HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-07-17, Page 7Classified Advertis .h g USI ESS oPl'oltrt!slTll:l+__ J HAVE LL lett goodbusintus places, u 2 btm'e blot•ti with apartments, A woodwork nml blaclrsnlitn shop with let, house and hyurn in country village • Also number of 60, 100. 110. 2110 acre farms with hydra in ,good !ovations with bush, aired front $301111. Mi. J. C. Long, It ear Estate Broker, Brussels, .lin! ark) AGENTS WAN'I'Jdll OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insecticides, Electric Fence Controllers. douse oral Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, etc. Dealers wanted. Write Wit'c•n MP He & Oil Iled, 'Toronto. E .CELLPIN'1' commissions to agents calling on householders with new postwar line of etertr•ieal appliance not at sale anywhere in Canada. Enquiries invited from men now .on routes O'lu•O-nru' Corporation. Hamilton, ('anada. DAM ('llICltb 'TTYYU \\'1:I'.k:S OLDstarted chicks; Itarred Itociis, New liampshires, New hlanwshlres Barred itoelur non -sexed 15.95. Pullets 1.3.91. •vucicerels 14 UI, Assorted Heavy breeds 14.96, pullets 17 95, cockerels 13.96. White Lrtrhorn X 13u'red Jtock, iilncit Australorli N White Leg hot n. While I.es'horn pullets 23.01. Ac- sorled 61N'= and Light Pullets 22.95 Three week old add 1.00 per hundred. Shipped C.O.D. Also pullets eight weeks to (nylon. •Tot. Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. '\YI91LE we can still promise immediate deliv- ery of chleks, in most breeds--dtLynld and mortar started -we advise Immediate ordering. And September chicks should especially be 01 tiered now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. 'Hamilton, Unt, i'OI( SALE WIRE & BOLT CUTTERS New -rimy Hu rptus, forged steel, 13" long, folds to 9''. Cuts Wire and bolls veilii cast - sl ectal $2 10 postprtid. Novaks, $71 Queen West, Toronto. - -- i tl3NII0RL CHESTERFIELD SUITES auraGiblet! tconstruction every stylye new. Cull ll01ohaispring Velour, Prize, Broca tele. Silks, Damasks and other fine laud wearing Upltolslering fairies IOU NEIL. CIIIES'l'I•fRFlEL3) SUITES TO C'31OtISIO I'ItOi11! PRE53 DELIVERY TO YOUR NEAREST' STATION. TODD has been In the chesterfield suite l,ueint•ds let 30 yearx and is recolnlranl ht the wade as a- specialist and the most Particular buyer in ills bushiest). Listed below are a low of our cash prleea 1oc Ql.iAI,17'Y CHOISTNlti"tltiLD SUITES. \\'1i CAN GIVE prompt delivery on the follow lug breeds of two and three week old started &Weirs, non -sexed pullets or cockerels: Barred Mocks, New FLttmpshires, New Hampshire X Barred hocks. Pullets in the following breeds: 'White Leghorns, White Leghorn it Barred Sock. White !tock R White Leghorn, Black \ustralore -X' While Leghorn. Assorted Heave threeds nt rock bottom prices,t .Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Twedtlle 'chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, ()Marie. DYEING Al'.l) CLEANING :.HAVE YOU a;iythnng needs dyeing or clean. .ing't Write to us for Information We are glad to answer your questions Department H, Parker's Dye Works LimIled. 791 YOn,7e Street. Toronto. Ontario. $11900 3 ptere Period Suite - finest eusinns covered till over with $149.00 $119.00 $119.00 fine duality velour,. 3 niece modern suites, Balloon mr,hair. Beautiful i, piece Lawson Suite. Finest 2 piece Charles of Lon- don au Iles. Many other outstanding values, SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Buy absolutely new manufacturer's factory shnwroutu sample suites direct front 'TODD S.. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. Phone (GItOVER 4343 HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method Information on request regarding classes Rc1•ertson's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Ave nue Road. Toronto I:ELP WANTED 1f taking Dtsloaged. capbe td•tLb le of fullcharge.Sinks, West Lorne, Ont. ALE It S pts to /FARMS LCyuunglorct ardacres, beginningfenced drained, bear. Allbuild- .togs in excellent condition. John McNair, Brussels, Ontario. .LIST NO, 5244. Excellent 'A sec. located in the Sylvan Lake, Alta., Dist. 6 miles to ,good town. 14 mile to school and gravelled road. 127 acres broken; land fairly level; soil medium dark and black .loam; clay sub- soil. Yearly taxes $31.00. New ll,i storey dwelling with hot and cold water; 3 piece bath; •electric lights; full basement: furnace, etc. Barn 24 x 24'; granaries: chicken house; other -buildings, 2 drilled wells; good spring. Good antxed farming proposition. Priced at $11.650 -wing $7,600 cash down, balance 3 years O%. Price includes 60 acres barley; G acres reg. mats: 21 acres alfalfa and 20 acres other hay. 'This farm should be seen to be appreciated. 11. J. Rallis & Co. Ltd., Red Deer, Alberta. 1'I,onG 651. ;60 ACRES -25 miles. from Ottawa, 2 mites south of Kenmore, all tillable. good build- ings. Apply L. 111, Brunton, Marvclville, Ont. FOR SALE FLAGS ALL Sizes Union Jacks or Canadian Ensigns. sewn wool bunting. Special offering on 4% .and G foot Union Jacks. Past dyo sewn cotton. Discount for quantities. Brighten your com- munity or home by flying a good quality Rag. .John 'Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington St. West, 'Toronto. MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN -Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Stare, 335 Eight. 1.00. _ t a Pos tlts b Ottawa WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatic torment when Breenatone nr• ices prompt lasting relief. One months' treatment 01 00 postpaid. Indian Remedies Box 113, want ouver. SATISFT YOURSELF --Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should tr) Dixon's Remedy. llunro's Drug Store, 330 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00.• - FOOT AILMENTS Kiri Foot Oil effectively remedies corns• callouses, cracked feet. No plasters, no nae. no caustic. Price 50c, Comstock Products Cu,. 701 Ottawa Electric Bldg.. Ottawa, Canada. ATTENTION FARMERS ,FUR SALE -Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable tot bolting on steel wheels, $16.00 -each, rear wheels; $7.90 each, front wheels, When ordering slate diameter and width .of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. 6 Wilt- .sniro Ave., Toronto, Ont, 'CHENILLE SPREADS • $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance, first duality for ,doublo and. single beds in beautiful two -toned •colours, worth double the price. Money re- funded It not satisfied. Sent C.O.D. plus ?Postage264Sherbrooket St., W.. Montreal ada. Handicraft Dib, Qnueors, CONCRETE MACHINERY ;2% Cu, Ft. Hand or Power -operated Mixers -ideal for smallmixing jobs on the farm, either cement or feed. 4 and 6 cu. ft. Power Mixers. Hand -tamped Block Machines for the •.small operator or farmer requiring blocks for his own use. Hnntediate delivery. - Welt- laufer-Welker Industries Limited, 1290 Bay .Street, Toronto. Ontario. Electric Power Plants .3 KVA (3,000 watt), 60 or 60 cycle, 120 volt, Onan engine and generator. A quality .unit. Ideal for lighting, refrigeration, water Pumping and small power tools In camps. .Boxed and waterproofed fur shipment. Priced 10 w. Write for details. SHEPPARD ELECTRICAL LAB'S 104 Sparks St., Ottawa. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER 401N CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Lenrn Hairdressing Pleasant dignlled profession, good wages thousands successftul. Nates gradurt lea America's greatest system Illustrated eats rogue tree. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 360 Bloor St. W.. roronto Branches 44 Icing St.. Hamilton & 7.4 Rideau Street. Ottawa OFF7:It TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of Inver, tions and full Information Lent tree.' The Ramsay ( o.. Reictstered ,Parent Attorneys .271 Bank Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETI:IEBSTONACOE & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King West. 'roronto booklet of Information on request PERSONAL_ OFFICIAL In Including 6Membership tacNab toOne ry by Write: NaeNab Historical Association. Folyet. Ont. PHOTOGRAPH] SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ail over Canada RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE You get tenet "snaps" and prompt eery etc from this big, reliable st ull to. ANY SIZE ROLL G or 3 exposures DEVELOPED and I'i:IN'l'.ED sec Reprints from your negatives 4c. 2 mounted enlargements 4 s 6" 26e. En. largen,ents framed 7 x 9" In Gold, Sliver. Walnut or Black Frames 74c. If picture colored .94c. Prints and enlargements made from prints of lost negadlves. Dept. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 129. POS] OFFICE A. TORONTO ------- - No Tea Party -With a Russian interpreter acting as inter- mediary, President Vincent A.uriol of 'Trance and V. M. Mol- otov, Soviet Foreign Minister, enjoy. an after -luncheon cup of tea -and a joke at a party given for Foreign Ministers in Paris studying the 'Marshall Plan' for European reconstruction. But the big meeting was no tea party ; it ended in failure. Sports And One- Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") No doubt we're sticking the old neck out even further than usual by trying to size up a fighter we've never come within several thousand miles seeing in action. Still, eill, we e have little hesitaton in saying that 011e 'Tandberg, the Swedish heavy- weeig'ht who scored such an unex- pected win over Joe Baksi, has a 1\'hole heap to learn before he can be taken very seriously. And we make this estimate, not from anything Tandberg did in that Stockholm ring, but on his unlhcarcl-o,, and practically scandalous performance after the Shooting was over. * * * Baksi, the American loser, and his • manager both acted in a manner be- fitting the occasion,. screeching "We wuz robbed" in loud and anguished tones. But did Tandberg play the part of a proper winner and'coming champion by saying that, although Baksi had fought well, he had never_ been in any doubt about the out-,, come? Did he say that he regretted'` the fight had ended so soon because;• in another two rounds, he - would have knocked Mr. Baksi flatter than peas on a plate? Did he el:ell tie, dare that he never felt better in his life and could hardly wait for a shot at Joe Louis? No; the Swede did none of these things but -violating all the most sacred traditions of the ring -dumbly remarked 'tl didn't believe .1 had won the fight." He may be a coming champion. Old age is bound to catch up with Louis some day. But right now he certainly needs a whole lot of brushing -up on proper ring etiquette. % * * I-I<IPI'l' THOUGHT DEPT. Now undoubtedly the prospect of any coming atomic and germ warfcirc is on elle whole, dark and gloomy in decd.. Still, there is at least on bright spot in the picture. If tiles germs acid atombombs are as nlnr derously and totally destructive a claimed, after it's all over tier won't be any Dorofh.t Thompson or any of that clan around to sa "Didn't 1 icld you so." Which ihI almost enough to snake rip f th fact that there won't be any of u around to listen. * * * From Montreal conies the startling announcement that any Canadians, to be eligible for our Olympic Hockey team, inttst be those who have never materially benefitted -either directly or indirectly, mind you -from play- ing that great winter pastime. When we passed on this bit of information to an old friend, who has been in and around hockey circles for a consider- able stretch, his comment was - at least tha-t._•_•-•- will he some- -...._ :-_----------- FOR MORE FISH 'TRY the new artificial minnow, the ELEC- WING'S PHOTO SERVICE TROLURE, Lutes up only when in motion All prints with decide edge, f or 8 exposure under water, Complete with bulb and battery rolls -25c. Reprints Sc. each. Box 2, Station .only $2.00 postpaid, Ideal fur early a.m, or 5, Toronto. mite flailing. Also attractive quantity prices. KENNEDY -SMITH ADV. CO. 211 W. 1Vashinglon. Chicago 2. Illinois. :FOR SALE, International NO, 42 combine. , Apply J. L. Whiting, R,R, No, 3, Pais, U HUNTER'S special -brand new war assets released web rifle slings. Fits standard .awtvels. The bargain you have been waiting for -while they last only 50c each. Sling swivels for these slings 160 per pair. Ell - 'wood Epps Snorting Goods, Clinton, Ontario. MAPLE SYRUP A1Aable prices. No coupons, � John 61. 1947 Gillespie.nAbbotsford. -Quebec. . DIcCOItMICK-DBb1RING ensilage harvester, with standardized power takeoff. Used tour days. Harvest your cent at Its best 'with one or two men. Price greatly reduced. Immediate delivery. Write Graham H111, Pont Rouge, Que. r •ONE LOCI{SIIUTT and one Ford new 1047 tractor on rubber. Complete with two fur- row plows and double discs. Immediate 005- .sesslon. H. (lrecoff, Rilson fond South, Oshaw•tt Ont. 1'L'Itl9 3310!413 alrednle puppies for sale,`L'hree stales one female two months old, Finest 'Canadian and. American bloodlines. (U'ain suers Int t'h Airline Bombsight and C'ii. • TEACHERS WANTED I'ltOTRSTANT teacher, wanted for S.S. No. 6 Raglan. Duties to begin Sept. 2nd. 1947. Apply staling salary and qualifications to Daniel Budarick, Sec.-Treas.. Palmer Rapids, Ontario, Ts:tent:RS WANTED TETERIIORC) COUNTY -School Area No. 2. TWO, 01 Chandos requires teacher Septem- ber. Male preferred, $1500.00 UP, experience and Qualifications. considered. Waller Nelson, Secretary. Apsley,,, Ont. IdA.STtNGS CO. Four qualified teachers want- ed for School Area No. 1. Monteagle and Herschel for schools No. 3 And 6. Monteagle; 10 and 11. Herschel. Salary. $1500. Duties to commence Sept. 2. . 1947. Apply. elating qualifications, to Frank Hinge, Sec. Treas.. Ma'nooth Station, Ont. Ql'ALLh`lldl), experienced. Protestant teacher required for S. S. No. 7'l'ait, Black Hawk. Rainy River District, Ont. Grades 1-9; 20 pupils; teucheragc and fuel in exchange for jnnnor duties; school Opens Sept. 2nd. School on highway close to stores and postoatce. Tlhtim'.mt notary' $1500.00 with allowance for experience, un to 51800.00. Apply stating quai ideal -ions and salary in hire. I awls At- k!n:•on, SICU -'liens, N.E. No. 1, Stratton, Ont. WANTno liiaelae'a first elate. Fifty Dollars anti un, N'AN7L'D-All kinds of dressed nonitry. Tnt. AbnIY Kira. T. 14. JtcChnlre, 287 Bay Sl. :Outer' prices Ior top birds Joseph Cooper Limited.Hamilton. Ontario._ poultry. Dept , 2014 Danforth Ave,, Torontr - --�- TIRES 3 (We do custom grading) Ws ore overstocked at Lite present of good LOGS REQUIRED WE Purchase Maple, lurch, Ash, Cherry and !Basswood 'logs, landed on freight cars for rush. Write particulars to Box 817. lies - Prier, Ontario. 'Used trade-in tires (guaranteed •to be in ex- cellent shape) 600 X 16 -- $5.00 All orders chipped C.0.0, Special equipment for Tiresvul anizing BEACON 1i uck TiR11 and corner rra etor Queen and 'York Sta.. Hamilton. Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIIPPED 'f'IItEG SHOP Dealers Wanted Watchmakers Attention L'crystals,lt pricer, rawtch parts, Write writePlats forttripricelit. Durbin CompatY, Dept. -6, 74 Sussrx,Toronto, •Tloffers 0a1eet'tflrate course Itotlyoung l,ty00 Cli in the ears of infants and young children. Length of course ---9 mantis, tlequh•rnrenls --Applicants must be between eighteen end thirty Yea'S of age wilt one year of high ,tehnol. Remuneration pr'ovide'r plus full maintenance and uniform, Applications are Doing received now for courses beginning A.dgust "first and Aentennher first, ApolY In hltendonarSfor Sick !Children, 8ColegStreet To Onto. Mapping Resumed Mapping of Greenland, begun in 1927 and interrilpted by the war, Was resumed in June by an expedi- tion of Solite 70 persons 'lwot'l:i11g -un- der flit' Danish Geodetic Itist'tute. The expedition has at its disposal the most modern means of mals making, including two' Catalina fly- ing boats bought in the United States to help in the Imp task of accurately reproducing tirecnlafhd's lengthy coastline, Britain Imports European Labor .for Production .. thing novel -to have Canada repre- sented byan• all -girl team" * s: * To most folks it seems almost unbelievable that, in times these,se , such ridiculous and out-of-date views of . amateurism should even get an airing, let alone have a 'bearing on the conduct of modern athletic af- fairs. But they continue to do so, just ,because Brundage of the United States, and a few others of that ilk in various countries, still Manage to swing far more weight than seems possible. And these gents do this for the very same reason that a handful of Communists can exercise far more influence in certain Unions than their numbers would seem to , entitle them to have. As one recent writer put it, "The Commie is on the job 24 hours a day, every day -the other, just once in a while." * * * rl."o be or not to be is no longer the 1.iestion in Canada with regard to immigration. In a modest way, per- haps, it is already under way, with hundreds of Poles and 1,000 Dutch here, 7,000 Britons coming. All that still seems to be open to question is how many of the Old World's anxious, all told, are to be permitted to conte, and how soon, asks the Sault Daily Star. At such a time, it is of interest to note what the "slow" British are doing. According to the British in- formation Services in New York, the number of European displaced per- sons being admitted to the United Kingdom has risen from 1,000 to 4,000 weekly. * * * For the last decade Britain has had a steadily growing refugee . population. Before the war, Jewish refugees from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and other countres swallowed by the Nazis came to Britain for safety by the thousands. Last winter, accentuation of • Britain's critical manpower shortage resulted in the decesion to recruit displaced persons from Europe. More than 10,000 skilled workers from the D.P. camps of Germany already are settling down to new jobs and new lives in such United Kingdom industrial centres as Man- chester, Birmingham, London, New- castle acid so on. Britain is now estimated to num- her450,000 recent immigrantsra lt5 among g its population. But it is planned to draw still further on what is now the greatest potential manpower pool in the world. In all the displaced per- sons camps in the British zone of Germany, leaflets have been distrib- uted stating working conditions and pay -in all cases exactly the same as those of corresponding British work- ers -and inviting volunteers to sign up for selection. WAIT TILL 'HE PAINT'S DRY, BOYS. In ,golf there's an •'dtit'ient though. unwritten ,'tile that you 'shouldn't pick tip somebody else's ball, as lost, fill it has stopped 9 o'ling:147e understand that the retail aulaln1Tbile trada'..is. thinking of adopting" soliething similar -they won't sell it as a used car till it's actually off the assembly line. of Insect TOP i TCS //eat tRash Quick! Stop itching of insect bites, heat rash, eczema, hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete s foot and other externally caused skin troubles. Useuick-acting, soothing, antiseptic D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainless. Itch stops or your money back, udruggist tOC -a * * * One• of the peculiarities of the game of baseball is that the more perfectly it's played, the less inter- esting it is 'tie watch; and in this connection we are reminded of a player named Weidensaul who used to roam the ,outfield, many years ago, for the Toronto Maple Leafs. In practically every game -sometimes several times in a game -he would pull off running catches that border- ed on the miraculous. He gave the fans plenty of thrills, and they nick- named him "Wonderful Weidy" and applauded his every move. * * His teammates got many a secret snicker from these outbursts of applause; for the plain fact of the. matter. was that Weidensaul was possibly the worst judge of a fly ball who ever wore a Class A uniform. Long ones and short ones, high ones and. low ones, he'd misjudge them all, then redeem himself by travel- ling a mile -a -minute to grab them just in the nick of time. He wasn't a great ball player. He never made the Big Leagues. But he was far more. fun to 'watch than a fielding genius like Speaker, who could make even the most difficult catches look as easy' as shooting fish in a rain barrel. * * * DEFINITION: A successful poli- tician is a mall who am row back to hi.f constituency, shake hands with a farmer right in the middle of hay- ing or harvest, and then convince the latter that laboring down in that dreadful Parliamentary heat at Ot- tawa is a chore deserting of deepest sympathy. D p D PRESCRIPTION. ISSUE 29-4947 Overcoat -By BUD FISHER DEC.MUTT 'AND JEFF -Maybe Jeff Should Have Brought Along His VC ILk. i;OT! From "A C;a radian" A gilt of $1G0,00() was matte anonymously by the late Lord lien - nett to tile new Guildford Cathedral which will have a commemorative chapel to mark the gratitude of the people of Surrey for the help of the Canadian forces during two wars. When it was given four years ago as a contribution towards the purchase of the cathedral site, it was announc- ed merely as from "it Canadian." The Bishop of Guildford now re- veals that the donation was from the former Prime Minister of Can- ada who lived in England for years before his death, 1�I JJ PARTY FAVORITE; among coffees is Maxwell IElouse. It stimulates and cheers because it's Radiant Roasted to develop every last atom of goodness in its extra -rich blend. C GARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -War Quality Tito only COVER Carette Papel'i�AFSrINANCE[.uE PURE WHITE on sa6 e in Canada Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves h. For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER a ROLL YOUR OWN CIGARETTES WITH FOR THAT FISHING TRIP TAKE ALONG A TUBE OF REPELLENT CREAM ,u, • •• t} REPELS BLACK FLIE'S and other insect posts STOPS SUNBURN s ADS NATURAL TAN Here's modern protection against vicious black flies, mosquitoes and ocher insect pests. Rub'a little Tantoo Repellent Cream into the skin of face, neck, arms, etc. and you'll be free from annoying insects for 6 to B hours. Tantoo is the latest discovery of science... a modern and tested formula .. odourless ... easy to use and carry. At your Green Cross dealer, now. p PRODUCT OF a Jt� Big, handy 21/2 -oz tube 4E0*tug's, trade -nark ?h100Ey! MUTT,1,41)W IS it SO 1-101.?