HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-07-24, Page 8lestessmitalanieria 41011101C114 0241"101111* ZURICH MERAW Thu July 24th, woo •P EXTRA QUALITY FINE WEAVE K\''a 'Ca Di ner Ware t\ Porcelain SHEETING, UNBLEACHED. 72 inches wide, at per yard 89c All staple Cottons still in short supply. need do not delay. SO if in We Offer the following in English Dinner Setts: AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES 1 only 6 place, 45 pieces at 18.50 1 onlf 6 place, 45 pieces, Rainbow, at 19.50 2 only 8 place, 65 pieces, Floral, at 20.95 1 only 8 place, 65 pieces, extra fine Meakins' Gilt Border, at 37.50 ue ros ZURICH Gase o TELEPHONE 59 GMENeliteriar=lettiONSISKIGNIGROSSU HOME PATRONAGE Patronizing your Home Merchant and Bus- inessmen by the surrounding community is what builds up a business, town and community. We cannot work together by not dealing with each other and pulling together. The same holds good with your local Printer... He cannot live and thrive on the prink jobs that are being sent out of town, which could be done at home, and often at a big saving. Home Patronage is an essential for Prosperity and Go -Ahead! 4, Os 4 • 46- 1- V 4. e * o so- S. 0 * • 0 4 V 0 • • e tea *.sr 4144, ge, to .4o •k 4 4 4 4 4. BINDER TWINE -COAL • POULTRY AND ANIMAL FEEDS. PLACE YOUR OR - )ER FOR COAL - WE DELIVER. 4 M. JIN KS MANAGER 4.• ssfP PHONES: Hensall 115. Zurich 154 •**.resos.444.4e040400 oa*,2,4$4.444,44e444,04444),;74-?4•6 HENSAI J. DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INCORPORATED • s 111 .41,x,,witocoseer,oe,Nmettwatskett.est G6s)000ritAtt.r...01-4.014;geink-tittge HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE ALB Pr 14ow RTA COAL Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known arid Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Purnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ZURiCH - ONT, QUALITY - PRICE - sERvla 3 • 1 A11444040/4044/04•1000,4100010414444111114r41441014404444044041400614102411411 MI6 Ok LOCAL INTEREST ST. PETER'S Mrs. Harry G. lies made a recen business :trip to Kitchener. Mrs, Louis Weber has returned. home after spending some time at London. .4virS. A. C. Meidinger of, Hensall, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs Will Thiel of town The Directors are busy getting the Fall Fair Books in shape for 1947, and with this cool weather, it makes one thing of fall fair time. Miss Isobell Purcell of the Bank of Montreal Staff is holidaying at Windsor and West Lorne for a few weeks. Operated at',Clinton The many friends of Mr. R. F. Stade who left for Clinton Commun- ity Hospital for an operation, wish him a speedy recovery, Mr. Melvin Bedard of Detroit gave us a friendly call one day las week. He and Mrs. Bedard and farn- IV are spending two weeks camping at Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Preeter and children and Miss :VIuriel alreeter all of Toronto, are enjoying the cool breezes of Lake Huron at tne cottage owned by the Fritz' .s at Grana Bend. Miss Joan Merner and Miss Ruth Krueger have accepted positions with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin at the Bend, who are in the restuarant bus- iness for the summer months. Mrs. Wm. Thiel was a recent vis- itor with her friend, Mrs. Ed: Seim at New Hamburg, while Mr. Wm. Thiel, Mr. and Mrs Rely Fisher and family visited with friends at Kit- chener and vicinity. We are in receipt of a postal from Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer of Zur- ich who are on their way to Win- nipeg, having reacher Superior at the head of the lakes. and were about 450 miles from Winnipeg, having crossed in the U. S. at the Soo. They are enjoying the trip very much. Successful Pupils Results were announced recently for music pupils of Mrs. Jack Tuerk- heim A.T.C.M., Zurich, trying ,Tor- onto Conservatory of Music Exams, held at London: Grade III Theory -7 - History --Pauline Uttley; Harmony -Pauline Uttley (honours; Grade VIII Piano -Ellen Love (honours); Grade II Theory --Ellen Love (first class honours.) 4'. Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONTARIO RsEV. E. W. HEINRICH, PASTOR --- r -T=4 estlake Fur iture ltel a.m.-Divine Services, L1.15, a.m. -Sunday School. 7. p.m. -Divine Worship. 4, Everybody Welcome to all Services5. 5. 44 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH E. ROMP,' • Ministe Mrs M.tOesch.--OlagAltist , 10 aan-Worship.. Sermon: t11 a.m.-Sunday Schoal,. 7.30 pan.. -Worship. :Sermon: Cool -Cold! Cool weather, yes cold, is greet- ing this part of the world at present, in fact the coldest July weather on record. It does not help the holi- day season any, nor is it comfort to be out in a cottage under a lot of trees with the cold breezes blowing off the lake. We hope it will soon warm up a bit, or we will be think- ing the summer is past. Good Programme The Teachers with their' Stedents held a fine proe•rainme On'llriday ev- ening in the Mennonite Clufich, .Zur- ich. The free bus service which was given to the children of any denom- ination, or otherwise, were werenme to attend this very fine instritctive Bible Study. The books of the Bible were sung by the class. The pastor, Rev, S. Peachey suggested, by learn- ing to sing them, one could remember them much sbetter. Exhibits of mottos etc., made by the students were shown in the basement. A large aud- ience was present to hear the splend- id knowledge our younger generation can produce of the book of all boo. Had Reunion Willert Reunion The second Willert Reunion was held at Grand Bend on Saturday, July 5th, and was one of the largests reunions ever held with 300 in at- tendance. The results of the sports contest was veny interesting, and in the match box contest the winners were Louis Restemar and Mus. Er- win Willert, Mary Knightly and Bruce Willert; youngest baby, Larry Jones; oldest person, Mrs. Mamaeh- er; largest on grounds, Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Keller, Mr, and Mrs. Welling- ton Heist. Visitors were present from California, Ohio, Michigan, Detroit, London, Kitchener, Mitchell, Hensall Thedford, Zurich, Dashwood, Cen- tralia and Exeter. WEEK -END TOLL 15 A Canadian Press sruvey shows that there were 15 violent deaths in Eas- tern Canada, 11 in Ontario and four in Quebec. Eight persons died in drowning ,a.ecidents, another five were victims of traffic fatilities, one man died after falling out of bed and an- other died in hospital from severe electrical burns suffered while at work; four people were drowned on the Rideau River when ono stood up in a row boat whieh capsized and all were drowned; at London 10- year old John E. Clark died in hospital a few hours after an attempt to rescue a -year-old girl from drowning in the Thames River. The girl .was sav- ed; Chas. Gibson 32, of Waterloo, drowned in a near -.by take on a fish- ing trip when his ,boat overturned. Then there were the three persons killed in a truck at Baden on Mon- day hit by the fast express of the C.N.R. With more viligence most of these accidents could have been avoided. Zurich Beauty Shop rHE HOME OF THE METER OIL PERS,VANTEMS3 Ile Better Oil: Permanents. Applied vith the very latest of methods and Hemispment,.. GIVE. US,' A CALL! Phorte, 1:153; ter yowl Alppoirotrnents. DOREEN SanIIIIII,B11-rich Huron & Erie rtgage Coittparation Canada Trust: Company ANDREW.' F.. HESS Local ReEsteseetative 21/2.% lraterast payable half Yearly on $1.0i. or more for three or more Years - Safe Investment. for Your Fundi! WHAT MAKES PEOPLE FLESHY? It's not always just a case of love for food that piles up extra weIght. Excessive eating habits frequently can be traced directly to nervous and emotional tension. See how medic. ine treats this problem. Read, "Fat Froth Psychic'," in The American. Weekly, great magazine with this, Sunday's (July 27) issue of The. Detroit Sunday Times. :. . HAVE YOU ANY NEWS. The Herald is anxious to receive and publish all the news of the cont.- munity. We would ask that those who have news items to send them in or phone 105 as 'early as you can. We have a letter slot in our office door that is convenient te drop it in, and when you do be sure and sign your name, which. of course will not be published. A. weekly newspaper -is what a community helps to make it. We are anxious to publish the names of your visitors and visits awaty, or I any of the interesting happenings.We cannot know all that is going on, and we have always regarded the. Herald las a community newspaper and for the combined interests of Zurich and district it serves. We will appreciate any items you have either by mail, at our office or by phone. Please! SNAKES, ETC,, AT GODERICH ' Goderiell. - Big Cats, little cats, dogs of every .size and type, gaily de- corated with flowers and ribbons; birds, ponies,. pollywogs, goats, fish, and even 'snakes, were enterea in the animal pet parade, which opened a successful carnival last Wednesday night in Court House Park, sponsor- ed by the Maple Leaf Chapter I.O.D. E. Headed laty the Goderich Blue Water' Band, the parade, which for- med on North street, marched in col- orful procession around -the Square, Auto Accident On 'Saturday night, July 12th, 2 miles south of Hensall, No. 4 High- way, oar driven by D. G. Graham of London, car total wreck, travelling south on own side of road . A new sedan driven by Walter Burrell, Car- gill, ran head on into rear of Ingrain car, both going south, drove the In- gram car 200 feet and went in the ditch knocking off a terephone pole, and the Burrwell car partly resting on the Ingram par. In the In- gram car were Wan. Black, London, face lacerated, body burisos; Patsy Murphy, London, legs injured; Shir- ley Walters, London ; Ingram had head bruises, all were taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London by Bon- thron's ambulance, Hensall. Burrell car: all passengers were badly .bruis- ed and shaken up and much loss of blood. Traffic officer Frank Taylor, of Clinton, investigated. The Burwell car driven 700 miles damaged by $800.00, Come in and see our New Shipment': of CI3ester- field, Dining and Bedroom Suites. Also a good range of Studio Couches, Dinettes-,, Etc. Furniture suitable for Summer Homes'ant? Veran- dahs. Always carry a good supply of Beds; Springs, • Spring4Efed and Felt Mattresses in all sizes. Keith R. Westlake Furniture- Phone 631, Zurich 1111111111111111111111111111111111:ffiffilf111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/01111111111111111 IMMIMOISIIMIONIM..013101111111•10.111041N1110001161M111411.15.in iffE1115111151111 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 • • • 4.• 4, • • • 0 • 4.• to 4.• to 4.• • • • • • 4. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.• • • • • Mliff1111111EIRIIIIMPRIMITIMERIffilifIIIII Rader's Hardware Look. to Rader's Hardware for alliinm of heavy and. shelf Hardware. uminum ware on the shelf. e e e • • • • Full line of enamel; and al- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Beatty shallow well and. Cistexn, Pumps on • • • • • • • Paints, Oils, Waxes, Hay FOrk Ropes, Sling, Ropes and Binder Twine on hark& Farm Fence and Steel Posts just arrived.. We also carry a full line of. 1711arness, Repairs ansi. Sweat Pads. hand, We do Plumbing and Tinsmithing Phone 63 Zurich 1 M 11111M1111 1 1111111 111111111MM 111111111 M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111151111111111M111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111( AY. -- NEEXCESW=EgrogsvoemscestacmrtMe sad IK isabled 14ilrnaIs REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. •• • ` 10 *1, •• • • r• tillottatotustmottrtmt.mtnterstmouttr666.6.6=166ttntaorazotoratttr6.6,66.. 111.4*Vii."r+4-4-5.5.1-4•44-1-+•44+4.4.41444.14.2.A.44 4. • 3: Will rrive Within a Few Weeks Time ONE ONE ONE CAR OF CEDAR SHINGLES CAR OF ASBESTOS SIDING SHINGLES. CAR OF MASONITE. PLACE YOUR ORDERS IMMEDIATELY F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - - ZURICH 4 4. 4. .V• 4. 4. • 4. IF.441.31444.fil4i*++++.1-144- ++.1.++++++++ Massey - Harris REQUESTS CHECK YOUR IMPLEMENTS EARLY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS, AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN. "THE SERVICE ARM FOR CANADIAN FARM" TeL Shop 149 • soar Klopp Rea. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE