HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1947-07-03, Page 7cLAsstFrED ADVERTISING �• BUSINESS OPI't111'l'[1N171 ;a^ a. 13A'1i re fete stood limpness Place%lw •2 store block with apartments. A lt and hittekenllih ohne with lot, /.mite end hYdrn In cOuulry village. Allo number Of 50, 100, 160, 200 acre forme with Lyl . In gond iocatlnns with Lash, in11'p' from 51000. un. 7. te. Long, Real lesittle Limiter, Liewle'1,a, Ontario. .��•-� AGENTS 17' J' 1 111t OILS, GREASES, TIRES,� Insecticides, Electric Fence Controtion. Homo. and Barn Taint, Roof Coatings, etc. enmities wanted. Write SVarco Crease & OR Limited. 'Toronto. EXCELLENT commissions to agents enti'ne on householders with new postwar hoe of ,elet'trlcal aPplinn'e not on nate Onewtier0 !n Canada. Enquiries tavltee from roes, now .on routes. Flu -0.11.0.Y Corporation. Hamilton, •t`auada, HAITI( CHICRs give WE ARM delivery onU.efollowing � still hatching: cice mod n pare breeds: White Leghorns, Black Metereas, -1 eett11?.e, Brown Legborus. )Barred I;ociee. Whito ltochs, New ITanpehlres, Rhode island Reds, White WyandoLtee, Light Sasaax, Black .Australorns, Jersey White (pants. (:rosy brede: Black Minorca X White Legh0rne. White Leghorn X Barred Rock. Anatra white. white Rock X White Leghorn, New 11aup- shlre X Burred Rock, Barred Roclr. X New Hampshire, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X New Hampshire, Light Sus- sex X Barred Rock. Also two and three week olds and older pullets eight weeksto laying. Prices greatly reduced for June and .July. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hat- cheries Limited, Fergus, Ontar'o. role SALIS M.3PUB SYRUP MAPL15 syrup, 1047 Crop. Reaeo1ab10IlrIcee, No coupune, John AS, Gillespie, Abbotsford, 0uebea. lttc('ORMICIC-DE0ILING ensilage harvester, ' 111111 alalldard)sed power takeoff. Used four days. Harvest your corn at its beat with one or two men. Price greatly redueeA, immediate delivery. Write Graham H112, Pant Rouge, Que. NEW BED OUTFIT 13ew':emu:men Panel bed, non -sag spring end mel'+011x. 524,06. Write for free catalogue, Melierder Furniture Warehouse, 175 Ps,rlfa- nlell t Ht,'eet Tor 1)3 10. 2 1101W pine beats 14 and 10 feet, 559.00 each. 2 new spruce boatn 14 feet with oars. 555 00 each. Black cherry lumber all dirnensione Abel French, Cookohire, Quo. 0:112 COCKSHUTT and One Ford new 1947 teemo1 ou rubber. Complete with two far- row plows and double Mace. Immediate 000- sess10n. II. Giecoff, Ritso11 Road South. Oshawa. Ont. . SACRIFICE mule of equipment. one half yd.. gasoline half swing shovel. Many extras enc/ spare carte, almost new condition, 55- .000.00. One 1938 2 ton Ford truck 5760.00. 0110 . Both equipped? with steel s platform ie0 andhoofat. T3'Uek11 both rebuilt last year. New engine trnennia0!OnS and rear ends. New rear tires. Ideal gravel equipment worth much rrore stoney. Priced for guide sale as I have no further 0311' Or same. Located et Oro Sta- tion, Apply T. R. Crawford, Oro Station. Ontario. TIRES . BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prices fpr Baby Chlc031 and started Chicks will surprise you. All Chicks from blond tested stock. Carleton hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont. :CATCH U1' on the season witit some of our fast maturing two and three week old start- ed chicks in non -sexed, pullets and cockerels. Have the following breeds for prompt delivery: Marred Rocics, Black AustralOrpa, New Hemp - shires, White Leghorns, White Rocks, Light .Sussex, New Hampshire X Barred Rock. Bar- red Ruck X New Hampshires, Light Sussex X New Hnmpsbires, White Leghorn X haired Beek.. Austra Whites, Ilarred Rock X White Leghorn. Send for apeetal price. list. Alec) Pullets eight weeks 10 laying. 'Meddle 'Ckick,Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. .AI't1UST chicks should be ordered moo to ins.tr0 delivery. Most breeds available, Pullets, non -sexed, cockerels. We (117 11 give immediate delivery chicks, and 1301110 auu•u•d. El 0Y Hatchery, 110 J01111 N.. Hamilton, Ont. EAST to raise pullets. No brooding heat re- quired. Two to four weeks old. SPetial ptoe sday old chicks anyHine. a $Alo S7ist 0 lass il eaithe tWrite for prices or send 51.00 deposit for early ohtpmeut. Fisher Orchards, R.R. No. 2, Freeman. Ont. BARGAINS in Canadian Approved 011101011 for this week and next. Barred flocks, NOV lleuWOhlres, While Rooks. Light Sussex. Blade Australorps, Rhode Island Retic, New • Hampshire X Barred Rock, Barred Rork X New Hampshire, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X Nev,, Hampshire, 7,15ht Sussex X Tarred Rock non-am:0d 0.05. Pullets 12.95, cockerels 8.95. Assorted Heave* Breeds non -sexed 8.95. Pullets 11.95. corker - els 7.95. White Leghorn X Barred Rock, Black Auotralurp X White Leghorns. White Rock X While Leghorns 8.95, pullets 17.95. .cockerels 3.95. Whits Leghorn$ 8.95, pullets 17.95, cociccrels 1.00. (Assorted Light or Medium Breeds non -sexed 7.95, pullets 10.95. Two week old add 5.00 three week old add 11.00 per hundred). Shipped C.O.D. This Advertisement must accompany Your oiler to receive these special prices. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Top Notch Chickeides, C;1,e1011, Ontario. DYEING ANIS ((LEANING ,ILOVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for informatlotl. We are glad to ansWer Your questions, Department Parker'a Dye Works Limited, 791 'rouge Street. Toronto, Ontario. We are Overstocked at the present or good used trade-in Ores (guaranteed to be 10 ea- cellent ehapel. 600 X 16 - $5.00 All ordela obit/Pee C.O.D Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm T,aclox Tires. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and Voris Sts.. Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MUDER.5 liOtlIPPED T1ait SHOP Dealers Wanted 1 -ARMS IrOle SALLA: see.ACI(E farm for sale, 75 tillable, well metered. bank barn, frame house In good repair, possession any time. Archie Simpson, Levant Station. Ontario. 2017 ACA10 farm close to good road, church, .•orsolidated continuation School (paid for) .tar_• ee factorY and Post Office. Enough bush to pay for the property If handled by owner. }'red Cassidy, Hallvllie, Ont. 97 ACRES for sale, clay loans, near 7401100- c:ced, s spring water, fair buildings, orchard. emelt, hay; pasture, Apply Mrs. Florence 'Theterson, Terra Nota, Ont. FOR SALE PHOTOGRAPHY__ _ w ECM HT to const -Bolls • Ilnialer) 8 prime 25c. 5 x 7 eniargemente Mounted 85c, Prints copied 40c, Reprints 3o. Ideal Snapshot Ser- vice. ervice, Kingston, Ontario, PROMPT MAIL SERVICE This big, reliable studio does quality work AT LOWER PRICES • Don't risk your films. Send thein t0. Star Snapshot Service. ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 lexp0aures JJIGV'19LO1'ED and PRINTED 30a Tteprinte Irmo your negatives 40, 2 mounted enlargements 4 x 6" 26e, En- largements framed 7 x 9" In Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Frames 74c, It picture colored 94e. Printu and enlargements made from prtnte of loot negatives. Dept. TJ STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE • KO:K 129. POST ()met A, TORONTO TOILETS For Summer Cottages, Farms. Schools, end Campo. Can be used with er without running water, Caustic Sanitation. Ltd.. 21 Ridley 13Ivd., TOrento, Ontario. TIRAC'TOILS, Ford -Ferguson. 1 McC'ormlck- LDeering, .Tel,n Deere 11, (1140 LA, Mr- ("o,'miek anti Fleury Plows, Lige Idarrows. Cultivators. New and used it's, gull(, 7.'rrtrtOr Spreader, Truett Platform and rake. Dente box with hoist. Sally Power Slave. George Smith, Durham, Ont. Watchmakers Attention Lowest prices 011 ele100. 0tef(e, mains(ringN. (ryetals, tvnttil. pities. Write for Price list. De rl,in Company. Dept. -5, 74 Sussex. Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the ROberl31Oo method In(ormat,o1 on request regarding classes Ratert0on's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Ave nue Read. Toronto HELP WANTED TEACHERS WANTED elINAKA S.D . No. 1 requires teacher with first ctase certificate effective September 180. Salary 51,600 year, furnished teacberage, fuel. .Appb, , stating marital status and quailttcattono to M, () Reid, Sec.-treas.. Minsk!, Ont. WANTED immediately. Doctor for Bracken lull rltst'i01 Health Unit number 011e. lees guaranteed. Write or wire Mrs. 3. S. 3200nee. Secretary. Bracken Hospital Board. Bracken, Snsic. 1'I(UTP:STANT teacher wanted for S.S. No. 8 Raglan. Duties to begin Sept. End. 1947. Apply stating salary and qualtfientlon8 to Daniel Dederick, Sec.-Treas., Pelmet Rapids, OntetriO. I'1.7.rnnBo13t) COUNTY -School Area No. 2. Two of Chandos requires teacher Septem- ber. Male preferred, $1505.00 en, experience and ctualiflcat!ons considered. Walter Nelson, IReeretary, Ansley. Ont. HASTINGS CO. Fuer qualified teachers want- ed for School Area No, 1, Ttonteagle and Hem:whet for sehnnla No. 3 anti 5. Monteagle; 10 end 11, Herschel. Salary, 01500. Duties to commence :epi. 2, 1947. Apply, stating qualifications, to Frank Hinze, Sec. Treas.. Otaynoot11 Finnan, Ont HERDSMAN S!mgie, ecnetieneed with pure-bred dairy cattle tot R.O.P. References essential. Flasks Farms. Uolonville, Ont, GENERAL DUTY NURSES For Marlcdale Private Hospital. 5100.00 month and full maintenance. Apply Dr. R. L. ('arefot, Markdale, Ont. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER-Ididdle aced, capable of taking full charge. Write Robert Beaks, West Lorne, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS 2'012 SALE -Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, 515,00 eaele rear wheels: 87.50 each, front wheels. when ordering state diameter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co, Ltd., 6 Wilt - shim Ave., Toronto, Ont. ADVANCED Registry 'Yorkshires delivered Express prepaid. Boars about reedy for set ego 550. Grits due August $75-$100. D, Stas Hart, Woodstock, Ont. h1:1)Tl1VIO sorsa.% full depth Lemostrogh. t. -td 8 Years, painted $3.00 each complete with 10 new frames fitted with full sheets oe faundatlon, FL. K1111ue, R,R. No. 2. w'eilatxi, Onlexia. }3,ltz'SER Dr7, Cleaning Filler with 'PUMP eemelele, Secord Allen, Goderich, Ont. CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 et an fneturare' clearance, first qualBY for clonble and mingle beds In beautiful tnvo-toned colours, worth double the price. Money re- funded if not satisfied. Sent C.O.D. plus poetag0 in Canada. Handicraft DiatributOrs, 2231 Sherbrooke St., W„ Montreal 15, Que. Electric Power Plants 3 IferA (3,000 watt), 60 or 00 cyoie, 120 volt, Onan engine and generator. A quality tame. Ideal for lighiing.refr ole tin ,cwatel Pumping and small Jw 1„,xed and waterproofed for sblpment. Priced low. -Wrile for details. SIIEPPARD ELECTRICAL LAB'S 104 Sparks St.. Ottawa. FURNITURE t1'ANT19D-All kinds of dressed poultry. Top Prices for top birds Joseph Cooper M nited. Poultry Dept , 2054 Danforth_ Ave., Toronto 6 (tie do custom grading) LOGS REQUIRED WE 1'urc•hn310 Maple. Birch, AO. Cherry end L'ns0w1o11 10.115. loaded on freight (ars for cash. Write' particulars to Dox 617, Iles - Peter, Ontario. CHESTERFIELD SUITES Chesterfield Suites absolutely new, full spring filled construction, every stole, finest Mohair, Velour, Trite, Brocattele, Silks. Damasks and other fine hard wearing upholstering fabrics. 100 NEM, cul:STERFIrLI) SUITES TO CHOOSE FROM! FREE DELIVERY TO YOUR NEAREST STATION. TODD has been in the chesterfield suite buetrteas for 3D Yea's and is recognizant in the trade as a specialist and the most particular buyer in the business. Listed below ere n few of our cash pricers for QUALITY CI1ES"IEIOFIELD SUITES. 3 piece Period Suite - finest motions covered all over with fine quality velour. 3 niece modern suites. Balloon mohair. Beautiful 2 piece Lawson Suite. Finest 2 niece Charles of Lon- don suites. other outstanding velure. FLAGS All 8)11031 Lynton 7ac1s or Canadian Ensigns. sewn wool bunting. Special offering on 441 and 6 font Union Tasks. Fast dye sewn cotton. Discount for quantities. 'Brighten your community or home by flying a good quality flag. Sohn Leckie Limited, 77 Wel- 111(un St. West, Toronto, $119,00 $149.00 $119.00 $119.00 Mane SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Buy abeolutetl new nnanufacturers factory alnowro0m sample suites direct from TODD. S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. Phone GROVE16 4313 fAP.NESS and oboe repair shop 117111 eaulp- mtnt nod also belt epllctng equipment for axle and also a 7 room 2 storey brick Imitate Moto:dlate Possession. For particulars write l c`, 1rw111, Gerrie, Ont. HUNTER'S snecinl-brand new war Resets re.ensed web rifle slings. Fits 8111ndnrcl ,t tie. Tim. bereal n YOU 110110 been leaning they 31w:0018' T4irthese17only O each. Sling 1111ngs75ePer Pair. PM' need Epps Spurting Goods, Clinton Ontario. 'PotatoAGRI Iit`1, Meet or*rubber. Planters -One ImMedi1(31) We 14. fir. Fleming & Sons„ Blenheim, Distributor, Fee: SAT,E 168 acro farm, Lot 18 Con. 6. Rot oily, A. J. M01Cnlght, Rook(On, Ont. �.....-�...-.-�--'•--�- ges 21/4 111 :•i1thltIrish Retriever .ILParnts wonderful 0 o 1hunters. Mel, et '520, Females '516, Thos. Chinniok, Ch1than, R.R. No, 1. J.AFIT,AWIC Hay Loader and Stacker Cnlevat' tar; buokrake) will handle 60 tons per day. used ono aeaaon only. H. IEillhls, 'W'enand, Ontn.rle. ---------- LARGE ___I.AIRGE quent!IY 4' fuel wood. hardtv0011. mixed body and limb wolf nhlp1ing 5011110 burita11 and Toe0water. Alga quantity peal Wood Mach AS elm, sort 010)11e, etc. 4' lelsathe. mixed body 04(33 Iliob wood, sono ahippltlg Miele and Walkerton. AI)P1Y Bandon & Oros Furniture Co, Ltd,, Walkerton, Ontarlte, MEDICAL A TRIAY I1varY sufferer of Rheumatic- Pains or Neuritis utrould try Dixon's Reme61. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatic torment when BreenatOne of. fern prompt lasting relief. One months' treatment 51.00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Sox 118, Vancouver. I-IAVE YOU HEARD about Dixon's Neuritis and Rh0usin.tio Fain RelnedY'f It gives good results. bfulnro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. TeNWAN7'h32) hair permanently removed, (harmless). efervel Compound. 52 and $4. Demote Institute, 800 Paris Bldg., Winnipeg. Merl. FOOT AILMENTS Kim Foot Oil effectively remedies corns. eatloase0, craeked feet- No plotters, no pado, no oaustid. Price 60o, (:'0101)10011 Products CO., 701 Ottawa Electric Bldg., Ottawa, Canaan. OPPORTUNITIES FOR W09i10N BE A HAIDRESSER a. JOIN CANADA'S LIDADINO SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn ETairdressing od wages. thousands dls1CCns312ulnified �fosMarvel go graduates America's due est system. 111 81.Ca1 ted tate / Write or MARVELSC ATRDS RICSStNO 353 Moor St. W.. Toronto Bng St., Hamo & n74 ea 44 Rldeaui Street. Ottawas, Elmira Shows Way To Clean Up Weeds 41FFER TO INVENT(ilt$ AN OFFER to ovory Inventor --List of Invert ttofln and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys. 378 Bank Street, Ottawa. To Plumb Ocean Depths - Prof. Auguste Piccard, first man to penetrate the strato- sphere, Will try to descend to a depth of 13,120 feet in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Africa. He will go down in his bathysphere, a steel sphere about two yards in diameter with . walls five inches thick. His reservoir of buoyant' gas, hanging above the sphere, will be seven yards long. Elmira has Set an example to every municipality in the country. This year, every Lit of laud in the little town of southwestern Ontario will get two sprayings with weed killing 2-4-1T. laarlos, vacant lots and roadsides, as well as all prit ate property, will be- treated. Here is a clean-up campaign that is really going to get somewhere, continents the Financial Post. In other places there will be community minded citizens who will spray their lawns, only to have then/ reinfested with weeds front the unsprayed ureas next door. :Unless his neighbors and his muni- cipality co-operate, all too often ,tile man who tackles his own dandi.clions and plantains fights a losing battle. The spraying and Weeding must be• • done over and over again. w: Biggest delinquent in this fight against weeds is the municipality. r Citizens are exhorted to clean up. their own backyards while weeds,.: thrive along the streets rt:Ittx'06!t. even%'.' 4 ..a vacant lot. s •.a,y, rA'1'119NTS F0TH01RSTONAti011 & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 18DO, 14 Wag West, Toronto. 'Booklet of In(ormetlo nn request, 5.555 11T'CSCENA1,� LONilSOT110 --Do you desire respeotatste fr1011t11lnip7 Hurry. them 1s Sooting. Some- where roue tutors sweetheart seeks aonualnt- iree. datmam an Positions: FrlcnclOhtp Society', 1 tt Box 113. I)llritaln, Ontario, To avoid discoloring sinks and basins when a tap is dripping, drape a cloth from the faucet to the drain until the washer can be replaced. And 15 other prizes of $5. CONTEST #1 - Which sentence is correct? 310105001 FLY PADS ARE DEATH TO FLIES 12103031 FLY PADS 15 DEATH TO felES Tho first eighteen correct answers drawn will wen) Contest #1 closes July 23, 1947. Winne names will be published in August. Send your answer along with the top Rep, label, as target from any of the WILSON PRODUCTS below to: - CONTEST #1 -WILSON FLY PAD CO Dept, 0 Hamilton, Ont DAT DUST 118E0T REPELLENT ANT TRAPS INSEOTPOWDIER FLY PADS MOUSE TREAT WILSON'S INSECT EPELLENT Protetts you from Mosquitos, Biting Flies and other insects. "All as reliable as Wilson's Fly Pads" ask far WILSON'S 1 WITH THE RED WHiTE AND BLUE TARGET ISSUE 27- 1947 - Sports -And One Thin, ®}r Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A- Sixbit dritic") German People Haut Learn To Co-operate The0:)fxiernlan people, like all other. European belligerents of the recent war, have been hit by the blight of hunger, but they have been Shaking more fuss about it thananyone eine. In moods which have varied from whining to belligerence, they have demanded to be fed. James Newman, military gover- nor in Hesse, has told thele off in no uncertain terms, according to the Chatham News. He pointed out that it is the first time in history that conquering armies have fed a people conquered, If, in return, the Germans hoard, strike, and re- fuse to co-operate, stern measures must be taken. This is the language the Ger- mans should understand. They have been overplayed in the role of an innocent, betrayed people which only they believe. They shall be fed, but not through love, but of necessity. The sooner they realize this, accept it, and help themselves, the better it will. be for all concerned. As the philosopher said -only using foul' -dollar words instead of this nickel kind -if this isn't a goofy old world, at least it will do till the real thing shows up. For months we have read of the pitiable condition of. war - ruptured Europe, and the solemn warnings that, unless the New World conies quickly to the aid of the old, the entire works sire due to collapse with a rush Then we see it calmly announced that a European promoter is paying Joe Louis three hundred thousand dollars to take some light public exercise in such spots as France, Italy and Spain. * * N- As for Mr. Louis, both personally and as an athlete, we have the highest admiration. To sec hint in action we have even gone so far as to spend 50111e of our own money; which, to anybody in the sports -writing dodge, is tantamount to parting with a leg. B'ttt when we hear of something like this, and then remember the folks in ,Britain being asked to cut their 'already -skimpy rations in order that starving Europeans may have more to eat, the whole thing just doesn't seem to add up. Maybe we shouldn't have skipped so many mathematics classes at school. * * R4NDOI11 THOUGHT ON NA- TIONAL PRIDE: i'Ve have been led to believe that Canada is a nation We know that she entered the Tear by choiec, unlike most of her Allies, 7vllo did so in sheer self-defense. So fo us it semis that putting on Canadian soil a memorial which bears the names of any individuals whaisoevcr, yet omits that of any Canadian, is snaking small indeed of both our nation and our war -effort; and that it would be just as reasonable -perhaps even 11101'd so -to sreCt tot Paris a memorial 7t'itlt inscription ending "and to our 1ta- tioris' leaders Churchill and Stalin". But somehow We can't help wondering just how the French would react to any such proposal. 4< '1 * STILL SOME DISTANCE TO GO. Fashion experts inform us that women's skirts ate to be definitely longer; which inay or may not be welcome tidings, all depending on ' the type of; well, architecture involv- ed. But somehow we greatly doubt if there will be any large immediate demand for that heavy brush bind- ing the ladies used to sew on the bottoms of such garments to prevent too stint wear from trailing on dusty $1cl1'Sial1(s Russia's Wheat Prospects for a good 1947 crop in Russia were increased immeasure- ably by reports of steady rains cov- ering northern and western Russia. for the last 24 hours. Winter wheat was reported in fine condition in virtually every part of the country. Welder for Farms Many uses are foreseen for new lightweight welder, operating on direct current for use on materials up to half -incl( thickness. Produced in United States, unit can be mount- ed on tractor in two minutes, can be used as stand-by charger for batter- ies up to 32 volts, and will run. any 32 -volt powered electric tool. -Fin- ancial Post. HERE'S HEALTH to .the wise housewife who in. sista on Maxwell House Coffee.. It's Radiartrk Roasted to capture every, atom of goodness in the rSulreerh Maxwell House (pGARF9 ffIE PAPERS Famous Pref: -War Quality The only Cigarette Paper fJIADElN TRANCE on sale in Canada BLUE COVER( PURE WHITE Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leavea For EASY ROLLING 3)110 n tib CIGARETTE ROLLER For constant Sm Cigarette Tobacco 5111. ;:;;♦,.:i;:9i3•.<,.. FLO MOWS ©Es 1:3051:30 JtOACI;k°1 .0A 11+ le.dlo\o n 6 1l R S 3 t t3, its Lasting tpinlB55, Gowan 1 '' ,9,00E*Ent OWI t Fuoe 0f 4.04, Guaranteed btN Good Housekeeping '0r44 0TVERTi51)) 700lt - tfllztx�:,s.• 0,,.,n. Wh �1 iT°H aiO�r%eeDDT- Guaranteed D T Guaranteed by FGtOolaHausTHkepAFmI;O7A mosquito's, 4�E � ;ECf✓_-a1 lOiP E+r a(,r EllnIIT..cz'eAk&e4/k4o&.9.-re4Aee& avow/ MUTT AND JEFF ---Maybe It Was A Grape Vine They Planted -Eh What? fdOW WHAT CHP, LISTENIN' TO• By BUD FISHER I'M LISTENUN' -1'o THAT CABBAGe GROW WHICI•i YOU PLANTED,►•