HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-09-11, Page 531113111.1/C1191, efirragle ZURICH HERALD ;# Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter Open Every Week Day Except WadnesdaY• Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar Klopp LICENSED AUCTIONEER ER Will sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 • Zurich Central Alwin H. Walper LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable renaeed Satisfaction PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. I E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER (Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERINAI;IA.N Dr. W. B. C9XON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ZURICH 9�orne-96 BUTCHERS Zurichs' popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with very Choice of Fresh sa usages, Cur- ed Meats, Bologna Etc., always on hand. Kept Fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc: Ads. in this Column. NOTICE Will all people who have papers, Wills, and Documents stored in my vault, kindliy call for same at once, as they must be removed.—Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. FOR SALE McClark Cook Stove in A-1 con- dition, cream enamel. Apply at the IViousseau Garage. WANTED WAITRESS WANTED — Apply in person at Rether's Coffee Shop, Exeter, Ont. Wool, Hides and Skins cf. 'Yungblut & Son PRobyC'E Silverwood DAIRIES LOST In Zurich, or vicinity a License Plate, No. '31R42. Finder leave at Herald Office. WANTED COWS—Either fresh or soon to freshen. Apply to Delbert Geiger, Phone 97 r 8, Zurich. FOR SALE Seed Wheat for Sale (Field Crop Competition.) From Registered Seed, Apply to Wan. Brown, Phone 84 r 8, Zurich. WANTED GIRL WANTED for Restaurant. Avalon Sandwich Shoppe, Exeter Phone 11. FOR QUICK SALE ZURICH HERALD LJOOAIJ NEWS Mrs. Leonard Wagner was a re- cent visitor at London. Mrs. Torrance, who is staying with her sister, Mrs. W. L. Siebert, spent a few days at Toronto visiting re- latives and attended the C.N.E. Mr. and Mrs. John Turkheim and daughter Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Haberer visited at Ingersort Iast Thursday. Mr. Milton Dagg of Teeswater, spent the week -end in this vicinity, also being a guest at the Brown - Meyers wedding, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gascho are spending a week visiting at the home of the latter's sister, atSebewaing, Mich. Mrs, Menno Oesch enjoyed several days at Toronto, with her friend, Miss Neda Surerus, also attending the C. N. Ex. Mr. Clayton Pfile, who has re- cently returned from a splendid trip out West, called on friends in town last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Trombly of Detroit were week -end visitors at the home of the latter's silted, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yungblut and other re- latives. Mrs. Wm. Reichert and daughter Elda and Mrs. Jack Baker attended the -C.N.Ex. at Toronto last week, also visiting with their friends, Mr. and Mrs.George Shaw in that city. Misses Phylis and Conna Thiel of Orangeville have returned to their home after visiting with their grand- ma, Mrs. Henry Thiel and other re- latives Rev. and •Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch of Elmira visited the former's mother, Mrs. F. C. Kalbfleisch who is ill at ;the residence of her daughter, Mrs and Mrs. Jacob Haberer. Mr. and Mrs. John Turkheim vis- ited at the home of the former's sis- ter at Toronto for a few days last week, also enjoyed the visits to the C. N. Ex., held in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Hess and children Kathleen and Billy, spent a few days with their Rolling Home at Bayfield in the Parry Sound Dis- trict, also enjoyed the fishing trips from Britt at the end of the road. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and daughter Mary Lou motored to Tor- onto on Friday attending the C. N. Ex., also were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell 1Preeter and Miss Muriel Preeter of that city. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars and son have returned home to Kitchener after a very lovely trip to Texas and other parts of the country in that area, where much is to be seen, as nature 'is so beautiful an roads good to get around. Mrs. W. L. Siebert and her sister, Mrs., 'Torrance havereturned after a very pleasant visit for several weeks at the homes 'of the' former's" sons; Ed. and Frank Siebert at Detroit.' They also visited relatives and fri- ends at Windsor and other points. 200 1 -year-old White Leghorn hens —Sol. Gingerich, Phone 84 r 3. Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery LOST Flour & t eea WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF PIONEER FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR STOCK BRAN, SHORTS, FLOUR IN STOCK A milk Can between Zurich and the Bronson line, on the Zurich Road Road. Finder return to the Zurich Dairy at once. As the party known. HELP WANTED Two Men for helpers for oil drill- ing in Hay Township. — Apply at Dominion Ilouse, Zurich. FOR SALE A Clydesdale mare 17 years old. A Deering binder, 6 -ft. cut.—Stan- le3* Saude>,,•1Phone 94 r .22, Zurich. FOR SALE A good hand washer and wringer, both in good condition. --Apply to Mary Stephan, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE . 100 Sussex - New Hamp. Pulletts, now laying.—Lawrence Brisson. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor 1NSURANC_. CE --_ NOTICE We have the Agency for the Plannet Junior Garden Tractors. Anyone interested please call or see Ferd. Haberer, Phone 112, Zurich L. &&hilbe & Son E. C. SCHILBE, Manager FOR SALE Extension ladders 16 to 40 feet; step ladders 7 and 8 foot; wheelbar- rows; 12,9 Whippet Sedan; 14 -foot all cedar row boat. Cars and trucks spray painted. WILLERT WOOD PRODUCTS Ph. 210. Zurich, Ont. • Mr. and Mrs, David Ducharme of town, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Russell 'of London have returned from Ridge - town where they called . on Father L. W. Power. They were pleased to see each other, also looking so well.. They also visited relatives at Wind- sor and Detroit, and Roseville, Mich. where they enjoyed their stay very much. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien and sons, Billy and Donald visited with Mrs: O'Brien'.s . brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and Mr Clayton Hoff- man at Galt, also motering to Tor- onto where they attended the Can- adian National Ex., which was very interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Mack and son Stephen of town;, Mrs. W. D. Mack of Crediton, were Labor Day visit ors at Bright's Grove and Sarnia then motored to MacGregor, Mich. where they attended the funeral o 0 FOR SALE 125 Barred Rock - New Hamp- shire Hybred pullets; your pick from 300 pullets.—Kenneth Etue, Phone 98 r 13. -BREAD on the table the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -NU tasts good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice s slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread at Willert's Bakery or at your local grocers. NOTICE ACETYLENE WELDING No job too large or too small. Farmers' work promptly done. See EARL ZIMMER, at the Blacksmith Shop, Zurich. Western Farmers' Mutual ,Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGIF.IST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS 1- OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash inBank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rates on Application ►, E. F. KLOPP-_-ZURI;CH AGENT Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all, kinds of Fire Insurance NOTICE Make arrangements now for spring and fall whitewashing, barns and cel- lars, with new Spraymotor machine. —Wan. Watson, Phone 35 r 19, Dash- wood pt11-4 General Insurance Willert's Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH w RADIO TOWERS TO BE REMOVED The high timber towers at the Clinton radio school may siortly disappear as tenders are being call- ed for their sale and removal. These high towers, erected during the war and part of the school which was then one of the most hush-hush tra- ining schools in the Empire, were landmarks which were visible on a clear day for miles. The towers could be seen far and near It is understood the towers had not been in use for some time as more modern methods were devised. the former's great aunt, Mrs. R b- ert Kirkpatrick. They also visited at Sandusky and Snover, Mich., for a few days. Thursday, September 11th, 1947 School Days Are Here Again New Fall Shoes Have Arrived to meet the required need of your Children. Prepare For The Cold and Rainy Days Equip yourself with Rubbers, Raintites, Pullovers, and Galoshes. A Complete Line in Rubber Foot- wear. A New Smart Line of Ladies' Plastic, Kid and Calf Pumps to choose from. Men's Work Shoes, Men's Dress Shoes, Rubber Boots for Men, Boys and Youths, also Leather High Cuts A New Shipment of Baggage is expected any time SEE FOR YOURSELF MILT OB 611 FOR RELIABLE FOOTWEAR AND SHOE REPAIRING 0 • • S • • • • • • •NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOURS • I DO YOU NEED A New Furnace? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O'Brien • Datars . • • • MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE ®^ PERSONAL LOANS FOR PERSONAL EMERGENCIES Low -Cost Loans for Only of 1% • .:per Month Life has a habit of presenting ' us with unexpected problems that seem to upset our best -laid plans. . Most of us tackle problems as part of the game 'of life—,but every now and then the lack of ready money creat- es additional complications. The Bank of Montreal's Personal Loan Plan was designated to help people meet such emergencies—to pay medical expenses, repair a leaky roof, or other unexpected expenses. This low-cost loan plan has simpli- fied borrowing for many. You can borrow $100, repayable in twelve monthly instalments, for only 27c. a month—and there are no extra charges. The loan itself, which may be more or less than $100, can be repaid in monthly instalments over a shorter or longer period. The cost remains proportionately the same - 6% interest per annum. If you need money, and are in a position to make repayment, drop in and see Gordon Sewell, local man- ager of the B of M.. You will find that if your proposition is sound, there's money, for you at the B of M. ,PLUNGED IN CREEK James Martin, an airman stationed at the Centralia Airport, was rushed to London Hospital by RCAF ambul- ance after his car plunged through a bridge rail three miles north of Centralia, dropping '10 feet to the creek below. Hospital attendants said his condition was not serious. The front end of the car was buried in the bottom of the creek as it overturned on landing, and Martin was taken from the car by Bill Stan - lake, a farmer residing near the scene of accident, and G. Cooper. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Successor to Hess Insurance Agency .1. W. IiKEERER Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. YEAR OLD VEGETABLES Some of last year's vegetables have created something of a record at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Haugh, Bxucefield, by keeping in perfect condition over winter and right up till now. A green Mother Hubbard squash and a Spaghetti squash which were kept it the cellar INSTALLED We Can Supply You With One Immediately Paints and Varnishes SCARF'S FAMOUS PAINTS AND VAR- NISHES ALWAYS ON HAND Also The New Almatex Plastic Paints WE AIM ---To Serve and' Satisfy PHONE 213 eessassseeseeessseseeesssesas.Sssesseesesss IN IT'S A LEGEND Arden Kaye, Canadian actress whose ability to portray both character and of the Haugh home singe last shat `straight' roles has been demonstrated are on display at •the ,Ssaforth News in numerous network broadcasts and Office and appear to be quite firm stage productions. Last season she and sound, though they are now a played frequently in the ,CBC's Stage wear old. The family have been using j 47, series and currerntly appears in various vegetables of last year`s crop , 'It's a Legend', broadcast Sundays until the fresh supplies came along,' at 9.00 p.m. over the CBC Trans - with the exception of citrons which ; Canada network and from station did not survive. Vegetables were sto- WNEW, New York. Miss Kaye is ac - red on boards in the furnace cellar. tive also with the New Play Society, No special treatment was given. a Toronto theatre group. Try an _Adv -in your Home Paper • • +w:?!1►jiae� IMP NoSDFTEN IMITED O9DON• CANADA MORE Mics itom CONTENTED CATTLE ADURO Pump, keeping fresh, clean water before your cattle all the time . when they want it . is the answer to higher milk production . . . greater profits for you. The new DURO is the farmer's pump — built to give a lifetime of service . to provide running water in house, barn, stables, poultry houses, greenhouses, truck gardens. Convenience alone is worth the cost ... but savings in time and labour will soon pay for a DURO Pump installation. IMPROVE DAILY LIVING EMCO Fixtures and Fittings are designed for Beauty and Utility. See how easily you can modernize Kitchen, Bathroom, Laundry . . . protect the health and add to daily comfort of all your family. Visit us for complete details. STADE and WEIDO ZURICH -- ONT. cost miFG 1 M LIMITED London-vflmILTon-ToaonTo-sUonufty-winmpeG-vAncauver: I a d 4 4 a