HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-07-24, Page 5ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Put Your Want. For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Atka in this Column. FOR SALE A Glare Jewell Cook Stove, white Edward W. Elliott enameled,., in very good condition, wood or coal. —Albert Clausius. ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR QUICK SALE Medium Sized Wheelbarrow in good condition. Nearly New. Apply to G. G. Sewell, Zurich. 'Correspondence promptly answered, Immediate arrangements can be made e for sale dates by phoning iM„INTON. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Oscar . Klopp LICENSED AUCTIONEER iull sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central Alvin H. Waller • LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. l E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. URGEON VETERINARY S ffiee with Residence, Main Street, Glypgsite Drug Store • ZURICH A 1,000 -lb. capacity weigh •scales, >)Q'home---96 - practically new with a drop beam. FOR SALE 125 Barred Rock - New Hamp- shire Hybred pullets; your pick fr300 pullets.—+Kenneth Etue, Phone 98 r 13. NOTICE ACETYLENE WELDING No job too large or too small. Farmers' work promptly done. See EARL ZIMMER, at the Blacksmith Shop, Zurich. ZURICH HERALD LoCni. NBWs di vie va He da fo fo D ek at 'Cl or a H to a 6e M F a it t 0 t c R Mrs. Samuel Ropp of town is spen- ng a few weeks at Kitchener and inity. Miss ElaineGeiger is spending her cation with her friend, Miss Lois ckendorn, at Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witmer and ughter Mary•Lou, motored to Thed rd where they visited -with the rmer's mother, and sister. Mrs. Ferd Haberer and Miss Anna atars enjoyed several days last we - with the former's daughter Greta London. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Grunau from awson, Mich., were week -end visit- s at the home of their cousins, Mr. nd Mrs. Herb Krueger. Mrs. 0. Todd of Detroit, and Mrs. enry Volland of Goderich have re- rned to their homes after spending week at the home of Mrs. Louis chilbe. Mr. and Mrs Morley Witmer and children and friends of Detroit visit - d the week -end with their mother, ns. Clara Decker and other relatives Mrs. Lena Magel; Mr. and Mrs. ry and son Donald and daughter, nd Mr. J. Hudson all of Detroit, vis - ed at the home of the formers sis- er, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Geiger. Mr. Alvin Gascho and son Larry f Kitchener visited at the home of he former's father, Mr. Daniel Gas - ho and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harold ader, Goshen line south. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Neil of De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Geiger and family of Pigeon, Mich; Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Melick and family of Goderich, visited relatives in this vic- inity over the week -end. Miss Mae Smith has returned to her duties at' Belleville Hospital, af- ter two week' vacation with her par- ents at Zurich and Port Elgin. She was accompanied by her parents to London on Sunday from where she Belleville FOR SALE - About 200 year-old hens, Leghorn - Rock. Apply to Earl Gingerich, Phone 90 r 7 Zurich. HELP WANTED WAITRESS WANTED — Neat Girls, Steady Employment. • Apply at Rether's "Coffee Shop" Exeter. LOST In Zurich, a pair of .child's glasses. Owner return to Dennis Bedard, J., Reward. FOR SALE An Allis Chalmers Combine with pick-up and scour cleaner in A-11 con- dition. Apply to Russell Oesch, R.R. 1, Varna; Phone 87 r 23, Hensall. FOR SALE BUTCHERS Apply to Post Office ,box 161, Zurich FOR SALE Zurichs' ' Popular MARKET ARKET Let Us supply you with. the very Choice of Fresh' and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, -Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins . Yunllut & Sou. PRODUCE Silverwood DkUUBS Cash Marketfor Cream, Eggs and Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich ------------ 1929 Whippet Sedan. 14 foot cedar Row Boat, new. WILLERT WOOD• PRODUCTS Ph. 210. • Zurich, Ont. Have Flour & Feed WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF PIONEER FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR STOCK BRAN, SHORTS, FLOUR IN STOCK L. Schilbe & Son E. C. SCHILBE, Manager NOTICE Make arrangements now for spring and fall whitewashing, barns and •cel- lars, with- new Spraymotor machine. —Wm. Watson, Phone 35 r 19, Dash- wood pt11-.4 Zurich Creamery General- Insurance took the train for , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Weber of Kitchen- er; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hung ger and and family of New Hamburg; Mrs. Elam Shantz and family of Hen - sail and Mr., and- Mrs. Alfred Ropp and daughteof Zurich were Sunday visitors 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ropp of town. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, • LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion.. Successor to Hess Insurance Agency J. W. HABERER Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. -6READ on the table the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -NU tasts good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread at Willert's Bakery ar at your local grocers. Mr. and Mrs. William Mero, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foster and William Mere, Jr., were Sunday visitors in Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. John Balky; also Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krauskopf and Mr: Kra- uskopf's brothers from the West, August and Joseph. One brother having not been here for thirty eight years.. Recent visitors at 'the -home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Thiel of town: were.. Mrs. Thiel's cousin, Mrs, Leona Connell of Shepherd, Mich., these two ladies have been corresponding through the mail since little girls, and this was the first time they have met. Mrs. Connell's. daughter: Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Barr and four sons Mt. Pleasant, Mich.. visited at M s and Mrs. Ray F=her. There h been a similar cone;pondence•. w Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Ray Fisher f a goodly number of years,and nev before having seen each other. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snider of Cl ton; Mr. Abel Schilbe of Waters Mr. George Brenner and laugh Ruth, and Oral Brenner and fam of Midland, Mich., Miss Hilda Br nes of Atlanta, Georgia; Mrs. Eld Johnston of Sarnia; Mr. and Wm. Sitter of Thedford; Mr. and Henry and Bruce Volland, Mr. Mrs. Louis Taylor of Goderich; i G. Kerswell of Akron, Ohio; M Harold Kuntz, of Windsor, were mong those who attended the fun of the late Louis Schilbe from a tante last Tuesday. OBITUARY Willert's Bakery , PHONE 100 — ZURICH Seaforth, Clinton, Goderich, Bayfield Varna, Zurich and surrounding dis- tricts. • CHRISTIAN EDUCATION RALLY Zurich Old Boy (Passes Albert Theodore Heideman, of Jackson, Michigan passed away on July !2nd, 1947. He was' born in Zurich, Ont., on November '20, 1876, the eldest son of the late M. and Mrs. Rudolph Heideman. He was bap- tised and confirmed in St. Peter's Lutheran •Church, Zurich, and went to Detroit in 11897, where he entered the building trade in which he was engaged his entire life. On May 13, 1902 he was united in marriage with Miss Ehily •Schachschneider•, three children were born to this marriage, two sons and a daughter, of whom one son. and daughter died in infancy Mr. Heideman moved to Jackson, in Sept. '1911.8 when he entered the employ of the State of Michigan at the State Prison as Superintendent of Construction. From 1923 to 1927 he was Field Superintendent of Con- struction of, the new State Prison im- mediately north of the City of Jack- son, and continued in the employ of the State until 1932. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for deliveredcream 'We are equipped to give effi- tient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE of G ith or er in- oo; ter ily en - on 11/Irs. Mrs and Mrs. rs. a- eral dis- The Christian Education Rally.for the Stratford District was held in Dashwood Evangelical U. B church, June 19. The Theme. was "Leader- ship for Today." The president, Mr L. H. Pletch called on Mr. -John Doerr, Rostock to lead in the worship After singing "Come Thou Almigh- ty King", the scripture lesson was read, Neh. 4. 12-21. The worship service closed -with singing "Jesus Calls us O'er the Tumult." Thursday, July 24th, 11947 OESCH'S SHOE STORE SHOES that Toe the Mark New Ladies Sport Shoes for the Summer Season just arrived. A very good variety to choose from. Pumps Ties, Straps, Etc., in Newest Shades and Styles Children's Shoes in all sizes in different Lines, White, Tarr or Black FOOTWEAR FOR MEN Everything a Man requires in Work, Sport or Dress Shoes, INCLUDING THE VALENTINE MARTIN POLICE AND ARCHSHOE. Lowest Cash- Prices. Come and See. ►viIL ! OUSGII FOR RELIABLE FOOTWEAR AND SHOE REPAIRING ':"E=w22"632milmmcmisic"i • �i e YOURNBW, Stares Hardware• • or CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH • All Your Housecleaning Needs •• • • BROOMS - BRUSHES FLOOR WAX, FURN- • "A Church's Responsibility in tra- ining Leaders" was taken by Rev. K.nratz,, Tavistock. "What is Leader- rp,si .; Training?�' .:-Seekingand train p�� ang'new leaders, ,and keeping the'con- gregation in touch- with advanced methods. Why Leadership '.Graining? Jesus example was to teach.There is ars a need fpr developing with a deeper spiritual knowledge. • MOPS, • • ITURE POLISH, ETC., ETC. ALSO Paints and Varnishes • •• TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOMES i f • • FOR FIRST CLASS PLUMBING, EVETROUGHING, • • • TINSMITHING AND FURNACE WORK, CALL ON US • • • • •• WE • AIM—TO SERVE AND SATISFY • • •PHONEr MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE Uatars & O'Brien: A music discussion was given by Rev. W. T. Brown, Rodney. It was i r' suggested. to use more children's hymns in the services. Rev. F: B. Meyer, Rodney, spoke •on "Evangelism in the Sunday Scho- o I'. In stressing the need for Evan- gelism he pointed out that whereas we used to send men to the North- West to carry on the work, we are now calling them back. He wonder- ed if our church is weakening. He also pointed out to us that if we can't prove we've been with Christ our work is a failure, we must tarry , at the 'Cross until„ we feel that God is in us. Unless Christ is in us, and through us we labour in vain. In the afternoon, the meeting op- ened with a worship service led by Rev. W. T. Brown. "A Leadership that is never satisfied" a hymn was sung after which the scripture lesson was taken from Phil. 3: 7. Another hymn, after which Rev. Brown led in prayer. A panel discussion followed "A Sunday School Superintendent's Le- adership and Responsibilities.". e As •an executive officer, taken lay R Getz of Dashwood. The •Sunday Scho- ol should be vitaly interested in br the Lord. AsaLeader as aman 11gand boys l owho grows in his office. The business was conducted at which time Harry Hoffman favoured with a vocal solo. Presentation of mission objective was taken by Rev. N. E. Dahms, Sebringville. Questions and answers on the new Constitutions and Discipline Youth Fellowship, by Rev. Reuber of Cred- iton.. A recreational period by the Annual Picnic Dashwood E.Y.F. under the leader - A very successful Penhale - Snow- ship of Cary Oestreicher, after which r. den - Westlake reunion was held on all joined ii Oen stricher encouraged Saturday, June 28, present. Grand Bend Mrs. all young peop with d5 tslone o' Dinnerwas Camp at (Paris,l July a19e2'6. The served at one o'clock, after which. alt. off - came to order for the businees P ering for the evening service was of the programme. In the absence of taken afterean. which addressoir renthde e d the president, Edwin Robson, of She- ant dcion, E. A. Westlake, Bayfield, took ening "Ged's tall to Leadership"' charge. Milton Talbot was elected was given by Rev. Feist of littn'erton president and E. A. Westlake vice- God •Calls through simple means to pros. Doris •Penhale, secy-treas and follow hii'*. At the close of the sell Mrs. E. A. Westlake assistant. The vice a Dedicatign Service ways sports committee include •Gordon in which a large number of teachers, Westlake, Russel Grainger, Gladwin officers and lay mdm'bers took part. Westlake and Clifford Talbot. The It was decided at the Rally that the picnic will be held next year at the Delegates put the report in their lo - same place on the last Saturday of cal paper. The delegates who ,atten- June Those attending the reunion ded from Zurich were Miss Elizabeth were from Detroit, London, Exeter, I Steckle and Miss Pearl Gabel. 1 Western Farmers' Mutual ',Weather InsuranCe Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OP ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO 1O • k on Amount of Insurance a 46 December 31st, ,;73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rates on Application E. F. K ArOE PP—ZURICH T Also Dealer in Lightning Rods find all kinds of Fire Insurance STORM DONE DAMAGE The furocious electrical and storm which passed over Hib Township on Sunday, July 113, severe'. damage to property crops. Trees were blown across road on the 7th con., and all were forced to detour. The hair~ accompanied the storm, dam some of the standing crops. O few farm the standing wheat were completely hailed out and spring crops flattened. Six inche hail are reported in some place ter the storm has passed. This i second time ill a few months this area has been stricken. La a cyclone razed houses, barns trees over a considerable distals N best did and the cars which aged 11 a fields other s of s af- s the that Las I -Ie has been a faithful member of I Trinity Lutheran Church for more than 08 years land served the congre- gation as trustee for three years. Eight years ago he was very ill and there appeared t by the gracele oof God e for his recovery, • he could be up and around and even occa.sionaly •do some work. His Iast illness carne upon him eleven days before he passed on. He died in Foote ,N: J 112, Hospital thel age Wled- nesday, of 70 esday,uly years, 7 months and 12 days and is survived by his wife; one son, Rud- olph L. Heideman of Detroit; two sisters, Mrs. Lester Beeman of De- troit; and Mrs. Emma Happel of Jackson. • Mr. Heideman was buried from Trinity Lutheran Church at 2:00 p. m., •Saturday, July 5th and interred. in Wios,i]nfld Cemetery, Jackson. fall and ce. Try an Adv. in your Home Paper INCREASE pgi nRopucrMnnofirs DURO Pump! THOUSANDS of farmers across the country tell the same story of extra production . . . extra profits extra convenience ... less work ... with in- expensive DURO Pump installations. See us for com- plete information regarding equipment needed to meet your requirements on the form and in the home. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS . . Modernize your home. Safeguard the health and add to the comforts of daily living for all your family. See us for the latest in Kitchen, Bath- room and Laundry installations. We will gladly give you full information. fox - cot STADE and WEIDO ZURICH -- ONT. ErnpI1U.nss nwa cu LIMITED, lgnponi-Hfimli-Ton-ToRonro-suoeuRY-wtnn1P5G-VAncouvte 4 4 4 1