HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-09-11, Page 7Moose With a Taste fox Tea — Moose Mall Joe La Flarlitnt,, the self-styled "Mayor of Gowganda," Ont., says he knows ail about moose. But even he was surprised when one of his young moose developed a taste for iced tea. Joe and his moose are shown here on a visit to the Canadian National Exhibition. Sports — An ne r! Iljjj cr or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit The following letter brings up a point that has doubtless intrigued many newspaper readers; and we pass it along without comment, in the hopes that our guardians of the law may be induced to look into the mystery. "Dear Mr. Sixbits," it be- gins, "I take it that you are interest- ed in racing, deducting this from the way you misuse race -track language in your writings, and also from the fact that you are generally about a month overdue for a date with your barber and wear fringes instead of cuffs on your trousers, these being unmistakeable signs of the deep student of racing form. So I am writing you about a platter "that has long been puzzling Inc. * * * "No doubt you have noticed," the epistle goes on, "the large number of chartered banks that have 'been informally entered of late; in fact such bust -ins are getting so common that I understand some of our pa- pers are thinking of listing them no longer as Crime News, but under the heading of BUSINESS OPEN- INGS. You will also have noted how, in hi search for the culprits, The Law invariably conies across : a number of citizens possessed of large sums of folding money which, they are always careful to explain, they wore by betting on the races. * * * "Now I would be the last to doubt the veracity of such people," the let- ter concludes, "who are no doubt worthy citizens whose word is as good as their bail -bond. So I want you to use any influence you possess to find out something for me. As a turf investor who hasn't had a win- ning day since the afternoon HO- ROMETER copped the King's plate, I air` eager to Know what system those guys use for picking the hors- es they play so profitably." (Signed) ANXIOUS. * * * It was ific manager of a self-serv- ice grocery establishment who told us of the two very young housewives re- cently observed scanning a large dis- play of various soaps and washing - powders, apparently undecided be- tween two different brands, both staking ,the .claim .CUTS .YOUR DISH -WASHING SUING IN IIALP. "I know what I'm poiiig to do," filially exclaimed one of the youthful 7nat- .7•ons. "I'll buy a package of both kinds, and the darned old dishes will do themselves." * * * Decision of the Ontario Govt.. to cut itself in for a small slice of foot- ball gates cones as no surprise—the only surprising feature being that it waited so long to do so. We may be sure, too, that what the Provin- cials have begun the Federal lads will not be slow in following up; and when they start in with their chisels and gcugrs, the wails of the sufferers are liable to be heart-rend- ing indeed. However, the football moguls may take what comfort they can from the thought that they have nobody but themselves to blanc. For years they have made small elTort to hide the fact that they were professionals in everything but name, with bigger, better and more frequent gates their principal aim. So if they are look- ing for sympathy, they would do better hunting under the letter "S"' in the dictionary than atnong their cash customers. * * >k The really interesting point is this —now .that they've started in on football,'will the same thing happen to amateur hockey? That great Winter pastime can ill afford to wrap the mantle of limon -purity about it- self and point the finger of scorn elsewhere; nor are those football folks of a type liable to holt` still tinder the probe or the taxing -lancet white hockey escapes with a tyhnte skin, IA Critic") Furthermore, should hockey come to be taxed, just where are they go- ing to stop—or start—in a sport where there are junior clubs with vastly greater receipts—and expend- itures—than any senior outfit can boast? It's all very confusing; and to a neutral observer it looks as if, before it's over and done with, Ath- letic Commissioner Apps might be wishing he'd stuck strictly to those Maple Leaf centre -ice duties of his. * * * That human nature is difficult to figure out is by no means a novel observation; but we had a new and beautiful example of its queerness the other day during a call from a middle-aged Englishman now visit- ing Canada. Asked about his count- ry's rugged experiences daring the war, he made light of then`; and of last Minter's austerities, and the strict rationing and controls imposed by the Government since, he had little to say except that they were probably necessary. * * But at one point in our chat he became extremely hot and bothered, indignantly exclatiTing "011e of these days those Socialist blighters will go too far!". When we heard hint, zt'e felt reassured that there'll always be an England.' For his out- burst cape zc'hen tee told hint of neze's jest arrived—to the effect that Princess Elisabeth's honeymoon trip had been ordered curtailed! TEE -TOWN TOPICS By BARRY MURKAR "Where do Sou think you are going?" asked mom, as I prepared to make a get- away out through the back door, "I'm going fishing with Susie down to the "deep -hole," I re- plied. "That's what you think! What have you got in hat bag?" Morn opened the ice box door and then made a lunge for the bag. "Give me that," she snapped — and snatched. "Half my chocolate cake gone and guests corning for dinner tonight, Honest -to -good • nest Barry, you'll be tl•e death of me yet! Now get that broom and get• busy • sweeping the front • steps. After that I want you to go to the store." "Gee whiz," I protested, "I'll never get fishing with all those jobs to do." "If you hurry you'll have plenty of time for that," mother shot hack. "You never bring home any- thing anyway unless it's a couple of dirty old mudcats." Well, I finally finished these chores : nd was free to go—with- out the chocolate cake. Bound- ing up the front steps of Susie's house, I bumpe•' into her moth- er." "]Veli, Barry," she exclaimed, "I have been oloking for a strong man like you . I need someone to help put up the venetian blinds. Susie's fathe- is working late to- night and my bridge club is com- ing in. I must get those blinds up this afternoon." "But—," I started to argue, "I've never put up venetian blinds." "There': absolutely nothing to it," came the reply. "The direc- tions are with the blinds. Susie can help rou " I was cornered again. Susie looke 1 the perfect picture of dismay. Like two rats in a trap, we stared at the six boxes of blinds piled in the corner. "Well, 'et's get cracking on these things," I growled. (Not loud enough for Susie's mother to hear). The blinds each had two ropes. One wrapped around each end. In the middle of the blind was a package of thingamadoos. These were supposed to be screwed on the window -casing and also to be blind. "I'll leave you two to go to work," said Susie's mom, "I have to go and make sandwiches." First o° all, we had no ladder. I tried standing on a chair, but couldn't reach the top of the win- dow. Next I stepped on the win- dow sill which brought a blast from Susie:' 'Get your dirty feet off those clean window sills or maw will kill you." So what, ' thought. Taking off my shoes, I got up again. The screw driver slipl)'d from my hand and landed in the goldfish bowl on the table below me. Water splashed on the new wall- paper and two fish went slither- ing across t• : : ardwood floor. Susie and I mad( a mad dash for the fish, knocking over chairs, upsetting a ,able of books and finally cornering the little fellows under the dining room table. Susie's loom came screaming from the kitchen; probably think- ing a cyclone had hit the joint. \When this excitement quieted down, we tried again. The first two blinds were hanging at rak- ish angles , nd had to be taken down and straightened. My hands were blistered and bleeding in several spots where the screw driver had slipped and gashed me. On the last window, I made a valiant effort to hurry the job. This was a mistake. Trying to balance a blind on my head, as T screwed in one end, meant defeat. The blind slipped. I slipped. The blind went out through the win- dow with a terrifying crash and landed on the verandah. I went toward the center of the room with a terrifying yelp, and land- ed on my you -know -what, right in an old fashioned straw covered rocker. With my you -know -what protruding through -the bottom of the chair, I made an effort to stand as Susie's mother entered the room. As I stood, the chair came up with me. Susie and her mother stared at the open window with it's jagged edges and then back at me. "I—I—I," came the gasping, choking sound from my throat. "You'—you' ", they chorused. They were stuck for words. To- gether they made a leap at me. I jumped sideways and made for the front door, taking the chair with me. The arm of the chair caught on th.1 door handle on the way through, leaving the chair behind and part of my pants with it. Scooping up my fishing pole off the verandah as I went flying by, I ran all the way to the "deep* hole." I haven't ben over to Susie's place for over a week. Home Building In 1939 a five -roomed brick bun- galow built in quantity in Toronto cost $3,500. tivltile this year the cost is $5,200. The rise in the main costs of such a house since 1935 is enlighten- ing. Tainting is up 100 per cent., plastering 138, millwork 100, elec- trical 193, plumbing 116, heating 90, masonry 124, carpentry, 117 and ex- cavating 53 per' cent.—Financial Post. ized MUM"O.F.M.1'e /67 THE RADIO ANNOUNCER "Good Morning!" From his welcoming words of greeting until his comforting "Good Night," the Radio Announcer leads us through the exciting realms of music, entertainment and up-to-the-minute news coverage. The Radio Announcer—a friendly -voiced person who, over the years has become the intangible yet intimate friend of all who hear him. Men like this, some of Canada's finest, are in the public's service—at your service. y�� DAWE$ BLACK HORSE BREWERY One of a series of advertisements in tribute to those Canadians in the service of the public J w.a Classified Adrvertish . AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Ineectieldes. Electric Penes Controtlera kloaeo and Rnrn Paint, Roof C'ciouaelt,, etg. Dealers wanted Write Were° Grs[ae,,&. 041 Limited, Toronto • :;FU,L WATCIiItie Afll,4NT ", Jobbers, write for illustrated price list. Miner -live profits. Immediate deliver - les, Spartan Jewellery, 238 Parliament, Tor- onto. ontnrlo. BABY CHICKS CULL. your flocks, Replace With xray 8-10-12 week pullets. We have dayold and etarted chirite also. All prompt shipment, Send for list. For October -November delivery. order now. Bray hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont, DYEING AND CLEANING FIAVW YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? write to us for Information. We are tied to answer your question°. Department H, Parker o Dye Works Limited, 701 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario, FARMS FOR sALU 150 ACI,ES even miles from ()Mlle. Ilydre water US, CIO. Barn 64 x 80, delete/ ailed, peg and hen sen, brick house, ninety five hon- dren, three thousund down, balance at 3 per cent. Wm. Elliott, R.It. No. 4, Orilita. CHEAP for quick sale, farm 65 acres, good house and barn. 10 aures *1 bueh and Swamp; goes bask to farm after large tiro - her is off. M. Gostielc, Neustadt. FOR SALE A UE31L• 1T biotic ntauutacturini; oett(t, mix- er, conveyor, 6 haursenower electric motor, Pallets, etc.. worth 03,000; a bargain for someone for $1,000. Apply 3 Lowell Ave.. St., Catharines. AIREDALE yuppies, three months, aired by Champion, also at stud. Victor Campbell, 312 Gage Ave., South, Mountain Top, Ham- ilton. BLUE Arrow Kennels, Registered English set- ter puiipies, also coeicer spaniel puppies. Write Box 356, Renfrew, Ont. CEDAR Posta and poles all sizes cord wood, hard and soft. M, Gostick, Neustadt, Ont. FOR Sale Fairbanks -Morse 25 14,P. Diesel Engine 19" McLachlan Grinder, nearly new: 18" Grey double roti roller mill: 26' elevators. belts, shafting, pulleys. Excellent condition. Alvin Mark, Columbus, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE—Tractor Tires, made of rubber. suitable for bolting on steel wheels, 016.00 each, rear wheels; $7.60 each, front wheels. When ordering state diameter and width of wheels, National Rubber Co. Ltd., 6 Wilt- shire Ave.. Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE,3-8 Heavy Duty Hanson Shovel with back -hoe attachment and trade. No good offer refused. Apply Ray Leffler, 197 Pelham Rd., St. Catharines, Ont. Weeninge dial 4-4108. FOR mate, 1 new wettlauter-Welker cement block machine. plain and rock -face plates: sacrilele. Charles Longman, Ancaster, Ont. GOOD heavy used Military Wagons. eultable for farms, lumbering, mining and contract- ing. Also five lorries and 2 bob sleighs. Write for particulars. Percy J. Borbridge, 205 Plaza Bldg.. Ottawa. MALCOLM McGregor, Polled Hereford breed- er, Brandon, Manitoba. will hold a sale of approximately fifty head of registered cattle on Monday, October 20 at 1:00 F.M. 8 POWER ARMY BINOCULARS NEW. Day -night vision. 8 times closer. 80mm lenses. Prismatic. Achromatic. European. Graduated adiuetments on eyepiece focussing. Brings mile to 250 feet. Weatherproof. Lea- ther combat carrying case, straps. Safeguards your property. Worth much more — 037.90. Refund guaranteed. Postpaid or C.O.D. plus charges. Eddy Novelty Company. Optical De- partment 3, 162 Ontario Street. Toronto, Ont. tarso. SPRINGER Spaniel pups, six months. Pedi- greed stock, both colors and cexea. L. Lym- burner, Iiumberetone, Ontario. SEMI trailer booster brakes fifth wheelbrake controls 32 31 620 tires (2 new) 16 Tt avlth racks, dollies and all steel construction. Phone 2. Sleuetadt, .G.atecke, THE ESTATE of the late Janes Turner. Carrot, Manitoba, twenty mites south of Brandon, wilt, on Saturday, October• f*. at 1:00 P.M. standard time, disperse thA- regist- ered head of pure bred Aberdeen Angus cattle comprising . about fifty head, These cattle are all the descendents of the famous Karama 2nd of Glencarndc)c. WHY poi' morel New ?u" electric drill, Ja- cobs chuck, 034.95, shipping weight. 14 pounds, '4." drill, 6 ,pounds, 011.80. Portable electric bunch grinder, 12 pounds. 618.96. Postage extra. 110/220V are welders for garages, farms, industries. Complete outfits 841.00 and up. Guaranateed. Free details. Wilteaco. Box 4100. Portland B. Oregon. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Ave. nue Road. Toronto. DLP WANTED WAN mu—Capable housekeeper or "laid with good references for doctor's family. Apply Dc•, W. E. Park, Deep ].Iver, Ont. LICleNSED car mec_:antcs wanted to com- plete our shop staff. Excellent working conditions, Trp wages. Steady advancement. Apply L'mphrey Motors Ltd., Mono 1142, Brampton, Ont. SINGLE man fon small dairy term (perman- ent) 855 monthly. All conveniences. Good board. II. Crossman, R.I3, No. 2, Oshawa. PERSONAL LONE°0211e? Join nation-wide rorresl•onoence club. Romantic bi-monthly magazine; photos, descriptions, addresses. Full year 02.00. Sample copy 250. World Federation Club, Paricervtew, Sask. MEDICAL A TittAL—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reme- dy. Munro's Drug Marc, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00. ltHEU1tCATISM and sciatica can bo relieved. Tru -balance shoe inserts have miraculocaty conquered stubborn cases. Send 61.95 to Prue Valance, Box 332. London, giving shoe size. BY RUB G is Brings quick relief. Greaseless, fast• drying. no strong odor. Largo, economical ,Ino 6Sc 18-46 1i.tV10 YOIJ H1:AltD about Dixon's Neuritis end Rheumatic Pain Remedy. It given COMA r<'rUlts. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid 01.00. OPPORTUN.ITiES FOR OS'OMEfi BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Batrdreseiog Pleasant dignified profession. good wg60W thousands successful, Marvel graduates, A merlca's greatest system. Illustrated cavo" ,ogue tree. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 hang St., Hamilton & 14 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS F ETHEItSTONAUGH & Company Paten{ Sollcitore, Established 1890. 14 King West. 7nronlo Booklet of Information on request, PHOTOGRAPHY NU WAY Photo Service often You the latest In photo finishing. Mime developed and oa- ono decide cratt print of each negative cow piete In snapshot album 300. Reprints 4o. Pieta For better (tuellty and faster personal service send your flims to Ku Way Photo Servloc, Salton A, Dept. C. Toronto, TEACHERS WANTED 1801)1,01 S.S. 1, requires experienced stetter for Grades 2 and 3. Certificate In music preferred. Salary, 11000. Apply with rcfer- ences to R. A. Scott, Sec. Treas., Hudson, Ont. WANTED WANTED—All kinde of Greened poultry. 'row Prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited. 1 PoultnY Dept , 2064 Danforth Ave., Toronto 8 (We de custom grading) LOGS PURCHASED Send particulars to Sox 617, Hesueiee. RELIEF FROM ECZEMA A Lady writes: f had Eczema break out on my les and tried almost sverythina, but 11 did no good. Then I tried Mecca and Got relief from the smarting, and itching. 1 cannot speak too highly of Mecca. / of T' HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only throug'l your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right. and so are our prices. We manufac- ture in our factories — Harness Horse Collars, Sweat Pads. Horse Blankets. and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on i Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods and you get satisfaction Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., Ltd. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE s F Protect your 0001(5 and CASH from FIRE and TIIIEYES. We hove a size and type of Sole. ore Cabinet,for. any purpose. Visit us, or write for prices, etc., to Dept.-. W. JI.&sc.-,l.Tr VI' ii,,. LIMITED TORONTO ,FIE WORKS 145 Front St. E.,- Toronto Established 1855 a excess should kidneys may Treat kidneys Dodd's kidneys and See Rheumatic cause excess what ttrratt.�,y',',a���,'��...,, uric be extracted fail, and severe rheumatic in good Kidney get rid Dodd's , pains acid, excess Pills. of acids—help may a discomfort pains condition. trouble can 4 Lai often he caused by blood impurity that by the kidneys. if uric acid remains, it and pain. by keeping your Get and use Dodd's help your -making poisons you feel batter do for you. 137 utt i t-' FAMOUS PRE-WAR rut JeP aUO3°Y�,, y �tT �� phi 'o y A ._' . tt,,Fi�d 4!'AWv' pEr' �'he only'E Cigarellte MAGE 1N on Sale in (?• itfytu� FRANCE Canada QUALITY ItA h ,, s y GEAffE PAPERS Papa i, p 59.69E COVER Puro White Free Burning WHITE COVER Thin Paper Slow Burning • DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOK -100 LEAVES 74 . ISSUE 37-1947 L YOUR BMW CIGARETTES TT WITH