HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-09-25, Page 1Ilsfablished 1900 .1:-....r .4. ,,'• 1 on F rget t Are You Suffering From Headaches? 51 so, Have your Eyes Examme.d with -the Latest Methods and Equipment alt A. L. COLE, R. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. --Good Glasses at Reasonable 1.1 ZURICH, t' 11; ERA NTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25 947 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISH= *1.50 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. 11 Zurio ARTHUR FRASER . Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE :—Corner ,Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! Prices Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHILBE--Zurich ++++++4+++++++4.+4++44. arrl offman „funeral, -IA am Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Lecensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR. NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood — Ontario 4. 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++44++++++++++++++++++++++++9 4r '.11J111111111111111111%riApt4 41,410#0 41111{111011110101[0006 0111110111110011044401M-41110* kaa. 11 1, zg avienis ,.,.,...„..:.. , ,.. e r „ ....,',.., i. . _. When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, ps we always maintain to have e goi i stock of Fresh Groceries alw: ys on hand, although some lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses... Oranges, Lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced ,',• enno PRODUCE esc ANTED.; froc.00110011000111:1410 Zuric Phone 165 OW0004444440440044)P4400 WOW 1 L'S r St earnesonermserasurialeanaaererumavebrascoaarns.mulatatomfeaNucnrantltecemarrleneavaxeramolorAimea Se sonable Needs WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GO DS, AND CLOTHING, FOR Ti.HE ENTIRE FAMILY. A GOOD VARIETY OF CHINAWARE; BREAKFAST AND DINNER SETS, ETC. For Your Grocery Needs, Shop at Our Store. We have Groceries„ Fruits, Ph,one 11 a Fresh Stock of and Vegetables Weekly C. H. THIEL Zurich measenammewavalea Fall air, Septem er 29th CARD OF THANKS Wishing to thank the many friends and neighbours who so kindly re- membered ane by cards, treats or paying a personal call, during any short stay at Clinton Hospital. —Miss Emma Martin. IN MEMORIAM Hendricks ---In loving memory' .. of Elizabeth Anne Hendricks, who pas- sed away September 27th, 1943, —Sadly missed and ever remembered by her Husband and Farai,ly. —ANNOUNCEMENT— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schilbe, RR. 1, Dashwood, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mar- garet Alice, to Robert Parker Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, of Varna. The marriage to take place in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- ich on October 10th at 4 p.m. 1 OVEREATING CAN KILL YO0 Some 40,000,000 Americans face real danger if they continue their overeating and fail to check their diets with a physician. or your health's sake, be sure to read "Over- eating Can Kill You", one of many informative features in The Amer- has been manager and is transferred ican Weekly, great magazine with to Fort Erie left on. Tuesday for this Sunday's (Sept. 28) issue .0.f his new position while the sewell The Detroit Sunday Times. 30t r • • ;""40' Visited In Zurich Mr. and Mrs. A. White of Detroit and Mrs. M. Zeller, wife of the late Edmund Zeller, well known in Zurich years ago. It was in 1900 that Mr. Zeller established the Zurich Herald, disposing of the same to Mr. A. P. Hess in 1914. At that timt..,the Zel- ler family moved to Windsor. Mrs. Zeller was glad to see her may old Zurich friends, and is quite interest- ing to talk to as she remembers so many incidents of by -gone days. Mrs. White being a daughter of Mrs. Zeller. They gave the Herald a fri endly call and are pleased to see it still going good. Thanks! Bank Managers Move Mr, C. C. 1VIcEachern, the newly appointed manager of the Zurich Branch of the Bank of Montreal ar- rived in town last week and has now taken over, and we welcome him as a citizen of Zurich and hope he will like the town and people in this community. Mr. G. G. Sewell who HYMENEAL Widrick—Schwartzentruber - A lovely wedding WS solemnized at the Blake A. M. Church on Wed-, nensday, September 3rd, when Edith youngest daughter of Mr. and.Mrsi Chris. Schwartzentruber of near family will remain here for a week or two before going. While we will greatly miss the Sewell family who we have learned to love, but our loss will be another's gain. We will also welcome the McEachern family when they arrive in due time. Lions Club News ich, became the bride of Harold sou, Had Fine Ladies' Nigat of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Widrick, 0t- Last Wednesday evening the local Croglan, NnT.Yo*, State..,04e4c. eak.teYtatRedl.Aeir-.44* 41° emonY was Performed bY '.1§1013- ld'Ae7alinuar,Banqiierarii!fie PHONE YOUR 0 48 Hours OPTICAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE BROKEN LENSES REPLACED.. DUPLICATED FROM THE BROK- EN PIECES WE STOCK: ALL SIZES AND SHAPES OF SHELL AND METAL FRAMES. FU L VU OR REGULAR. AG. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. Pr Positive ldentificatio of the Word's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek CoaL Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel! 1 Samuel Schultz of • IWellesle., 'The net House, Grand Bn& There.,:was. bride was attired in a white'.,ifacon asplendid turn out, a good supper crepe, street length dress, with white and a fine program put on by Ben accessories. She was attended baf Lucas and his trop of London. A - her cousin, Miss Dorothy Erb, of mong the after dinner speakers was Zurich, who wore pink sheer and district Governor Lloyd Edighoffer Miss Gladys Widrick of Croghan, N. a Mitchell, a former Dashwood boy. who spoke some conaiderable time Y. who was attired in light blue. The groom was attended by his bro- and then gave emblems of recognit- ther, Earl Widrick of Croghan, and ion to Lions who had perfect attend - Harold Zehr of Zurich. After the ance during the year. Dr. P. J. ceremony a wedding dinner was ser- O'Dwyer was Master of Ceremonies. ved at the home of the bride to about Past President Ivan Yungblut gave 75 guests who came from New York, the toast to the Ladies, this wa.s re - New Hamburg Baden and Zurich. plied to by Mrs. C. L. Smith. The The honeymoon was spent in Mehl- •entire group, some 85 in number gan, Niagara Falls, New York State had a most enjoyable time. Lions including a trip to the adirondacks and their wives were present from Mountains. The young couple will Exeter, Bayfield andWindsr. • reside in Blake. ZURICH FALL FAIR HAD MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER . Next Mondaty and Tuesday, Sept. On Saturday evening friends gath- 29th and 30th are the dates set for ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zurich Fall Fair and all roads will lead to Zurich next Tuesday after - Tho Meyers in honour of their noon when the public show will be in progress. Mucha:a ort has been made by the Board to make this a big success. Prize monies have been greatly increased which means that keener competitions will take plae, and that will mean more exhibits. A good midway is expected on the grounds with plenty of entertain- ment, and the new speed events will be interesting. Load up the car and take an afternoon off and come out to the Zurich Fall Fair. And don't forget to, see the parade or the Band 40 strong followed by the school. children. There will be a good time for one and all. Evangelical Church Rally Day will be observed at Em- manuel Evangelical Church, Zurich, next Sunday, September 28th. Spec- ial features of the day will begin in the morning worship service when a pair of large brass altar candlesticks will be presented to the church. This is part of a .bequest left. to Emman- uel Church by the late. Miss Lydia E. Faust, who died here in 1942. These candlesticks, however, were not available until recently because of the war. The Sunday School will give short program during the Bible School Hour. The Sunday evening service will dau,ghter Alpha, who was recently married, and presented her with a miscellaneous shower. During the social part of the evening, Alpha and her husbandwere invited to sit under a decorated sprinkling container. Mrs. Gordon Block read the address and Mrs. Harvey Clausius and Mrs. Bryce Mack presented her with the decorated basket laden with gifts. also place cards were hung from the decorated spindal container which ad- vised the .couple to look elsewhere in the secret places for gifts. After re- ceiving the same, Alpha replied very gratefully for the kindness shown. A shower of confetti was sprinkled softly upon them, this created much laughter. Contests were enjoyed and lunch was served. Extending the hest wishes to the newly wedded couple, the happy group returned to their homes after a lovely evening spent together. The address: Dear Alpha: We, your friends are realizing you are soon leaving us, we have taken this opportunity of assembling to spend a. social evening prior to your leaving for your new home. When things are moving on in the usual course we are apt to forget how much we mean to each other, for after all "No Man Liveth to Himself' Tree there may be :clouds . but may vtin always find the silver lin- ing and the glorous sunset. We ask you to accept these giftsI be featured by the nitration of sev- \ as a token of esteem you are held. eral Bible Stories in motion pictures, May you and your dear companion in full natural color. The stories be able to enjoy them for many will come from a 16 man. talking years through your wedded life. i and sound film, as a spoken dialogue May God Mess you beth withitaken directly from Bible Tets. A health and happiness hi your journey I free will offering for the cause of of life. Missions, The public are cordially —Your Zurich Fi^lend. invited to all the services, 000k996 4,1 00 6680864 000000004110000000000000000 475114t1 ittirtai Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director ADJUSTABLE HOSPITAL BED AND WHEEL CHAIR FOR RENT. FL0TSF Day and Night SerVice. Telephone 89 Zurich ocoommeomoceeeese 009600 060 00009000 0 •;1,' 000009 90 •1!1' 4;4 ernairrawmpsnatommairzegistmommserariarrazammormaufasscrmaszzon0= 0 9 0 Ward Fritz SALES UR1,4,1• WM. McAdams SERVICE SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES EXIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING 0901114MassaussanaustraraiesiaaameuarsesueuensossurEsnusnunarnmersommilmovuoloolls • 11 ercha dise WE HAVE A LIMITED STOCK OF MEN'S OVERALLS, WORK PANTS AND SHIRTS PENMAN'S PREFERED AND PENMAN'S RIBBED WOOL UNDERWEAR Take advantage of our New Low Prices on Fire- stone Tires and Tubes,.. also have Firestone Auto Batteries One only Snow Bird Electric.. Washing Machine A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always TIEL AKE ST4) it E Edmund Swartzentrubr Prop Phone: 11-97