HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-09-25, Page 4ZURICH, ONTARIO ZURICH .HERALD Thursa'lalr, September 25th, INT Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 x+'rida y, Saturday Sept. 26-27 "CALCUTTA" —Starring -- Alan Ladd William Bendix Gail Russell Monday, Tuesday Sept. 29-30 "Living In A Big Way" —Starring— "Gere Kelly Marie McDonald M. G. M. Picture AUCTION SALL -Of Real Estate and Household Eff- ects. The Estate of the late CharlesBeaman at Wagner's Corner, Hay '•swnship., on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8th, At 1.30 p.m. Situated 21/ miles north of Zur- rch, or 114 miles east of Blake, being .{fart Lot 2'0, Concession North Bo- undary, Township of Hay, 1% ac- res of land, 2 storey frame house in mood condition, covered wrth new ashphalt shingles, good sized kitchen .and cellar, barn and hen house, fruit trees, never failing water sup- ply, Hydro available, on County Road and school bus convenience. 'Will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Terms 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. xi Istousehold Effects—Kitchen stove, 2 heaters, 3=loaf extension table, sol- id oak 2 --leaf table, large long table, couch, ogran and organ stool, ,2 small tables, 6 dining room chairs, 12 good kitchen chairs, 2 rocking chairs, 12 wooden bed springs and mattress, 1 complete bedroom set, new linoleum 4x6 yards; linoleum 10x12 -ft; linoleum rug 7x15 -ft; com- plete toilet set, 3 lamps, 1 antique style lamp, ironing board, coal oil. cane; copper boiler, 2 wooden tubs', galvanized tub, 2 iron frying pans, meat saw, 6 -gallon crock; small crocks various sizes; quantity Seal- ers, 2 wooden butter bowls,- baatter spoon, clothes basket, numerous kitchen utensils, hoes, spade, axe, 3 'hammers, quantity of wood, blank- ets, quilts, and comforters in good condition, some new; field glasses, carpet sweeper, mail box, 4 trunks, 3 cedar chests, 1 beautiful bluerggld trimmed _96 -piece dinner ...set; cut glass gold trimmed pitcher, .and ie 'umbler set; glass cream and sugar set; Clock over 100 years old; Sil- verware, antiques of various ccescri- +ptions and many other araticles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. ' R. F. Stade, Clerk. Norman Vincent, -*George BulIock, Executors, AUCTION SALE • Teeswater Fair SEPT. 30th, OCT. 1st. Commencing at 12.30 p.m. Sharp Outstanding Horse, Show. 23 Heavy Teams, 33 single horses in harness at '1946 Fair. Five Racing Events: 2.27 Class; 2.15 Class 3 Road Races; Mobile Starting Gate will be used. Regional Hereford and Yorkshire Shows; Exeter Brass Band, Durham Pipe Band, Musical Chairs on Horse- back; Chicken -fly Contest; Comic mule Nov - from • Cou See So Vehicles. See Gritz and his (worth the admission price) ; elty Juggling Act; Dance Team Detroit, etc., etc. "Nowhere Can Much For So Little." A. G. Reid, President. Secretary A. B. McKauge, tion at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Carl Oestreicher is visiting in. Kitchener and Clifford this week. Mervyn Tieman and Nancy spent the week -end in !Windsor and De- troit, Miss Shirley Smith and friend, Miss Olga Tarasuk of Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs. E. Klein - giver.—. ._.., Miss Myrtle Gaiser or Preston, and Miss Lois Gaiser of London, spent the week -end with their mother Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Mrs. Henry Krueger spent. a few, days with .her daughters in Kitchen - Of Real Estate, Household Effects, Tools, Etc., at ZURICsi, on 'A` A, s �iCTOBEI. 4th. 44'."" ?3.t }.SO o'clock, p•nt• REAL ESTATE—Consisting of Lot 111 Volland Survey, and a pot.- -tan d£ Notch Part of 'T;ot *known :s,s Church Property. 0n this prop- erty is a comfortable house 11's storey 24x30 -ft. with- kitchen and wood shed attached; barn 18x20; chicken house 10x35; house has Hydro installed; good cistern and hard water. Also. plenty of fruit trees and choice garden soil. Terms of Real • Estate -1.0 per cent. on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Possession immediately. Household Effects, Etc. --Cook stove, heater, 'Coleman gas stove, extension table , 6 kitchen chairs, electric wash'g machine, elec. toaster, and hot plate, electric iron, floor lamp, 4 bedsteads, springs and mat- tresses, 2 dressers, 2 wash stands, .glass cupboard, child's crib, high chair, 2 rocking ckairs, small table, arm chair, writing desk, ironing board, clothes 'horse, 3 lamps, flour can, 2 chests, spralyer, lawn mower, vice, cross cut saw, hand saw, whe- elbarrow, step ladder, extension lad- der, incubator, brooder, colony house, dog kennel, dustless ash sif- ter, quantity sealers, fruit cabinet, mats, quantity coal and wood, small ,wagon, lard ' can, 5 -gallon crock, 15 •.gcdlon vinegar barrel, brooder stove, Coleman lantern, clock, quantity • of dishes, pots, pans,. crowbars, shovels, axes, hoes, forks, trusties, window sash and glass,tool chest and num- erous articles. In ease of wet weather Sale will !be held in Lutheran church shed. Terms—Cash Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer. R. F. Stade, Clerk. ,John Kochems, Proprietor. nAST4W00P Rally Day service will be held .on 'Sunday morning at 10.15 am.. in the Evangelical church. A comldnec' church and. Sunday School service. Mr. and Mrs. 'r. Hnrry HcPFinan spent the week -rid in Kitchener al: p,ttending thn Undertakers' Convw• Aida Tb eatre GRAND BEND Presents for your `Enjoyiner t The following ig Attractions : Fri., Sat. . Sept.,: Z ,. 27 A ,BIG DOUBLE -FEATURE "LIFE WITH BLONDIE" —Starring— Arthur Lake Penny and Singleton North of The Rockies —Starring— Bill Elliott Tex Bitter Mon., Tues. Sept. 29-30 "BRUTE FORCE" (Adult Entertainment)• —Starring- Burt Lancaster Charles BickfOrd Hume Cronyn and Additional Short Subjects Wed., Thurs. Oct. 1-2 Never Say. Goodbye —Starring— Errol Flynn Eleanor Parker With A. Hugh Herbert 'Hot Air' Comedy And 'Hollywood Daffy' Cartoon. er. READY CASH GUARANTEES TRAVEL FUN B of M `.Sunshine Account Brings Results In Happier Holiday " I wish I'•could see my way , to take a holiday trip", said one, young man recently to Mr. McEachern, local Bank of Montreal ' manager. , "Mind if I •suggest a method souse of our customers use? asked Mr. MsEachern. "The first step is to de- cide on a trip without seasonable financial reach. Then the customer starts'a B of M "Sunshine Account," and every pay-day he deposits an equal amount towards his objective. "By the time holidays come 'round he's usually proud of how well he's done. , .and should emergencies arise during the year, the money is always available. If you try it, you'll find the planning and saving fun in them- selves—and the saving habit will bdd a pleasure bonus to your holidays, too." the evening was spent in games and lunch was served after the pleasant spent. Mr. Frank 1Corriveau made a very favourable reply. The address: • Dear Father and Mother: You are our guests to- night, we surround you in an old time family gathering to celebrate with you your anniversary of your seventy-fourth birthday. I, being the oldest of the family, I presume it is my honour and great pleasure to address you in be- half of all and to express to- you our good feelings in a few kind words. God, our Creator, has been good to us, having spared you with •us and good also to you, giving you the health and strength to carry on so long and do for us ' even unto •oto .present day.. •, _• In my. opinion, and T speak `for all, no.otlier mother and dad •would have done mare and- tliotigh of is 'hard to find'.;words to' .express 'our gratituxle, we•sincerely 'feel" grateful : -to you both; On this special. occasion we join our hearts together and express as one our many, many thanks to you mother and dad,'for all you have done ;for us. . We , thank ••God• for this -special .'blessing of having you both with us tonight, and it is our pleasure to surprise you tonight and present to you, a few gifts as our token of love DRYSDALE The family of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corriveau and neighbouring friends surprised them with a party on Mr. Corriveau's 74th •birthday. A pres- entation was read 'by Mr. Led ._orri- veau, many• gifts' were prese'rited and Pullets For • Sale 'HYBRID PUT LETS - READY -TO -LAY .. 400 Light Sussex and New Hampshire Cross:, ''•1200' Barred Rock and New Hampshire 'Cross, • These are April Hatched,.; from. SPRUCELEIGH FARMS, at Brantford. Apply to W. V. Roy, Londesboro, ;P:h„-Bi34'2136''' .;11 Y' • MORE Mier hom CONTENTED CATTLE ADURO Pump, keeping fresh, clean Water before your cattle all the time . when they want it . . is the answer to highest milk production . . . greater prefile for you. The new DURO is the farmer's pump — built to give a lifetiese, of service . . to provide running water in house, barn, stables; poultry houses, greenhouses, truck gardens. Convenience atone is worth the. cost ... but savings in time and labour wilt soon pay for a DURO Pump installation. IMPROVE PAILY'LIYIN O:.. EMCO Fixtures and Fittings, ore designed for Beauty and Utility. See how easily' you can modernize Kitchen, Bathroom, Laundry . protect the health and add to daily eessfort of all your family. Visit us for complete details. STADE and WEIDO ZURICH — ONT. Coo 1v..tm rr'€D As loons 1.0110011-Nf1miLTcn-Tanonro-sua Y u11.011V-E.G;•nff1U.�/.eft,. us us f Zurich Fall Fair September 29th and 30th ,. SPECIAL HORSE EVENTS For Heavy Draught Teams and Agricultural Teams open to Stephen.,. Hay, Stanley, Usborne and Tuckersmith Townships Speed contests will be held viz: One for Roadster Teams; One for Single Roadster over .15 and One for Single Roadster under 15 PROGRAM FOR FAIR DAY See the Grandest Exhibits. The Judging of Hor- ses, in the large show ring... Special prizes will bring out a large Display. Also see the many en- tries of Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, GRAND CONCERT • FAIR NITE In the Town Hall, When an Appropriate Concert will be presented with Fun and Laughter Galore.!, Reserve Your !Seats Early with Fair Secretarr • • DONT M1>i IT, A PUBLIC DANCE Will follow the Concert With Modern and Old Time Dance Music Rau's Orchestra Will Furnish the . Musk THE THAMESVILLE BOYS AND GIRLS BAND 40 Pieces. Will Supply Music for the Afternoon, and will lead the Childress'. Parade from the Village, to Fair Grounds at 1.15 o'clock, p.m. Fred. J. Haberer, .70 President. E. F. Kropp, Secy-Treas to ; good kind mother and father. .I present to you now these gifts to- gether with our best wishes and our sincere :'prayers that you may fang remain with us and that you may enjoy God's Holy promise to an Dutiful. (A long and happy fife even in this world.) Sincerely 'joined together by anti --The Family. ' Mr: Carl Masse of Detroit is spen- ding his vacation at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conrivea>a'a his grandparents. ,Mr. and Mrs.' Edgar- Cadotte anal family, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Blair -ant family of WalIaceburg, were weeks' enol visitors op the Blue Water 7 .. ,r: -and Mrs. Edgar Masse, spent' the week -end at Mr. and MIS. :iai `rank Corriveau and attended' the birtlidh *AY. Mrs. Masse had been visiting the past week 'here and returned tssi Detroit with her husband. Wedding' bells are' -ringing on the Blue 'Water this week al -so, Silver- Wedding iIverWedding Bells, (25 years.)' t -•e xy •.e' ' tr? • • ca: 1:'a;isw:rtiraro'• . •, � • 4, • • .r •' ��`��' ;•LtiL � car. %=-44,12.-A t' foYYOUR '48 VACATION lie at a time AT THE BOFM.e. Almost everyone has a "dream vacation" in mind., But many folks have to postpone it year after yeae• because—for one reason or another --the ready aha is lacking when holiday time comes. Why not make sure you will have the needed. cash/. next year ... Decide now to put enough ntomy,. aside eaoh month at the BofM to cover the expenses; of one day of your 1948. holiday. It's far easier --.and! ,:. surer—to provide for your dream vacatie talk.; fi savings way. Over a million Canadians are saving at the,)14.M'. for the things they want most. Buy one day of your 1948 holiday this paxdi, ,, : R n: fl Vacation Account" at your nearest BokMi jsan¢h:, BAOK NK OF MONTREAL,. Zurich Branch: C. C. McEACHERN, Manager Hensall. Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager urfgAr, WORKING WITH CANADIAN,$ IN EVERY WALK C.;f`- ti,IF£; S.t,NCE 1t31- s