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uality Tea
C K S O N e C O L
rtie.norzrt Y: *Valdez finds Garvin and
M the ensuing argument be is obliged to
Shoot him, killing him tnotantly. Garvin's
Men immediately surround him.
Chapter vVi
Michael Valdez' 'shoulders stiffen-
ed, his icy eyes bored into the Iran
before him, and his lips became a
hard, uncompromising line.
"He found out," he said. "But it
did him nor anybody else no good
—because you found out that he
knew.... Want me to go on and
tell you what you and those two
partners of yours did to Valdez
and his family? No? Well—no need.
For I'm his son."
He fairly shot out the next words
to the cringing man who stood
there, speechless.
"Now do you want to tell me
where I can find those partners of
yours, or do you want to pay off
for them as well as for yourself?"
Raymond Garvin, who had fan-
cied himself as a hard-headed bank-
er, a man so assured that nothing
could disturb his composure, was
staring at his accuser as though at
an apparition.
* * *
"I'm waiting," Valdez said coldly.
"I don't know where them two
are for sure," the land hog said in a
cracked voice, "But I diel get a let-
etter from one of 'em not so long
ago. If I remember rightly, it's got
want that?"
his name and address on it. Do you
"Get it!" Valdez snapped.
Garvin moved reluctantly to the
deck and slowly pulled out a draw-
er. But there was no further hesita-
tion in his movements. This time
his hand darted into the desk draw-
er with the speed of a striking rat-
tlesnake. With a madman's laugh of
triumph he whipped out another
gun and fired crazily, even before
El Caballero Rojo, caught off -guard
for a bare instant, could get his
own gun into play.
A bullet whicked through the sil-
ver -braided sleeve of the Spanish
bolero. The first bullet and the last
from the so-called banker's gun.
Another roar blended with it, al-
most instantaneously. .And a black
Oh, mother, what winning ways
this pretty and precious outfit
bast One yard makes jacket and
, jumper for a tiny tyke size 2.
Blouse in ONE piece, Entbroid.
ery transfer inc.
Pattern 4647 sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
d, 8, 10. Size 2, jumper and jacket,
1 yd. 39 -in.; blouse, lir yd. 35 -in.
CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps
cannot be accepted) for this pat-
tern to room 421, 13 Adelaide St.
West, Toronto, , Print plainly
SIZE, „NAME, Al t I:ESu,
powder burn showed on the land
hog's white shirt beneath his open-
ed coat, just over the heart. Red
started slowly spreading on the
linen below it. Slowly his knees
buckled as his glazing eyes stared
uncomprehending. Then he slid to
the floor, dead, as the gun dropped
with a metallic clatter from his
El Caballero Rojo lowered his
own smoking gun and stared down
at the dead man.
"One" he said cryptically, his
eyes glittering as they swept around
the room.
Swiftly Michael Valdez scooped
up papers and money from the
disk, shoving those he could • into
a pocket inside his velvet bolero,
and gripping the bag of coins tight-
ly in one hand. Then, knocking the
light off the desk as he passed, he
darted down the long hall, gripping
the heavy- bag of gold coins tightly.
* * *
He raced through the corridor and
out the open door which he had en-
tered. But as his heels struck the
flagging of the courtyard, armed
men, alarmed by the shots inside the
"bank," were pouring from the one
lighted b,Iockhouse from which the
music and laughter had come.
Guns came up as the shadowy
figure was sighted. Flame spouted,
making orange -red splashes in the
'darkness, Lead ,whined and howled
about El Caballero's ;red, head ;gas
., those. ba$,> ,,?' fikestr"eii c ''tlxrogih
the black nigh t.No' longer was it
lighted by the crescent moon. That
now was - hidden behind flying clouds.
Shouts came from the street out-
side the courtyard. Men were racing
down the street, yelling, firing their
guns at random.
Death converged on a man with
red hair and a gaudy Spanish cos-
tume, tvho raced away from Ray-
mond Garvin's citadel—and laughed.
With head down, clinging to Gar -
vin's ill-gotten gains, he sped away
from his attackers at express speed.
Michael Valdez' own gun was out
now, was spitting lead in a slow,
sweeping arc, for he had determined
to make a stand of it, fight it out.
There seemed little chance, at the
moment, that he could win through
and reach El Cielo, waiting down the
street in the shadows.
man yelled as one of the red-
headed man's shots went home. An-
other cursed as a second bullet tum-
bled him into the dust. The attack
wavered a moment in the face of
such accurate shooting
* * *
But the halt in the guards' firing
gunmen ducked for cover. Secure
was only momentary, as Garvin's
blockhouse walls, and knowing they
behind the protection of doors and
must win by sheer superiority of
numbers, they resumed the battle '
instantly. Coldly and calmly they
aimed for the scarlet -sashed, scarlet -
masked man who was weaving and
ducking before them, in an effort to
reach his mount
His eyes, now mercilessly cold and
hard, picked out a shoulder here, a
sombrero there, a bent knee in one
spot, an elbow in another. gain and
again his gun blazed, And each time
it did, it would be the shoulder he
had seen that would jerk—the som-
brero leap high into the air. The man
with the bent knee sprawled fiat on
the ground as he tumbled from his
hiding place around a blockhouse.
nd El Caballero took full advan-
tage of that demoralizing instant.
Barely seeming to touch the ground,
he sped through the patio gate,
moving like a greased shadow, tot
where El Cielo stood patiently wait-
Garvin's gnmen, roaring, howling,
shouting it
g curses, were tearing across
the courtyard and into the open
street. Streams of lead from half v,
dozen directions screamed toward El
Cabalero Rojo as he leaped into the
saddle. One or two bullets ripped
along his velvet bolero, but he paid
no attention to their sting.
Swinging Iii Cieio around, he
changed bis tactks before the lufuri-
scrcrrhr s, some of fury, some of
:sled gunmen could guess his pur-
pose. He charged 'directly on the men
firing at him, Their howls rose to
MRS. RUSSELL.SWEENEY, the teacher of S.S. No. 8 Wallace township School, Ont.. is
seen here with all six pupils, the smallest atten dance in Canada. From left Doris Lo,ig, Ruth
Schleuter, Donald Rock, -Marilyn Rode, Ronald Schleuter and William Cherry. Each pupil
will cost about $300.
"No Good" Girl Tells
Shocking Story
* late to start being the girl the older
*people around here think 1 am?
* They say I'm an angel. The others
* know that. I'm nothing. I'm 16. •
* "Two months ago I met a man.
*He told me he was married, but
* that didn't make any difference to
1=,> me. I let him
come to see
me, and I have
fallen in love
with him.
"Two nights
ago 1 told bim
he'd have to
choose between
me and his wife.
He chose Itis
wife, and said
*I'd better forget him.
* Anne Hirst, I have found out
*now that I made a perfect fool cut
* of myself, ind I have lost sty
'txeutaiibn. (l smoke and drill;,
Irt66,•• and sometimes ' gamble:). I°
*hope all teen-age girls will read
* this, and don't do anything 1 have
* done You will be sorry in the
* end. No married man means any
*single, girl any good.
You have been going around wilh
the wrong crowd, 4Hozo else would
you have learned to drink and
smoke, even to gamble—and think it
doesn't make any difference whether
a pian is married? You are under
the legal age in your state, and you
must have indulged in some of these
vices surreptitiously.
In every community there are nice
people who usually predominate.
You can find thein if you try. Drop
these loose youngsters who have
Mired you into such goings-on. Never
be seen with any one of theirs again.
The road back to a good life is
Bard. For a while you will be shun-
ned by nice girls, for their parents
won't let them be seen with you. It
is only by withdrawing yourself
from these lose acquaintances, and
adopting a very • different manner
and new habits, that you can show
the better clement in your commun-
ity that you are worthy of their
The first way is to bury yourself
in your studies, and excel in your
school snorts as fast as you can.
Don't linger after school coarse right
home, and stop there. Give your
spare time to studying, to helping
around the house. Join the YWCA,
and learn what fun you can havein
a decent way, 145e their gyninasiunt,
go on their bikes When you can, take
pain. They crashed into each other,
fighting like stampeded cattli" to
avoid being trampled by the flying
hoofs of the big blue roan.
Then, as sudenly, the mount was
wheeled again,- and El Cielo anti his
silver-deg/0d rider were pounding
down thp,,street.:But Michael Valdez
knew 'well enough that it was only a
rcprteve::'• I•I'e knew that before he
cold dare !lope ' to get clear of the
town other guards stationed at vari-
ous points outside would be upon
Realizing that he must do some-
thing other than try to outride then,
Valdez kneed his mount into the first
cross allele that was out of sight of
the men in the street, and pulled up
to a halt, What now? For a quick
glance over his shoulder told him that
already the advance guard were on
their way and that mounted gunmen•
were pouring into the street from the
Garvin place, all in hot pursuit. Al-
ready they were almost abreast of
him, and the others were corning on
(To Be Continued)
up some extra course they offer
which interests you.
You. have deceived your parents
abominably. Shoes' them now. how
sorry you are, and try to win their
confidence again. The shame you
suffer is their shame, too you know,
and they must be horrified in dis-
covering the kind of life you've been
leading. Go with them to church,
and join some of the youth activities
there. lion need all the moral sup-
port ou can get. Gradually, as others
see your intent, they will receive you
as one of them—and that Will be
your Big Chance.
You have been too long on the
wrong track. Turn to the right now.
If you stick to it, you wilt win
* * *
To 'i413J.G.": 1 think the sugges-
tion that you go away for a while
is a wise enc. It may be that this
separation will soften your wife's
heart toward you, and she will come
to remember only the pleasant per-
iods of her marriage and forget
those zwltioh .cansrd...her.., .sa snuscIt =.
gree f.
You- weren't fair, you know. It
may' be true that you dols't drink nor
smoke, nor run, around but there
arc other sinagainst marriage
which a wife resents as -much. For
instance, you never told' her what
your income is! You have doled out
dollars, treated hcr like a housekeep-
er (without salary); why shouldn't
she resent it? .You have, you confess,
not always done what was right, yet -
you kept on that way, never making
any effort to understand how your
conduct distressed her. It is the ac-
cumulation of these lesser offenses
which now sltc feels has destroyed
any love .she had for you,.
Get away for a while, Give her the
chance to think things over. She
knows how you love your little girl,
and 1 don't think she would deliber-
ately take her away front you. You
have rather on your side, too. You
have been considerate of Hint and
you can depend upon his understand-
Now that you know where you
failed, I hope, with you, that when yon
come back your wife will have de-
cided to give you another chance.
ANNE Hirst can help .you make
* it work, if you'll write her frankly
* at Box A, room 421, 73 Adelaide
* St. West, Toronto.
y School Lesson
Guidance from Great Proverbs
Prove:bs 4:23; 6:16-19; 9:10; 14:34;
15:1; 16:18; 21:3; 22:1; 27:1;
28:1; 29:18; James 4:17
GOLDEN TETT-71e hath show-
ed thee, 0 man, what is good; and
what doth the Lard require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God? --
Micah 6 :S.
Great proverbs are the crystal-
ization of experience. Sometimes
they are reflections upon life and
conduct, terse, concentrated bits
of wisdom, or philosophy.
Sometimes they are the obser-
vations of discerning critics who
have set down human values in
rules or guidemarks in the form
of popular, memorable maxims.
Sometimes they scent to have
been spontaneous thoughts, quick-
ened by some incident or experi-
All three forms of proverbs arc
illustrated in the passages cited in
the lesson. A few very striking
ones are elscwchcre in the Book.
A deep plrilsaphy of life is itt 4:23,
ISSUE 38.1547
"Keep thy heart with all diligence;
for out of it are the issues of life."
Similar reflections is in the list of
things that the Lord hates—the
six things listed in 6:16-19; and in
the well-known 14:34, "Righteous-,,
ness exalteth a nation: but sin is
a reproach to any people."
Of the second sort, terse, prac-
tical observations, are 16:18,
"Pride goeth before destruction
and a haughty spirit before a fall"
and 28:1, "The wicked flee when
no man purueth: but the righteous
are bold as of lion."
Good examples of the spontane-
ous, but no less deeply wise prov-
erbs are 27:19, "As in water face
answereth to face, so the heart of
man to man." A good example of
the same sort, outside tile Book of
Proverbs, but a proverb none the
less, is in Ecclesiastes 7:6. "As the
crackling a of thorns under a pot,
so is the Iaughter of the fool."
Every people and country has
had its proverbs, and almost every
generation has had some of its
own. But the richest of all those
that have - come from the ancient
Hebrews.; -o doubt -they were
compiled from many sources; and
they represent a great repository
pf teras,}ired.,.,7,yiadolla,,,but.;it is; ne
coincidence that they come front
a race and at a time that gave to
the world its greatest saints and
prophets, and that ultimately gave
to the world the Saviour of .Men,
whose parables expi"ess and fulfil
the wisdom of the Scriptures that
he knew so well.
Modern Etiquette
By Roberta Lee
Q. When making a call on a
friend, should apologies be made for
the lapse of time since one was last
in the house?
A. No; it is bad form to do so.
Q. What should be removed front
the breakfast table when the grape-
fruit and other fruit bowls are
taken away?
A. The service plate is removed
and a hot breakfast plate laid in
its pla:e.
Q. Is it alt right for a girl to
manicure her nails or apply makeup
in an office?
A. No; the dressing -room is the
proper place to do this.
Going Out
Conceited Young )flan: "Have
you an opening for an intelligent
man with a university education?"
Business Man; "Yes. And don't
slant it as you go out!"
families than any other
brand of coffee in tha
world ... that's Maxwell
House. Because of its
extra flavor it's always
"Good to the Last Drop Pp
Ladies, would you like to roeeinrr
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DY -O -LA DYE is on sale at most
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Those "Don't cane"
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Just a pinch or two of
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Cruschen aids faulty
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Proven by years of nee
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