HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-08-07, Page 1RICH 31 blished .1900 HERAL.r ZURICH, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7 19 47 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUfLI$9FDIllal $1.50 s Year in .Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. Let us know about your Summer Visits and Visitors Are You 'Suffering From Headaches? -+f so, Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICK. — ONT. Glasses at Reasonable PricRs ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE :—Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL? ;€cod Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHI.LBE—Zurich er•t••I••II•++•§•^II^$••iH^P•4r44. 5.4.4 •$••E 44.1;1 i 0+ fi•^b•I.3•4•44i••h•8•.D°.fl•.I..y.•F.@•^.*I'ir+•I••6••!••%++4 d arty ;a, c‘ifirar anal an e Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Rnjured. Lecensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood Ontario .•.44+...a..a..F..+.a.+..++.a.4.4.44 s. E + f sem. +++ .r4 4. 4. xAMill){ION • 41 alilir,raik ijl<,yMav,1l00111100011#111111111(I 11111101111111111i1iitiON'tin00 4 ria.411 "_ ate: ZRIeJ4'S racery Store. i�W.•-'ems KW. ,. .,n .:k, 3.', When you are looking for good things to eat be sure and visit our Store, as we always maintain to have a good stock of Fresh Groceries always on hand, although so lines are at times hard to get, yet we do our best t to purchase our supplies from the leading supply houses Oranges, lemons, and Grape Fruits in season; Canned Goods, and many other lines we offer at very moderate prices... Visit Our Store and Be Convinced Men esch - Zurich PRODUCE ANTED. Phone 165 IIUI1I•i11utl1ilshllj lli4011!1 l iii 1 i^} ISI itljlillliml►111IIi1(1im j lillllllll►tllltilll111illlllf(!(11Uilillililllilll(illitis", L'S §rSuerir t reV t Seas° abbe eeds We ha:T e a complete Stock of Dry entire family. A goad variety of Chinaware; breakfast and dinner sets, etc. ,aroch, and Clothing, f car the For your Grocery Needs, Shop at our Store. We have a, fresh stock of Groceries, Fruits Wee C.1-1. ani Vegetables Weekly THAI, Zurich LAWRENCE TIERNEY'S BIG PROBLEM Read the thrilling story of a movie "tough guy". Read "Lawrence Tier ney's Big Problem" in The American Weekly, great magazine with next Sunday's (Aug 10) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. It's a fascin- ating behind -the -scenes story about the real life • occupational hazards that are a part of movie menace's career. • Womens' Institute Mrs. T. H. Meyers and Mrs. Harry Rose had the privilege ana pleasure of attending the 50th anniversary celebration of the Federated Wom-- en's Institutes which was held on Wed. June 18th at the Ontarib Ag- .ricultural College, Guelph. This was a most impressive sight as there were between 11 and 12 thousand women gathered on the •campus eager to hear and see the messages and reports from countries all over the world. Australia, New Zealand, Africa, 22 countries were represented. eend J. PhilipJones. Theywill Premier. George Drew told bhe ladies, but for this organization the reside at Apt, 6, Four hundred and Return From Trip to the West )Jr. and Mrs. P. J. O't;wyer who snade a motor trip to Winnipeg a few weeks ago have returned safely opt Friday, and we all feet a bit bet- tcr b5, having our Doctor bach in our midst. We hope that this trip to the prairie city was of benefit to their physical part of living, as our experience these long trips by auto are rather tiring, but the change and etviorrnent does one a lot of good. Married at Toronto Mr. Paul Hess and Miss Sonia 'Rielly announce their marriage sec- retly solemnized, at the City of Tor- onto, on Saturday, June Twenty Eigth, nineteen hundred and forty- seven; at four o'clock, by the Rev - world would not and could not be what it is today. With millions of women whose thoughts and actions are one and the same, progress must go on and it is because of their eag erness to advance knowledge and education that 'the MacDonald Inst;; itute at Guelph was erected, and has. been of great importance to the coun- tny. Meals were served on the gro- unds by the Government. The impr= essive Pageant "Let there be Light" was beautiful and touching. Mrs. John Hoodless in sorrow' clever the death of her own .ohild through, lack of knowledge of food ' and decided there must be something done, so carries the light to bhe fa": mers. Her ..message makes a big im pression �on farmer's at "Stoney Creek wl a t e firs , W o;?Qens'. rittstitute tlW d 1«, e: RYrLt tri. ���'� „ .. � rural areas the W.I. has beeon;. a reality, (episode 7) The fouYtdation of MacDonald's Institute cane thr- ough Mrs. Hoodless approaching Sir William MacDonald of Moatreal where the workers teachers. speakers- dietitians, p dietitians, lab workers, etc. ere sent from to -day, so the Light spreadbi through Ontario and across :Canada' to Great Britain. the torch is�earried ed' on throughout the world, (14) We face the future, the Won ens' Institute Treasure the past and face the future, youth carries on! They look forward, and a vision of past,what is t to e. Linked wrtn the tluough Mrr•s. Hoodless and with the present, through Mrs. Summers, F.W.LO., President, the whole com- pany assembles to hear the 50th. anniversary' message from Her The g- esty, Queen Elizabeth, and Lord's Prayer,"' The Natronai An- them concluded the "Pageant. This was a day 'which will never be forgotten, the W. L motto is for "Home and Country," so let the light that was just a small spark 50 years ago, burn brighter as years go by. This. is a farmer's organization, let us uphold it. The Queen's Message It is a great pleasure to me ,to send greetings and congratulations to the members of the Federated Wom- ens' Institutes of Ontario on the cel canton of their 50th anniversary d cel- ebration. With all my go for a happy and useful future. The opening of Stoney Creek W. I. in 1.807 is a landmark in he his -I toxny: of rural life, and I am glad to send this message of good will' be- cause I know of the thankfulness of my fellow members for their Instit- utes, besides those in Great 13ritain I have lately seen, members in South Africa and Rhodesia, enjoying d valueing the opportunity for service mutual help, education and fun which membership brings Creek wont h, 50hich we owe to the Stoney f.r years ago. Mr. thoughts are with you on this great day, and I wish each one of you happiness and prosperity. R. The Pageant. The Pa.gent. Let there be Light was produced by Mr, Bownlow Orchestra, music by Horace Lapp's the first episode was the entity of Herald and narrators, the represent- atives of Canada and the nine Prov - Nees, and the Spirit of Light. "Let 1 is forty-two Walmer Rd., Toronto. The groom is 'the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess of Zurich, grrd is associated with a large Law Firm, at Toronto. i Executive Meet The executive of the Grand Bend stry Hastings picnic held their meet rig at the home of Mrs. Leonard )Prang on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Mack, Mrs. S. .King, rs. A. Wein, of Crediton and 1 rs. E. Rader and Mrs, Maier of ashwood were present. A very uccessful report was given of the Ionic .and a much impro•S•e'd pro-- •amme is planned for our' picnic .,ext year. We appreciate the support ciT. the community and hope t'ot. nieet toil= garbring�next tyeay. ysri g t x - - ad Reunion family reunion table A very happy lace; out. Sunday afternoon on the: spacions"iawn of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. :Gascho o town, in honor of the fam- ily's parols, Mr. and Mrs. Josephs Gascho, o town, when children and' .grand.. childa,'en all of the family 'be- iing' present, to enjoy a real picnic. The: weatheir being ideal for the oc- casion; and needless to say att felt very Young' with father and another. .This being' a. most wonderful privil- ege' to enjoy' such a splended gather- ing. The supper was delicious and good appetites showed that the food was, vani'shih rapidly. Those present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs Samuel Gasclie and family of Harr- iston;• Mrs. P. Ravelle and two dau- ghters: of Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs Frank: Cain: and twin daughters of Montreal:; M"rs. P. Clarke of Wind- sor. May^ the parents and family 'be spared to. enjoy many mire such re- unionsi. 48 Hours OPTICAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE BROKEN LENSES REPLACED. DUPLICATED FROM THE BROK- EN PIECES WE STOCK: ALL SIZES AND SHAPES OF SHELL AND METAL FRAMES. FUL VU OR REGULAR. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. or Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds W. !w . DAVE' SON Pone 10 - Hensall SURPRISE PARTY On. Wednesday evening, July 30,, a. group, of ladies gathered at the home. of Mrs. Gordon Sewell to en- joy a few hours with her before their leaving, for their new hone in Fort Erie. Mrs. Sewell was completely diaken by surprise as the ladies en- tered her home. After a social chat Mrs:. Chris. Hoist read- the address and Mrs. C. L. Smith presented, her with a modern pin-up lamp. Mrs. Sewell replied with very:,iitting words of gratefulness for the kindness the Ladies had shown towards her. Also: that the friendship will never be forgotten. Mrs. John Turkheim as pianist, lead a jolly sing song, hum orous readings were given by Mrs. Hoist; a program to which ever:4; one contributed, was one of the best experience's. A delicious luncheon was served and the ladies returned to their homes very much pleased with the splendid evening spent to. gather•. The address: Dear Mrs.` Sewell: Because we have found your friendship sincere and inspiring, we find plea -sure in honouring you this evening with this gift. May it .reflect in sortie way, a por- tion of the radiance we have felt from the .presence. of you and your family, during your short stay with us. In your nom community tnay you find happiness ,and success, and may 11166490400000 I etS041oc®ss® sem e06®66C9'�®®®66�®�® IfA oee06 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director ADJUSTABLE HOSPITAL BED AND WHEEL CHAIR FOR RENT. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS lea' and Ni , .e s®sse s® mommee00(00®®e.0s0000 t Service. Telephone 89 Zurich i • 1 Ward Fritz • SALES 1 Wm. McAdaa :s1 SERVICE SPECIALLY TRAINED MECHANICS SPECIALLY DESIGNED TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FACTORY ENGINEERED AND INSPECTED PARTS GOODYEAR, DOMINION AND DUNLOP TIRES ERIDE AND PRESTO -LITE BATTERIES WELDING AND GENERAL REPAIRING ihi,re br, Light " A ,'rnborrea c.p M ode partraying the search et man- i t isbond el' friendship never be for - kind for the world, the .�ogt,l sing! gotten, Proclainning the Light., w --Four Zurich Fricnd5 A. SALES1VOEN FOR THE FAMOUS NEW Firestone Tires NOW MADE WIICI-i THE BEST AND NEWEST MATERIALS All Sizes Now Obtainable We also carry a Good Line of Dry Goods, Haid_ ware, Paints, Clothing for all members of the fam- ily. Only Fresh Groceries Kept in Stock. A Good Line of Patened Medicines on hand always TUE .BLAKE STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97