HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-07-17, Page 4ZURICH, ONTARIO
lulu!!!!! mllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllilll full! ilii !hill llllllllllllll'ill
Lakevie Casino
_..._ T 1Vldnate Dance, July 21st, 12.05 a.m.
Join the Resort Crowd. at these popular Dances and have
some Real Fun
Sunday Concert July 20th, ..9 p.m.
Total Proceeds for
This is a worthy cause ---Come out, Lions, wherever you are—
and bring a friend ---we need all your support!
(The only team to have beaten Dashwood to date!)
At Lakeview Casino Diamond
Plan a day at "The Bend". More fun than any other Resort
on Lake Huron, and fast becoming Ontario's foremost Resort.
Look at these "worry forgotters"— Swimming, cycling, horse-
back riding, bowling, roller skating, speed boats, merry-go-
rounds,seefor"e yourself. FreeCome
rnPic Yic Hall at—climb rn theolake. and
SANDY SIMPSON has been patiently
improving his dairy herd. He saw his
chance to buy a pure bred bull — and
the manager of his bank lent him the
ready. cash to close the deal. Now he's
expecting great things of his new calf;
already he sees her winning her class at
next year's Fall Fair. A few more like
her and he can also see his milk pro-
duction rising — as well as a nice extra
income from selling his surplus stock to
neighbouring farmers.
Branch banks. in rural communities
across Canada, help to build prosperous
farms . , . and at the same time help
inerea a the f ow of food to family tables
both at home and in distant lands.
fCanada' s : ,-'rpt) branch
o their [,art in the daily
4ptsan,, !Joy
li f e giW1 nodi of l unv ns.
A.. a
17th, 1194'7
Tchiax�day, Julywee_ ,_,e..___--see-seeeseeeeseseeesee-e-eeeste,
'Stade & iedo
tit*VOR Suits
A i
Extra Mileage...
plus extra safety
. make, Good-
year tires the
choice cif thrifty
motorists. You,
too, can enjoy
these extras .. .
get long -wearing
Goodyears 'to-
Phone 92 — ZuRrcH'
`e ,!i M,A B'T; apart/€r+, -A(ai444r;;B -Amor
Mr and Mrs. Charles! Hay,; bridal
couple. have returned after their
honeymoon trip. .
M:•. Keith Westlake attended' P.
embalmers post graduate_ at Toronto,
for a few days.
Rev. and Mrs. Gordon: Sehragg and
family of Lowell, N.Y., were visitors
with relatives and friends here. {'•
Mrs. Stuart Stover of Chatham is 1,
staying at the home of her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer for a few ..
Mrs. Jack Fasken and .son. of El -1'
mire are visiting at the Trorne ort he i'
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.I.
Mrs. Wm. Schade of London is
visiting at the home of her sons,
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin .Schade of Dash-
wood and Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence
Schade, 14th con. •
Mr. Jacob Haberer and son Jack,
Colles Sewell, Billie Yungblut mot-
ored to the Lutheran Boys' Camp. at
Guelph, where the Tatter three at-
tended the summer camp and a very
pleasant time was enjoyed. Mee Al-
bert Kalbfieisch accompanied the for-
mer on the trip.
Mrs. Clarence Hoffman and' :son
Bobbie of Galt, have returned to
their home after spending some time
with relatives here. The former tak-
ing charge of the local Post Office in
the absence of ' her brother, W. A.
Siebert who attended the big • Lions
Convention at Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Datars and
daughter Marion; Mrs. Ed. Datars
Sr., and Miss Ann Datars, enjoyed a
motor trip last Friday to Kiincardine
and Poet Elgin. While at the latter
place they called on Mr.. and Mrs
C. L. Smith who were holidaying
there. .
The regular monthly meeting of
the Hay Township Council was held
in the Council Chambers, Zurich, on
Monday, July 7, at 8 p.m. The Reeve
called for reading of the minutes
which were adopted as read. The fol-
lowing correspondence was presented
From N. W. Miller, County Clerk,.
re: 1947 rates for County purposes;
The following motions were then pas-
That the Exeter Rural Hydro be
sent an offer of $600.00 for Tele-
phone material from St. Joseph Air-
port to Jerome Dietrich's farm. -
That 5,000 feet of snow fence and
sufficient posts, and two culverts 36x
az and 4'x32' be ordered from the
Lundy Fence Co.
That the Auditor's Report for Hay
Township for the year 1946 be ac-
cepted and that. they be. paid their
account: Clerk to' have 50 copies
printed, and school sections .be sent
account for auditing their respective
school sections. • •
That Wiliam Watson be paid for
balance of money for superintending
of Tile portionof the Bender Drain
less $15.00 which is to. be- paid to
Simon Hoffman for portion. of Drain
re -opened. Hy. Lawrence and Simon
Hoffman to be paid their accounts.
That By-law No. 9, 1947 of the
Corporation of the Township of Hay
authorizing the borrowing of 89,000.
for the purpose of financing the pur-
chase, re -construction, re -placements,
alterations, and extensions of the po
tion of the Crediton Rural Telepho-
ne System desiring to become sub-
striders to the Hay Municipal Tele-
phone System. Said by-law to be
read •frr•-t and second time tied then
forwarded to the Ontario Municipal
Memel for approval.
That the budget for the year 1947
be adopted and that the rates 'be
confirmed by by-law. Clerk to pro-
ceed tb Complete the d.9M7 Collector's
June 20th—Jahn J. Veroba
lied to the
4 i
of Lamirnisrn, Sask., applied
• Bank of Montreal for t loan of $2,000
to purchase a threshing combine. His
proposition was sound ... and the loan was made.
John Veroba's new machine was delivered on June 25th:.
Ten days later, with his own crops still four weeks from
harvesting, he set out for Sharon Springs, Kansas. With his
new combine he worked for the farmers there and.,. in the
neighbouring communities for one month to the day.
In the meantime his own crops were ripening. Early in
August he turned northward to Lampman, and on his
arrival, August 11th, immediately remitted to us the frill
$2,000 he had borrowed. His work had given him back the
entire purchase price of his combine!
The total interest charge was $12.60. So pleased was this
customer to possess his own combine free of all debt, and
to commence his own harvesting with a happy and easy'
mind, that he wished to pay the Bank of Montreal a bonus
to mark his appreciation.
The Bank, of course, declined the bonus, but is -gladly
accepting' the expression of John Veroba's thanks in the
form of his permission to tell his story in this advertisement..
This case is typical of the assistance which the Bank
Montreal is extending to go-ahead farmers and demonstrates
how it makes true its promise: "When you ask for a loan
at the B of M, you do not ask a favour."
If you need money, see your nearest ly HANK,
B of M manager today. Ask for a copy of rc A Haua,l CANAS/ANS
our farm loan folder: "Quiz for a Go; .. -
Ahead Farmer."
AY K VAP i ..i` 5,��' �':3J '!:. p'�'
working with Canadians in every walk Gof life since 1817
Zurich Branch: G. G. SEWELL, Manager
Now open daily.
Hensall Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager
Roll. Rec. Gen. Tax 249.29.
That Josiah Geiger be appointed The Council adjourned to meet a -
'c and gain on Monday, August 11th, at 8
H W. Brokenshire, Clerk.
George Armstrong, Reeve.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Carotin Jr.
are visiting with their parents in St.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jeffrey of
Windsor are visiting in and around
our burg with relatives and friends.
Sanitary Inspector for Zuri h
Village and that Milton Oesch be
appointed member of the Board of
That the remaining 70 tires left
on the Bender Drain be given to Mrs
H. Finkbeiner to be usea at the
north end of the tile portion of said
drain at her own expense.
That •Glen Walper and Gordon
Hess be 'paid • 50c an hour and the
two managers ten cents per hr. for
truck while it is on duty, for period Mr. and Mrs. Zephie Charrette of
July 1st 1947 to Nov. 1st 1947. Windsor spent :the week -end on the
That information Bureau at Grand
Bend. 2143 and Turnbull's Grove 32-
24 be connected on one line to Dash -
Blue Water with friends.
Miss Vinceil Cook of Detroit and
Mrs. Ross Hewett of Windsor, also
wood Central. Miss Josephine Jeffrey of Windsor,
That upon request by the 'Trustees are visiting with their father in Bea -
of the Zurich Police Village to have vertown
the Fire Siren placed on the Town- Mr. Vincent Jeffrey of Detroit and
ship Hall be Ranted. family are spending a few days with
That the follo\ving accounts be the former's parents in our burg.
paid as per voucher. Mr. Gerold Jeffrey of Assumption
General Account -- Bank of Mon- College, Windsor, has returned to his
treal, rent, Hydro $17.50; Gestetner home in Beavertown for the holidays
Co. 10.18; Simon 'Hoffman 116.50; prior to entering 'St. Peter's Semin-
J..W. Haberer 120 .Datars 8s O'Brien ary at London.
'10.55;• Toronto Stationery end Sup- Mr. Ivan Masse of Toronto is sp-
plies 4.43; Monteith & Monteith ending his holidays under the paren-
243.00 ; Win. H. Edighoffer 10.40; tal roof.
Lorne Rader 1.12!8 ; Hy.' Lawrence 15- Mrs. James Manse of St. Joseph,
62, Wm. Watson $25; Corp. of Vill. who has ;been sick fear some time is
of Exeter $30; H. W. ' Brokenshire now improving. .
6233; Hay Munic. Tel. System $800. Miss Cecil Masse of London is
Relief --- Mrs. John Suptat $25; spending a few weeks with her par -
Emma Baesow 8.90; Mrs. Edith tints at St. Joseph.
Mason $15; A. Heideman (rent) Mrs John Woodcock of Montreal,
Roads Elmer Rowe $4; Beacer-
ly Gould $4; Ellis Northcott $4; L.
Masse 4.36; Maurice Masse $6; Roy
Merrier 2.23, Ivan Mcidingcr 6.30;
Ayotte 180 Harry Bassos
1 ll $4 W Gould 4.60 Mrs.Rachael Denomme wr#1 spend vac ration with Mrs l.ueinda Mchiaac.
Following is the High School Be -
trance results for this district. The-
names are the ones who passed.
Dashwood— Audrey Besterd, EI
sine Gill, Margaret Gill,' Wm. Gill,.
Barbara Hartman, Joyce Haugh, J73.0.•Alexander Love, Ruby Miller, Aud-
rey Page, James L. Peachey, Mari-
lyn IPfafl`, Max Tiedeman, Alma Tura,
bull, Ronald Wein, Win. 0. Wilbert,
Theresa Mary Zimmer.
Hensel! — Donald Adkins, Donald:
Bell, Gladys Chapman, Douglas Dick,
Eileen Kelly, Donna Leinmon, Elves.
Love, Robert Love, Ronald MacKin-
non, George MacLeod, Jean McAl-
lister, Virginia McClinchey, Bruce,
Moir, Douglas Moir, Thos. Peters,.
Lily Schultz, Keith Voll'and.
Zurich — Joanne Mercedes Bed-
ard, Bernadine Bedard, Piere Can -
tin, Ellis Charrette, Helene Marie
Farwell, Alice Maybelle Forrester,
Barbara Ann Gascho, Elaine Geiger,
John Frederick Haberer, Ronald,
George Heimrich, John '1Yendrick,.
Earl Homer, Glen Herbert Neeb,.
Dennis Overholt, Gerard Rau, Grace
Regier, Wallace Edward Rose, Myles
James Uttley. Passing under regu-
lation 710-6—William Merner.
Bayfield — Grace Apfelback, Beat -
.67 George, Gerald Bell, Ethel Blair.
Ronald Castle, Barbara McConnell,
Anna Porter, Jack Proctor, Norma
Sturgeon, Betty Jean Talbot, Clifford'Clifford''Talbot, Grant Webster.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmer and
is hol'ldayfng with her mother, Mrs. family and Mr. Joe filer motored to.
N. M. Cantin in St. Joseph St. Agatha and Kitchener on faitimday
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ducharme l'4r. and Mrs. Neale and family e4'
and Mrs. Thrus Stan:�tberry and faro- Wellesley spent the week -end with
illy all of Detroit, spent a few days Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller.
yot c ; with Mr. and Mm. Fred �)uchar�me of Mr. and Mrs ITowercl Shear and
H. W. Brokenshire postage $5, the Blue Water Highway seuth. family of Ptlieii ue ptnc.m g• their..
Lloyd Camp be ; m. .
asse 54.84; Jas. Masse 11.3.96 +lie summer months in .Benvo+Detroit cal -
Ail ph M rtown Mrs Clarence Yager of 1
Alfred Denomme $$;; Alf. Meidinger
7.10; Alvin Wainer 7.50'; Peter Masse
16.40; Walter 'Statt.on 10.80.
Telephone System --•- T. 1-I. Hoff-
man, salary and staff, exp. 469.89;
H. G. Hess, do 305.94; Bell Co. 6i47-
90; .Stronrherg Carlson 1.157; H. W.
Brokenshire 51.73; Northern I+.Tec-
with Mrs. Leon Jeffrey Sr. let! On friends lee"[` on . un ay.
Note the floating population of Misses Eila and Ro: e. Zimmer or.
'Beavartown at present, it has all her Detroit are visiting with their sietex••
sister burgs trimmed. We believe Ida
nriich of that goes to the good man. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meier o'( De-•
agemen% of the town, who are always troll visited with friends here ever
ready to welcome all corners to their the holiday,
beautiful sceneries and places of am -1 Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver is visiitirrlit
with her parents in Bowmanvilie.
uric 245.91; Automatic Elea. 1(19.85, moment.