His Sermon on the Mount, for next Sun- day evening. Oct. 5th. The local Brotherhood of the Ev- angelical Church here is planning to attend the Canada t'oefertnce Bro- therhood Rally at Emmanuel Evan- gelical Church, Waterloo, in a body on Friday evening. A. Guenther buss providing transportation for about 45 mon has been chartered for the trip. Men desiring to go should make their reservations early. See Mr. alalairairaataSeaSSRreiklUlaiWilaiMISSAIIIiii i fl 11 ere an 'se WE HAVE A LIMITED STOCK OF MEN'S OVERALLS, WORK PANTS ,AND SHIRTS PENMAN'S PREFERED AND PENMAN'S RIBBED WOOL UNDERWEAR Take advantage of our New Low Prices on Fire- stone Tires and Tubes,.. also have Firestone Auto Batteries One only Snow Bird Electric,. Washing Machine A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always ri It STO Edmund Sw, rtzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 00110%1VERiMINU.1 .f. 1,2,44