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Leavitt's Theatre
Exeter, Ont. Pho_n;e 135.
Sept. 11th
Friday and Saturday Sept. 12, 18
Elizabeth Taylor George 1vlrieiheyy
M. 0. M. Picture
Monday and Tuesday Stit,
Miracle on 34th
-Meureen O'Hara Jolt. 'Payne
Wednesday an.d Thursday :Sep. 17-18
Colorado Serenade
Eddie Deee i( Circ Io:r)
A `oc5 iT IS A
Highway. 125 a'e n with reason-
ably good 'buildings. Some bush, ab-
undant supply of water. Location be-
tween two bush` villages, worth con-
onsidering.W. C. ]Pearce, Exeter.
Black fail coat, size 18. Also 'a
black winter coat, Psrsian lamb trim-
med, size 18, both like new. Catl'at
the home of Mrs, Eliz, Hey, Zurich,
or phone 88.
'Enrollment at the Exetem 'district
high school is 10 less than last year.
270 students have regis'rarea but a
number of pupils may register later.
Three new teachers have been hired,
Andrew Dixon, 'agrircal'tural specialist
W. A. Ness, shop speci'al'ist and Miss;
Siegner, P.T. speci'diet. Mr. Ness and
Miss Kay Taylor cvY'1'i devote full time
to shop work and Baine 'economics.'
The six bus reats have 'been award-
ed to Guenther Transport for anoth-
er year.
..Rev. G. L, gross of Listowel iesa
guest speaker 'at Decoration Da
services held 'at Dashwood Ev'angei
ical U. B. t2'aneenery. 'Other rc'lerg
present included Rev. J. S. Burn
Crediton; Rev. S. -Baechler,Wuxi
and Rev, H. •Getz, Dashwood.. Th
Stratford 'b'oys' ilrarili Played unde
the dire•cti><en cod 'Mr. 'Brett. 'The o
ering of $52 was enntribected to th
cemetery fund, .which••.prrw'amounts
to• well over $'1,'1'110 'to ;p,n:aaide for
operation on •a -perpetual tare basis,
PASSPORT TO STETTER as -well as .a •mad -sized, cement ac-
count. 7Dmiing the !rear a power
mower was •pzrrdhaseii. 'Irene ,committee
The people avlia enjoy vacations in charge are 'T. H. Thiftnaan, chair-
man; Daniel Weber, secretary -
treasurer:; Jdhn 'Bender•anid Wesley
Minn Tiff
most are those who entepare for them
in advance in fart, as soon as they
get back from :Linear previous holidays
This sounds cenni'5 ated. It isn't,
though. The ?reef 'hat quite a few
people now do it. They find that Mr. and Mrs. Cla< tom Y. Pfile and
year-round planning saves skimping Mrs. Henry Restemo'yar arrived home
on vacation fznme safely on Wednesday, "Sept. 3rd af-
These folks begin deciding how tea- a very pil:easain 'iii :through the
they can afford to spend next heti- North Central States isiiiting re;ati-
clay-time. Then, they open "Sun -i ves in St. P.asil and Minneapolis in
shine Accounts" in the 'Bank of Mon- Minn., and :Cavalier, ^' raebrook and
treal and each month save one tweIff>ei Langdon an North Da'kofa. They Ieft
'Of their holiday monety; making de -i Sunday Aug. 17th 107' i.,udington,
posits every week or every fort-' Much., where they went: ran board the
night according to their Iiay--day. City of St. Ignac at 8.10 p.m. to
The money set 'aside usually cros,s Lake Miiclkigan tea a'nlanitowae,
doesn't amount to enough to stint Wis. The .boat ride was :quite thril-
them in other ways. Then, when ling as the old lake did not behave
vacations start, theyere the ones -who' too well, but withstood the trip O.K.
really relax .... without financial. After ;a goad asigbt's .sleep a few mil -
cares. es from Manithwac, they left for St.
Mr. Mundy, local B of M teller,i Paul. This drive thgoi,igh Wisconsin
urges everyone who th:in'ks he deser-' as the most beautiful fannir1g country
ves a good holiday next year to, being snostey inhabited by old Ger-
remember that the sooner a "Sae-; man settlers. Arrpving in St. .Paul
shine Account" is begun, the more it. in the ;evening, two days were spent
pays off! there and in- IVEnneapelis •visiting re-
latives and sight eeejng. They also
161$1 ,,o x ,Z,calte w}02 ;itev. :and,
`Mrs.' Oaei 'raupner" and family, son
of Rev P. Gs-eupaaer of Detroit, for-
merly of Dashwood, Ont, Leaving',
St. Paul, Aug. 21st they arrived at
Cavalier, N, Dale, Friday Aug. 22.
Mrs. Restemeyer visiting with the
Besterneyer and Walper relatives,
while Mr. and -Mrs. C. F, Pfile visit-
ed with 'Geiger, Schroeder and Stein-
bach relatives, While in Cavalier
they also drove across the border to
see Winnipeg. Here •they saw the
first horses at work for harvest, also
old style farming equipment. The
land was wet and crops looked very
poorly after seeing the good crops
in N. Dakota. After a sight seeing
trip through the city returned to
Cavalier the same day..
Friday, August 27th *as the day
set to start back home, taking U. S.
Highway No. 'a through Duluth,
Northern Wisconsi an.nd Michigan.
•e The scenery over this route is unim-
aginable. One can not realize it until
they have seen it themselves.
Crossing 'Mackinac Straits Sunday
Aug, 31st; traffic was very heavy. A-
round '117 autos were loaded on the
ferry. This was a vey pleasant ride,
taking about one hour.
Then taking U. S. •Highway No. 27
arrived in Lansing, Mich, Mon. Sept.
1st to spend a day with Mr. and Mrs
Arthur Koessel and family leaving
from there Wednesday, Sept. Bed ar-
riving home safe and happy after a
very pleasant trip seeing so many
beautiful sights, meeting a rot of
nice friends and relatives which will
never be forgotten.
The total number of miles covered
was close to 3,000 with no flat tires
or motor trouble on the way.
Young pigs. Also a team of
horses, (mare and gelding)
—Aaron Oestreicher, .Dashwood,
Our Mixed Honey is now ready
and for sale for a limited time only.
Price ,2'Oc a lb. Bring your contain-
ers. --,I. Haberer & Sons, Zurich.
Stade & Weido
Goodyear tires last longer .
cost less per mile of safe
service.' Conaze in and choose
your size today.
0 i aft
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of Beavertown
has returned to her home after epee,
ding a few days in Blake with her
f chile[°rerr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme of
the 15th Con., returned to their home
after spending a week in Windsor and
also in the Northern part of Mich -
Mr. Dominic Jeffrey of St. Joseph
is at present working in Goderich for
a few days to complete some urgent
Miss Eulen Bedard of London and
DEALE [friend spent the week -end with his
s 'a�AD'' arrtl WEII O ' narents on the Blue Water Highway.
N.�T,T) iY,tT,r
More lots are being surveyed a-
I,;- e,ee _.. ( tont; the Lake frontage which seems
ZURICH ICH , to be the ideal spot for summer re -
sorters. and it ie only the matte'• of
• -Hort time when the front,ieerata of
•' a i n r the Will
Ala s _'' C/4"
nmaci4 wimp
Aidon Tb eatre
Presents for your Ei joyinent
The following Attractions:
Fri., Sat, Sept. (12, 13
Two Guys From
Starring—Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson, Joan
Leslie, Janis Paige, with
Al Jalsson "MINSTREL DAYS" 'Short
Mete., Tues. Sept. 1.5, 16
Captain Caution
estimated. ;the return trip wat made
through the U.S.A. where stop overs
were made at various points. Mr. and
Mrs, Desjardine feel that they were
very fortunate in that they drove
7,500 miles without changing a tire
or seeing even a minor accident. They
found the roads and tourist aeeomod-
ation excellent throughout the entire
trip. They were accompanied on the
trip by their eon Murray and their
nephew Leelaard.
Near Holiday Drowning
There was a near drowning at the
Lake, ',alma- Dsiy, when Jack Waters
of Detroit, a University athlete star
and ar+<'•omplished ,swimmer, who had
suffered a seoizure of cramps, was
resettled from the rough waters by
David Stitt and assistant. All day the
wind lashed waters of the Lake rol-
led unto the beach and kept the two
lifeguards on the alert. Numerous
times throughout the day the two
Londoners had to go into action help
:law swimmers from difficulty. Stitt
—Starring— doing regular patrol spotted. two men
Victor Matrice Allan "Ladd ;an difficulty some 50 yards from shore
He plunged into the water and was
able to reach Jack Waters, suffering
from cramps, and saved his life. Af-
ter being brought 'to shore he quick-
ly revived.
Had a Big Year
Grand Bend just closed one of •the
best years, if not the best year in
its history. Ever since the opening in
June the large crowds of campers
and tourists visited this popular re-
sort, and over week -end the sleeping
accomodations 'were taxed to the
limits, regardless of the told weather
of part of July, but August made up
for that with the much sunny and
hot days and nights, which drove the
people out of the cities to cooler
spots along the Lake. The places of
entertainment were more numerous
this year and were well patronized.
The Lakeview Casino, with Gordon
Delamont and his orchestra was very
popular. The Aldon Theatre, erected
this year by the Bossenberry's with
its modern front, is a credit to any
place and received good patronage.
The Oakwood Golf Course had its
usual cIientel who seek a nice, quiet
rest with golfing as recreation. Two
new amusement places erected on the
beach opposite the Casino include a
Merry-go-round and a Dodgem. The
roller skating rink attracted large
crowds of young people. Sunday ev.
' •ening concerts at the- Casino and the
i gals softball games were all very
Miss Grace Cameron 7.1w has spend'in'teresting.
the Summer with her ai, ters, Misses'• ,.
E. and M..Cameron, retar,ped to Chic A S Fi W - O U
ago recently:
Dr. and Mrs, W. Tillman, have re- Mr. and Mrs. Max Feidrappe of
turned to their home in London af-
ter-- Cleveland are visiting with Mr. and
having ocenpied their cottage
"Longvue Vue" for the se:asena Mrs. john Kuntz this week.
Lawrence Fowlie of Lon was a Mrs.. Martha Baker has returned
°i was after an operation in London
visitor with his sisters, hisses F. Hospital.
and E.'trwlie. Charley", 'jeman underwent an op -
11r: •and slxs. iWalter A Dayifi4on • enation_ -for removal of his tonsils -and
of Walton announce the' engagement adnoids in London Hospital on Tues -
of 'their 'only daughterIsabel Joan., ay
to Mr,- Oliver Richard Hopson, yeua Mrs. E, Kleinstiver spent the we -
gest son of Mr. and Mrs, iGeo, Hop- ek-end with friends in Windsor.
son, Bayfield. The marriage to 'take Mr. Gordon Eagleson left for
place the middle of September. Montreal where he has secured a
Moves House position at Embalming.
Win, Orr has moved the IouseMr. Harry Zimmer spent a few
which he ;bought from Wm. Stirling, clans Iii Montreal.
7th 'concession, Goderich T.wp, to the aliss Anita ,Ziler of London spent
Chump at Oxford'
Stan. Laurel 'O'liv'er 'Hardy
Wed., Thurs.
Sept 11?T,, 18
Without Reservations
StarringClaudette Colbert Jahn 'Wayne
With "Ten Pin Magic" 'Swat 'Short
and "Catnipped" Oar+tun.
COMING SOON -- Milling's
taken up. Due to the :many znrospect-
ors seeking to. build cottage's :and the
scarcity of space ,mn the avast ,side.
"Hail for the Bright Future" ifox the
present farmers in this community.
Bean pulling has started in 'this
neighbourhood and already farmers
are meeting with discouragement in
the quality and Wield.
Mr. and Mrs. Hint Denomme of
Drysdale are busy repairing "the
Brisson home in Bea•vrertown iWhere
they will more into in the near. fut-
ure. We 'welcome theta.
lot on Sarnia St., which he purchased
recently •from Leslie Elliott. .lie has
materials to enlargers the rounding
to the size of a suitable dwelling.
Is Ill
The many friends of Mrs. Henry
McClinchey, ;who suffered .a heart at-
tack recently wish her a speedy re-
covery. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Speed and
family who were visiting her return-
ed to Detroit and her daughter, Mrs
A. Holm, Preston is staying with her
Miss Elva Dewar returned home
after visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs
E. Rehm, at Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Merner have
taken up residence in their home
om Catherine St., which was recently
James R. Scott, CBL Staff re-
turned to Toronto after having spent
his vacation with his wife and moth-
er-in-law, Mrs. R. H. Gairdner, at
their home in town.
Miss M. Volume and Mrs. Alexan-
der, Miami, Man,, who. have spent
a few months with their sister-in-law
Mrs. D. A. Volume, left for the for-
mer'•s home in Kingston. Mrs. Alex-
ander will visit in Halifax and Que-
bec, :before returning to Maimi.
Storm Does Damage.
The recent wind storm blew part
of a tree in Ed. Sturgeon's garden
over against the house. Shingles
were ripped of the roof and it also
knocked about half the bricks off
a chimney.
Mrs. Hyndman held an auction sale
of merchandise at the Friendly Gift
Shop at Grand Bend for three days
and was a huge success. Mrs. Hynd-
mann has conducted the shop.during
ehe summer menthe.
Return Prom Coast Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Desjardine
returned recently from a motor trip
through the Canadian West to Van-
couver Island. visiting' friends and
relatives in Winnipeg, .Bounty, Sask.,
Halkirk, Alta., and Vancouver, BC.
Stops wore also, made at Banff, Lake
Louise, and Calgary. They agree that
the fr.'iendlineos and hospitality of the
Western people has r1r'ver been over
'alcordug, September 11th, 2947
Insulation and Evetroughing
Box 131 Thedford, Ont
Book Your Order Now Before That Long
How Shall We Escape
If We Neglect ser Great Salivation Heb. 2: 3
Whosoever shall Call upon the Name of the Lord
shall be Saved. Rorn. 10: 13
Seek ye the Lord while he may be found.. Isa. 55:6
As I live, saith the Lord Gad.,. I have no pleasure_ an
the death of the wicked; but that the wicked tura
from his way and live. E Ick, 33: 11.
PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E &b . l . SUN ,y EVENING.
Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor
CHAS.. E- FULLER, 1?'tb,. u 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL
eats Mr cl Mir
sue s. Hough of B
Mr. and Mrs:. Reid Kirk„ Mr:
Mrs. Wurtz: of Fair 'Grove, Mich
Mr. Geo. Howard of Exeter and Mi
Evelyn Howard of Taranto, called on
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allan and Mr—an
year.Rh had' been) in failing elealtlis
for acme than and: had resided with,
and iris brotheri z• Oshawa. He was ma
honor graduate of Toronto Univen..
'ss shy in science and 'had held positi.
oars in Canada' and' the U.S.A t
d the Aluminum Company of America„.
He was chemist for the Lake Shore
ds six months anshlortherre
in utthwestAfrica peat
Accra, Gold Coast coibny.
e' Late Arthur. C'alelwert
air There passed away in Clintore
ReszpitaI on 'Saturday; Sept. 6th
Arthur Caldwell, well known reside md eat of Brucele7d in hr's Stith year
He was :born Aug. 15, 186B on the
'poor .concession of TTinkersmith north,
of the Mill Rtoad, , was united i n Mar.,.
riege to Jean Barbara Chapman whet
survives 'him together with one son,,
e William of the home farm; ewe daz-
ghters (Ruth) Mrs. Harvey 'aylor,,,
y Brucefield; (Anna) Mrs. /Tuber
Riffe, El Centre, California. One sis-
ter, Mrs. ,Smallacombe of Mose Jaw•
• Sask. Public funeral service was heIdt'
y from the home of his eon •Wilharrne.
e on Monday, Sept. 8 th, condiieted'by*
a Rev. Stanway. Burial febowed Imo,
of Baird s Cemetery.
Mrs. C. Haugh,
Miss Mary- ,Steckie of Chaste,
hospital, ursa a visitor with frien
in Stanley.
Mr. Jas. Foster and Miss Alic
Foster and Donald Foster of F
Grove, Kith., visited with their eons
ins, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allan•.
Rev. and Mrs Chas:. Mustard a
daughter of. Toronto and Mrs. F
Crooks and daughter of London, vi
ited with Brticel'ield. friend's- . •
Sueceseaut .GaXa;Night
• Bz'uceleld Firemen's. Frolic. was
a decided srecess with music by 'th
Bannockburn pipe band one of th
highlights,. Raffle prizes were won b
Mrs. :Wni..Smith, Exeter; Mrs. W
McBeath, BrucefieTd; Thus. Carter of
Clinton and Mrs. L. Beatty, Varna
A lovely quilt was won by Mar
Scri:C>ibens, Clinton. Proceeds of th
frolic will be used in purchasing
new fire engine and pump. Officers
the ;week.end with her father. the fire dept. are Harry DyMrimpte,
Miss Mae McCrae 'who spent the president; J. Huhner, vise• pros ;
summer at Grand Bend, has returned K. Cornish, secy; Win. Mdn:toslx, tri
to her home in Meaford. Ii, F, Berry, Fire Chief.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman JHENSAL,I..
attended the funeral of the late Mr.
Scott, manager • of the London Miss Eleanor Cook returned after
Township Municipal Telephone Co., spending two weeks at Grand Bend.
Ilderton at London, on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. J. A, Ma.Lean
A musical program 'will be given spent a few days holidaying in DMus -
in the Evangelical church on Monday koka.
September 22nd by "The Davies" of Dr. J. C. Goddard, Mrs.. Goddard
London, Don't miss this treat! and family visited with friends in
Mr. and Mrs . Leo Gibson and Palmerston.
family visited friends in St. Cath-
erines and Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eveland and
Larry and Mrs. Ernest Dewan of
London, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Eveland.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsie spent a
day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slann
at their cottage in Grand Bend,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile, ac-
companied by Mrs. Hy, Restemeyer,
have returned home from their trip
West. They report a lovely trip which
will long be remembered. Mrs. Rest-
emayer visited with the Walper and
Restemeyer relatives in North Dak-
ota and Winnipeg.
Arkona Beats Dashwood
The first game of the Intercounty
playoffs of the girls' softball teams
was played at Arkona Tuesday ev-
ening last betweed Dashwood and Ar -
hone, resulting in a 14-2 win for Ar-
Women Buy House
Mrs. Bertha Willert and her dau-
ghter, Miss Edna Willert, -who are
farming near Dashwood, have pur-
chased the second house on Trafalgar
at., Mitchell, recently erected by W.
I. Carroll. The purschasers will not ,life of the village, and will 'be mis-
be moving to their new home until sed by a host of 'friends , Surviving
early next year. are one sister, Mre. R. J. Ferguson,
Minneapolis, Minn. one brother,
STANLEY TC WNSI-1ZR James Johnston of Riley, Alb;. Fut-t-
eal S
eel ,rservices were held on Widnes- g
Schools re -opened Tuesday last day from ,her late residence with Rev j le
and many teachers and pupils have A. M• Hunt, Mitchell, officiating, with , ttr
gone back to their school work. S. tburiai in Hatasatl Unions 'Cemeterty.
S, No, 1.0, Stanley has a new teacher
this year, Miss McBride of near Zur-
ich, and S.S. No'. 14, Mrs. Earl CHEMIST PASSES
Oesch of near Zurich is teaching. Jame,, Horton, son of of tate Mr.
Major and Mrs. J. S. Usslier of and Mrs. Wm. Horton of Usborne
Barrie visited with the latter's par-{ Township,, died its Oshawa. in. his. 71st
Mr. and Mrs. Roy' McLaren and
son were visitors at Port Huron.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale at-
tended the Toronto Ex.
Mrs. Emily Horton is at present
guile ill at the home of her .sister,
Mrs. Mary McGaig.
Were Diane; Guests
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney 'Beal, of Cal-
gary, who have ,keen here visiting old
friends for the past month, left for
their home. Before leaving about:50
of their friends met •at Grand Bend
and served a chicken dinnsr in their
honor. Mrs. Beal was the former
Nellie Bullard,of Hensall, and Mr.
Beal is a prominent businessman of
Miss Emma Johnston Passes,
Miss Emma Johnston, hrghly re-
and life-long resident of Hen- call, died Sunday last in St. Joseph's I
Hospital, London, where she had 'been 1V1
a patient for a week suffering a par-
alytic stroke. For some months she!
had been.confined to her home with i
a heart attack. ,She was a valued
member of 6't. Paul's Anglican Chu -11
rch, a member of the choir and W. v
uilet, was prominent in the social
E th eri n g ton-fo o pe r
'Centenary United Church, Hamil-
ton was the scene of a lovely sum.
mer 'wedding when Rev. Edid�.i• unnite&
in marriage Daisy Ida, daughter or
Mrs. Franklin and the Late Mr. Ho-
oper, to Richard David Etberingtone
son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Etheringe
ton of Hensall. The music was played,
by Mrs. B. Pierce . ,and Mi
Wandrope singing'. ane'
tended by The ,brides at.
her sister,. Mrs . Chase
Penny and Mr. Penny was grooms --
man. The ushers were Mx. Axckie.
Etherington, of Hensall, ,brother of
the groom and S. Riechers Toronto,,
cousin of the bride. A reeept be foa-
1 fifteen guests was held at the pretty-
• decorated home of the :bride's par-
ents..The mothers .of the couple re-
ceiving. After cutting the three tier -
wedding cake Rev. Eddy Ted thee
toasts. Fifteen cablegrams were reacts
by the groomsman front England
and Western Canada.
Smith — Cowan
The marriage took place at .Maize
Street United Parsonage, Exeter, ot
Beth Elaine, eldest daughter of Mrs.
t3annah Cowan of Exeter, and the.
late Leith Cowan of Montague,.:P.
E. L, to John William, eldest son of'
Parr Line, Mrs.r, and Orville
Township Smith
ich. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. J. Mahoney, B.D., pastor .of the'
church. The bride , wore a street:
ength gown of grey crepe with sil-•
er trimming, navy hal o .hat anrf'
navy ,accessories, She 'was attended:
tby 'tier sister, Miss Frances Gowan„•
of London, who looked charming irn:
rose wool with -black accessories and'
•corsage of Better Time roses. Harry
Smith, of. Hensall, 'brother of the.
room, was best man. Following•the•
eretnony, a reception was heel fore
e immediate members of both fam-
ilies at Hensall, at the home of Afro.
Flora Consitt, grandmother of the -
groom. immediately following the.
reception, the bride and groom left.
for Toronto, on a short wedding trip',
and on their return will reside ire
Hensall. •