HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-09-18, Page 811111.11nlett, ertcrAinn TROUSERS -- A lot of new Tweed Trousers for men, suit- able for early Fail wear, in browns, tans, greys; Extra Value at from 6.50 to 3.75 pair. SWEATERS -- A new supply or Men's Sweater Coats made by Ballantines. These have been very scarce. Made of pure botany yarn, good weight, finest quality at 6.95 to 7.50 e Fine Cardigans all wool at each 4.95 sch TELEPHONE 59 Richmond Sweaters, assorted colors with zippers At 5.95 Each. WINDBREAKERS--. Shower Proof Mackinaw Windbreakers, in brown and tan. Well made in all sizes from 5.75 to 7.95 each. BATHING SUITS -- 20 per cent, off on all Mens and Boys Bathing Suits. Br % analratIaneeram:14.71,1 Z1UR IC11-1 FIERALD ITEMS Oit' LOCAL OffEREST Mr. Emery L. Uuby of Iiitcae Was a Le -S visitor in town Tueedae. Mrs. lemerson Gabel has retain home a.e.er visiting relatives in 1 wiener eor a weee. -mieses Matilda, Alice and Su jcanson el leet.cliener called on ends in tow on Tuesday, te:N liest ihawcsgiving Servccesi, be held in st. Peter's Lana tenureu on Sunday, September 41 at eu een. and 7.eu pen. me$ses. Clayton and Glenn Eich ueiger eu: coulee Ind., were V161i at eue home of Mr. end Mrs. ten Lee, le. o nsu line tee past Week. ei. e.lee eene Bedard has return L tete emace, Shoppe in town ai ...penuing a weeics .uthudays whiteau:, toiatts, es La °Tonto. • i -Ca -1•0 ela,tinan and (laugh ugh tile luneral aunt, in nate-Iwo on ,monday too mg. ,liss Nola Ereu;ger who is on t teaceing sten • sande public sell spent Lie weex-end at the home ear mother, Mrs. E. G. Krueger, 14 'Jon. Ler. and .r ei.s. Albert Smith.and Mrs. Valletta or Poet - Huron were week -end eisitors at the home of the eformer s ethter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. U Mr. Albert Erb, son of Mr. ai Mrs. Chris. Erb of the Bronson ha .1has lat. :tor Lockport, N.Y., wher pp he will be working in a large app orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer, M and Mis. Sylv. Witnienr enjoyed motor trip to Ipperwash, Kettle Pt Forest and other -places of' interes on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Smale and dau- ghter; Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Fleische auer; Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gingerich and sons, all of London, visited at - he home of their relatives,. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Fleischauer, .astd Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thiel, also attended the funeral of their aunt,. Mrs_ Kalb- fleisch. • Had Temperance Speaker Mr. C. C. Hoggins and two, sons of Stratford were visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. 14. Rappel on Sunday. The former addressed the congregation in the evening service of the Evangelical church, while one of his sons favoured with a very in- spiring solo. Mrs. Milton Oes.ch at he piano. 110)' un 116- sic Lii- V111 1:111 St, ci- ors rut, ter 11- ter its he I'll - 001 th ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONTARIO REV: Eew. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 axle -Divine Services. 11.15 a.m, -Sunday School. 7.80 p.m. -Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. 4.1.113104.6-111auttme....e.¢2011Meton, EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH REV.. EL E. ROPPEL, Minister Mrs. M. Oesch--Organist 10 a.m.-Worship. Sermon: 11 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -Worship. Sermon: tr1.1411PAtella.P.P.IIISPIM9 thHuron04 Erie Mortgage Corporation Canada Trust Company ANDREW F. HESS Local Representative id 23-h, % Interest payable half Yea -Lye, on: UM.. or' more for three- or more Years. le 1 Safe: Investment for: Your r. Fundal. a . t. 0551112=3VAMMISEEnaWS.Vna.Mr...6.W t to HOME PATRONAGE Patronizing your Home Merchant and Bus- inessmen by the surrounding community is what builds up a business, town and community. We cannot work together by not dealing with each other and pulling together. The same holds good with your local Printer... He cannot live and thrive on the print jobs that are being sent out of town, which could be done at home, and often at a big saving. Home Patronage is an essential for Prosperity and Go -Ahead! Iritett5StgaMte.L,VPMPSZL:117;1, ‘3,40 04%.1.00,:t,G*0 00 0-c, „ • 4. • 4.• 4. 4. 4. • se 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • 4. • 88.0.0o8o8888GosK:o4.84:8880 4,04.,..1.0 • ' NO T ;1 0 0 A eee eieeee o ;pee "epee. see 4. se st. F"" WE HAVE RECENTLY PROCURED A LICENSE TO- TRUCK LIVE STOCK AND WILL BE IN A POSITION TO HANDLE YOUR HOGS, STARTING SEPTEMBER 2ND. FOR HOGS CALL HENSALL 115, OR ZURICH 93-1 FOR CATTLE CALL. J. INGRAM, PH. HENSALL 83-43 GIVE US YOUR FERTILIZER ORDER. .WE DELIVER HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INCORP$RATED M. JINKS, MANAGER. HENSALL .115 4 * 4 13 D4.0 GROVO :110q4,143Q0.1:4,WM t,ss I. 9.4KKI*PvItt*F.0;itt.4.4*-IiIrtt HARDWARE - SEEDS L and FURNITURE rdPr row 4 • ,i• : 4 ,,t 1 . ERTA COAL Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried g. and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, k unlace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsrnith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard - 'ware always in stock. ZURiCH - QUALITY - PRICE I ONT. - SERVICE ast ofootssm0000dbaks) lissostopowsowrgitsmiss,esomvaloottrAlmitettslt val 5 4. 4. 3 0 4. 4. oiS es 4. • "Lightning Struck The severe electrical storm -which )assed over this vicinity on Thurs- aiy ey,epi4g-,gaused damage to the louse .:owned byRObert Clausbes When' ittifA the chimney and loos- ened someplaster' in a bedroom. Al- so telephone lines were our of order. Much rain fell during the storm and another heavy shower on Saturday. • Is Much Cooler Monday surely ushered in much cooler and more seasonable weather. As the -very hot midsummer weathet remained with us longer than usual this year: Some very heavy rain, have visited the section to the south •-f us where fields were flooded. In own here, we bad plenty of rain, which was hadlly needed. It is just a at chilly for so rapid a change. CHEAPER TIRES Toronto - Price reductions on ires and tubes for passenger cars ad trucke were announced by a eading tire firm. In some lines this ill mean decrease of more than 4 per cent, the announcement said, he reduction immediately affects he retail price which has dropped a - out three dollars a tire for the or- inary passenger car. JAILED AT GODERICH Thos. Campbell of Owen wound on Sept. 11 pleaded guilty to theft of an electric razor from Harold Mc- READY MONEY FOR FARM Gee, Goderich, and Ives seeeenced by Magistrate W. Morley to three months in jail. Judgment was reserv- ed in a ellame of non-suport brou- ght by his wife against a farmer of the Dashwood district, who pleaded not guilty. The case was heard in camera shortly. The husband operat- es a 1(30 -acre farm, ' ' ea FOR SALE PEACHES ARE RIPE, Ccgrre to the Farm, one mile north of High- way No. 21, at Ravenswood. L. W. Duffles. PEACHES FOR SALE • !1;r4 Yellow flesh free stone at Sunny- - dale Fruit Farm, Lake Shore, Forest. Phone 611 r 14. - Vance Brothers 1 Agricultural Highlights FOR THE WEEK • . • The Achievement Day of the Hur- On Dairy Calf Club, which -washeld ; at last; Thur SdaS,;; eypeSeigi l. out • the lea -feat. .'cis. • Of that have ever. participated in a Dairy !Clubin Hurn County. 21 Holstein 'calves were .shown. and D. S.- Manton of „Brampton, who placed the entries, stated that it was one of the best uniform classes of calves, consider- ing the large number that he had judged for some time: .Fred VanEg- ' mond, Clinton, won first on his calf; Ross lrewartha, Clinton second And Marie Colo, Centralia, 3rd. The wrem weather, which has continued up until this week has been most fav- ourable in infestation by fioa beetles and loaf hoppers in .potato fields throughout the County. These in- sects, which suck the juice from the underside of the leaves have -caused considerable damage, which is often Mistaken for the Late Blight of potatoes. The late Blight has not been prevalent this season to any great extent this year. A few fields of turnips have been found to be quite seriously infested with cab- bage worm which is a heavy feeder and quite quickly defailates. Cab- bage worms can be quite easily con - ,trolled with an arsenate dust, or a. INDT dust or spray, t '1 t ii MEET THE MOST OF THE STORK CLUB Here'your opportunity to read about the fabulous Sherman Billing - :ley, the former farm bay who now Ilea& the world's most famous night club. Petri Gallie o tells Billingsley's story in The American Weekly, fam- ous magazine with this Sunday's (Sept. ell 1 issue of The Detroit Sun- day Tines, Michigan's Most Interest- ing Sunday Paper. COSTS MORE TO LIVE Ottawa - Canadians were told it's itoing to rest more to live -It's pro- bably going to cost more to eat, to sleep, to buy that snappy new suit and even to take a walk across the street. That is what the Prices Board said when it announced a major d e- ntrol order taking about '75 per Co cent of presentlyecontrolled commod- ities and services out from under the nmeh-deletted Canadian price ceiling Increases of four to five cent a loaf in the price of bread is forecast as the result of removal, of flour and flour products from Federal price controls. IMPROVEMENT Simplified Financing Helps (e -Ahead Farmers Ready money to a farmer can mean the difference between being really successful in his enterprise, or just getting by - it -can selp him put his improvement -plans -into op- eration making his farm more pro- ductive and more profitable. Many farmers short of ready cash, have found that a Beak of Montreal loan has made improvements a simple matter Some of the uses to which B of M Farm Improvement Loans have been put include: ' new improved agricultural im- plements and equipment:- electrical aids, washing machines, cream separators, refrigeration pumps, motors, mlking machines; install- ation of lighting, heating, and water systems; farm buildings, re- pairs and extensions; fencing, drainage -and land improvement; new livestock for building up the herd. If a lack of ready money is hin- dering your farm improvement plans call on Mr. Sewell, local manager o the Bank -of Montreal, You will find that he knows and understands the farmer's problems. His attitude on farin credit is: "When you ask for a loan at the B of M, you do not ask a favour. Thursday, Septeratim TM, TM • or ormt.e4 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111141111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E t :.,-. 4. . . .E. Si ii e F nil id + .4.1. .1.4. + 4. ..,. t T. Come in and see' our' New Shipment of Chester:, +4, .4.i. • field, Dining and Bedroom ++ Suites. Also a good! 4. 4. range of Studio Couches, Dnettes, Etc. + * +7; -..r.. ÷ .:4 , w.i Furniture suitable for. Summer Homes and Verane dahs. Always carry a good supply of Beds, Springs,, Spring -filled and FAMattresses in all sizes. Keith R, Westlake Furniture 111111MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111T111111.11111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Phone 63, Zurieli, -11111 IIIMINIIIIIM111111111111M1111 UM I 4 4 • 4 4. 4' 4' 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 44 4. 4. a 4. 6 4. 4 4.4. 4 4, 4.A 4. 4.• • 4.• St'5 • • Phone '53 at 11 - - m immi 1110 111 11 11 0111ll 11 1 I 111111 1111111111111111111 11111 JOIMli Har wre- For the Fall. Trade we have a large range,, of Cook. Stoves, Oil. Burners, Heaters and Furnaces. For Housecleaning Needs we can supply you with the well known Gliddens Paints, Stains„, Varnishes,, Oils, Shellacs, and Waxes. Shelf and Heavy Hardware Always on Hand See Us for your Evetroughing. RIFLES, GUNS AND SHELLS We do Plumbing 11111111111411EMILIIIIM11111 1111011thlinhaid 'otud Tinsmithing Zurich 4. 4 e. 4 8.4 4. 4 4. 4. 8" 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4' 4 4*.". 4. 44 8. 4' 41. • 4. 8 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. • ere ese 4. 111111111111111 '0111111011111 111111111 0010110limilo1111 1111101 111111111) ii t ...==f1Wa• cad and Disabled /Minas REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter- 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. 5' 74=ZAIer . 4.-+-111144 444'4,4 se, e4 +.1. +lee+ e.44..e.e.+4.4.4.+4,44:50-• Arrive 1Withj a Few Weeks Time ONE ONE a ONE CAR CAR CAR OF CEDAR SHINGLES OF ASBESTOS SIDING SHINGLES. OF MASONITE. PLACE YOUR ORDERS IMMEDIATELY F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - - ZURICH Nassey REQUESTS . CHECK YOUR IMPLEMENTS' EARLY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS, AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN. "THE SERVICE ARM FOR CANADIAN FARM" Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Rea, 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE,