HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-07-17, Page 8r 1111M1101, ONTARIO EXTRA QUALITY FINE WEAVE SHEETING, UNBLEACHED. 72 inches wide, at per yard .............................. 89c All staple Cottons still in short supply. So if in need do not delay. r Ware ffer the following in English Porcelain Dinner Setts: AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES 1 only 6 place, 45 pieces at 18.50 1 onlf 6 place, 45 pieces, Rainbow, at 19.50 2 only 8 place, 65 pieces, Floral, at 20.95 1 only 8 place, 65 pieces, extra fine Meakins' Gilt Border, at 37.50 TELEPHONE 59 vaaamear,,,,aanc. h 0 IMt 1.- ZURICH `.Chursday, July 17th, '1947 ...,,,,„„.......,,,,__________-,...„....,..„....................--....,„?.....„......,,..__--_________,*„.„ zunicti rivr.RAL.0 ITEMS OF LOCALKgssT sr. TER'S •v• Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO ..r., or REV. E. W. MRICH, PASTOR , .44-, 101 aaa.—Divine Services. tsf + •T-. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. + 4 4 7.80 pm.—Divine Worship. 4- 40. 4. Everybody 'Welcome to all Services ie Come in and see our° New Shipment of Chester- field, Dining and Bedroom Suites. Also a good 4- 4- + range of Studio Couches, Dinettes, Etc. 4, 4. .1. oe Mrs, Julius Thiel visited: her. bro- ther and tamily in Londim, over the week -end, M. Kenneth Witmer Of: Detroit is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Clara Decker. Mrs, Susan Wagenast 'of Stratford. is visiting her relatives namely the Deichert families. ,11r. and Mrs. Earl Thiel and fam- ily, and Mr. Andrew Thiel motored -tc, Tupperville, on Sunday. Mr. Donald Weber of London is visiting at the home ,or. his grand- parents Mr. and Mrs, Louis Weber. - Mrs Wm, Finkbeiner and daughter Miss Hazel of Stratford ware Sunday p Inst visitors with the former's sister, IMrs. Wm. Hoffman. and Mrs. Ted Deiehert, and MieJ Ethel Gabel visited with relatives at Mr. and Mrs, Emerson ,Gabel; Mr; Mrs: M. Oesch—Organist I 1r. and ''.1.1rs. George J. Thiel; Mr 1.30' P•m'W"shiP" 10' a.m--Worship. Sermon: 11 a.m,—Sunday Scbool. Sermon: Kitchener. ,. and Mrs. We. Hughill and daughter ........."...........-............,.......f, motored to London on Sunday to 1 daughter of Indapelis, in -d, are •visits1 1 ch ealitv h P visilt relatives. Mr. and 'Mrs Lewis -Grabel a,ne, Lir * and Mrs. Seth .A.marins. THE. HOME OF THE BETTER OIL Misses Joyze Witmer Katherinel; inp,, at the honie of their cousin, Mr.. Kalbfleisch, Marlene Wagner and-! PERMANENTS Arlene H!.,'''eler are enjoying the Lut- The- Better Oil Permanents Applied Kfm Feirertag of Detroit, visited at- the GMurelpGhu.s with., the. very latest of methods and lierfs;S:,u:ioninaierli- .0-Caagilial. Pndneaarilt'l Equipent. , home of the former's brother, Mr. e . and Mrs. Ed. Schnell, Bayffeld. pi Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aulerich and •4 ' family ' of Detroit visited at • the home `.' v. • of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. LouiS 1 Mr. Ge.prge Brenner :of Midland, 1 ITUIOn. , Erie ..,,,„,. 1.1111170101001113•11/ /IV EMMANUEL "1.• EVANGELICAL CHURCH *.t. REV.. H. E. ROPPEL, Minister Q*0 GIVE US A CALL! Phone 153 far your Appointments. DOJ SCHILBE—Zurich , Mich., is via-• with relatives here. larother-in-lay.,, the late Louis Sehilbe Mortgage Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith; Mr.\ HuronMich visited at the home of ANDREW F. HESS I -Ie also att, nded the faTuner Cor oration 'p ! and Mrs. Jack Vanatter of . Port Canada Trust Company ---- '-'-z--------'rnm ' Mr. and'Mrs. Wm. O'Brien on Friday \ Miss Donna Wright of PI , enjoying a vacation .at the norne of her sister, Mr. and .Mrs. Ross John- Ilston . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gemming and children of Rochester, N.Y., are , visiting at the home oe their parents 1Mr. and Mrs. Wellington. Johnston Mr. and Mrs'. Gettus of Adrian; The Huron 'County Council picnic and relative.4. . . Mich.,Howard -of London and will be held on Wednesday, July 2.13, 1Mrs. Earl Heywood of Wingham are in Harbor Park, :Goderich. Crediton is St. M rys at ..,,shw :., 6.30 p.r.a. D.S.T. 1 -•,,Tn • at the home of the latter's Miss Marjorie Hopman was .,: FRIDAY, JULY 18th. x.., 10 3,74. "I 1)arents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thiel. itor with Mrs. A. McConnell a,t Verna FUTURE GAMES AT DASHWOOD i Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess; Mr the past week. , and Mrs. George Eless and Miss Ethel Mr. and Mrs. •Garwin Prang of Al July 25th - Exeter.. Hess attended the wedding of the for- mer's son, Dr. Frederick. W. t • Prang. Winnipeg visited at the home of his trade and aunt, Mr 'and Mrs- LOWS f; Miss Margaret E. Irwinof 'Toronto. ° • . , July 31st, Centralia R.C.A.F. . ,,. , t, The wedding was heldn July 5tli, Miss Ethel. Hess has returned.from 't 1i1 •. a visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr.. USIMMEMSZOREDIMEMSOMMEMESMOMMINIEGIffigagarERZUSEZIMSOM in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sewell and. and Mrs. • - William. gess at Pontiac, sr • ' daughter Marjery,rnotored to. Fort 'Mich., also visiting at. Detroit and + HENSALL "ISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE 1 WdAnldrs.orand Mrs. Frank Klawon of • , Erie over the week -end, also called INCORPORATED i• o Guelph, where their son Colles Buffalo, isited at the home of • 4 at the Lutheran Camp Grounds near N.Y.,, • • * been enjoying his vacation .and who Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Weido, Parr 4 returned home With them. Line, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido • t .: of town. OAL COAL . Misses Anita Deters and Pauline • Haberer have accepted positions at • the Suf Shop, Grand Bend for the es • ALBERTA. CHESTNUT OR FURNACE COAL summer rnonths. od Local Representative „..... ..,.▪ • Keith R. *Westlake ...... .:, ÷.. ....... ÷-, Dlazniture -1- Furniture suitable for SUmrrrer Hoaxes'. and Veran- Always carry a good suppIY. of Beds, Springs, Spring -filled and Filt.Mattiesses-, lit all sizes. 21/Ack Interest payable half Yearly' on $100, or more for three or mere Years. Safe Investment for Your Funds! Phaae: 63, Zurich 4. lagli=.. aVAIMIRMISS.102.0...11.3%.1.1==iStmcdonsimillarallIMOSIONA IM11111111M1MIRMIMMIllIMITh1111111EMEN z 111M1511011M111 • !4* : • 4. ; 4 4, 4, 4, 4 ' 44 4. 4, • 4,4 4 4, 4,• 0• • • • 4,4. • Miss jean Krueger, nurse in train- ing at Victoria Hospital,'Iondon; Ray -,Schilbe of Londou,attended the funeral of 'their grandfather, Mr. 4. 4. Louis Schilbe on Tuesday% Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Deichert, bridal Couple have returned from their trip PHONES: Hensall 115. Zurich 15 dren, Frances and Donna of Wm t,01 Rev. E-Heimrich who is Chap SEASONABLE NEE S NOW IS THE TIME Ta. BUY: A. NEW COAL OIL OR GAS STOVE. WE HAVE. DIFFERENT' SIZES WITH SINGLE . OR, DOUBLE, WENS SEE OUR NEW SHIPMENT OF LAWN - MOWERS REASONABLE PRICES.. ALSQ NEW SHELF AND, KITCHEN7 'UTENSILS. FOR THE CHILDREN WE RANE. S:MALL AND LARC1:74`: TRICYCLES, WAgyONS IN. ALL, SIZES. WITH OR WITHOUT.. RACKS,, WE ALSO C.9.ItitY THE USUAL PAINTS, FLOOR STAINS,, VARNISHES, ETC. WE DO PLUMBING, HEATING, & TINSMITH1714, AT 4. HARDWARE ; a • or, Q 11.312111M211M. lain of the Boys' Camp at Guelph, • PHONE IN YOUR ORDER EARLY. WE DELIVER • • R. J. COOPER, Manager to Niagara Falls. and L.S. . under the Lutheran Church, accomli- .mied by his son Ronald, spent a toy Mr and Mrs. J. D McKay and chil- Vv ]t,'4. at the camp. Mrs George Smith and sons Ben of Toronto are guests- at 'the. and Richard of Buffalo, .„ 1‘ili. Dorothy Kuntz of Exetet akey • vis- ***************004.0***4 Gea.' Bain and Irene B„..j '13,1103.1,sneKoefnntehteh 1Balt,teeark•'seyson .:31.r. and .ited with Miss Ella -Link and and MTS. Ward Fritz at the latter's home 1recently. -'ted •to extend the eleaZOtri)G.AVBCM.LIPM,710601364FASO k,V0i.$4egi3kEtiC;trfPgr..i.'.45.441,,,e.,s;mgagedjilo4. 44) HARRWARE — SEE 111' S and FURNITURE r No „ 0 fl Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years 4, a Mr. and. Mrs. A. Craig and clang li- ter and Mn. Oscar Koehler of Tor- onto were visitors at the home of the latter's daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Erb and Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Koehler, The' former family returned to the city, while Mrs. Koeh ler will remain for some' weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merrier and daughter Joan returned from a very pleasant motor trip to Sudibury where they visited with their friends, Dr. • and Mrs. Wm, Bryce and family -for a few days and then cOntirmed On to • Little Current where they crossed to 'Manitoulin Island and '..returning by boat to Tobbermony and then home. The trip was very much enjoyed. You are Bible School Service on Friday evening, , •July 18th at 8 o'cloc.k when the .students Will render a Pro- gramme also; exhibit some of their work which will be shown in ,the basement of the Mennonite church, 2 a so 8 PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- - ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. ZURPCIA QUALITY — PRICE lito*Oliv011ieftWilMenTolatoriaRtri*titaionact Rgiolltotinoftlti • E N T. SE 4. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fraser or Exe- ter visited with. relatives in our vie- inityi their iriany friends .are. pleased to see them. Mrs. Fraser recent -11y had an operation at Vietoria Hospital London, while Mr. Fraser had the cast on his leg rm eoved ari;er his injuries received in a car accident last winter, but is wearing a strong support along with the crutches and is getting along nicely. RVICE BORN . • Thiel—At the Babylon Hay Township, on July 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thiel, a son. INVESTING IN HEALTH IS IN- VESTING IN. HAPPINESS la of M Personal Loans Help Health Plans at Low Cost .The human body is like a machine —it needs constant refuelling, and a little overhauling; now and then. But, unlike a machine, the badly:parts are not always. replaceable% That's why it's wise not to defer too long the check -UP that seems to be called for for every now and then. At such times, a Bank _of Montreal Personal Loan can prove the ready cash to finance your health Vans. The 13 of M is glad to lend money for any reasonable purpose to those in a position to repay. And the cost is very low. You can borrow $100 repayable in twelve monthly instalments, for only 27e a month—a rate equal to 8% per annum. Of course, you can borrow less or more than $100, for shorter or longer .periods, at the same rate. If you need money for personal requirements, drop in and discuss your needs -withGordon Sewell, your local B of M manager, You will find that if you • have a reasonable plan for repayment, he will be glad to as- sist you—in strict corv6denee, of course. 1 1 11111111 1111111111111BIRIMII ardwar Zuric:ik HIMMINIIMEMENEE. 4 " -----59.347a5zr125m.g.mgmisrmsnsvies 4, 10111111111111111111111111111111111111111I Dem and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 25. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO.- Of CANADA LTD. . Zargica ....7.y.tet5Spenocznr.GAZIMart., Returned from HolidaYs Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Smith and daughter Mae Of Belleville have re- turned from their summer vacation at Port Elgin. Although the sunny days were scarce, we managed to get a bit Q f that precious sunshine on our skins, which always prOves 50 valuable in the long winter months that follow. Just try it. But we are glad to be back and get out this S u e and we know. our subscribers did miss their copy last'week, at least we were frequentliy told so. Yes it is fine to get back to 'work again, everything looks just a bit better, even the milk Out of. the picher seems better, just tvy ; . • 1 1/ Arrive Within a Few Weeks Time ONE ONE ONE CAR OF 1VIASONITE. PLACE YOUR ORDERS IMMEDIATELY 'F.0. KALBYLEISCH & SON CAR QF CEDAR SHINGLES. CAR OF A.$BESTO$ SIDING SHINGLES.. Phone 69 - • ZURICH assey Fla ris REQUESTS 4, 4. 4, CHECK YOUR IMPLEMENTS EARLY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS, AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN. "THE SERVICE ARM FOR CANADIAN FARM" Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE