HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-08-28, Page 4a• f ZURICH, ONTARIO gmiruuuuuuuau1mir1uuauu1iamm11miiiimioin11mum1imnutfiniiiiimmnn Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY NIGHT Big Midnight Dance Sept. 1st, 12:05 a.m. LAST DANCE, LABOUR DAY NIGHT Sunday, August 31st, 9 p.m. "VARIETY ENTERTAINERS" The Last Show of 1947 Season! LABOUR DAY - SEPT. --1st LADIES' SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Games.: 1.30 — 3.30. Final at 6.30 p.m. TEAMS—Forest, Goderich Legionettes, Dashwood, Lucan. You are promised the best games of the season. Come out and support Your Town's Team! Only a few dance nightseleft. Drop in and say "S' long" to Gordon Delamont and his Orchestra. When you are in Toronto from Sept. 8th, through the winter season, drop in to hear them at "The Club Top Hat", near Sunnyside. MANY THANKS For Your Visits to "The Bend."! Season 1947 has been grand, and "The Bend" is offering, and will continue to offer, the newest and best in everything, mak- ing it "tops" amongst the leading Resorts. Our Aim — "Ontario's Finest-" ese liN1111144}114(11111111111111411UH11111111111411111111111H111111111411411111111111114111111411141310 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ONLY SEPTEMBER 8 - 9 - 10. - DON'T MISS I'T! It deals frankly wiith the subject rarely spoken of above a whisper! SEGREGATED AUDIENCES WOMEN ONLY at 2&7 p.m. COORS OPEN AT LSO — i.30 MEN ONLY of 9 p.m. TIOIALITS O M 551.i AT T.» I. tMMJTt O TO SEATING CAPACITY TAX S A IMC V� ALL SHOWS ALL-STAR HOLLYWOOD CAST" AND IN PERSON ON THE SIVE ELLIO FEARLESS NT GJENE c ••a'. &el WITH A ST , T LING MESSAGEI LEAVI'1"I S THEATRE E> ETER GRAND BEND Holidaying At Grand Bend Spending three weeks at Grand Bend are Mr. and Mrs. Mart Kenny Mart Jr., and Jack. Mart Kenny is a popular name amongst those who .enjoy dance music being the leadei of "The Western Gentlemen" Cana- •da's No. One Band. They have played for two engagements at Lake- view Casino, Grand Bend this sum- mer and have chosen this popular rummer resort for their vacation. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones visited wit h the latter's •sister, Mrs. Gor- don Westlake and Mr. Westlake, near Hayfield. Miss Shirley Homey, of Ridge- way is holidaying with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. •Gacksteter, near Kipper. Miss Logan, of Hensall, was a ;guest with Mrs. M. G. Beatty and Mis,Mossop. Varna, IV1cNight---Elsie Spruce Grove farm, Kippen, the( come of Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Elgie was the :scene of a pretty midsum- mer wedding when their elder dau- ghter, Edna Frances, was united in marriage to Andrew Stanley (Don) eon of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Mc- Knight, of .Kirkwall. 'Rev, G. Hin- ton of Kippen United Church perfor... teed the double ring ceremony. Tra- ditional wedding music was played throughout the ceremony by Miss Jean ivisom, organist of Kippen Un- ited church, and at the close Mr, Hinton rendered "0 Perfect Love," Given, in marriage by her father, the 'bride was lovely. Her sister, Miss 2.ieanor Elgie was bridesmaid, HENSALL ewe Miss Lois Henderson is spending this week a guest with Mr. and Mrs. James Morris, Goderich. Mrs. J. B. McAree of Toronto, Mrs. L Inwood, Montreal, spent a , few days last week with their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolton. Mrs. J. Henderson, Jean and Syl- via, visited last week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and family at Goderich. Mrs. Casey Hudson and family of Goderich are spending this week vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. ,George Hud- son. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bolton and Mrs. E. J. Dinnin of •Seaforth,• are vacat- ioning .this week at the Clemas cot- tage, at Grand Bend , Mr. and Mrs. Ssydney Beal of Cal- gary, Alta., have been visiting their relatives and friends in Hensel' and vicinity. Mrs. Dalrymple of Clineen spent the past week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vairbairn, Mr. Fairbairn who has been ill for the past few weerrs, is improving. Mm. Annie Saundercock visited a few days last week with friends in Goderich. Miss Emma Johnston was taken seriously ill on Sunday and removed to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday for "treatment, Mrs. G. "Voth, Gwen and Jimmy who have been in Hensel] for the past number of months, left Sunday for Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Riley spent Sunday with relatives in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ciousins of Canfield, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs.. lem Geisler and daughter Lois of 'RICH HfiE-J'4ALD Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Wed., Thurs. Aug; 27, 28 TWO FEATURES: • "BLONDIE'S HOLIDAY" "The BurnsteeadsT"` "SWING THE WESTERN WAY" With "Hoosier Hotshots" Aug, 29, 30 "THE TROUBLE WITH WOMEN" Ray Milland and Btan Don Levy "LAUREL AND HARDY" "CHICKENS COME HOME" Friday,Saturday Mon., Tues. Sept. 1, 2 TWO FEATURES: "CROSS MY HEART" Betty Hutton Sonny Tufts "SEVEN WERE SAVED" With Richard Benning Detroit, were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs James Wright of Kippen. Mrs. 0. Reichert arrived home last week after spending a week with friends in Montreal and points east. Makes Clean Sweep Hensall made a clean sweep of its play off round with, Clinton Radio School Friday evening wolen they took the visitors 7-6 in the. second game of their best of three Huron - Perth 0. B. A. series. Hensall will. meet the town of Clinton team in the next round. Clinton 000 042; 0-6 110 4 Hensall 110 121 -1 4 2 Smith and Logan. Kipfer, Tudor and Horton, DASHWOO1' A Memorial Service at' the Evan- gelical Cemetery, (Goshen Line) on Sunday August 31st at ,2.15 p.m. Rev.. G. L. Gross of Listoweli will be the guest speaker and' special music by the Stratford B9ys.• Band, under the leadership of Mr. Brett. A cordial invitation. is extended to all. Misses Sarah and Annie" Siebert, Home Missionaries of Detroit spent a few days with their sister, -Mrs. Witzel last week. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Schatz of Pa. visited With his brother, Mr. anu Mrs Vern Schatz • Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader and:Mrs Jacob Willert and Gustage Miller motored to Clifford, Hanover and Chesley on Sunday. Herbert and Harold Luft of Kitch- ener were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert and da- ughter Elsie, Mr and Mrs. Clayton Siebert and two daingliters all of Kitchener were Sunday= visitors with Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Dr, .Spellman ..and family of Kitchener were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Hoffman last week. Dr, Spellman spent Sunday with them returning to Kitchener on Monday. Ur. and Mrs. H. Dark and two daughters of Windsor were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Steinhagen, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer are on vacation this week, -also at- tending .Toronto Exhibition. Mrs. Murdoff of Bowwmanville is visiting with her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver. Miss Blanche Edighoffer of Mitch- elI visited with friends here over the week -end. Rev. P. Graupner and craughters Clara and Martha and granddaughter Helen Meyer of Detroit spent Sun- day visiting friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Guenther are spending their vacation at Coney Is- land, N. Y. Mr. Sprule Currie motored to Mea ford and visited with friends on Sun- day. Mrs. J. V. McCree of Mimico and Mrs. Leslie Inwood of Montreal, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman, New Barber Shop A new barber shop has been op- ened up in the bus depot, Exeter, operated by Al Tomlinson and Walt Bentley. Prior to being in .the serv- ices these boys barbered together in Exeter. . Cars Derailed Three grain cars were derailed the other afternoon about a quarter Anile below the C.N.R. station at Goderich. Some grain was spilled from the cars which were put back on the tracks by the next morning, after all-night work by a gang of Men. Polio Case at DubliI ts �r"* Joseph Holland, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holland of Dub- lin, was taken to the Isolation Hos- pital, London, a victim of Polio, SELLS CAFE George W.faechler has purchased Wong's Cafe, on the Square, Goder- ich, from Gordon Wong, who has op - crated it for the past 22' years. Mr., Raechler will continue the cafe un» der the same name. MT. Wong plans.. Aldon Th eatre GRAND BEND Presents for your Enjoyment The following Attractions: Friday, Saturday Aug. 29, 30 "FUN ON A WEEKEND" —Starring — Eddie Braekezt Priscilla Lane with Musical Short "Gene Kruppa and his Orchestra and "Dumbell of Yukon" Cartoon. Sun. Midnite Mon., Tues. Sept 1, 2 "SAN ANTONIO" In Techicolor —Starring — Errol Flyn Alexis Smith with "Bathday" -Cartoon Wed. Thurs. Sept,. 3,,. 4 A Big Double Bill "IT'S A JOKE SON" —Starring — Kenny Delmar Una. Merkel and "DANNY BOY" — 'Starring — Robert (Buzz) Henry Sybil, Merritt to visit with friends in Canada, for I a while and may then return to this native city of Canton, •China„ "MOM AND DAD" SOON. liellywood's widely -heralded. new• hygiene attraction, "Mom and- Dad.", with the famous commentator, Elliot, Forbes, in person, is at last heading, this way on its coast-to-coast taut.. i The managment of Leavitt's Theatre, Exeter announce they have been sue cessful in getting it, dated for Sept- ember 8th, 9th, and 10th.. Breaking, attendance records everywhere;, thic; new combination screenstage. at- traction is not only being :sought by theatre managers but by health offi- cials, f -cials, civic clubs, and educators who are anxidus to have it .viewed by. their communities according to the management of Leavitt's Theatre. SENDING MONEY AWAY? HERE'S AN EASY WAY! The money you're sending away may be a lot of a little. Its journey may be long •or. shoat But, wk�ateyer the case, you'1l'.find it;pa3ss °td`rsb Rl your money through the Bank of Montreal. One or another of its ser- vices, will fit your requirements — and inexpensively too. For amounts up to a hundred doI- lars going to points in Canada and the United States, a B of M money order gives maximum security, ,.and convenience at minimum cost. For larger amounts, Mr. .Sewelt, local branch accountant, wilt gladly arrange drafts -.good the world over He can also help to forward money at top speed by rushing it through the B of M's system of telepraphic' and cable t.: nsfers. If it's safety, economy, conveni- ence and speed yougjyant when send- ing funds, the B of M has the answer w Figured out in miles -per - dollar, Goodyearkis the most economical tire on the road today. It's the best tire buy -- by miles! We • have Good - years in your size. Come in today. YOUR niAL Rt STADE and WEIDO HARDWARE Phone 92 . -:-- ZURICH er • • • • • i • • • • • • • ` ',hEzrs1ay, August 28th, 13i47 Insulator ,and Evetroughing SAVE UP TO 30• PER CENT. ON YOUR FUEL BILL BY INSULATING YOUR WALLS AND CEILINGS„ WITH BLOWN ROCK WOOL. METHOD. ALSO EVETROUGHING WORK DONE AT ONCE WRTi'E: Box 131 Book Your A., W. ,WINES, - Thedford, Ont. Order Now Before That Long Winter TOM*R kOW A 4 at 'MY HANN' WA RAMA fd*/NAA'A' Follow the lead of reorc than a n=Trioan Canadians who save for tomotrrner...,.npm rear Bc>%`h& accouutc tzaday. BANK OF MONTREAL working, mit.& Canatlnrus' in* trait walk of life since 2817 U a !7 zerioe, Pew e arsine are Jeorrd daily Foto thit Joel,-, dam 205 flet high, half amk� irekT el l��.�..a�f(y�� d-a.y�I�t 1 O 01 a pp a nn 11 Liam �..j9p�■..,. 'il�: ' 1✓ iMl e . IO r E!a,2.111ti Iyl 6y�,1 ce.�.;;•• t1EPv iainx, Tc'fl,ifffnmr. _ r% >u,y� rVntli tltPr staff illli� �� p�18 irl�t�J111�,flirl4,.d�l��li���)�Nu►�e_t'9�t� �rprRdR't!A1'd'97Pf(f't1�1 X11 Il irfiyi !r r,1n1111 11�Ii� PI " _ , urrasetvr�rarrr II"rrF1+f[`P1r flIRPin bllPdi9t�li�Il1�1Pi't,�liRlrlfl:G�i_ 1R: � r TUillirg���tu��il.1 u�IPlat9li�!� Ifllii'Q�� ��i�,�nuttlR rilll,glF��I84ilt'l�P HAHHES iNG ANOTHER 81,000 HORSEPO `,rr EH FOR HYDRO People sometimes ask us what we are doing about providing more electricity for Ontario. Many, know how close we are now to using up all our present supply. Since the end of the war, Hydro's peak load demand?. has increased approximately 500,000 horsepower or more than 25% of the highest wartime demand, and is still mounting. What are we doing about it? Above is a part, but only a part,, of the answer& It shows the great power development at Stewart– ville, on the Madawaska River in Eastern Ontario,,. Which was started many months ago when materials: and labor were in even shorter supply thenow.. lit will give youre 81,000 horsepower commencing: ineXt year. With other Hydro developments heiing rushed to, completion, an added $00,000 horsepower will be, available in the next five years. Ef.tCIEt Cit! in the meanwhile we must on use Hydro sparingly so there will be enough to gel around. THE HYDRO.ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO,