HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-07-24, Page 7Ciassf ied ,A .vertisir BUSINESS 0I'I'ORTUNIT1('S 11 V11 a few good bualuess u1urr0. u 2 enure tllocie with apartments. A O'o.4an/'Ic A wl tkanlilh ahup with lot, (louse end 1.v;ro to country village Also number of Go, 110. 170, 200 acre farms with hydro in swat locations will hush, priced from 93000. up. .1• C. Long. heal lslnte Broker, lernsotla. Om a PIO jt 1111'$.IN)v"SS tit your (ri Il Coe Duly $94. 1,1 1 2111e our revel tit ionllry patented house- hold neees8ity. write for full particulars. Dox 1.40, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, AGENTS WANTED' OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Ins,rtieides, 91100)ric Fence Controllers. douse and 1111re Paint, Roof Coatings, els. Decriers 11',1 Pled. Write Wiliam Clive MP & 011 Limited, Toronto. BAB CHICKS T tS'tl VF1L:K old started (.'hicks: 'Barred Hunks. Now Ilnnlpshlres. New i'Inmpshire N. But rel 1100)1, Light Sussex X New HLtmp- shires nun -sexed 15.95. pullets 18.05, cock. errla 14.95, Assorted 1lravy Breeds 14 05, lull. it, 17'1(1, rocl(erels 17.:15. While Leg- horn. While Leghorn X 1110ed Muck, Black Aust rutin]: X White Leghorn. White noel[ X 1Vbile Leghorn pullets 27.95, Assorted Medi - and Light Pullets 22.95. Three week o10 add 5 00 per hundred. Shinned C.O.D. Also pullets eight weeks to Wing. Top Nolrh 11,1111 '1 8, Guelph, OnLario, 11" YOU want September chicks, they should be ordered without delay. Right now we still hove chicks, dayold8, some started, in most bleeds, for immediate delivery—we ad- vise early ordering. Bray HateherY, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. HELP MANTIC') 41O1T$1ntiGI1Pk;11, for modern farm home, capable of taking. full charge; adults; elate ago and wanes expected. Mies Q. Duncanson, Dutton, Gut. 1'rrmpt delivery on the following breeds of two and three week old started chicks non - sexed, pullets or cockerels: Barred Rorke, ;New 1lampehires, New H.ampahire X Barred heels, Light Sussex X New Hampshires. Pul- lets In the following breeds: White Leg'hm'ns, White Leghorn X Barred Rock, White Hock X 'White Leghorn, Black Australorp X White • Legh0rus. Also Assorted Heavy Breeds at t•„ek bottom prices. Also pullets eight weeks u, laying, Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick hatcheries Limited, Fergus. Ontario. DYEING ANT) CLEANING MEDICAL WANTED-:-..14veryautfererof Rheurnlitio Pains ur NeurtlI8 to try Dixon's ItontedY. stunro a Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheulaallc torment when Breenatone ot- fere Prom pt lasting relief. Ono months' treatment 91 00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Sox 118. Vancouver. FRUIT JUICES: The principal ingredients In Dixon's Remedy for Rhrumatie Pains, Neuritis, Mum'0'14 Drug Store, 335 Elgin. Ot:awn. Postpaid $1.00. WAVE YOU anYthma neeoa dyeing or clean - 1;1g7 Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer 'your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye SVorlce Limited. 791 Yon.1•e Street. Toronto. Ontario EXCH-1NOE '51'11.1. EXCHANGE natural Turkey Farm, Co acres with summer home, trout stream. springs etc. $10,000 for Lake property. Pre- fer Niagara or Windsor community. 11. J. Whaling, Moorefield, Ont. GARM(S I'011 SALE coop 100 acres, well fenced and drained. young orchard beginning to bear. All build - 11114 in excellent condition. John 6IcNn(r. Y, ussels, Ontario. 1'011 SALE' OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN AIRFORCE SALE 'New R.C.A.F, Leather dress boots -8 ,.90. It.t'.A.1'', new raincoats—$4.05, Arn1Y pants t%rte)-52.95, Blankets—$3.05. Wrile for Free Bulletin. Thrifty Sport Shop, 129 Church St., Toronto. BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S IA:ADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful, Marvel graduates America's greatest system. Illustrated craw lOgue tree. VV rite or Call MARVOIL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 (Moor $t. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa NURSE :EDUCATION The Sarnia General Hospital Offers (a) A three years course in nursing, this [n - eludes Iwo apeeialtiee. (b) 3 months affiliation in Paediatrics 1814 Children's Hospital, Detroit. (c) 3 months experience 'in Psychiatry. Educational Requirements Complete Middle School Remuneration $25.00 per month Write—Superintendent of Nurses for Sebool Syllabus. ATTENTION i'&Ra1ERS ubber, FOR suita le for Tbolting on Tires.ractor made wheels. 1$11 00 each. rear wheels: $7.50 each. front wheels. when ordering state diameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. 6 Wilt- shire Ave.. Toronto. Ont. B1IANTFORD Imperial windmill. Perfect rondiiton. 40 ft. Reasonable. Also hank bairn 40 x G0. Mrs. J. Hurts. Tavistock. CONCRETE MACHINERY - 2 1,'.1 ACHINERY21,;1 Cu. Ft. hand or Power -operated 111xer5 —ideal for small mixing jobs on the farm, either cement or feed. 4 and G cu. ft. Power Mixers. Hand -tamped Block Machines for the small operator or farmer requiring blocks for 1115 own use. Immediate delivery, \Vett- laufer-Welker Industries Ltmlted. 1290 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. CLETRAC caterpillar tractor with 8 ft. bull- dozer, hydraulic lift. Apply Geo. I0, Pol- dard, Brussels, Ont. Phone 55 r 13. TIIE FIOSPITAL for Sick Children, Toronto. offers a certificate course to young women In the rare (.0 Infante and young children. Length of rpurec 0 months. Requirements —Applicants must be between eighteen and thirty years of age with one year of high 8111001 Remuneration provided plus full maintenance and uniform. Applications are being received now for courses beginning August first and September first. Apply to Superintendent of Nu rem Hospital for Sick Children. (17 College Street, Toronto. k'Olt : SALE—Young bull calves—Registered Aberdeen Angus -4 months to 9 months of age—$76.00 to $85.00 each. Six year old hu11-11.eglatered Angus of proven ability. 5150.00. Ferguson Farm, 11.lt. No. 2. West Lorne, Ontario. FLAGS ALL'Sizea 'Union Jacks or Canadian )0t1Slgns, sewn wool bunting. Special offering o1 411 and 6 foot Union Jacks. Fest dye sewn cotton. I)iseount for quantities. Brighten your com- munity or home by flying a good quality flag. John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington St. West. Terumo • "BEAUTY FOR YOU" A wonderful inatruetive book of Beauty treat- ments on (au give yourself. Home facials. fillgerw a vee. (.'111.8 of skin, hands, nails,. eyes and hair. Send $1.00. Free Height - Weight Regulation Chart. Beauty Cult. 688 h.. 419 SI., New York 57, New York. TIRES 600 X 16 — $5.00 We are overstocked at the present of good used trade -[n tires (guaranteed 10 be In ex- cellent shape). .A11 orders shipped C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and Yore( Sta.. Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SIHOP Dealers Wanted FARMS FOR SALE OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every inventor—List ot invert - Nona and Lull Information sent tree The Ramsay (o. Regieteted Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa l'ATi:NTS FE'I'HFI1STONAUCH & Company Patent Solicitors. Esteuliehed 1890 14 Bing West. Toronto lOc•oklet of Information on request. 210 ACRE FARM. clay loath, running welter in pasture year round, close to buildings, 150 acres tillable, balance bush and pasture. ]000Ule house, 9 rooms, hard and soft water, in same frame bank barn, 30 x 70 Piggery, machine shed, hen house and garage. Tractor worked and combine threshed. hydro through- out, sell with or without 81oc11 and Imple- ments, immediate possession. C. 11. Hannah, ,owner, Frankford, 0nt., 11,R. 4; phone 7R13. FURNITURE PERSONAL OFFICI AI, 01110\nb History by R. A. Jeffery including Membership One Dollar. Write: 61acNnb Historical Association. Folyet, Ont. PIIOTOURAPII% Nl' WAY Photo Service offers you the latest in photo finishing. I''ihns developed and ono deckle (Tait print of each negative com- plete in snapshot, album 300. Reprints 4c. 1'br better quality :14111 faster personal service send your titins to Nu ',VIty Photo Service, Salion A, Dept. t.', -Toronto. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Thai big, reliable studio does nuns 1.e work AT LOWER PRICES Don't rink tout films. .Send them 10 SInr Snapshot Service. ANS' SIZE ROLL 6 o' 8 Exposures DEVELOPED and ('Il1NT101) 30e Reprints trom your negatives 4c, 2 mounted enlargements 4 x 6" 26c, En- largements framed 7 x 9" In Gold, Silver. Walnut or Black F1am0s 74C. It picture colored 54c. Prints and enlargements made from prints (0 lost negatives. Dept. 61 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE )O`, 1•:0. POST OFFICE A. TORONTO CHESTERFIELD SUITES Chestertield Suites absolutely new, 011i1 spring filled construction, °Very style, finest Ofohatr, Velour, Frize, Broca( tele. Silks, Damasks and other fine hard wearing upholstering fabrics 100 NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITES TO CHOOSJ1 FROM) . FREE DELIVERY '00 COUlt NE'''AREST STATI)N. TODD has been In the cheaterfietd suite business Nur 30 years and is recognizant in the trade Its a specialist and the most ['articular buyer in the business. Listed below are n few of OUT cash prices for QUALITY CHESTERFIELD SUITES. 3 niece Period Suite — finest elisions covered all over with fine quality velour. 3 piece modern suites. Balloon mohair, Beautiful 2 piece Lawson Suite. Finest 2 piece Charles of Lon• clon suites. $119.00 $149.00 $119,00 $119.00 Many other outstanding values. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Buy absolutely new mafnfaCturel's 0,1elorY showroom sample suites direct from TODD. S. J TODD & SONS, 145 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. 811,0110 GROVE1t 1343 HAIRDRESSING LEARN hairdressing the Robertson (n:formation on request regarding 810 808 11c bertson's Halydreosing Academy, 1 nue Road Toronto, MULL WANTED IIOUSIO cislerLR--111iclale aNed. calnablo of taking full charge. Write idobort Oinks. West 7,01.118, 0111. GENERAL DUTY'—NiJRS:S- monthPor andale full maintenance. 1111A11tply Dr. It. L. Care100t, ld:nrkdalo. Dat. WING'S PHOTO' SERVICE All prints with deckle edge, 6 or 8 exposure rolls -250. Reprints 3c. each. Box 2, Station J. Tot onto. TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT teacher wanted for S.S. No. 8 Raglan. Duties to begin Sept. 2110. 1947. Apply staling eatery and qualifications to Daniel Buda rick. Sec.-Treas.. Palmer Rapids, Ontario. PE:TEP.BOBO COUNTY—School Area No. 2. Twp. of Chandon requires teacher Septem- ber. Male preferred, 91500,00 up, experience and qualifications considered. Walter Nelson. Beoretal10. Apsley. Ont. IiA.ST1NUS 00. Four qualified teachers want- ed for School Area No. 1, 6lonlengle and Flerachel for achools No. 3 and 6. Monteagle: 10 and 11, Herschel. Salary, $1000. Dullest to commence Sept. 2. 1947. Apply, stating quallficatto,8. to Frank Hinge, Sec. Treas., Maynooth Station. Ont. 1VANTJ 1) :Md:fiiA:; .'+ On the Rocks .- . and Likes It—Apparently blissfully comfortable despite his hard resting place, this straw -hatted bather reclines atop some shore -line rocks and enjoys a sun bath. WANTED—A11 kinds ot creased poultry. Tor prices for top birds. Joseph 'C'ooper Limited. Poultry Dept , 2054 Danforth Ave.. T0ronte 6. (We do custom grading). LOGS REQUIRED Purchase Arcola, Birch, Ash, Cherry and Basswood logs, loaded on freight cars for cash. Write particulars to Box 617. Iies- peter. Ontario. DAIRY BUSINESS WANTED What have you to offer? We have a buyer for a dairy, creamers•, and mill( supply depot, almost any locality will be suitable. This company will purchase and use nil the m1110 available. Price un to 950,000. to Include the business and buildings. Bert Weir & Sons. Realtors, 2331,5 Dundas Street, London. )'ARTY desired farm containing' good orchard, Georgian Bait district preferred. Now available $1,500 equipment, $1,000, other naevi P. Could manage or run on shares. References. S. A. 0., Box 145. 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. Arabian Pape Line The principal reason for an oil pipe line across Arabia to Mediter- ranean ports is the 3,000 -mile tanker route by way of the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, and the 18-cents-per- harrcl toll through the Suez Canal.' EYACIDS tor Rest. Many people never seem to get a good night's root. They turn and toad—blame it on nerves —when it may bo their kidneys, Healthy kidneys Filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. if they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. 1f you don't rest well get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd'a Ihetp the kidneys so that you con rest better --and fell better, I3d Sorts —AFie or pother By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") As these line: are written, the Brooklyn Dodgers are leading the National League by a respectable margin. More than that, they have been in a contending position ever since the start of the season; and their biggest gamble—brunet Jackie Robinson—etas not only made good on all that was predicted of him, but has also become the greatest draw- ing -card in the senior circuit. * * * Thus, both from an artistic and a financial standpoint, the Dodgers couldn't be sitting 11111011 prettier if they had personally written the script. And somehow o1' other we can't help ()ccasiO,lally wondering just what Mr. Leo Durocher's pri- vate feelings must be as he Watches hi.. farmer charges sailing so merrily along without his guidance. * * * NICE; 1U.AYi11.4TE. Possibly for no good reason, Russia's Mr. 111010tov keeps putting ars in. mind of n momma's pct named Eddie, oip,in Perth County 2(1trn we zc'cre a . kid In the baseball season, for inslinrci; Iiddie would allow the rest of uo fo furnisll'bats, balls and all other 11 5' - phernalia, as well as get the diamond into shape. Then, if he felt like it, he'd condescend to play—provided we let him go .to bat' first and tossed Um nothing -but cas'v;>'h$trlres. L" The case of that race -mare running —and winding—under the name of her sister is still far from being satisfactorily settled. The chances arc it never will be. Our turf salons, who are a law unto themselves, plastered two trailers and one owner with a sort of "Absolutely innocent but don't do it again" verdict. The owners of the steeds which ran second, third and fourth to WILLE- GIVIT will be taken care of, receiv- ing the portions of the purse that would have been theirs had that lady stayed in the barn. * * * But what of that other "forgotten man"—meaning the two and five dollar piker who only pays the bills? Well, he's still forgotten, and serve him right. When you buy an article from any reputable establishment, you naturally expect them to make good if that article later turns out to be phony; but Jockey Clubs, even with their wealth of impressive and highly -paid officials, are evidently different. By their own admission they are so easy to deceive that they can give you no guarantee the goods they are peddling are as represented; and if you get fooled, well—that's horse -racing." A warning commonly seen on race -tracks runs "Don't Tear CHECKED inadilic/ . ' .oe P/loney, Sack For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, Iathlete's foot, scabies, Sltmplea and otheritchinn�� condition. use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid !D. ese cut winless. pSoothe8, comforts. and quic�klly7 calm.* intense Itching. Dont suffer. Ask your drug today. for O. D. P. PRIE5CR_IIs'6I !...- ..�a ISSUE 80--1917 r r in 'IF Up Mutuel Tickets Till After the OFFICIAL Sign is Posted." We hereby move that it be amended to read, "Save Your Minuet Tickets for at Least a Couple of Years." * * * NEW DATA ON THE PROB- LEM OF HAIR-RAISING Idly scanning the advertising columns of a daily paper on the way to Fort Eric, one well-kuozc'n Turf adviser (hustler to you) was heard to remark to a companion, "It says here that Some scientist claims a loan's hair grows faster in summer than in win- ter. Do you bcliei'e it?" To which the other somewhat mournfully re- plied, "All I know is that nothing in the world will snake a guy's hair gfrort' so fast as being slay the price of a hair -cut." * * * First call for football talent to re- port for training lea's already gone out and before the Dog Days have properly set in, no doubt we shall be havalg pre -season exhibitions, to be follcflled by league games, with play- offs and post -playoffs ensuing right up to Christmas or,if the customers hold out, possibly Groundhog Day. * * Of' course it isn't any of our par- ticular bins"iness and—as you are ,prob,bly Saying to .yourself—if we don't ' like .. it; we- always • have -the., • privilege of staying away. But we still can't help feeling that an Ath- letic Commissioner might do worse— for the benefit of sport in general— than to apportion the year into definite segments and tell, for in- stance, the football folks not to slop too far. over into hockey's territory, and vice versa. * * 4( WHAT WE iVANT IS SER- VICE; Tales of hitch -hikers and their agreeable ways are legion. Still, we rather relished this incident, as reported by a friend. Driving to his summer cottage with his family re- cently, they stopped for this hiker, managing to snake roost for hint ill the back seat. After half a mile or so the new passenger spoke. "glister,'" he said to the [pan sitting beside the driver, "I wonder would you change places so that I can sit in front?" Then possibly feeling that a word of explanation was in order, he added, "Yoe see, there'll be a pal of mine thumbing a couple of miles further along the road; and I want to be able to spot him in time so that zee can pick him up 00." Russia Listens Moscow radiocast said that more than 6,500,000 Russians have radios in their hones, The radiocast said the figure was more than before the war, but gave 110 comparative figure. Total population of Russia is slightly under 197,000,000. (The United States had 00,000,- 000 radio sets in use last year, according to the 19.47 World Al- manac, The total population is 139,621,431. Progress Today, with the use of machines and science, the average Canadian farmer can work about 85 acres of improved land; in 1911 he was able to cultivate only 51 acres. To -day, the farmer can get about 60 bushels of hybrid corn per acre. where pre- viously he got only 50 bushels from standard varieties. Cows yielding 5,000 pounds of milk annually are average cows, as compared with less than 3,000 -pound producers at the turn of the present century. ,., y at War An Associated .Press reporter f.'11 into conversation with Ger- (mlan children lin bomb -ruined ?,lunicll.' In ,the- rubble they were I,uildilig. "air-raid shelters, minia- ture \Vest 'Walls, tunnels for am, munition skorage. The gang had its little fuehrer, who was abso- lute boss, with power to "court- martial" his "ellen." The fuehrer ordered a seven-year-old girl to sit in front of a bunker and play the role of the civilian popula- tion. A boy threw sand in her face. That represented the civi- lians getting hit by a bomb. PAPERS Famous Pr1a.-Wo? Qua ity Tho only Cigarette Paper MADE IN FRANCE net sate in Canada 1:3$ BLUE COVER PURE WHIM Free Burning Doubly Book Automatic 100 Leavda • Far EASY ROLLING use ZIG-ZAG 'C30 ARETTIE ROLLER For const.' it' Smoking ing a. Reassure. vc;?IS>ax• • ALO AV R=a 1 POOH !LABILE "not -.n P111 Here, in a single product, is complete protection against most common potato pests, including early and late blights, Colorado potato beetles, (lea beetles, and leaf hoppers. Widely acclaimed by professionalpotato growers everywhere, this combination insecticide -fungicide con- sists of a skilful blend of Basi -Cop* and Micronized* DDTI 'Reed trade -mark Look for the Green Cross; Ole sign of Modern Protection MUTT- AND JEFF --'Shows You That Jeff Has a Temper of His Own WHAT'S THIS?'. A ESTRANGE MAN'S STRAW HAT AND vMsNou8S-Y!! 0 ED SMiNC ,1 SMACK' C„ • _ tn11•4ATREYOU GONNA DO ABOUT ti? KISSING THE GIRL, I'M GONNA MABRY,/ You WON ' GET AWAY wrr THAT! By BUD FISHER TNiRE! ' da NOW •I'NOPE rr RAINS AND YOUR STRAW NAI Gl»TS WET c %Illilllllll6 f/ / (