HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-07-03, Page 8fi le*, ValatTA'ittea ):147 C9v 6QP House nishings We would be pleased to show you our large supply of New Drapery Goods New Cretons and Chintzes, from .... 49c. to 2.25 yd: Homespuns from 85c to 1.79 yd. Fine Scrimms at 45c to 95c yd. Dotted Marquesette at 50c to 98c yd Ready to hang Curtains, 45 -in. width frilled Special at pr. 5.501 Ready to hang Nett Curtains, at pr..... 3.50 to 9.75 FLOOR COVERINGS 45 Congoleum Rugs on hand at present. Alt sizes, 6x9 to 9x15, No advance in price Other Lines still in short supply. Will take your order and do our best to fill same. .--NEW GOODS --- Following are now in fair supply: Ladies' Under- wear, Pure Silk and Nylon Hose, Children's Pan- ties all sizes, Ankle Sox of every description, Girls' Dresses, Ladies' fine Wool Sweaters SWEATER YARNS MEN'S WEAR New Arrivals are: Fine Sport Jackets, Sweater Coats, Ready to wear Suits, fine Trousers, and everything in Work Clothes. Q D 100 FLANNELETTE SHEETS IN BLUE AND WHITE, AND 4P 4P ROSE AND WHITE. GOOD QUALITY, 72"x84" $2.25 each GET YOUR SUPPLY FOR NEXT WINTER, WHILE AVAIL- ABLE Fresh Fruits and Vegetables every Week -end Everything in Garden Seeds TELEPHONE 59 ros. ZURICH ZURICH r -/ERA! 'h.ursdai, July 3. 1„ LOW ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Miss Carole Thiel; visited. at the 9 home of her aunt and uncle, Mr.. and 0 Mrs. Allan Fraser at. Exeter.. Mr. •Carl iCallfas and boy friends of Kitchener visited ielataves-tame vicinity over the holiday.. Mrs. George Fee of Hensen rene- wed old acquaintances: in. tomer one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wetd'o and children; Mr. and. Mrs. John Call - man enjoyed several days ona. camp- ing tour. Mrs. M. MacKinnon of town visit. ...c? ,...$1,00,8041Pay r, 64 474•,47 @4,44,4,04.0.4340414ri A.404•@4...$ HENSAI .1 DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE 4 • 4 4 • • • COAL COAL • • ALBERTA CHESTNUT OR FURNACE COAL • ae PHONE IN YOUR ORDER EARLY. WE DELIVER R. J. COOPER, Manager Hensel' 115. Zurich 154 INCORPORATED • PHONES: aa** 4a`W•*.t*479**0&A00*e *4**49 44444.444444 4 180 4.04,$ +4•44o b r 8 i a a, a a e t 8 e e a a a HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE r W COA7 Orders taken for Pre -War Deep Seam, High Quality Alberta Coal, which is a much better quality than we have been able to get the past few Years PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full Iine of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. E &VFE1D ZURICH - ONT. 'I::t:ALITY - PRICE - SERVICE lteS l agandteast It 0 0 i ai ST. PETER'S ; Illilfllllllll�llllilllf 111r1iI ilEldi6l, l:[i.ii llllf I!{IIIIIIl111111fllIIIII� �I 1 1 1 '� Evan-eIncaI Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO .`',a• .+y. 40 0 'I kr: snake aFurniture REV. It . W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR s 10. a.m.—Divine Services. 11.E a.m. —Sunday Sehool. + 7.3F1 p.m.—Divine Worship. ie Everybody Welcome to all Services" + Furniture is still:: ii. Short Supply, but will do ' m 4 best: to. Serve You. EMMANUEL ed with her son Hugh. and:Mrs. Mac . ANGFY.ICAL CHURCH 4.. Kinnon at Stratford over tine week- + end. Dominion Day, REV. FL E. ROPPEL, �- passed oft' 'very qui- a. etly in town, as most of .the- villagers i Minister I* were away at other place• where, Ursa{(Desch—Organist there were greater attractions:, , 'i' - A number of local Lions are at 10' a.aaa. , Worship. Sermon: a. Windsor this ,week attending the L1: ,a nl:•—Ssuday• School. 't' big Lions convention helot at' that 7 3na peau V,tarslanp•Sermon: place for a few days. 1 + Mr. and Mrs. Claude Meidinger of 1 - + Mr. and Mrs. Maxine Denomme and family of Toronto, Mr. A. Bed - PERMANENTS Brampton enjoyed the week -,end. at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Michael Meidinger, Zurich na ty Shop rHE. HOME OF THE BETTER OIL ard, visited at the home of .Mr; and' Mrs. Adrian Denomme 'last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Schmidt and family; Mr. and Mrs. Lester••D•achert all of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bacliart, Bronson line. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch and daughter Donna, and Mrs. Miink en- joyed the long week -end at the latt-- er's home at Chesley. . Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lichti, Nor. and Mrs. Emerson Wagner' of Shakes- peare were Sunday visitors- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. EUhiund Schwartzentruber, at Blake: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Truemner and on John of Toronto, visited' at the home of the former'. sister, 121: and Mrs. Wm. S. Johnston- anti• other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Gibibbn'. _Xmans; Mrs. Walter Dorsett from ICliampion, Ill., Mrs. Jennie Nicholson, of Ran- kin, Ill., are enjoying a week at the home of the farmer's parents;Mr. and' Mrs Seth Amens. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger; Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Erb, Miss Marion .Erb spent the- week -end with relativ- es and friends at Kitchener, and Sebringville. On Fishing Trip Messrs. Gordon and Stanley 'Smith of the B. W. H., Mr. Lorne Klopp and nephew Hubert Kropp spent sev- eral days 'in the Parry Sound district on a fishing trip. Congratulations go to Miss Nola Krueger, daughter of .. Mrs. E. G. Krueger, who received her ifir#- class certificate from the Normal School at London. We understand Nola has accepted a position as public school teacher at Sarnia. Many Visitors Many Holiday Visitors were in our midst over .the .week -end, and we are glad for them all. It is too bad of all the 'accidents and fatalities that befell so many people over this per- iod, and with greater viligence most of these could be avoided. - Mr. and Mrs Oscar Greb and. son and Mrs Sol Martin enjoyed a lovely motor trip to Wallaceburg, Pertrolia, and Tupperville. At the latter place they called on Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thiel and other friends. It being Mrs Martin's birthday and the outing was much appreciated by all. Mr. and Mrs Chris Hoist; Mr. and Mrs. 'C. L. Smith had a . very pleasant Sunday attending the Evan- gelical U. B. Campmeeting at Car- rick, near Mildmay. Rev. Roy,. Chari- berlain, of Caledonia, Mich., as the guest speaker. A laaage Crowd . was present. Recption Held A reception. was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hughill in hon- or of the latter'.s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Thiel, bridal couple, one evening last week, when the families of the same enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Very lovely gifts were re- ceived by the couple. Miss Alpha Meyers, R.N., of Well- and and Mr. Erneet Brown of Port Colborne; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hope and daughter Faith of .Streersville; Mrs. Mervyn Steick and daughter Patsy were holiday visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers. Miss Patsy 1 telck returning home with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Floyrc Hope for a vacation. ROMANCE,. ADVENTURE,. .AND For thrills -- "Dick's adventures in Dreamland; for laughs — "Blondie and Dagwood," -- for adventure, —"Steve Canyon" For these and many other action and comedy hits the big color magazine in Sunday's Detroit Times. Birthday .Party A happy event was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner where a surprise party was held in honour of Mrs. Iderner's birthday. The evening was spent with music and singing after which: the birthday cake, decorated 'with cand- les was placed before the hostess, who then was presented with an el- ectric iron by Mrs. Oscar Greb and the following address being read biy Phe Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. G:I:VE. US A CALL! Phone in for your Appointments. DORE.EI SCHILBE—Zurich Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation Canada Trust Company ANDREW F. HESS Local Representative 2 / % Interest payable half Yearly on $100. or mare for three or more Years. Safe Investment for Your Funds! Mrs. Theodore Steinbach. Dear Mrs. Merner: We have gatlit- ered here tonight to help you cele- brate your birthday anniversary and: to offer our 'heartiest congratulations.. You take a keen interest and acttift part in community life and are• al- ways ready to help. whether it be tea act as gracious hostess to the Farm Forum, organize a party or charavari, or just assist a neighbour. As a el ght token of appreciation of you untir- inog efforts 'e ask you toac4elitekthis gift. iSigned on behalf of yatar, neigh ours and friends. • Mrs. Merner taken completely by surprize in a few chosen words than- ked the neighbours and friends for the kind remembrance. A dainty lunch was served including rce cream and cake, after which they then de- parted thanking Mr. and Mrs. Mer- ner for their kind hospitality. OBITUARY Mrs. James Sopha Mrs. James N. Sopha, a resident of the Blue Water Highway, near Drys- dale passed away Tuesday, June 22, in her 77th year and resided in De- troit for about 215 years before re- tiring here three years age Mr. and Mrs. Sopha would have celebrat- ed their 50th wedding anuaversany this coining August. She is survived by her husband, three sons, Dolph of the Blue Water Highway; Udell of Detroit and Edgar also 'of Detroit; three sisters, Mrs. Peter Ducharme, of Windsor; Mrs. Adolph Peariseau of Detroit; Mrs. Tuffield Ayotte of Hay Township; also two brothers, March Corriveau and Frank Corri- veau of near Drysdale; 12 granachil- dren, and 10 great grand children. The body rested at her late residtnce from 'where the funeral was held on Friday, June 27th. Requiem Mass +was sung in St. 'Peter's church, Drys- dale on Friday June 27th at 10 n.m. Interment followed in the adjoining cemetery. THE WORLD WANTS FOOD FROM CANADA Bigger production — that is what Canadian farmers are planning for this year. They know that, in a world struggling to get back to nor- mal living, many nations are count- ing on Canada to provide the wheat, meat and dairy products that will be their chief weapon against hunger. To meet this demand for greater production, manlyy fanners are plan- ning to modernize -their farms --- by purchasing new machinery, installing electrical equipment and aids, im- proving their drainage systems, and so on. Such improvements make farming easier and more profitable, Many go-ahead farmers, planning to improve or modernize their appli- ances, form buildings, or land, have found a ready ally in the Bank of Montreal, If the lack of ready money is hin- dering your .improvement, plans, see Mr, 'Sewell, manager of the local branch, He will be glad to discuss the low-cost instalment loan plan that has helped many a. farmer to increase production and profits. Have a New. Sliipm-erlt of' Bedroom Suites and] Ruda. Couches. Always carry a: Good. Line of Beds, Springs,. Felt and. Spring; filled Mattresses. Keith It WesUake Furniture Phone 63, Zurich, 'I. fillalliffilifilliffill1111111111111111111111111111111MIT111111111111111111111111111111IMMEMIN it 0 0 0 1 9 4 41 4 0 4s 4' �• 4, 4a, 4' 0 4 • 4. 4. 4� 4. • •• a • 4 • ••s O •4, 4, 4 1ill I6IIi1111611111111111111 1 III III I I I 1 (1 III I I I I 1 fiffiTUFM117111ElifilgiffillIWIRM1111614 SEASONABLE NEEDS. lixelosoarolayme NOW IS THE TIME: TR, BUY` A NEW COAL OIL OR GAS., STOVE. WE .HAVE: DIFFERENT ENT SIZES WITH SitNGLE. OR, laG £E OVENS SEE OUR NEW,' SHIPMENT OF LAWN MOWRRS AT REASONABLE PRICES;, ALSO NEW SHELF HA/RDWARE .AND) ErrC HEN UTENSILS. FOR THE ,C+HIDD.it:EN; WE HAVE SMALL AND LARGE TRICYCLES, WAIGDhtS: IN ALL SIZES WITH OR WITHOUT' RACKS. WE ALSO CAiI R'iF THE USUAL PAINTS, FLOOR WA , 0.S. STAINS, VARNISHES, ETIil. WE DO} P.L.UliitRtNG, HEATING, & TII'1SMITHING., ader's Hardwae c one. 63 Zurich ap • 4, 4, 4, t 48 a a 4 tit • • • 4 4. 4 4. 4 4 4F • 4� 4 4 4. 4, e 4 4. 4. • 4. elk 447 4 4 11111111111111NII111116111111111111141111111111111111111 ' 11111111IIIl11IIIIIII1111IIIIIIIIIII1110III1IIIIIIIIHI 111111IIIIII111111II11111HIII111I11111;; .rill IfIII111liIIIIIIIWQIIIIIIl111; a end and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. S'eafarth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. iii+AIE++++++:I'++++dr+i•++++++++, 4.4I'=aaa++'i +1a:fi +++as+++4 %,-4 4 ill Arrive Within a Few Weeks Time ONE ONE ONE CAR CAR CAR OF CEDAR SHINGLES OF ASBESTOS SIDING SHINGLES. OF MASONITE. PLACE YOUR ORDERS IMMEDIATELY F. C. RALBFLEISCTT & SON Phone 69 - - - - ZURICH IFit49&+!F,++++++++++++04••044.*F+ 4.4.44443•44443+++++++M++++•d'ri! • 016, 4. i assey -Harris REQUESTS CHECK YOUR IMPLEMENTS EARLY FOR NEEDED REPAIRS, AS THEY ARE STILL HARD TO OBTAIN. "THE SERVICE ARM FOR CANADIAN FARM" Tel. Shipp 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 AUCTIONEERLNG AT YOUR SERVICE